Chapter 0952 – Picking Peaches? (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:41:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Three …… three hundred million dollars?”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Director Dou jumped up with his butt on fire, is this …… not blackmail? Just this one salvage act, how could it cost three hundred million dollars?

To know, the domestic salvage cost of the South China Sea No. 1 before and after several times, only spent a total of more than 30 million yuan.

Recently this time on the South China Sea No. 1 salvage the greatest determination, and the budget is not more than 150 million yuan, well! Even if Zhuang Rui had spent a high cost, that figure of three hundred million dollars was a bit of a rip-off.

“Chief Zhuang, I know that you have spent a lot in this salvage and made a huge contribution, but the impact of this successful deep sea salvage is huge, so I still hope that you will consider sharing this honor with the country.”

Director Dou smiled bitterly, he has no reason to say that others blackmail, is the first to put forward their own requirements, others just “open-mouthed” said that a number only.

However, the sinus director of this cheek is thick enough, simply as did not hear, the topic of a pull, pulled to the national honor above, and never mention the ownership of the ship.

“This …… is a bit wrong, right? Dou director, the press release for this matter, I have prepared, if it is not yesterday is rather busy, has long been passed out. And this thing, you really did not put out much effort, when Chairman Mao taught us to seek truth from facts is not it?”

Zhuang Rui in his heart cursed an old fox, but dead not let go, words are even more threatening meaning.

His salvage where spent three hundred million dollars? Even three hundred million yuan are not, and the platform and floating crane cantilever is not a one-time consumer goods, in the future salvage action will continue to play a role.

Just Zhuang Rui did not want to let the other side take advantage of this cheap, he also saw, the director of the sinus is definitely not on behalf of the country, at most on behalf of a certain department of a certain leader to grab the credit.

If someone else, perhaps also give a few points of face to the director of the Dou, after all, still have to mix in the country is not it? But Zhuang Rui is different, he has enough backbone not to give a damn to the other side, it is hard not to believe that this Ministry of Transportation later still have the right not to let his car on the road?

“Press release are ready?”

Dou director heard this dumbfounded, regardless of what Zhuang Rui said is true or false, he can not afford to send out the news after the leadership of the thunder, and then quickly said: “Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Zhuang, what requirements can be mentioned, this …… we can discuss.”

Dou director’s head has emerged in a cold sweat, the original domestic speculation of the “South China Sea One” shipwreck salvage event, due to a variety of reasons did not succeed, has made the leadership of the face of the light, if then out of the Zhuang Rui such a thing, that is more unable to account to the public.

Dou director at this time can not wait to give himself two slaps, why the beginning of bullying Zhuang Rui young ah! Now I want to find a step down are gone, completely by others to pinch.

“Requirements? I don’t have any requirements.”

Zhuang Rui raised his eyebrows, very simply rejected the Dou director, he is not short of money, this time only from Liu Minghui got more than 100 million dollars, offset this salvage cost, but also let himself a big profit, what can he ask for?

And Zhuang Rui heart there are concerns, if released out of the salvage operation is carried out jointly with the state, Zhuang Rui is also afraid of these people get an inch, but also want to dip this batch of cultural relics it!

To know, only now cleaned out the ceramics gold and silver, its value will be hundreds of millions of yuan above, not to mention there is an intact Song Dynasty ancient ship, its value is more difficult to estimate.

“Mr. Zhuang, you reconsider, as long as you promise, anything can be negotiated.”

As the saying goes, if you don’t want it, Zhuang Rui’s attitude, let the Dou director is blind, others do not lack of money, two do not lack of power, coupled with not doing anything to violate the law, and even less pigtails to be seized.

So do not say that the leader behind the director of the sinus is just a department leader, is the official again on two levels, also take Zhuang Rui nothing to do, the big deal is to buy a small island in foreign countries, the day is not the same over?

“There is no need to talk about this, Dou director since he came, I can let the salvage related experience and you say, I believe that the soon to be carried out ‘South China Sea No. 1’ shipwreck salvage, there is a certain amount of help.”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand and ended the conversation, he and this bureaucrat really have nothing in common, at home they can cover the sky with one hand, but when it comes to foreign countries, whether they give a damn or not depends on their mood.

After Zhuang Rui left, the director of the sinus picked up a table on the tea cup, violently to the ground to smash, but the hand lifted to the mid-air when, with a bitter smile and put down.

Dou director is considered to understand, their previous superiority in front of some domestic department leaders or successful businessmen, in front of Zhuang Rui is simply a joke. On the power, other people’s background is the central level, on the wealth, alone the value of a museum is staggering, their own little director still want to play in front of others, purely self-importance.

Zhuang Rui did not put these bullshit things on the mind, labor day, also did not return to the wreck to continue to clean up the artifacts, simply return to the room and took a shower directly to sleep.

