Chapter 0970 – Jade King (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:41:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Due to the expansion of the scale of the raw stone trade, tens of thousands of stones were opened every day, so there were quite a lot of raw stones for Zhuang Rui and Tang Lao to choose from, so there was no worry about the possibility of a collision.

After saying goodbye to Tang Lao, Zhuang Rui looked at the ground densely packed jadeite raw stone, thought for a moment, but returned out of the open tender area.

Looking for the best jadeite in these materials, for Zhuang Rui, there is not the slightest difficulty, anyway, there is still a day’s time, he wants to go to the dark bidding area, to help the old man to look at yesterday’s favorite raw stones.

“Peng Fei, what’s wrong with these people?”

On the way from the bright bidding area to the dark bidding area, Zhuang Rui realized that many people were staring at him, he couldn’t help but reach out and touch his face, could it be that he had flowers on his face?

“Brother Zhuang you are handsome.”

Peng Fei smiled and joked, in this place in Myanmar, as long as there is not a conflict with the military, safety is very guaranteed, so Peng Fei and Li Zhen are very relaxed.

“Fuck off to the side, alright, you and Li Zhen go around! I’m going to look at the raw stones.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and cursed as he waved his hand, driving Peng Fei and Li Zhen away, when he was observing the raw stone with his aura, it would always feel unnatural if he had two followers behind him. Taking out the number given by Zhuang Rui’s old husband from his pocket, Zhuang Rui started to look along the dark labeled area where it started.

And he used to participate in the same public market, the performance of the good raw stone, labeling is very forward, this into the dark labeling area of the first label, is a piece of open window of the ice material.

“Aigoo, Mr. Zhuang came, everyone make way, let Mr. Zhuang to see.”

In front of this piece of the first standard, has surrounded a circle of people, but Zhuang Rui just walked over, the crowd immediately make a road, this is the treatment that experts can enjoy.

“Mr. Zhuang, help give a review!”

“Yes! This piece of material is a bit impervious, I don’t know if it can be offered.”

Before Zhuang Rui stood still, the people next to him began to clamor, in a place like a gambling casino, almost every piece of material that performs well next to, there will be some “commentators” this side is certainly no exception.

“I’ll take a look first!”

Zhuang Rui received a magnifying glass from a person without comment, squatted down and looked up from the surface of the raw stone.

This piece of material probably weighs more than two hundred pounds, oval shaped, the outer skin is mottled, gray-green mixed with some black, rubbing open the window on the surface of the stone, the greenness is average, but the head of water is very good, looks bright and moving.

“Mr. Zhuang, how is it?”

“Can this piece of material be offered for sale?”

“Mr. Zhuang, tell me, everyone is waiting!”

Zhuang Rui just stood up his body, the onlookers asked, to know, although the expert’s appraisal is not always accurate, but definitely more reliable than them.

“From the epidermis, this piece of material is a mottled skin, should be gray card field out of the original stone, we all know, gray card field of the original stone transparency is good and bad, the distribution of the water under the bottom, not so uniform, my personal opinion, is the gamble is relatively large.”

This experience summarized by the previous person, not for nothing, Zhuang Rui after observing this piece of material with his aura, found that the bright water head on the surface of the rubbing, after seeping into the inside of the raw stone, but became turbid. Although there are also some places inside, has a good performance, but compared to the side of the sign on the up to five million euros on the bottom bid, obviously is extremely unequal.

“Everyone, take your time to look, I’ll go inside first.”

This piece of material was also what Qin Haoran had asked Zhuang Rui to pay attention to, and now it could already be crossed off the slip of paper, and after Zhuang Rui finished his critique, he arched his hand in all directions and exited the crowd.

Zhuang Rui’s review also let some originally not very optimistic about this piece of material people, have retired out, still stay there, but some of the more confident of their own vision, Zhuang Rui can not care so much, the words have been said out, believe it or not by them.

“Hey, the old man’s vision is really not good?”

Zhuang Rui next did not stop in front of any piece of material, but with the aura will be on the note of more than ten pieces of material are looked at once, can not help but secretly shaking his head, Qin Haoran do business with a hand, but the level of wool shopping, really not to be complimented.

This more than ten pieces of material are semi-gambling material, open the window or have a cut, but inside the jadeite quality are not very high, only two barely reached the ice, the other are some of the low-grade material.

Zhuang Rui raised his hand and looked at the time, this will be the public disk has just begun more than an hour, he simply wandered up in the dark label area, constantly using the aura to sense each piece of material.

After more than an hour, Zhuang Rui sweating stopped, the notebook in the hands of more than sixty pieces of woolen material, these sixty pieces of material, from the bean green seed to the glass seed, all ready.

Zhuang Rui is ready to give these markers to his old husband after a few days, otherwise it’s a bit of a stretch from common sense to look at so many in one morning.

“Xiao Rui, why did you run here?”

This dark labeling area was even bigger than the bright labeling area, until Zhuang Rui was ready to end his inspection in the dark labeling area and walked out from the rows of raw stones, when he ran into Qin Haoran head on.

