Chapter 0979 – Legend (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:42:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Due to the radius of the gears of the stone cutting machine, this knife went down, just cut a slit in the original stone, but could not unravel it from the center.

When cutting to the center, Zhuang Rui stopped and greeted the forklift driver to re-shovel up and turn the stone over, although with Zhuang Rui’s perverted physical strength, one person would be enough to move the original stone, but if he really did it, then it is estimated that it will be on the world news tomorrow.

“Xiao Zhuang, if you cut it like this, what if you hurt the jade flesh?”

Tang Lao was beside him, he couldn’t look at it anymore, just now Zhuang Rui’s performance when he helped him to decode the stone could be said to be impeccable, but when he decoded this piece of raw stone, he was so careless, he didn’t even spend a line, and cut it directly from the center.

“Tang Lao, this piece of material I just feel that there is something in it, there is no sign of any emerald on this surface, I don’t have any place to draw a line if I want to! Why don’t you just unravel it directly?”

Zhuang Rui greatly grinned back, in fact, his heart is very famous, whether it is the emperor green material, or glass seed color material, are concentrated in the side of the original stone, Zhuang Rui this knife down, is destined to be solved collapsed.

“Alas, the thinking of you young people, I’m an old man who really can’t keep up, whatever you want!”

Tang Lao shook his head, Zhuang Rui’s performance, let him really a little bit suspect that this young man is hitting the big time, if Zhuang Rui sees the end, categorically will not be so down the knife.

Zhuang Rui will feel a little hungry, wait until the original stone turned over, pretend to use chalk to draw along the following cut surface, and then directly start the stone cutting machine.

Huge gear cutting in the stone, raised the sky of debris, Zhuang Rui face slightly side, eyes to avoid the front, but the hand is not reduced by the slightest force.

Short tens of seconds later, “click” a gear idle sound rang, and then the half of the stone weighing hundreds of pounds, fell heavily on the ground on the side of the stone cutting machine.

Zhuang Rui closed the stone cutting machine, spit out a mouthful of spit, this sky full of dust so that his head and face everywhere is white ash, sneezed a few times in a row, turned his head and said: “Peng Fei, bring pots of water, forget about it, pull the leather tube over.”

“Cool! Again!”

Big summer plus the presence of all the old men, Zhuang Rui bowed down, simply let Peng Fei help him rinse his hair, cold tap water poured on the head, so that Zhuang Rui can not help but shout out.

“This man ……”

“Mr. Zhuang is really a man of nature!”

“This …… this is also divided into an occasion ah!”

Zhuang Rui’s performance made the thousands of people present were in a state of shock, dare this dude forget that he was unlocking the stone ah? Put more than 100 million yuan to buy the material does not care, actually went to wash his hair first, change into any person in the field, ask yourself can not do.

“Give it to me!”

After Zhuang Rui washed the dust off his face and head, he took the leather hose in Peng Fei’s hand and rinsed the half of the raw stone on the stone cutting machine, the white crushed stone chips mixed with the tap water and flowed onto the ground.

After Zhuang Rui rinsed the original stone, Tang Lao was the first to rush to the side of the cut surface, couldn’t wait to look up, just this glance, suddenly greatly disappointed, muttering softly, “This …… is collapsed?”

Although Tang Lao spoke in a very small voice, but through the wireless microphone and then transmitted to the field a few large stereo, but let the whole field of people heard clearly.


“I have long said, that material is not possible out of jade, if it can be out, I eat it.”

“Alas, Mr. Zhuang level is there, but why choose this piece of material ah?”

“Gambling well, the original stone is not unraveled before, who do not dare to say that gambling up gambling collapse.”

“This is probably Mr. Zhuang’s first time to bet on collapse, it seems that this ginger is still old and spicy, Mr. Zhuang and Tang Lao can not be compared ah!”

Tang Lao’s “collapsed” immediately let the whole room drumming up, have expressed their own opinions, the beginning of the buddy to eat wool, more like a victory in the 25,000 miles long march in general, where jumping up and down to express their own comments.

Although a heaven and a hell in the stone gambling, generally refers to the small piece of wool, especially like Ma Meng factory black sand material, generally is the size of a fist, a knife down no green, of course, fell into hell.

But even if it is a large piece of raw stone, the importance of the first knife, is equally unquestionable, like Zhuang Rui this knife did not see the green case, and then solve out the chances of emerald is already very small.

“Huh, not right ah! There’s something fishy about this stone.”

Tang next words, let the field of the crowd’s drumming noise, suddenly like being strangled by the neck of the rooster, came to a screeching halt, the heart is uncertain, this did not come out of the green is already very illustrative of the problem, what else is fishy?

“Xiao Zhuang, you look at this section, there are quartz crystal body ah! Here, here, there is also a lock of fog, this is really a piece of raw stone ah!”

Tang Lao in a careful look at the cut surface, the heart and the periphery of those who are full of doubts, this piece of material surface body does not have any characteristics of the jadeite raw stone, unraveling also did not come out of the green, but this inside the structure of the stone, and the jadeite raw stone is very similar to the internal structure.

