Chapter 0973 – The Jade King (IV)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:42:06
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In Burma more than half a century ago, the way people mined jadeite ore was very primitive, it was to use firewood to burn the rock hot and then pour cold water, making the stone structure become loose, and then use tools such as hammers braziers to break it down.

Because the jadeite mine is generally in the mountains, the larger material is difficult to transport to the bottom of the mountain, so some of the material that does not seem to have the characteristics of emerald, are used as a road bedrock, buried in situ.

This stone is so, when mining out, I do not know is Hu Rong’s elders, see this stone is huge, the surface body does not have any ringworm and python pattern, so it was treated as a road bedrock, buried in the jadeite mine hole in the mouth of the cave.

But that jadeite mine, in recent years finally mined out, to the end of life, in the process of doing the final cleanup, the mine staff found that there are some of the original not much attention to the raw stone, which actually contains a good quality of jade.

Hu Rong get this news, immediately organized that the jade mine carefully screened some, and this long buried in the ground of the giant “rock” wool, but also finally came out.

But Hu Rong on this stone can solve out the jade, press simply did not hold any hope, just this time the Burmese military requirements of various jadeite mine owners to provide the raw stone to participate in the public plate, Hu Rong simply will be this piece of material out.

And Hu Rong use themselves as a member of the organizing committee identity, but also mischievous to this piece of giant “rock” material, marked a four million euros of the sky.

These two days is not Zhuang Rui in scolding, as long as the people who saw this piece of material, all in scolding the Myanmar organizing committee black heart, but the people did not think that this is just a mine owner boredom mischief only.

Hear Hu Rong on this piece of material after the explanation, Zhuang Rui simply dumbfounded, how he can not believe, such a valuable piece of superb jade, in up to decades of time, every day is to withstand the trampling of countless people.

Hu Rong see himself to Zhuang Rui after the introduction of this wool, Zhuang Rui the whole person is sitting there stupid, his hand in front of his eyes did not startle him, can not help but push Zhuang Rui a hand, said: “Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui, how is it? Silly ah?”

“Ah? Uh …… Hu, nothing, I’m thinking …… that this piece of jade, or will create a miracle, a legend that can never be surpassed.”

Zhuang Rui was Hu Rong pushed a hand, wake up, to his and Hu Rong’s relationship, also not afraid of this brother halfway out to cut off, Hu Rong as a person has not been so uncritical.

Besides, this is Hu Rong’s material, Zhuang Rui can completely out of a heavenly price, in addition to being extracted by the Burmese government of some costs, the money will still fall into the hands of Hu Rong, which is also regarded as fertilizer flow outsiders field.

“You kid kidding? That stone, still legendary, still miracle? Come on, if you have more money, just shoot it! It’s for old brother to earn anyway.”

Hu Rong was Zhuang Rui’s expression was thunderstruck, that piece of material can appear in this Myanmar National Jade Trading Center, just his mindless work, killed Hu Rong he did not believe, that thing inside can have jadeite?

“Oh, Hu, believe it or not.”

Zhuang Rui also do not explain, this matter also can not explain clearly, just the time of the bidding arrived, Hu Rong also sat back behind the front desk table.

Countless red numbers flashing on the big screen, originally there is some noise in the bidding hall, immediately became silent, all eyes, are fixed on those who have begun to slowly jump on the numbers.

Zhuang Rui is not the first time to participate in the bidding, for this inside the cats and dogs are very clear, he in the search to their own choice of a few pieces of wool, lit a cigarette, leisurely smoke up.

Zhuang Rui’s performance, so that the bidding aside are sideways glance, not in the condemnation of Zhuang Rui no public welfare heart, the key is that this will be the crowd are concerned about their favorite raw stone mark, do not dare to relax.

At first appeared such an alternative, ran to smoke, let the crowd heart puzzled, not because of the hall’s air-conditioning enough, specifically over to cool off?

“This buddy is interesting.”

“What do you know? That’s Mr. Zhuang, it’s called having a good chest.”

“Yes! A look is a high person style, learn from it.”

Zhuang Rui did not think he smoked a cigarette to relax, actually attracted so many people’s comments, then embarrassed to put out the cigarette.

This open bidding pressure is not in a hurry, win or lose is in that a few minutes of time only, as long as the heart of the booking of the bottom price, attention is not concerned are irrelevant.

Now Zhuang Rui whether from the heart or insight, have been far from two years ago can be compared, although the piece of wool is called the king of jade in which, Zhuang Rui can also be very good control of their emotions.

This hall is not Zhuang Rui a person who understands, many people after staring at the screen for a while, began to chat with the people next to them, otherwise these two hours are not so good to spend.

