Chapter 0997 – Aura Scouting

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:43:11
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Alright, less talk to me about these useless things, this hatred was not formed in a day, and don’t think that it can be avenged right away, prepare well to be sure.”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand, after getting along for these few years, he and Peng Fei were like brothers, even if he knew that there was danger, Zhuang Rui couldn’t possibly let the two of them go alone.

Since they had agreed on a plan of action, everyone started to get busy.

Zhang Guojun blew his whistle and gathered all the members of the mine protection team, now there were more than six hundred mine protection team members in the mine, and Zhang Guojun wanted to select three hundred people from them.

Hu Rong, on the other hand, personally brought Peng Fei and the others to their temporary armory, allowing them to pick their own weapons, in order to ensure the absolute safety of this jade mine, Hu Rong almost moved half of the Hu family’s arms here.

“Shit, if this mine protection team is pulled into the country, it’s definitely the most powerful.”

Zhuang Rui was a bit uneasy with Peng Fei and Li Zhen, and kept following behind these two, and after entering that temporary armory that had been carved out in the belly of the mountain, Zhuang Rui was immediately dazzled.

Here should be a stone room with explosives forced to blast open, there is a lot of space, more than two hundred square feet, about four meters high, a large space, filled with all kinds of weapons.

From the former Soviet Union’s AK47, to China’s eight-one-bar fully automatic rifles as well as automatic weapons from Britain and the United States, there were all kinds of weapons, and even five portable howitzers, all kinds of firearms and bullets piled up all over the entire stone room.

What was even more exaggerated was that there was also a small recoilless artillery inside, in addition to the lack of tankers and missiles, almost all modern weapons were fully equipped, and with these equipments alone, it was enough to support a local local war.

Zhuang Rui in the domestic time, often can see some about the black coal kiln escort team rampage report, this if and Hu Rong’s escort team compared to the domestic those escort team, is simply a child playing house general.

“Oh, Zhuang Rui, the two gates of my Chinese city are two dark fortresses, and there is also a missile defense system, much more advanced than the weapons here.”

After Hu Rong heard Zhuang Rui’s words, his face also couldn’t help but show a smug smile, Burma’s local forces are complicated, the so-called power of speech, often need force to do rely on. The Hu family can stand for a hundred years in this barbaric land in Burma, not by virtue of the so-called benevolence and morality of the ancestors, but the big stick plus sweet dates, hit a slap and feed a date, these local natives will be subdued.

Especially after Hu Rong took over the position of the Hu family patriarch, he imported a lot of advanced weapons from abroad through various channels, and built the Chinese city as sturdy as a war fortress.

“Brother Zhuang, Brother Hu, you two chat first, just don’t pull the trigger and straddle the fire, our brothers need to do something.”

After Peng Fei and Li Zhen entered the armory, they were also bright, not caring about Zhuang Rui and Hu Rong, they went up and rummaged around.

“You two little brats, don’t empty this armory of mine!”

Hu Rong laughed and cursed, turned his face to Zhuang Rui and said, “Older brother, turn around older brother, I’ll accompany you guys.”

“Brother Hu, you can forget it! It’ll be fine with Brother Da Jun following.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, as far as Hu Rong’s dry and thin body is concerned, in Zhuang Rui’s opinion, it is estimated that carrying a gun is hard enough.

“Hey, I say you kid, look down on brother is not?”

Hu Rong face indignation from the side picked up an AK47 submachine gun to, hands quickly will be broken down, and then assembled, before and after only spent two minutes of time.

After showing this hand, Hu Rong will put the gun back to the original place, looking at Zhuang Rui proudly said: “Older brother me from the age of five years old when I played the gun, how is it, this hand you according to come again?”

Hu Rong really didn’t say nonsense, Burma this place don’t look poor, but the popularity of firearms is definitely higher than the United States, especially to the Chinese in Burma will often be oppressed and ostracized, mastery of weapons is one of the most basic skills.

“Got it, Brother Hu, you’re great.”

Zhuang Rui to Hu Rong cocked a thumb, for the use of firearms, Zhuang Rui at best knows how to open the safety and firing, to say that dismantling may also be able to dismantle, but after dismantling, Zhuang Rui absolutely do not have that ability to put it back together again.

“Uh-huh? What are those two boys drumming up?”

Hu Rong was bragging with Zhuang Rui when out of the corner of his eye he saw Peng Fei prying open a box while Li Zhen was squatting on the ground doing something.

Hu Rong walked in to take a look, and immediately changed his face, pulled Peng Fei and said, “Shit, you …… you two want to find death, but don’t harm us!”

“What’s going on? Brother Hu, what are they doing?”

Zhuang Rui followed behind Hu Rong, a little unclear, not Hu Rong let them come in to pick weapons, how to say this kind of words again?

Hu Rong didn’t bother to answer Zhuang Rui’s words, but looked at Li Zhen and shouted, “Little Li, stop, that’s TNT! The slightest bit of carelessness and we’re all rocketing into the sky.”


