Chapter 0969 – Gambling Beyond the Stones

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:41:56
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“Damn weather, why is it so hot? Shit, let you suck my blood?”

Zhuang Rui slapped his arm, and when he lifted it up, his palm was full of blood, and a mosquito that could turn into a specimen after two days in the sun.

From the hotel and a group of peers after dinner, back to Hu Rong residence when it is already more than ten o’clock in the evening, Myanmar’s September is not only hot, that full of mosquitoes also make people a little unbearable.

During the daytime there is not much feeling, but at night, a swarm of mosquitoes is like a bomber, rampant in the entire estate, alone from the doorway into the air-conditioned room, Zhuang Rui more than a few bumps on his body.

“Tomorrow I’ll have someone administer some medicine and clean up the pond outside.”

Hu Rong looked at this scene, also a bit of scalp numbness, he usually seldom live here, and lack of people to take care of, this leafy trees and the pond outside, have become a good residence for mosquitoes to live in.

“The meat on your kid smells good! Alright, stop whining.”

There were a total of three small buildings in this manor, and Qin Haoran called out both Hu Rong and Zhuang Rui to the house where he lived.

“Dad, what’s the matter? Your body is sticky, take a shower first!”

After Zhuang Rui entered the room, feeling his clothes that were almost soaked with sweat, he froze and didn’t have the heart to sit down on the exquisite fabric sofa.

After Qin Haoran heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he then realized that he was also covered in stinking sweat, and nodded his head repeatedly, saying, “Right, right, go take a shower first, and talk later.”

After returning to his room and taking a cool shower, changing into a silk pajamas, Zhuang Rui came to Qin Haoran’s room, and saw that the uncle and nephews were each holding a piece of watermelon and gnawing on it!

“Hey, it’s soothing to have watermelon on this hot day!”

Zhuang Rui went up and took a piece of chilled watermelon, along one side of the watermelon, a sucking mouth, biting off a row of red loam, and only then cozily looked at Qin Haoran and asked, “Dad, shouting for me and Hu to come so late, what on earth is the matter ah?”

Although Zhuang Rui had gotten nothing today, he was also a bit fatigued after looking at the wool all day.

“Nothing, this is a few pieces of material I looked at today, I can’t get it right, you go and help me palm my eyes tomorrow.”

Qin Haoran said, handed Zhuang Rui a slip of paper, the number listed on it was not much, there were only more than ten pieces of jadeite raw stones.

“Dad, you’ve brought quite a few people with you, how come you’ve looked at these few pieces of material in one day?”

Zhuang Rui knew that his old husband had brought six professional jadeite raw stone appraisers from Hong Kong this time, preparing to stock up on some more goods in this public market. But the list is just a few pieces of material, and Qin Haoran came to Burma to hoard goods is not very consistent with the original intention, is why Zhuang Rui will have such a question.

“Alas, this matter to ask Hu Rong, Burma open market organized is more and more over the top, what material are placed inside, the price is also ridiculously high, this let us how to buy ah?”

When Qin Haoran heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he immediately pointed the finger at Hu Rong, they are closer relatives, so Qin Haoran spoke directly, although his mouth complained, his face was with a smile.

“Old uncle, it’s useless to ask me about this! I’m not a general of the military council, if the price of the raw stone is set high, the extra money earned is siphoned off by the military, and it doesn’t really do us much good.”

After Hu Rong heard Qin Haoran’s words, he immediately smiled bitterly, since last year, he had rarely sold raw stones on the jadeite public market, except for the wool smuggled into China to Zhuang Rui, the rest were hoarded.

For this reason, Hu Rong was once investigated by the military, but Hu Rong’s family is deeply rooted in the Pachang region, where the situation is complex, the military is weak, the general public still can not move him.

Hu Rong saw Qin Haoran frowned, quickly said: “Old uncle, this time the quality of the raw stone is poor, the turnover will be affected, when I contact a few mine owners to put some pressure on the military, I believe that the next public market will be much better.”

In Burma, the military is the number one force, but those local snakes that are cut off in various parts of the country are united, even the military has to bow down, or else those local snakes just don’t pay some fees, Burma will be plunged into chaos immediately.

So as long as the turnover of this public market is not high, and the tangible interests of those mine owners who are cut off in various places are affected, they will definitely ask for an explanation from the Burmese military.

“Well, you have a point, I’m not in a hurry, both you and Xiao Rui have supplied me with a lot of goods.”

