Chapter 1000: Catching a turtle in a jar (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:43:18
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“These two assholes, what the hell do they want?”

Peng Fei’s movements didn’t escape Zhuang Rui’s senses, according to the prior arrangement, the two of them should have returned by now, but “looking” at their demeanor, it didn’t seem like they wanted to come back.

“What’s wrong? Zhuang Rui, why does your face look so ugly? There’s no need to worry about those two boys, from what Da Jun said, the two of them are as nimble as monkeys in the jungle.”

Hu Rong saw Zhuang Rui walking around a tree with his brows furrowed, obviously worried about Peng Fei and the two of them, he hurriedly comforted Zhuang Rui with a few words, he knew that Peng Fei was Zhuang Rui’s godbrother, the two of them were extremely close.

Zhuang Rui stopped his steps, looked at Hu Rong, and said, “Brother Hu, no, I have to go over and take a look.”

Peng Fei’s wife, Zhang Qian, was about to go into labor, originally, Zhuang Rui didn’t want Peng Fei to follow, but Peng Fei insisted on coming, in case something happened, Zhuang Rui had no way to explain to Zhang Qian.

Although Peng Fei and Li Zhen are experts in jungle warfare, Zhuang Rui has also seen their hands, but as the saying goes, two fists can’t beat four hands, in case something goes wrong, then Zhuang Rui and others just want to rescue are too late.

With Zhuang Rui’s aura sensing, those drug dealers absolutely can’t get close to him, so Zhuang Rui also has enough confidence to protect himself, at least won’t cause trouble for Peng Fei and Li Zhen.

Moreover, in this place with a radius of more than ten kilometers, except for the mountain pass where there were people entrenched, the rest of the place didn’t have any traces of drug traffickers, which meant that there wouldn’t be any dangers from here all the way to the side of the mountain pass.

“Are you kidding me? It’s not that my old brother is laughing at you, letting you go in a quasi you’ll still get lost, don’t worry about it, wait for the two of them to come out!”

Hu Rong waved his hand, he thought that Zhuang Rui was just on a whim, last time someone led the way and left a signpost but he could still get lost, now several groups of drug dealers are hiding in the savage mountain, they are even more dangerous, going in is like looking for death.

“No, Hu, I brought these two out, I must also bring them back, otherwise I can’t explain to their families.”

After Zhuang Rui finished speaking, he took a fully automatic AK47 submachine gun that was leaning against a tree, looked at Hu Rong, and said, “Brother Hu, don’t have too many people going in, Brother Dajun will follow, and then ten or so more people will do, and the weapons and bullets must be brought in sufficiently.”

Although Zhuang Rui does not know what is called jungle warfare, but also know that more people go in is to be used as a target, Peng Fei and Li Zhen’s life is worth money, the life of these Chinese sons of the mine protection team, the same is also worth money.

“You kid, the magic barrier, right? No, not allowed to go, to go you go by yourself.”

Hu Rong see Zhuang Rui to really, also some annoyed, you a play antique jade appreciation of the literati, to get together this hilarious why ah? Besides, Zhuang Rui’s influence is increasing day by day, in case something happens, Hu Rong simply can’t afford it.

“That’s good, then I’ll go by myself.”

Zhuang Rui’s mind is on the mountain pass side at the moment, he actually didn’t hear Hu Rong’s backtracking, instead he felt that Hu Rong said something reasonable, with his sensing ability, an action would seem to be a bit more convenient.

“I …… I said, you kid think you are a future warrior ah?”

Hu Rong was angry by Zhuang Rui’s words, followed by saying in a bad mood, “You kid don’t let me tie you back ah? Wait here honestly, although the distance there is a bit far, but in case of a fight, you can still hear the gunshots.”

“Come on, I won’t talk to you, Brother Hu, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

As soon as Zhuang Rui copied the gun and carried it on his shoulder, he violently rushed out of the woods and drilled headlong into the jungle of the Savage Mountain, his action was very abrupt, so fast that even Hu Rong didn’t react to it.

Zhuang Rui did not want to be a lone hero, he just wanted to rely on the aura, to be able to give Peng Fei and Li Zhen some support, the words sound with the aura in the eyes of this warning radar in, Zhuang Rui into the jungle after the danger is really not very big.

“Damn, belongs to the rabbit ah? Run so fast?”

Until Zhuang Rui’s figure disappeared behind a big tree, Hu Rong only reacted, quickly jumped up and yelled, “Zhang Guojun, pick thirty …… no, pick fifty people out and follow me into the mountains.”

Seeing Zhuang Rui so impulsive, Hu Rong’s eyes are red, Peng Fei and Li Zhen accident and he has little to do with it, but if Zhuang Rui has a long and short, Hu Rong will only be able to do a landlord in Burma in the future.

The team of two to three hundred people became chaotic because of Zhuang Rui’s action, when Zhang Guojun selected the manpower and prepared the weapons to enter the jungle, five minutes had passed since Zhuang Rui left.

“Bang! Bang Bang!”

Three gunshots broke the silence of Savage Mountain, the birds perched in the woods flew up in pieces, and some animals that were foraging for food looked around alertly.

