Chapter 0996 – Agreed

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:43:09
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Peng Fei and Li Zhen was the same year was selected into the force, were seventeen or eighteen years of age in the prime of age, for this mysterious force is full of desire, all body have endless energy, mastery of military technology is particularly fast.

In this force, as long as they go in will be awarded the rank of officer, the lowest is also a second lieutenant, but the administrative level is not in accordance with the rank of the arrangement, because the highest head of this special forces, but also called the captain, but the rank of major general.

At that time, Peng Fei and Li Zhen’s instructor was a thirty-four or thirty-five year old captain platoon leader, who was very experienced in combat.

Under the platoon leader’s tutelage, Peng Fei and Li Zhen progressed quickly and scored excellent grades in all the tests, so soon after, they were scheduled for an actual battle, with that instructor platoon leader acting as the captain, and traveled to the territory of Burma to carry out a mission.

Facts proved that soldiers who hadn’t been baptized by artillery fire couldn’t be considered real soldiers, and right when the two were first involved in a cross-border operation to hunt down drug dealers, they were given a vivid lesson by reality.

Due to the informant’s leakage of information, a special team of seven people led by Platoon Leader Peng Fei had just entered the territory of Myanmar shortly after being ambushed by the drug traffickers who had prepared for it.

The bullets shot out suddenly in the jungle made the newcomers Peng Fei and Li Zhen were a bit dumbfounded at that time, although the usual training made them reflexively evade, but they forgot to counterattack, hiding their bodies behind the trees and shivering.

Although there were five other veterans with Peng Fei and the others, two of them were not very lucky and were hit at the beginning, and only three of them had the ability to fight back, and were simply unable to suppress the other side’s firepower.

Then that platoon leader of Peng Fei’s stepped in to attract the drug dealers, letting the other two veterans lead Peng Fei and Li Zhen to kill them, and when the troops were contacted and the follow-up rescuers arrived, then they returned to the location of the engagement, where only three corpses were left behind.

The two people who were directly shot and killed did not suffer any crime, but the platoon leader who covered Peng Fei and the others retreating, died an extremely miserable death, the entire lower half of the body’s flesh and blood was cut off with a knife, revealing the white bones.

The platoon leader’s lips had been bloodied by his own teeth, anyone could see that he had been abused.

The scene at that time made everyone furious, which also directly gave birth to the two soldier kings, Peng Fei and Li Zhen, allowing them to grow up quickly.

After internal intelligence, Peng Fei and the others later also learned the identity of the drug dealers who ambushed them, it was the army of the Kachin Tujia Duwa at that time, and there was also news that Duwa had once heartlessly eaten the meat cut off the platoon leader’s body raw.

This news made Peng Fei and Li Zhen almost crazy, in the subsequent anti-drug trafficking operations, as long as there is an opportunity to kill the captive, the two men rarely left alive, and the nickname of Shura also came.

Just the roots of the Kachin tribe is in the Golden Triangle, that place is extremely difficult to enter, although the retaliatory strike off the Kachin tribe of a few nests, but can not enter the Golden Triangle Kachin lair, so this feud has been held in the hearts of Peng Fei and Li Zhen.

So now when they heard that Duwa ran to Pachang, Peng Fei and Li Zhen could no longer remain calm, the grudge from many years ago surged up to their hearts, both of them had red eyes, and they could not wait to kill Duwa and finish Duwa off in the Savage Mountain right now.

“Damn, these drug dealers are really inhuman.”

After listening to Li Zhen’s narration, Zhuang Rui also couldn’t help but burst out foul language, both sides are hostile situation when, fight a life and death isn’t too much, but raw eating human flesh, this can only be the thing that animals will do.

“Older brother, I accompany you to go, but …… these brothers of mine even if, they are too young, hands have not been stained with blood.”

Zhang Guojun is also filled with righteous indignation, this man of northeastern ancestry agitated, but he still has a few points of reason, knowing that letting his men go, it can only be a waste of time to die.

“You …… guys, alas, this matter …… still needs to be discussed in the long run.”

Hu Rong wants to persuade a few sentences, but the words to the mouth, but do not know what to say, this kind of hatred can only be a tooth for a tooth to wash blood, there is no other way to dissolve.

“Brother Dajun, this is a matter between us brothers, you just provide us with some weapons, thirty or forty people, the two of us are confident that we will be able to retreat in one piece.”

Peng Fei shook his head and rejected Zhang Guojun’s good intentions, he and Li Zhen worked well together on the battlefield, if they joined an outsider, they were afraid that it would drag them down.

Plus, it was unlikely that Duwa would think that there would be people from the Chinese side chasing after him, with his heart in the right place, Peng Fei was still quite sure of killing Duwa and the others.

Zhang Guojun was very dissatisfied with Peng Fei’s words, his eyes glared and said: ”What’s the matter, looking down on my old Zhang ah? Back then, when I led the team to transport the jadeite raw stones, I didn’t have to fight with these guys much.”

