Chapter 0949 Surfacing (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:41:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The process of inflating and surfacing the pontoon, is very slow, with the naked eye to see the picture transmitted back from the camera under the water, almost can not see the movement of the pontoon, Zhuang Rui and his entourage are staring at the screen with wide eyes.

Of course, they are not looking at the float, but the bottom of the shipwreck, with the rope slowly taut, everyone is nervous, whether the shipwreck rushed to the bottom of the sea in the mud and sand dragged out, on this.

Originally as loose as watercress floating in the water rope, after seven or eight minutes, finally fast taut, this moment, Zhuang Rui’s heart almost raised in the throat, two eyes staring at the display in front of him.

“Not good, the third rope on the right side is too slow, three groups, three groups, immediately fill in another third of the air into your group’s float.”

Zhuang Rui found that the four ropes on the wreck were not synchronized, three of them were about to be tightened while one was still showing a loose condition, in this way, when the ropes were taut, they were bound to lose their balance.

Zhuang Rui did not care that Zhang Gong is the chief commander, a hand picked up the walkie-talkie, ordered, and then threw the walkie-talkie, eyes to the screen again.

With the roar of the inflatable pump on the deck, Zhuang Rui happened, the loose rope finally caught up with the speed of the front, the heart then breathed a sigh of relief.

But it is also the work of breathing, Zhuang Rui’s heart hangs again, because the float has begun to make the force, can be seen from the screen, in the sea silence of a thousand years of the ancient ship, slowly shaking up.

This ship is nearly thirty meters long, according to Zhang Gong and other people’s measurements, the hull of the ship plus the goods inside, the total tonnage can almost reach 700 tons, almost and the power of the drilling platform is comparable.

Thousands of years the seabed should also be some changes, the entire hull of almost half of the ship were plunged into the seabed mud and sand, although the ship shook up, but there is no Zhuang Rui and others expect to break away from the sea surface.

However, the only consolation is that the four reinforcement points chosen by Zhuang Rui, very strong, and there is no hull rupture, one of the most important difficulties in deep sea salvage, but now it is solved.

After observing for a while, Zhang Gong looked at Zhuang Rui and said, “Mr. Zhuang, I think we need to increase the buoyancy.”

Seeing the stiffness formed between the float and the wreck, Zhuang Rui nodded and said, “Good, but inject air little by little, if you really can’t pull it out, then use the floating crane to add a handful of force, but you have to be careful with the operation.”

The reason why Zhuang Rui chose to use the rising buoyancy of the pontoon to pull the shipwreck is because this way is more “gentle” and not easy to cause damage to the ship’s hull, whereas the floating crane and the push arm are overpowered, and a carelessness will destroy the shipwreck.

This will be the wreck has begun to loosen, then as long as the operation is a little more careful, is also able to reach Zhuang Rui’s destination, he only needs the wreck out of the sea a little bit, as long as the fishing nets can be laid underneath, that is a great success.

“Start injecting air into the float, be ready to stop at any time.”

After Zhang Gong’s order was conveyed, the shipwreck on the screen shook even more, above a few thousand meters, it was impossible to get a perfect balance, and some of the vessels in the cabin, slipped down askew.

“Mr. Zhuang, these scattered artifacts can be recovered with robots later, don’t worry.”

Seeing Zhuang Rui’s face look a bit ugly, Zhang Gong quickly comforted him and was secretly happy in his heart, if he had followed his method of directly pulling it up with the floating crane cantilever, I’m afraid that Zhuang Rui would only be able to get a pile of rags.

Zhuang Rui shook his head and said, “It’s fine, it’s expected, if you can master the balance, you won’t have to bother with this effort.”

With the increase of the pulling force of the float, the seabed mud and sand tumbled, the clear seawater has become turbid, even in the twelve strong light, it is still very difficult to see.

Zhuang Rui suddenly picked up the intercom and roared loudly, “Stop …… stopping air injection.”

Zhuang Rui’s action made everyone freeze, now that the situation was not clear, why did Zhuang Rui call for a stop?

“Quickly look at the screen.” Zhuang Rui had no time to explain, his eyes were dead set on the screen coming from the underwater robot.

Zhang Gong stared at the screen for half a day, but it was still cloudy, so he couldn’t help but ask, “What’s wrong? Mr. Zhuang?”

“The wreck is already out of the mud on the bottom of the sea, don’t use the float anymore, this thing even if it’s filled with air, the pulling force won’t be enough to pull it out of the sea.”

Zhuang Rui eyes unblinking looking at the screen, but let a room of people are very puzzled, they do not understand, looking at the same screen, why Zhuang Rui dare to be so sure?

Zhuang Rui of course dare to be sure, although his aura can not look directly at the wreck, but through the aura of the objects on the ship induction, Zhuang Rui found that he has been concerned about an object, the location of the fall and the cabin right in the middle of a straight line, which also shows that the bottom of the ship has been detached from the seabed.