“Tang Lao, I …… this is not still gambling lost? This is a jadeite raw stone is not false, but did not see green ah!”

Zhuang Rui rare humble a bit, do people can not be too flamboyant, if the self now still put on a confident look, that really will make people suspicious.

To Zhuang Rui now in the gambling circle in the jianghu status, as long as the reasonable solution out of the jade, who can not say a word, this is the benefit of fame.

And in the same antique line, new entrants to the identification of objects, most people will report a skeptical attitude, but let an expert enjoying the National Special Allowance to identify, even if it is false, that also becomes true.

The proverbial true can’t be fake, fake can’t be true and so on, does not apply to the expert effect in the circle of antiques.

“No, look at the color here, isn’t it a bit dark?”

Tang Lao found another unusual ground, pointing to a darker color in the fog locks, said: “This should be the color ringworm formed by the emerald, Xiao Zhuang, look, this color ringworm color is very positive, there must be emerald presence in this piece of material.”

“Teacher, this may not be jade color ringworm, right? Some minerals will also make the rock with color.”

Xiao Zhao would this time also squat in front of the cut and observe, at this time put forward a different point of view.

“I’ve been looking at jadeite for so many years, this can still be wrong?”

Tang Lao shook his head, using a small nail clipper in his hand, he scraped off a small piece on that color ringworm band, put it in his hand and carefully looked at it for a while, and said, “That’s right, it’s the color ringworm left behind by jadeite weathering!”

“Elder Tang, I estimate that such a situation should have occurred because the already formed raw stone was involved by the secondary crustal movement, I’m afraid that this is the only way that such a situation can occur.”

Zhuang Rui’s previous judgment was only made based on the manifestation of the original stone, he wasn’t a geological expert, he wasn’t sure, and now that he said it, he also wanted to hear Tang Lao’s opinion.

“That’s right, Xiao Zhuang you explained it correctly, this thing is like a creature inside amber that formed a resin fossil after being wrapped in resin, this is the first time I’ve seen this situation.”

Tang Lao is a geology graduate, and also worked in this line for decades, the study of geology, even beyond the study of emerald, this statement, is considered to give the formation of this piece of raw stone under the conclusion.

“Grandma drop, could there really be emerald?”

Originally on the sidelines quietly watching Hu Rong, this will also be a bit dumbfounded, this piece of when almost almost a century of road bedrock stone block, if the solution out of the emerald words, that really will let Hu Rong’s grandparents shame.

“How fresh ah! When has Brother Zhuang made a move, when has he ever taken it back empty?”

Peng Fei heard Hu Rong’s muttering and said with a skim, although he didn’t know the slightest thing about jade appraisal and gambling, but to Zhuang Rui, Peng Fei absolutely believed blindly.

“If this piece of material can really be deciphered out of jadeite, it is definitely a legend in the jadeite industry, Xiao Zhuang, hurry up, rub along this color ringworm inside to see whether there is jadeite or not!”

Tang old man said a little emotional, he and jade geology dealt with a lifetime, this piece of material even if there is no emerald, but also extremely valuable for research, at least can test the geomorphological characteristics of the time.

“Good, Tang Lao, you give pointers on the side.”

Just now Tang Lao so vigorously praised himself, Zhuang Rui is also to return the favor, otherwise will be emerald solution out, will let Tang Lao face.

In fact, Zhuang Rui is too small to look at the old man next to him, lived for almost seventy years, honor and disgrace rise and fall of Tang Lao what have not seen to know? If Zhuang Rui really won him, Tang Lao would only be happy in his heart.

“Tang Lao, you stand farther away.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t cut the stone again this time, but used the sander to polish the coloring ringworm out, after the contact between the grinding wheel and the stone, tiny stone chips splashed in all directions and crumbled into Tang Lao’s face.

“It’s okay, you continue, don’t go too fast, be gentle, and take it back immediately when you see green.”

Tang Lao waved his hand and squinted his eyes up, the conversation he and Zhuang Rui would have this time was like a teacher teaching a student to solve the stone on the spot, and this was exactly the result Zhuang Rui wanted.

As the grinding wheel continued to push inward, pieces of crystals came off from the original stone, after replacing two pieces of the grinding wheel, Zhuang Rui was rubbing his hand inward, fiercely shrinking back.

“Out …… out of green.”

Tang Lao’s sentence of subconscious words, immediately let the whole scene vibration, regardless of the jade quality in this piece of material, now has shown that this is indeed a piece of jadeite raw stone, all the previous, all looked away!

The old comrade Guo with a sad face, at this moment, his face also became uplifted. Although this buddy heart does not think Zhuang Rui this piece of material in the jade, can exceed the Tang old master’s purple eyes, but more or less bring him a ray of hope.

“Hey, Da Liu, out of the emerald, are you going to eat this piece of material ah?”

In the originally silent field, such a sentence suddenly came out.

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