“Who is it? Call so early in the morning?”

Being asleep Zhuang Rui was woken up by a phone ringing, opened his eyes to see that Qin Xuan Bing on the bed was no longer there, and the sound of the phone was coming from the living room.

“It’s fourth brother ah, Zhuang Rui slept a bit late yesterday, if there’s something you tell me, I’ll turn around and relay it to him!”

Zhuang Rui these days day and night soak in the monitoring room, Qin Xuan Bing some heartache, see is Ouyang Jun’s phone, directly to take the matter over, mainly Ouyang Jun looking for Zhuang Rui, always nothing serious.

“Xuan Bing, I’m up, give me the phone!”

Zhuang Rui walked out from the room, he also hadn’t seen Ouyang Jun for a few days, so he guessed that he was looking for him for something.

“Why don’t you sleep a bit more!”

Qin Xuan Bing glanced at Zhuang Rui, but still handed the phone over.

“It’s fine, your husband is in good health, didn’t you appreciate it yesterday?” Zhuang Rui’s words made Qin Xuan Bing pause and walk away with a blush on her face.

Receiving the phone, Zhuang Rui sat comfortably on the sofa, lazily said, “Fourth brother, sparing people’s dreams, it’s not decent!”

“Your kid, recently disappeared himself not to mention, even the daughter-in-law are abducted on ah?”

Ouyang Jun is very dissatisfied with Zhuang Rui, it is said that this buddy opened a big cruise ship around the world, even did not tell himself a word, and also took the daughter-in-law child away, make their own son have no playmates.

“What’s the matter, red-eyed? Come on.”

Zhuang Rui smiled at the words, his mother’s side of the relatives, he and Ouyang Jun is most familiar with the other several are in the system, talk and do things a board, far from chatting with Ouyang Jun easy.

“Come on, brother I’m busy, no time to go, right, to tell you something, you are not salvaged a Song Dynasty shipwreck? I ……”

“Wait, fourth brother, who did you hear about this?”

Ouyang Jun did not finish his sentence was interrupted by Zhuang Rui, this shipwreck only came out of the water at noon yesterday, and now Ouyang Jun knows, it is hard not to be Ouyang fourth brother on the ship also planted scouts?

“Hey, you kid wait for me to finish!”

Ouyang Jun said with dissatisfaction, he was on the phone with others, very few people dared to interrupt, it was only this younger brother who was unbridled and did not take himself as a leader as the chairman of the board.

“Come on, you say.” Zhuang Rui laughed, he just loved fighting with Ouyang Jun.

“It’s like this, your boat is salvaged, some people want to get some light, I heard that you rejected it, this is not, it found me here!”

“Shit, Fourth Brother, you are in charge of this? I spent hundreds of millions of dollars to salvage the object, is it possible to be asked to take it away with a single word?”

This time, Ouyang Jun still didn’t finish his sentence, but was interrupted by Zhuang Rui again, which made Ouyang’s fourth brother feel depressed! This brother how the older he gets, the more his temper rises ah?

“You kid listen to me to finish my words.”

Ouyang Jun really have a little fire, although he does not know how much money Zhuang Rui spent on this salvage, but is Zhuang Rui a big word did not spend, he can not be taken advantage of by others to go ah? This is simply a small man’s heart to the gentleman’s heart!

“No one wants to take away your boat, is in the salvage unit, plus a name, this is also to the domestic face is not? Besides, this kind of thing to give people convenient, in the future, naturally less your benefits.”

Afraid of being interrupted by Zhuang Rui, Ouyang Jun finished his sentence in one breath, he received a phone call from a big minister early this morning, talking about this matter.

The person who called, but and his old man a level, personally call to beg, give enough face Ouyang four young, so Ouyang Jun although usually quite arrogant, or will things agreed, these days, more friends than more enemies good it!

“Fourth brother, this thing I refused yesterday, you do not need to mention, why I one person salvaged the wreck, the back of a few names have to be written ah? Brother I don’t lack anything, and there is no place to beg.”

What Ouyang Jun did not expect, Zhuang Rui actually dared not give him face, opened his mouth and blocked this matter, which made Chairman Ouyang, who originally thought that one sentence could solve the problem, a little anxious. He is full of promise that person, Zhuang Rui this off if you can’t get through, Ouyang Jun can be in front of outsiders to lose face, and he and Zhuang Rui is still relatives, this is not done down, do not know how many people behind the back of the joke him.

“I say, your kid wings hard not? Fourth brother’s face also do not give it? This thing you must agree.”

Ouyang Jun roared at the phone, then lowered his voice, said gently: “five children, as the fourth brother begged you once, said which time you let the fourth brother to do things, brother did not give you a good job?”

It is also quite difficult for Ouyang Jun, this black face white face a person all to sing.

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