Chapter 0998 – Secret Sentry

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:43:14
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“Originally thought that this side is not as comfortable as the Golden Triangle, but I didn’t expect the air to be so good, that gust of wind blowing over just now, it’s really more comfortable than smoking opium!”

Duwa, who was half lying on the tiger skin, squinted his eyes, still recalling that feeling just now, with a cozy look on his face.

Drug traffickers in Burma are divided into three kinds of people, one kind is specialized in growing opium, these people wait until the poppies are ripe, directly use a blade to cut through the poppy shells, collect the white liquid opium inside, and sell it directly to the outside world.

The second kind of people is the black scar those drug lords, because and the local forces are not very harmonious, their opium cultivation origin is almost no longer, but directly to the cultivation of opium farmers to buy, and then use their own factories to refine the high purity of drugs.

Black Scar’s drug trafficking organization continues from Khun Sa, the organization’s internal discipline is quite strict, and strictly prohibit members of the organization to take drugs, once found, will be executed, so although there is no longer the support of the Burmese locals, they are still able to become one of the three major forces in the Golden Triangle.

The last category of people refers to the Kachin drug trafficking militants, they also have opium plantations, often also will do some processing of the output of opium purification, so that the price to sell than pure opium farmers will be higher.

But since the separation of the Khun Sa organization, the Duwa drug trafficking organization and international buyers cut off contact, for technical reasons, these purification are also relatively rough. Moreover, these people are not well organized and disciplined, they all rely on the prestige of Duwa’s head to deter the clan, and there is no shortage of weak-willed people who take opium, and over time, even Duwa has been infected.

To be honest, even if there were no government forces to clean them up, it was estimated that the organization wouldn’t be able to hold out for much longer.

“Order down, tell Kada to pay attention to vigilance, when the wind is over this time, we’ll go back to the Golden Triangle, and it will be my world there.”

At this moment, although Duwa was a tiger, his face looked very good, which was not lacking the effect of being moisturized by Zhuang Rui’s Reiki just now, but the more important point was that this siege by the government army was more beneficial than detrimental to him.

Although the Burmese Thai Laotian coalition forces are indiscriminate strikes, but the biggest loss, but the Black Scar’s organization, refused to Duwa know, Black Scar’s army of more than 1,000 people, and now there are only a hundred and ten people left, it can be said that casualties are heavy.

And Duwa’s people are pure Golden Triangle natives, deeply rooted in the place, this siege began to scatter and flee, is the smallest loss, Duwa believes that as long as he returns to the Golden Triangle to raise his arm, by then the entire Golden Triangle will become his world.

“Come on, give me a big bag of cigarettes.”

Thinking of the complacency, Duwa squinted his eyes again, he has long been spying on Black Scar’s drug manufacturing factories and sales channels, and believes that after this time, he will become the new general of the Golden Triangle.

“Shit, do you two brothers really think you’re Rambo? Can you travel the road with so many things?”

Peng Fei and Li Zhen nestled in the armory for the afternoon, and it wasn’t until it was time for dinner that the two of them walked out, but the way those two brothers were dressed made everyone who saw them look sideways.

Both of them changed into the camouflage uniforms prepared for the security guards in the armory, Peng Fei carried a howitzer launcher on his right shoulder, and his right hand carried a box, which should be filled with rifle grenades.

In Peng Fei’s left shoulder, carrying a domestic old eighty-one standard rifle, before and after anyway, set of three bullet belt, the whole stuffed in fifteen full load of magazines, in its waist and a five-four pistol, another three eight with blood groove of the military spikes, brightly don’t in the pistol next to.

As for Li Zhen’s dress, not as exaggerated as Peng Fei, his choice of firearms are British and American weapons, especially the waist of the Desert Eagle was wiped shiny oil, in the setting sun reflecting a dazzling luster.

However, the big backpack behind Li Zhen’s back that was almost as tall as his body, still attracted the attention of the crowd, only Zhuang Rui and Hu Rong could guess a little bit, what exactly was loaded in this guy’s backpack.

“Hey, I say, don’t get so close to me.”

Zhuang Rui saw Li Zhen carrying a bag to his side, quickly waved his hand, signaling him to stand far away, this guy is a humanoid bomb ah!

“Oh, Brother Zhuang, this package of mine is all treasure! I’ve been working all afternoon to create it.”

Li Zhen hemmed and hawed, reached behind his back and took out a mass of white objects, Zhuang Rui looked carefully, on that object wrapped a circle of fine wire, I do not know what it is for.

“Okay, those things I don t understand, but you brothers and sisters carry so many weapons, this …… this is convenient in the jungle?”

Although Zhuang Rui does not know how to jungle warfare, but also know that in the forest sniping, must be lightly loaded, like this brother and sister carrying so many objects, that is to go to people as a target to hit.

“Brother Zhuang, these things are spare, will be arranged on the road, right, we will go there together, but you absolutely can’t go into the forest, these contraptions I arranged, but they don’t discriminate between the enemy and me!”