“Mr. Zhuang, you must win! I’ve pressed for you to win.”

“Yeah! Mr. Zhuang, the first time I gambled was when I saw you deciphering stones, you’re my idol!”

Zhuang Rui is naturally the object of attention of the crowd, especially after the gambling game, it is even more attention, the people around have and Zhuang Rui set up a close relationship.

“Get, get, I say all of you, the kid is just lucky, don’t say that, gambling is important in the exchange, we have the opportunity to go to the exchange of exchange of the deciphering area it!”

Although Zhuang Rui is not thin-skinned, he was also said by the crowd is red in the face and ears, “Buddy in the circle of gambling stone is a strength, how the whole bunch of idolized fans?”

“Okay, Mr. Zhuang, when the winning bid is over, let’s go to the stone decomposition area together.”

“Right, let’s all go and cheer for Mr. Zhuang.”

“This …… might be Tang Lao winning!”

“How can that be! You’ve never seen Mr. Zhuang gamble on stones.”

Zhuang Rui this chimed in, he was in the entire second bidding hall, a time almost turned into a food market, almost did not stage the old and new generations of “Jade King” fans beat each other up.

Engaged next to a few bidding hall is the heart of doubt, could it be that there is what the king of the bidding, so that side of such excitement? One by one stretched his neck to observe the price on the screen, but there is nothing unusual found.

In the clamor, time flies, to the bidding deadline there are ten minutes when the crowd as if pinpointing the time, the bidding hall immediately became silent.

Zhuang Rui this time a total of twelve pieces of material, in addition to that piece of “rock” wool, the rest of the almost all ice kind of wool, only two pieces to reach the high ice kind.

Originally held indifferent mentality of Zhuang Rui, in the heart after the bottom, also became generous, anyway, even if those relatively ordinary material on the more money spent, but also from the emperor green jadeite king to make up for it.

Eleven pieces of material total cost Zhuang Rui sixteen million euros, as for how many pieces can be in, Zhuang Rui has not put on the heart, at this time his eyes, are staring at the number 23356 on the bottom of the bid.

Zhuang Rui saw that the bid number is still presented in red, if someone bid, will change the color to green, when the heart secretly happy: “until now no one bid, it seems that everyone is not optimistic about this piece of material ah!”

Zhuang Rui also do not think about it, although now the jade is popular, the market situation is hot, but who’s money is not a gust of wind, fools will be to a piece of jadeite characteristics do not seem to have any raw stone to throw money on it!

“How much is good to throw?”

Zhuang Rui’s finger rubbed on the bidder, in addition to the sixteen million euros just now, Zhuang Rui still had one hundred and ten million euros, which was drawn from his old husband yesterday.

The timer on the big screen was jumping from second to second, came to the last minute of the bidding deadline, Zhuang Rui saw that the bid still didn’t have any change, at that moment his fingers flew, entered a number on the bidding machine.

When the inverted timer jumped to five seconds, Zhuang Rui pressed the confirmation button, at the same time, countless numbers on the screen began to jump up, even with Zhuang Rui’s eyesight, were unable to see the final winning amount of the 2356 bid.

“It shouldn’t be snatched away!”

At this time Zhuang Rui’s heart is also a little nervous, in order to make sure that nothing goes wrong, Zhuang Rui’s last input number is 10.5 million euros.

Zhuang Rui believes that this price, must be able to win the bid, but the final results are not yet out, Zhuang Rui heart is also a little bit of suffering, as for the rest of the several pieces of the bid, early was forgotten by him outside the clouds.

“It’s out, the result is out.”

“Wow, which piece of raw stone is the 23356 bid? Someone actually bid 10.5 million euros!”

“10.5 million euros, it’s the king of today’s bidding, look who won?”

“Look who won, go to the open bidding area and take a look at this piece of material first.”

“Are you stupid? Open bidding, open bidding area has long been blocked tightly, you can see it?”

After three or four minutes of dazzling flashes on the big screen, the dust finally settled, and the computerized statistics of today’s highest single-bid price was also displayed on the big screen.

See that eye-piercing red numbers, Zhuang Rui this long breath, will be lifted in the throat of the “bang” jumping heart to put back.

Previously introduced after winning the tender procedures, is in accordance with the winning price to arrange the order, so as today’s king of the tender, Zhuang Rui can be the first for the tender procedures.

After paying the payment, Zhuang Rui could choose to pick up the goods on site or choose to consign them, all of which the staff would help the guest to handle.

“Zhuang Rui, is it really you kid? That bid …… was cast by you?”

Zhuang Rui was about to turn back to the door to go through the formalities, Hu Rong’s voice rang out from behind him, this voice shouted out does not matter, the eyes of the entire bidding hall, are focused on his body.

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