Chapter 0994 – Excuses

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:43:03
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In Zhuang Rui’s senses, countless dots of golden light seemed to appear before his eyes, like the sky was full of falling stars, and he was released into a golden kingdom, with all the golden colors in front of him.

That small mountain that wasn’t really tall, gathered countless subtle spiritual qi, moisturizing Zhuang Rui’s eyes, making Zhuang Rui so comfortable that he almost moaned out.

“Brother Zhuang, what’s wrong? A face of intoxication, you miss your sister-in-law, don’t you?”

Just when Zhuang Rui was immersed in this brilliant golden light, Peng Fei beside him spoke out and interrupted his imagination.

“Brat, you want to daughter-in-law is more or less the same, Xiao Qian is about to give birth, this time go back you stay at home for more time!”

Zhuang Rui withdrew his aura and glared at Peng Fei in a bad mood, but in his heart, he was thinking about the “scene” he had just seen.

Zhuang Rui was not unfamiliar with that brilliant color, the scene he saw when his aura touched gold was just like that.

“Could it be a gold mine?”

Zhuang Rui’s heart was a little bit shocked, his eyes unconsciously looked in that direction again, but without using his aura, where his eyesight reached, he could only see a forest and a sea of fog.

Just saw the scene, and last time in the pirate island in the sense seems to be a little different, just sensed the golden luster in the aura, seems to be more than the pirate island in those gold coins more pure, so Zhuang Rui also do not dare to determine that those objects are gold.

Myanmar is a multi-mineral country, the underground mineral resources are extremely rich, not only has the world’s unique emerald ore, but also a large number of gold and silver mines, and reserves are very strong.

If it is not the local forces entangled in the complex geographic environment leading to huge investments, coupled with the incompetence of the military government, the national strength of the weak, Myanmar is able to become a very rich country.

And the direction Zhuang Rui just looked at was adjacent to the Savage Mountains, which had always been a forbidden area for humans, and it would not be impossible to say that there was an unexploited gold mine there.

“What’s wrong? Zhuang Rui, go, go down!”

Hu Rong wandered around the top of the mountain and walked to Zhuang Rui’s side, this emerald mine had been mined for two years, allowing the Hu family to get rid of the dilemma of having no mines to mine in the first place, to this place, Hu Rong was still very emotional.

“Well, Hu brother ……”

Zhuang Rui agreed, just called out to Hu Rong, but did not know what to say below.

“What is it?”

Hu Rong had already stepped into the railcar with one foot, twisted his head to look at Zhuang Rui and said, “Since you’ve also decided to sell this mine, let’s go back when we turn around, the stockpile of raw stones inside the Chinese city, there’s still half of it for you!”

In these years, Hu Rong did not participate in the jade plate organized by the Burmese military government, and the mine mined out of the jadeite raw stone, one-third smuggled to China, and one-third of the Burmese internal digestion, the other one-third, was Hu Rong stored down.

Zhuang Rui does not care much about the public market is precisely the reason, this rich mine more than two years to extract the raw stone, is absolutely an astronomical figure, even if the quality is not high, but also enough to support Zhuang Rui that jewelry store one or two decades do not worry about jadeite raw materials.

“Brother Hu, it’s rare to come to Burma once, I want to take Peng Fei and the others to go around the edge of the Savage Mountain, hunting or something in the meantime, as you know, there’s no such good place in the country!”

Zhuang Rui thought about it for a while, he couldn’t say that he suspected that there were gold mines over there, right? He could only find such an excuse.

“Hmm? Drive us down.”

Hu Rong froze for a moment at his words, first using the walkie-talkie to let the people below start the railroad car, and only then looked at Zhuang Rui and said, “Older brother, didn’t the big army tell you yesterday? Now the situation in Burma is not very good, there are several groups of drug lords that escaped from the Golden Triangle and are now concentrated in the Pachang area!”

You know, the Golden Triangle drug traffickers and domestic different, almost all are armed drug trafficking, who has good weapons, who has more people, who is the boss, a big drug lord under the armed drug traffickers, may well be called the army.

Like Khun Sa, if not under the army of their own infighting, even to Myanmar Thailand and Laos three countries of the coalition army, are not much to take him.

So if you put it in the usual, go out for a hunt is nothing, but now Hu Rong dare not let Zhuang Rui close to the wild man mountain.

Even this mine, usually are on tight security, for fear of being attacked by the drug lords, said that now the implementation of diversified business, the drug lords may not know the value of jade, if you can snatch grass and hit the rabbit, definitely do not mind and Hu Rong’s security team to do a fight.

“Brother Hu, let’s not go into the Savage Mountain, let’s just hit some small animals at the edge, that said, those drug dealers won’t kill anyone on sight, right?”

That suspected location of the gold mine made Zhuang Rui’s heart itch, he wasn’t all about the money, but he wanted to go and see what kind of location it was.

“No, hunting definitely requires guns, they will definitely misunderstand.”