“Dad, didn’t you say you wanted me to show you these materials?”

Zhuang Rui closed the notebook in his hand as he spoke, the data he had just tallied up could not be given to Qin Haoran right away.

“Hey, what I said was for you to come and take a look in a few days when you’re free, I didn’t say for you to come and take a look now! Hurry up, go to the open bidding area and choose a piece of material, if you lose to Old Tang tonight, you’ll lose a lot of face!”

Qin Haoran and Tang Lao are good friends for many years, but these words proved that his heart is still toward his son-in-law.

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words, “Oh, Dad, I’m just a fledgling novice, there’s nothing to lose face if I lose By the way, your pieces of material aren’t very good, don’t waste your efforts, I’ll pick up a few pieces for you later.”

“Alright, alright, you hurry up and go pick the raw stone!”

Qin Haoran waved his hand, but the faces of the several appraisers behind him, were not very good, because those raw stones that Zhuang Rui was talking about, were all picked out by them.

“Brother Zhuang, Brother Zhuang!”

While Zhuang Rui was talking to his old husband, Peng Fei’s loud voice rang out in the distance.

Seeing Peng Fei and Li Zhen running in a sweat, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but ask strangely, “What’s wrong? What are you two boys doing in a hurry?”

Peng Fei wiped his sweat and said with gusto, “Hey, Brother Zhuang, there are people outside who are opening a bet to buy you and Master Tang’s victory tonight.”

Just now, Peng Fei and Li Zhen were bored and wandered to the entrance, naturally they found Boss Jin and Boss Guo’s circle of gambling stalls, which would be the two bosses, in total, had already received into the fifty million dollars of gambling money.

The gold boss received a little less money, only about 20 million, which shows that the crowd is still optimistic about Master Tang, his family is big, two or three million is not very care.

But Guo boss that face is a little bad, he used to do auto parts business, halfway involved in the gambling circle, for this circle is not very understanding.

And Guo boss is a fixed asset, the total body is only 40 to 50 million, but now received the betting capital up to 30 million, if Zhuang Rui lost, this buddy is estimated to go home to sell the house and land to be able to afford to lose.

“Holy shit, received so much money?”

Zhuang Rui heard Peng Fei words is also shocked, this 50,000 a bet actually received tens of millions of bets, this winning party, also do not need to gamble on the stone, the profit of gambling does not see so big ah?

However, Zhuang Rui also do not think about, the number of participants in the public disk, reached the peak of the previous Myanmar jadeite public disk, a total of more than 3,600 people, as long as there are 1,000 people involved in the game, there are more than 50 million.

“Hey, our brother and sister each put in a bet, Brother Zhuang, but we bought you to win!”

Peng Fei said with a smile, “When we went there, those two brothers were discussing withdrawing their stalls, this is if several thousand people went and placed their bets, it is estimated that they won’t be able to afford to lose their money.”

Boss Jin and Boss Guo were also riding a bit of a tiger, if more than 3,000 people were involved, it was Boss Jin who couldn’t afford it, so the two were negotiating whether or not the opening of the betting and wagering would be terminated before lunch!

“Hehe, looks like I still can’t lose?” Zhuang Rui smiled at that and shook his head as he rushed towards the open bidding area.

Originally it was just a private exchange between Zhuang Rui and Tang Lao, but he didn’t expect it to intensify and actually be opened for betting, which made Zhuang Rui more serious, after all, he couldn’t let those buddies who pressed for their own win down ah!

Peng Fei followed behind Zhuang Rui, rambling chanting: “Brother Zhuang, you can not lose ah! Li Zhen’s gambling money was borrowed from me, if you lose, you’ll have to pay for it!”

“Get lost, do whatever you want, don’t follow me.” Zhuang Rui glared at Peng Fei in a bad mood, Peng Fei is not afraid of the sky and the earth, is a little balked at Zhuang Rui, immediately pulled Li Zhen gray away.

After coming to the bright label area, Zhuang Rui saw from afar Tang Lao and two disciples squatting in front of a piece of wool, is carefully checking out, can not help but smile a little, walked through several rows of labeling area, from the labeling of 30,000 yuan of wool area, began to look down.

Although the raw stone quality of this year’s Myanmar public market is a little worse, but from the tens of thousands of pieces of jadeite raw stone to pick out a few pieces of good material, it is still not a big problem, and so much material, but also absolutely will not collide with Tang Lao.

Zhuang Rui look at the speed of the wool is very fast, in general before the bean green seed and ordinary ice seed material, he did not do stop, half an hour of work, checked more than a thousand pieces of raw stone.

“I’m afraid this …… can’t win!”

Zhuang Rui looked at the records on the notebook, in these more than a thousand pieces of raw stone, there were three pieces of high ice type material, and there was also a piece of blue water material, which was an excellent jade material for making bracelets. But counting on these few pieces of material to win Tang Lao, Zhuang Rui heart a little not implement.

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