Zhuang Rui heard and understood, and then looked to Peng Fei pried open the box, there is a skull logo, look down, Li Zhen is rubbing a white solid substance in his hand, full of care to Hu Rong smile it!

“Brother Hu, it’s fine.”

Li Zhen spoke while throwing the object in his hand, scaring Hu Rong’s face muscles twitching, to know, what Li Zhen was holding in his hand was not a lump of mud, but a solid explosive that he spent a high price to buy from abroad.

Because of the special circumstances that he often encountered when opening mountains, he could not install black powder, so Hu Rong spent a high price to buy such a box of TNT.

These explosives are semi-finished products, to be connected to the detonator in order to use, usually by the specialized gunpowder experts will be taken to the open space outside the valley to be equipped, and now at first glance to see Li Zhen fiddling with the explosives like playing with mud, almost scared Hu Rong is a Buddha out of the world and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

It was not that Hu Rong was timid, but because Hu Rong had seen the power of these explosives, and just the small mass in Li Zhen’s hand was enough to split a tens of tons of stone into pieces.

“Hey, Brother Hu, this thing is very obedient.”

Li Zhen grinned and stuffed the ball of explosives into his backpack, followed by taking out another piece and rubbing it.

“Brother Zhuang, Brother Hu, it’s really alright, this kid is good with explosives, he won’t joke with his own life.”

Peng Fei was extremely confident in Li Zhen, the reason why he was sure that two people would finish off Duwa’s drug gang was mainly because of Li Zhen.

According to Peng Fei’s words, Li Zhen was definitely a master when it came to setting up traps, not to mention in a place like Burma, even if it was put in Iraq, it was enough to make those well-equipped and well-trained American soldiers suffer a big loss.

“Better be careful! This drowning people can swim, the more proficient they are, the more cautious they should be.”

Despite Peng Fei’s explanation, Hu Rong was still a bit wary and turned his head to Zhuang Rui and said, “Older brother, let’s go wait outside!”

Zhuang Rui nodded, the armory was not scary, but playing with explosives in the armory, that was not something that an average person could withstand, and hurriedly walked out of the stone room with Hu Rong.

It would already be a little more than noon, Zhuang Rui went to the place where the food was opened to eat something, as for Peng Fei and Li Zhen, at this time is completely no appetite, still pouring in the armory.

After lunch, Zhuang Rui found an excuse to return to his own bamboo house, quietly sitting on the bamboo bed, facing the wild man mountain put toward, Zhuang Rui eyes slightly closed, the aura in his eyes surging out.

After the trip to Pirate Island, Zhuang Rui can freely control whether the aura escapes into the body of the creature, just now at the top of the mountain, Zhuang Rui did not let the aura overflow, so also failed to observe the edge of the wild man mountain, whether there are human gatherings.

Now Zhuang Rui is trying to see, whether it is possible to sense the existence of human beings at the edge of the Savage Mountain because of the reduction of aura?

One kilometer …… two kilometers …… five kilometers ……

The invisible and colorless aura crossed the bamboo house, crossed the jungle, and soon came to the entrance of the Savage Mountain, and Zhuang Rui could feel that the aura overflowing from his eyes was decreasing in silk.

However, the amount of aura decreasing was not large, it should be dispersed by encountering some small animals.

“No one?”

The range of aura sensing went all the way to the place where he separated from Zhang Guojun and the others last time, Zhuang Rui didn’t notice any excessive loss of aura and couldn’t help but frown.

“Right, go to that mountain pass that Big Brother Zhang talked about last time.”

Zhuang Rui remembered where the golden light over there was, it seemed to be within the mountain that surrounded the depression, and it seemed to be a good place to hide one’s whereabouts.

When Zhuang Rui once again “saw” the flickering golden aura, he could almost conclude that this was a gold mine.

Although these auras were extremely scattered, Zhuang Rui knew that whole horseshoe gold was extremely rare, and most of the gold was still broken down from the ore.

“Hmm? There’s someone ……”

When Zhuang Rui’s aura passed through the mountain and came to that depression, he immediately felt the aura in his eyes diminishing, that speed was by no means something an animal could absorb.

Zhuang Rui hurriedly controlled the aura so that it did not spill outwards, carefully filling the valley with aura, a humanoid object immediately appeared in Zhuang Rui’s senses.

“Twenty-eight people, I wonder if it’s the Duwa that Peng Fei mentioned.”

Zhuang Rui counted in detail, just now he also knew that there were a total of three groups of people entering the mountain this time, apart from Black Scar’s who had the largest number of people, the other two gangs together only had forty to fifty people, and Zhuang Rui couldn’t tell whose team this was.

At the valley at the edge of Savage Mountain, besides the five or six people who were on guard at the mountain pass, there were more than twenty people lying around inside.

“Duwa, just now it seems like there was a gust of wind blowing on my body, it’s so comfortable! That feeling is more comfortable than taking drugs.”

Duwa was not a name, but an honorific for the Kachin Tusi, and that middle-aged man lying on a tiger skin was the Duwa that Peng Fei and the others were looking for.

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