After the float stopped injecting air, the frequency of the shipwreck’s rocking was suddenly reduced a lot, and after about twenty minutes of time, the sediment rolled up by the shipwreck settled down, and the sea water regained its clarity.

“Really …… really came out.”

“Oh my god, pulled out, pulled out.”

“We did it, pulled it out.”

After seeing the scene on the screen again, the platform monitoring room became boisterous because bright light could already be seen from the bottom of the wreck, meaning that the ancient ship had already detached itself from the mud and sand species.

How to pull the shipwreck out of the seabed in a complete and intact manner was the biggest difficulty of this salvage operation, and it was also the most debated place when formulating the plan.

Now Zhuang Rui used his method to prove that he was right, and at this moment, no matter whether it was the staff operating the robot or debugging the camera, they all looked at Zhuang Rui with admiration and applauded spontaneously.

Worker Zhang was also in awe of Zhuang Rui, applauding while saying, “Mr. Zhuang, good job, if you get involved in this industry, we won’t have any food to eat!”

“Come on, don’t praise me, Mr. Zhang, you are an expert in the field of salvage and equipment, let’s continue with the next step! Let the shipwreck surface earlier, then you and I will be considered to have completed our work ah!”

Zhuang Rui has been in the limelight for the past few years, with a large number of titles on his body, for Zhang Gong’s flattery he didn’t pay attention to it, but was thinking about the next step in the work to be carried out.

However, Zhuang Rui’s words are to let Zhang Gong to him a higher look, so young can be so not arrogant, no wonder other people can bare hands down such a big piece of industry.

The next job is relatively simple, under the manipulation of the operator, the two underwater robots slowly spread the large net under the wreck, due to buoyancy, the open fishing net immediately wrapped up the wreck.

Seeing this scene, the crowd cheered, if there were no accidents, the first deep-sea shipwreck salvaged by the Chinese would probably come from their hands.

“There is still a lot of work to be done, everyone must be careful and careful again, never let this ancient ship have any damage.”

Zhuang Rui saw that some people had already started to celebrate, and hurriedly splashed them with cold water, the shipwreck does not come out of the sea, there are still a lot of variables, in case there is a storm in the sea, it would be a very troublesome and difficult thing to solve.

“Well, when this job is done, I will personally give everyone some rewards, fifty thousand RMB per person.”

Zhuang Rui gave these people a sweet date while waving a big stick, his words immediately made the eyes of the crowd light up, 50,000 RMB was the salary of many people in the field for half a year, this reward was heavy.

After connecting the ropes between the nets and the floating cranes, more than ten hours had passed.

At this time it was already more than three o’clock in the morning, but the people in the monitoring room were all concentrating on their work, without a hint of slackness, can’t help but say that Zhuang Rui’s rewards played a big factor in it.

“Mr. Zhuang, finally I can breathe a sigh of relief, as long as the wind and waves calm down tomorrow, the wreck is estimated to surface at noon.”

After the finger-thick steel cables on the floating crane began to coil, Mr. Zhang rubbed his bloodshot eyes and let out a long breath.

The wreck was now rising towards the surface at an even speed, which was very slow considering the damage to the wreck from the pressure on the seabed, and at a depth of more than three thousand meters, it was estimated that it would take several hours before it could be floated out of the sea.

“Thank you, Mr. Zhang, thank you all!”

Zhuang Rui this taut heart also put back, stood up and bowed at the crowd, but in his heart he was calculating, is not to pay a sum of money to dig these people over?

Art has specialization, Zhuang Rui just moving mouth, but the actual operation that is a know-how, he knows if he relies on himself, not to mention three thousand meters of the wreck, I’m afraid that is thirty meters, are not that can salvage it.

“Mr. Zhuang, don’t say that, this is our work, and you are not still giving extra rewards?”

“Yes! Mr. Zhuang, working for you is a pain in the ass, grandma, those guys at the head office never care about us.”

These days these people and Zhuang Rui mixed very familiar, after seeing Zhuang Rui’s action, have yelled up, Zhuang Rui is the more you listen to the more happy, not afraid of your emotions, no emotions buddy also can not dig people it!

Time flies, in the blink of an eye outside the sky has brightened, the entire monitoring room are staring at a pair of bloodshot eyes, nervously looking at the monitor.

As the shipwreck got closer and closer to the surface of the sea, the atmosphere in the monitoring room became more and more tense, at the moment when the ancient shipwreck surfaced, they would rewrite the history of China’s inability to carry out deep-water salvage, which would be an exciting moment.

Just when the atmosphere in the monitoring room was tense, Peng Fei suddenly walked in and said in Zhuang Rui’s ear, “Brother Zhuang, there are two ships approaching us, Li Zhen just contacted them, they are scientific research ships from China.”

“Shit, they can really rush things?”

Zhuang Rui muttered under his breath and stood up, although he took the initiative to ask for help, but the timing of this coming is also too well mastered, right?

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