Hu Rong shook his head and rejected Zhuang Rui’s words, these drug lords were already birds of a feather, always pampered they were hiding in the Savage Mountain, if they were stimulated again, they would fight for their lives.

Zhuang Rui suddenly coughed, lowered his voice and said, “Ahem, Hu, this time to …… my big brother said that he was looking for some of that …… that …… something! ”

Hu Rong saw Zhuang Rui secretive, froze for a moment and asked, “Big brother, which big brother? What do you want ah? I say you kid how to speak swallowed ah?”

“Hey, it’s that big brother in the army …… Ouyang Lei ah!”

Zhuang Rui face not red heart not jumped then said, “My big brother is more than forty years old, this time that what …… is the room, feel a little forceful, last time I used that tiger penis think the effect is good, want me to find some back.”

Zhuang Rui is purely in the letter of the mouth, of course, if not Ouyang Jun came to Burma on the first day of an emergency to return to the country, he did not dare to say so, if passed to the ears of Ouyang Lei, that brother will absolutely take a gun, first Zhuang Rui to that what.

Standing beside Zhuang Rui Peng Fei, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, his face couldn’t help but reveal a strange look, being able to overhear the privacy of the army’s senior leaders, this is something he usually can’t imagine.

Zhuang Rui glared at Peng Fei and said, “Go, go, stand away, don’t listen to what you shouldn’t!”

It’s just that this railcar is that big, it’s hard to not hear it, Peng Fei and Li Zhen held back their laughter and twisted their faces to the side.

“You said that thing ah?”

Hu Rong face showed a difficult look to come, the last time to Zhuang Rui those tiger whip and tiger bone, are the family passed down for hundreds of years, he that there is no stock.

However, when he heard that it was Ouyang Lei who wanted it, Hu Rong thought for a while and then said, “Otherwise, I’ll go and help you find some from other places! If you stay in Pagang for another three to five days, it should be almost ready.”

The Pagang region was close to the Savage Mountain, and although most people didn’t dare to enter the Savage Mountain, some old hunters would still often go in to hunt, and those people would usually keep stocks in their homes.

“Hu, I have given Lei a guarantee, this tiger whip is the best effect when it is fresh for medicine, this …… this if the whole strip is dry and go back, then how lose face for me ah?”

Since the lie has been pulled out, Zhuang Rui simply then down to make up, to Ouyang Lei’s position in the domestic army, usually Hu Rong want to flatter have no way, he believes that pull out this banner, Hu Rong will certainly consider.

“Achoo! Who is chanting about me? It won’t be the old man, right? Drive, don’t go home, go to Mount Yuquan.”

Ouyang Lei, who is far away from Beijing, couldn’t help but sneeze a few times in a row, and the guards thought that the head had a cold, and as soon as he arrived at Mount Yuquan, he reported it to the medical team there, and Ouyang Lei was very passive and checked his body for the second time.

“This …… is not very good ah!”

The work of two people talking, the railroad car has come to the foot of the mountain, Hu Rong frowned and got out of the car, looking toward the distant jungle dense savage mountain, said: “In recent years, the savage mountain tiger is not much, although every year heard that some people have hit the past, but to touch the opportunity, even if you enter the mountain, may not be able to see. How about this! You guys go back to your country first, if I can get it after a while, I will send it to you?”

A tiger in Burma is not a rare thing, the Chinese side of the smuggled tiger skin and bear gall bladder and tiger bone and other objects, basically from this side of the past, just this kind of thing to chance, not to say that you can find to find.

“Brother Hu, always have to do your best! I can’t find it and then say I can’t find it, that said, I don’t dare to let me enter the savage mountain, at most, I’ll wander around the edge.”

Zhuang Rui saw Zhang Guojun walking over and quickly said pointing to Zhang Guojun, “Just go to the mountain pass that brother Zhang said last time! There’s a water source there, animals often have to go over there to drink, and you might be able to run into wild beasts like tigers and leopards!”

“Older brother, what is it?”

As soon as Zhang Guojun came over, he heard Zhuang Rui’s headless words and said, “Hey, didn’t I tell you yesterday? It’s not very safe over there, who knows if there’s anyone living in that mountain pass?”

This animal needs water, people likewise need water sources, miasma is rampant within the Savage Mountain, a lot of sewage isn’t drinkable, and I’m afraid that people in general will choose a place with water sources to set up camp.

“Da Jun, what forces have come in this neighborhood, do you understand?” Hu Rong heard Zhuang Rui say that he would not enter the mountains, but he was a bit moved.

After all, the Hu family in Pagang is the real snake in the ground, even if the strong dragon of the Golden Triangle comes in, it has to be coiled and lying down, having operated in Pagang for several generations, Hu Rong is not without a bottom line.

“I heard that there are some drug dealers from Black Scar, Shan State, and Kachin tribe ran over, as for the general, he is in Pachang city, he doesn’t need to hide.”

Zhang Guojun was in charge of the security aspect of the Chinese city, and knew these situations very well, the armed forces in Burma were intricate, and even Hu Rong knew the general that Zhang Guojun was talking about.

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