Seeing that Zhang Guojun got angry, Li Zhen quickly explained, “Brother Zhang, it’s not that, we’re going to scout where the other party is first and won’t fight them hard, it’s not good to have more people.”

Although the other party’s single combat ability was much weaker than both Peng Fei and Li Zhen, but these two brothers were not arrogant enough to think that the two of them would be able to kill dozens of the other party, they were trying to use assassination and sneak attack to crush this group of armed drug dealers.

“Peng Fei, Li Zhen, I can understand the mood of the two of you, but I’m still not comfortable with the two of you going alone.”

Zhuang Rui interrupted Li Zhen and Zhang Guojun’s argument and continued, “How about this! I’ll notify the country of Duwa’s hiding in the Savage Mountain and request for some reinforcements to come over, then you guys can go then, is that okay?”

Zhuang Rui believed that if he made a request to Ouyang Lei, Ouyang Lei would definitely send reinforcements, that way there would be no need for the Peng Fei duo to get into danger.

The movie played in the American soldier Rambo to one against a hundred things, in Zhuang Rui seems to be a little too much bullshit, are born and raised flesh and blood, Peng Fei and Li Zhen to get a shot is the same will send off the little life.

“Brother Zhuang, you don’t understand, it’s not that simple, if troops could be sent to Burma, Duwa wouldn’t be able to live now.”

Peng Fei shook his head and vetoed Zhuang Rui’s suggestion, some small friction between countries at the border, or even some fights between agents from both sides, that was something within tolerable limits. Of course, the premise can only be agents and not the military.

But Pachang here deep in the heart of Myanmar, countries have many eyes, if China really send troops, then not only the Myanmar government will protest, even has been put forward China’s threat theory of the old U.S., I am afraid that will also take the opportunity to make waves.

So even if the country sends support, at most three or five people, that in Peng Fei’s view, not as good as he and Li Zhen two people to the tacit understanding!

Seeing that he couldn’t convince the two, Zhuang Rui said, “If you guys have to go, I’ll go with you.”

Zhuang Rui said this, not that he was not afraid of death, but the aura in his eyes could sense the whereabouts of those drug dealers in a fairly large range.

It was important to know that although Zhuang Rui’s aura couldn’t visually see the other party, it could determine the presence of a human body through the form that the aura wrapped around it.

Although this would expose some of Zhuang Rui’s secrets to a certain extent, but at the moment, Zhuang Rui couldn’t care less, his own joining in, at the very least, could play the role of a radar warning, so that the two people wouldn’t be like headless flies searching for the enemy’s traces in the Savage Mountain.

“Zhuang …… Zhuang, no, you absolutely can not go, you have not received systematic military training, go that is not to add to the chaos?”

Peng Fei originally wanted to say Zhuang Rui is to go to send death, words to the mouth feel inauspicious, hastily changed the mouth, but the attitude is very resolute, this is the feud between their brothers and Duwa, there is no reason to Zhuang Rui or Zhang Guojun these irrelevant people involved.

“Come on, if you don’t let me go, none of you two will leave here, Hu, don’t give them a single weapon, I don’t believe that the two of them can go and fight the drug dealers with their bare hands?”

Zhuang Rui’s words instantly made Peng Fei and Li Zhen dumbfounded, the two of them were quite strong in military skills, but not arrogant enough to think that they could deal with a bunch of heavily armed drug dealers with their empty hands.

“Otherwise this will work, let’s go with some more people and pretend to be hunting excursions on the edge of the Savage Mountain, then the two of you will go and scout for Dewar’s hiding place, and then decide how to eliminate them when we return.”

Zhuang Rui also knew that the suggestion he just made would not be accepted, not to mention that Peng Fei and Li Zhen would not agree, even Hu Rong would definitely not agree to it, so after pondering for a while, he made another suggestion.

“This is possible, let’s go on two or three hundred brothers, as long as we don’t get close to where those drug dealers are hiding, I think they won’t dare to take the initiative to provoke an attack.”

Hu Rong listened and nodded, as long as he does not allow his brothers to participate in the war, go to help or no problem, that gang of drug traffickers although ruthless, but now is already a bird of prey, encountered a large force will only escape to the depths of the savage mountain, when Peng Fei two people can not find Duwa, can only return to Pachang with himself.

Seeing Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei and others have no objections, Hu Rong then said, “In addition, I will contact Black Scar to see what position they are in now, and whether they know where the Kachin people are hiding.”

“Alright! But that would require staying at the mine for a while longer.”

Peng Fei looked at Zhuang Rui and said with an apologetic face, “Brother Zhuang, I’m sorry.”

Originally, his and Li Zhen’s duty was to be in charge of guarding Zhuang Rui’s safety, but Peng Fei didn’t expect to actually get news of Duwa here. To know, in these years, Peng Fei didn’t want to start blading Du Wa at all times, that kind of hatred was like a poisonous snake’s thirst for heart tormenting Peng Fei, he really didn’t want to let go of this opportunity.

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