Li Zhen suddenly became serious after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, when they entered the jungle, all the people except him and Peng Fei would become their enemies, no matter if it was Duwa or the other two groups of drug trafficking organizations.

Li Zhen was only 60% sure about this operation, but now with all this equipment, as long as they could find Du Wa, Li Zhen was 90% sure that he would be left in the Savage Mountain forever.

“You two boys, you’re really prepared to bury mines all over Savage Mountain?”

Zhuang Rui was a bit speechless, shook his head and said, “Today is not possible, or we set off tomorrow at dawn, to the edge of the Savage Mountain is exactly the early morning, that will be even if there are people inside, but also the most slack time.”

“No, it’s not possible to go early, let’s leave at dawn, at noon, Peng Fei and I will go in again.”

Li Zhen shook his head, seeing Zhuang Rui a little puzzled, then said, “These drug dealers are birds of prey, at night and early morning these easy to be attacked time period, surely the defense is tight, but at noon will be relaxed vigilance, at that time is the best time.”

Li Zhen some words said Zhuang Rui is the old face slightly red, since the whole is a layman, but also in this help mess out of ideas, if it is really lead soldiers to fight, Zhuang Rui will be able to bring people to the gutter.

“Hey, these I do not understand, but Peng Fei, last time we went in the wild man mountain, Da Jun brother said in the other direction, there is a mountain pass, there is a water source, I think you should list that place as a key reconnaissance area, these drug traffickers always have to drink water, right?”

Zhuang Rui changed the topic, and discussed with them about the hiding place of the drug dealers, the depth of the Savage Mountain can be said to be in crisis everywhere, but in the fringe area, there are still quite a few places that can allow people to survive, and one of the best lots is the place where Zhang Guojun took Zhuang Rui to hunt last time.

“Yes, that mountain pass is not a big problem to hide a hundred or ten people, and the location is very hidden, nine times out of ten, there is a group of people hiding there.”

Zhang Guojun thought deeply of Zhuang Rui’s words, took a branch and gestured on the ground while saying, “That place is exactly opposite to the road into the Savage Mountain, and there is no trail to go through, I found it by chance then too, so let’s do it this way! Tomorrow I will take you guys on a walk there.”

Peng Fei and Li Zhen glanced at each other and nodded, “Good, then I’ll trouble Brother Zhang.”

In jungle combat, the most taboo is unfamiliarity with the terrain, with Zhang Guojun, an old guide leading the way, many risks could be avoided, so of course, Peng Fei and Li Zhen would not refuse.

That night all the people rested very early, the next day at more than eight o’clock, before converging together to walk towards the direction of the Savage Mountain, five or six kilometers of the journey, the whole walk for more than two hours, before arriving at the fringe of the Savage Mountain.

“Brother Zhuang, you guys can just rest here, we’ll only do reconnaissance in the morning, we won’t make a move, don’t worry!”

“Well, put on your earphones, when there is a situation that requires support, shout in the earphones.”

Zhuang Rui nodded, this all the way to the place where the mountain pass was, there was no danger, when they reached the vicinity of the mountain pass, they thought that with Peng Fei’s and Li Zhen’s experience, they would definitely be able to see the traces of being walked over there.

And Zhuang Rui can also use aura to follow several people all the time, even if there is a conflict, as long as Peng Fei and others are not hit the vitals, Zhuang Rui believes that with the magical efficacy of his own aura, it is able to save their little lives.

“Alright, into the other side of the forest, don’t discharge your gun if nothing else, pay attention to concealment.”

Seeing Peng Fei and Li Zhen followed behind Zhang Guojun into the jungle, Hu Rong commanded the gang of mine guards, these people usually receive military training, soon entered into another forest, each found a tree and sat down.

Zhuang Rui sat beside Hu Rong, seemingly resting against the tree with his eyes closed, but in fact released the aura in his eyes, and has been in a place that exceeds Peng Fei and the others by four to five hundred meters, stretching towards the mountain pass.

Time quickly passed an hour, while Peng Fei and the others had to explore the terrain along the way, and make marks, the speed of travel was not fast, and there were still two to three kilometers away from the mountain pass.

“Eh? Is this a …… secret outpost?”

Zhuang Rui in front of the aura to explore the road, all of a sudden in a large tree above, found a person, so that Zhuang Rui was surprised, in the tropical jungle those branches and leaves of the tree to hide a person, it is very difficult to be found.

“See” to Peng Fei three people from that tree is still more than three hundred meters away, Zhuang Rui hastily picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, “Peng Fei, hear back.”

“Huh? Brother Zhuang, what is it?”

Peng Fei’s voice came out from the walkie-talkie, his voice was very small, and it seemed that he was also suppressing his voice to say the words.

Along the way, Peng Fei found quite a few traces of someone traveling, the route was exactly pointing towards the direction of the mountain pass, now basically can confirm that there must be someone camping there.

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