Qin Haoran nodded, he knew the situation in Burma very well, and suddenly turned his head to look at Zhuang Rui and asked, “Xiao Rui, although the quality of the wool is relatively poor this time, there are some good materials, right? How come you didn’t win a single bid today?”

Qin Haoran son-in-law appraisal of jadeite raw stone level, is well aware of, as long as the Zhuang Rui shot, basically good material can not escape his eyes, even if the old man in Qin Haoran’s mind, compared to Zhuang Rui but also on a chip.

“Dad, there are some good materials, but that price.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, he also looked at a lot of raw stone today, as long as the outer skin performance is slightly better, that the bottom bid are sky-high, when the bidding opens in the afternoon, is even more consecutively to the rise, Zhuang Rui are too lazy to go bidding.

Qin Haoran heard his son-in-law’s words, froze for a moment, opened his mouth, “Hey, I say Xiao Rui, you are not bypassed ah?”

“Bypassed, what have I been bypassed? Dad, aren’t you also too expensive?” Zhuang Rui is a bit puzzled, this price is already expensive, just now the old man himself did not say?

“Hey, what I’m saying is that there are too many poorly performing materials, the outer skin performs well, of course it’s going to sell expensive.”

Qin Haoran knew that Zhuang Rui misinterpreted his own meaning, and then said, “The price of raw stones in each session of the Myanmar public market, there will be a different magnitude of increase, this is acceptable to us, what I am saying is that the organization of the public market, engaged in too much fake material in it.”

Myanmar is the only country in the world that produces jadeite, the jadeite price of the Myanmar public plate, directly affecting the jadeite market, but this is not the biggest problem for jewelers. Raw materials are expensive, the finished product of jadeite jewelry will naturally increase in price, the ultimate impact will only be those jade consumers, for the jeweler itself, the impact is not great.

Qin Haoran to Zhuang Rui explained some will only, face some odd looking at Zhuang Rui, asked: “Xiao Rui, you will not still take a few years ago the price, to measure the current raw stone market, right?”

“This …… is still a bit ……”

Zhuang Rui was said by the old man, that face suddenly red, he has been concerned about the jadeite market for a few years and not much, even the capital Qin Ruilin store, but also just look at the financial statements, the specific operation, he simply do not ask.

Although after coming to Burma, Zhuang Rui also and Qin Haoran exchanged a bit, roughly understand some of the current price of jadeite raw stone, but that is abstract, that is, look at the paper offer.

So in today’s view of the raw stone, Zhuang Rui always subconsciously use the price of a few years ago, to boast the value of the raw stone he viewed, so, of course, there is not a piece of material that allows him to feel that the value of money.

The next morning after having dinner in the manor, Zhuang Rui and his entourage rushed to the Myanmar National Jade Trading Center, this time Hu Rong also went with Zhuang Rui, after all, this evening, but will be staged a big show.

Generally from the domestic businessmen to participate in the jade fair in Myanmar, most of them are staying in the hotel where Zhuang Rui stayed last time, and these people are familiar with each other, and after going back, a rumor spread a hundred, immediately will be Zhuang Rui and the old man of the news of the competition with the Tang stone gambling, distributed out.

Two generations of rumored “Jade King” showdown, so that today’s trading place, overflowing with a very strange atmosphere, Zhuang Rui wherever he goes can hear people talking about this matter, know him are nodding their heads in greeting.

As for the old Wu who was diagnosed with sudden death from myocardial infarction yesterday, and Zhang Yunhui who had collapsed from deciphering and gambling on the stone, it had become a passing cloud and no one mentioned it anymore.

“Boss Jin, who do you think will win this time in the gambling?”

“Hey, is there any need to ask? Of course it’s Old Man Tang, his reputation over these decades isn’t blown out of proportion.”

At the entrance of the Jade Trading Center, two jadeite merchants from China chatted idly, and the topic certainly didn’t stray far from this contest between Zhuang Rui and Tang Lao.

“I don’t think so, Mr. Zhuang’s review yesterday, hey, God, it’s hard to guarantee that he can’t win against Tang Lao today.”

“Xiao Guo, don’t be unconvinced yet, ginger is old and spicy, the key moment or the old man can be trusted.”

Boss Jin is a little older, about fifty years old, for Tang Lao’s gambling anecdotes heard the most, on the side of this friend’s words is quite a bit unconvinced.

“I’m still not convinced, Lao Jin, or let’s make a bet?”