With the sound of gunshots, the two Kachin soldiers who were lazily leaning against the rock wall and smoking, their heads violently tilted backward, ruthlessly hitting the rock wall and bouncing back.

Only when their bodies fell to the ground, their heads had already disappeared in half, red blood and white brain matter, gushing outwards in unison.

“Enemy attack, enemy attack!”

A panicked shout came out from the valley, and those Kachin soldiers who had just finished smoking opium jumped up from the ground one by one.

These people were also considered to be battle-hardened, and did not panic when they heard the gunshots; instead, they rolled their bodies and crawled towards the mouth of the valley, just in time to see the two sentries with their heads blown open.

“What’s going on?”

Duval moved his fat body to stand as well and hid behind a rock.

Dewa’s face was very calm, these drug lords in the Golden Triangle, for the war as well as assassination can be said to be accustomed to, back in the day when he followed Khun Sa and the Burmese government to fight, even the biggest scenes Dewa had also seen before.

“Duwa, the sentry was killed, one shot to the head, it doesn’t look like the government army did it, but kind of like a professional killer.”

A henchman ran over and reported the situation, his face that had just smoked opium still had excitement that hadn’t faded, even the liquid from the five girls jerking off in his right hand hadn’t been washed away.

“Well, the other side should not have many people, you are all the best warriors of my Kachin tribe, all of you charge out and crush them, I will use their heads to make wine glasses!”

Du Wa’s face showed a ferocious look, he was a veteran who had been through battles for a long time, from the two gunshots and then fell silent, he could tell that the other side must not have many people.

It’s just that Du Wa, the veteran soldier, is really incompetent, or else he wouldn’t have chosen to camp in the mountain pass, a desperate place, and now Du Wa also recognized this, he decided to let his men cover himself to rush out.

When he fought with the Burmese junta in the past, Du Wa had also been dispersed alone, and he believed that as long as he did not die, he would still be able to return to the Golden Triangle with a single call.

As for the death of his men, Du Wa is not very concerned, anyway, in Burma Kachin is a big clan, there are many young and strong men, he has enough dollars in the Swiss bank, at most, to recruit a group of new soldiers.

“Ow! Ow, charge, kill them all!”

To say that Duval really had some ability to instigate, his words excited those who had just smoked opium, and one by one they bent down and rushed towards the entrance of the valley.

“Bang! Bang bang! Bang Bang Bang!”

One by one, golden-colored eggshells jumped out from above the trigger, Peng Fei didn’t use point-blank fire, but instead used a single shot one by one in a roll call.

“Return fire, return fire!”

A man who was supposed to be the leader of Duwa’s men shouted, a series of bullets hit like the place where Peng Fei was stealthily hiding, the bark of the trees were immediately flipped and cracked, suppressing Peng Fei’s shots.

“Bang Bang!”

In the other direction, Li Zhen’s gun also rang out, and both Kachin soldiers were shot in the center of their eyebrows and fell headfirst to the ground.

However, these soldiers had fought against the government troops for years, and their single-armed capability was still very strong, immediately separating three hands, a series of sub-machine gun bullets pressed towards Li Zhen.

“Damn, the firepower is actually this strong.”

Peng Fei hid behind a tree and didn’t dare to move, the bullets made a “whoosh” sound and passed through his side, although he and Li Zhen killed six or seven people, but the tactical evasion of these people was still very experienced, with Peng Fei’s marksmanship, a few shots at the back didn’t hit the other party’s vitals.

And the mouth of the valley was very spacious, behind the rocks of the valley there were people using submachine guns to suppress Peng Fei and Li Zhen, while the other twenty or so people rushed out together, this tactic left Peng Fei and his duo at their wits end.

“Boom! Boom Boom!”

Just as the twenty-odd people who rushed out were about to enter the jungle, several loud explosions rang out, and the bodies of the few people who rushed out at the front were discarded high like pieces of cloth, and after they landed on the ground, their limbs were already scattered in all directions, and they were no longer in human form.

“Minefield, minefield, back up, back up.”

These two explosions caused those Kachin soldiers to suffer heavy losses, in addition to the four or five people in front of them who were blown to pieces, the five or six people following behind them were all bleeding from their seven orifices and planted on the ground.

In Vietnam and Burma, there are countless landmines left over from World War II or the Vietnam War, and every year a large number of people accidentally step on landmines and are killed or maimed, and you can often see people with missing arms and legs in Vietnam and Burma.

These old soldiers are not afraid of bullets, but the most afraid of landmines, because a shot is not good luck at most killed, but if stepped on a landmine without being blown up, then the rest of life will be incomparably miserable.

“Good job!”

Peng Fei sidled his face towards Li Zhen, who was more than twenty meters away, and cocked a thumbs up on his chest, and then immediately flashed his figure out, pulling the trigger repeatedly and knocking down the two soldiers who hadn’t had time to escape into the valley to the ground.

“Shit, a fight?”

Zhuang Rui, who was two or three kilometers away, heard the loud explosion and hurriedly stopped his flying steps, sweeping over Peng Fei and Li Zhen with his aura.

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