This small Guo is not small, age is also over forty, but from the temperament, really like a young man, directly yells and Jin boss bet.

“Betting is betting, I bet fifty thousand dollars that Tang Lao wins.”

Boss Jin was also not willing to show weakness, Tang Lao’s record in the gambling field, it was brilliant, almost all the superb jadeite material that can be heard, the old man has personally solved out.

“Okay, fifty thousand is fifty thousand, I’ll press Mr. Zhuang to win.”

Guo boss to join the gambling circle a little late, and Zhuang Rui is almost a period of time, and in Pingzhou once witnessed Zhuang Rui picking lamps to solve the king of the standard, is definitely Zhuang Rui’s hardcore fans.

“Hey, I say two of you, this is the opening of the peripheral gambling plate ah? I also want to press Mr. Zhuang to win, does Boss Jin dare to accept it?”

These two people in front of the jade trading center, so a fight does not matter, but attracted over a group of people, is a person has a gambling nature, 50,000 yuan and not big, these people can afford to play, and immediately some people began to put together a hilarious.

Jin boss for that person does not pressure Tang Lao, the heart is very some indignation, and then he took the words a stimulus, and then nodded: “Accepted, one to one, if Tang Lao lost, my old gold according to the compensation, but if Mr. Zhuang lost, this money can belong to me ah!”

“That’s no problem, willing to gamble to lose, Boss Jin, you can rest assured! I’ll write a check, okay?”

“Hey, I’m betting on Tang Lao for 100,000 dollars, Lao Guo, do you dare to take it?”

This Zhuang Rui has fans, Tang Lao’s fan base is even larger, just someone pressed Zhuang Rui, immediately appeared to sing the opposite.

“Uniform 50,000 a bet, come how much to take over less, grandmother, today not gambling stone, we give the night gambling stone these two add some fun.”

Lao Guo is also a wonderful person, after seeing the masses so enthusiastic, simply do not enter the jade center to buy wool, ask the outside of the public disk staff to ask for a table and paper and pen, and the boss of the gold together in the doorway to set up a stall.

Participate in the jadeite public plate of these bosses, come early and late, after the stall, are feeling novelty, 50,000 yuan for them, but is a meal to play mahjong only, and now is a have to unpack, to join in.

Although only a bet of 50,000 dollars, but can not help but more people ah! Early in the morning, the two sides actually each accepted tens of millions of dollars in bets, which makes the gold boss and Guo boss two people, there is also pressure in the heart.

These bets are not all cash, some people write checks, some people play the note, but as long as the winners and losers out, no one will owe the 50,000 dollars, of course, these two people, there is bound to be a loss out of the.

Just two cowhide blowing out, this is also difficult to ride the tiger, the loss of some money does not matter, face can not lose ah! Hard head can only hold out.

“Tang Lao, you also come here to see the material ah?”

Zhuang Rui came in early, naturally do not know at the door appeared in the matter of someone open gambling stalls, just walked into the bright label area, saw Tang Lao with two young people, is observing the raw stone along the way, and even went up to say hello.

“Oh, today to compete with you, do not come here, how can I take out the emerald ah?”

When Tang Lao heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he immediately laughed, making Zhuang Rui a big red face, his question was a bit stupid. Dark bidding to wait for the last three days of the public disk before opening the bidding, tonight Zhuang Rui and Tang Lao will each choose a stone to solve, of course, to come to the open bidding area.

“Xiao Zhuang, material is more than enough, today has been able to open the number to 30,000 yuan of raw stone, enough for both of us masters to choose, then see who picked the material is good?” When Tang Lao saw Zhuang Rui Yu stuffed, he smiled and spoke out to relieve him.

To Tang Zenan this age, money and power for him, has no attraction, only in a thousand changes do not know the next moment exactly what will happen in the process of gambling, can make him feel excited.

Only over the years, the people involved in the circle of stone gambling, more money to smash, rather than relying purely on technical judgment, let the old man is quite disappointed. Now seeing Zhuang Rui with a pair of good eyesight at a young age, Tang Lao’s heart is really up to win, that is to say, when he was at Zhuang Rui’s age, he was only an ordinary staff member of the Geological Bureau of the Soviet Province.

After hearing Tang Lao’s words, Zhuang Rui was also excited and said with a smile, “Good, Tang Lao, you don’t want to let me push the front wave with this back wave!”

After not appearing in the gambling circle for two years, Zhuang Rui knew that many people had questioned his ability to appreciate jade, so let’s use the facts to speak this time!

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