Chapter 1001: Total Annihilation

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:43:21
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“Duwa, we can’t rush out, the other side has set up a minefield outside.”

One of the leaders under Duwa, who had received a shot on his shoulder, was currently dripping blood downwards, perhaps the effects of the opium hadn’t passed yet, causing him to still be in a state of euphoria.

“Defense, don’t let them attack in!”

Duwa was also a bit tense at this moment, he realized his previous stupid decision of setting up the camp in this mountain pass was tantamount to giving others a chance to catch a turtle in a jar.

Just now Duwa was right behind the men who were charging outwards, only the power of that bomb made him the first to retreat back, and now he was also deeply helpless.

Fortunately, this valley was easy to defend and difficult to attack, as long as the mouth of the valley was guarded, the other side would also find it difficult to attack in, Du Wa’s face was ugly as he commanded his men to set up the defense.

“Peng Fei, contact Brother Zhuang and the others! If Du Wa doesn’t come out, let’s spend time with him and see who can outlast who?”

Li Zhen carefully sneaked up to Peng Fei’s side while Peng Fei used his sniper rifle to suppress the drug dealers in the valley so that they couldn’t poke their heads out to observe the situation.

“Good, you pay attention to sniping.”

Peng Fei nodded, Duwa’s men were now nearly half dead and no longer capable of making a charge, they could easily seal the entrance of the valley now, but what the two were lacking now, was food.

As long as there were food supplies, Peng Fei and Li Zhen could Du Wa’s men starve to death alive in the valley, of course, they could also choose to charge out and die.

“Brother Zhuang, Brother Zhuang, this is Peng Fei, please reply when you hear me.”

Peng Fei adjusted the frequency of the walkie-talkie and started calling Zhuang Rui, the situation was now under control, even if Zhuang Rui came, as long as he hid his figure, those drug dealers in the valley couldn’t hurt Zhuang Rui a hair.

“Bastard, let you guys only reconnoiter don’t scare the snakes, when I speak is a fart ah?”

Zhuang Rui’s voice came out from inside Peng Fei’s headset, although the two of them didn’t suffer any injuries, the sound of the explosion just now still scared Zhuang Rui, and accelerated his steps to rush to the valley.

“You two be careful, I’ll be at the valley soon.”

After Zhuang Rui finished his words, he turned off the walkie-talkie, the road from the edge of the Savage Mountain to this valley is not difficult to walk, Zhuang Rui ran all the way here, the gunfight until now only happened half an hour’s time, Zhuang Rui has rushed over.

“Grass, you two boys beat the addiction ah?”

More than five minutes later, Zhuang Rui lying in the middle of Peng Fei and Li Zhen two people, the ground thick fallen leaves soft, lying down is very comfortable.

The sniper rifle used by Peng Fei, has now been placed in front of Zhuang Rui, there is an opportunity to beat the dog, especially these inhuman drug dealers, Zhuang Rui naturally also want to get addicted to the gun.

“Brother Zhuang, can you do it? This is killing …… people not killing chickens!”

Li Zhen for Zhuang Rui’s marksmanship expressed very skeptical, especially just now a drug dealer exposed his head, Zhuang Rui that shot the landing point, but hit in the distance from the drug dealer was five or six meters.

“Step aside, I’m telling you, brother is fierce!”

Zhuang Rui just that a gun hit a little outrageous, the face can not help but be a little untenable, the main thing is not to take the gun against the people have played, the heart can not help but be a little nervous.

Opposite the mouth of the valley, from time to time there into a shuttle of bullets shot out, good thing there are Peng Fei and Li Zhen suppression, periphery and the threat of bombs, Duwa and others are not attacked, a time both sides stalemate.

After about another half an hour or so, Zhang Guojun and Hu Rong with dozens of people also rushed over, so that the situation became clear, dozens of people concealed behind the trees, so that the drug traffickers in the valley could hardly even show their heads.

“You two guys are really something! Help me train these boys some other day when you have the time.”

Hu Rong was also surprised that the duo of Peng Fei and Li Zhen had caused such a one-sided situation, although it was mainly because Du Wa was too stupid to choose such a camping spot, but Peng Fei’s and Li Zhen’s ability to fight on their own was still not to be underestimated.

“Hey, Hu, no problem, turn around and give my little brother one of your treasured what’s-his-name tiger whip on the line.”

Trapping Duwa, Peng Fei was in a great mood, now there was no need for him to keep an eye on the mouth of the valley, the manpower brought by Hu Rong was sufficient to deal with the situation at hand.

Encountering such a rare opportunity, Hu Rong was also intent on letting his men see blood, knowing that in a place like Burma, skirmishes are a regular occurrence, this people who have experienced battlefield killings are definitely many times stronger than those who have never seen blood.

“That thing is gone, hey, I say you kid is young to use that thing for what? Let me tell you, don’t look like Hu is over forty, but he has never used that thing.” Hu Rong slanted his eyes and skimmed Peng Fei, his face full of self-satisfaction.

For this aspect of the ability, Hu Rong is still very confident, although adhering to the family training did not marry four or five wives like the Burmese, but Hu Rong in Rangoon and Mandela can be several women.

“Who knows if it’s true or not?”

Peng Fei whispered in his mouth, full of doubtful eyes looked at Hu Rong, put on a look of disbelief, looking at Hu Rong almost stormed out, this man’s greatest fear is that other people say that they can’t do it, especially older men who are a little bit older.

“Alright, Peng Fei, do you want to make a mistake? Zhang Qian is still pregnant with a child, what do you want that for?”

Zhuang Rui interrupted the two men, he had been observing the valley with his aura, but found that Duwa, who couldn’t rush out, seemed to have changed his strategy and was ready to climb up from the rock wall.

Zhuang Rui looked at Zhang Guojun and asked, “Brother Zhang, how is the situation in that valley? Can we climb up? If we can go up, it doesn’t make much sense for us to be stuck here!”

“It’s not too good to climb, the rock walls on the three sides of that valley are relatively steep and are straight up and down, so ordinary people can’t climb up.”

After thinking for a while, Zhang Guojun continued, “But it’s hard to say, if the other party is someone who often moves around in the mountains, they might be able to go up too.”

Zhang Guojun’s guess was right, right now there were two short people inside the valley, carrying a bundle of ropes on their backs and climbing on the rock wall, their movements were not very fast but very steady, if this were in another place, they would be considered as international rock climbing masters.

“Damn, those guys are all monkeys, I guess this rock wall can’t trap them.”

Once Zhang Guojun said this, Peng Fei and Li Zhen got anxious, it was hard to fight this situation and trap the other party in the valley, if the other party escaped again, the two of them would want to die.

“Brother Zhang, you tell the brothers to suppress the fire, Li Zhen and I will rush over.”

Peng Fei unloaded his magazine and reloaded a pressurized one, arching his body up.

“No, that area is too open, besides, the opponent’s angle can dodge the bullets from this side and directly hit the open space, you guys won’t be able to get through.”

Zhang Guojun flatly rejected Peng Fei’s suggestion, the rocks on both sides of the valley entrance could block the bullets from outside, then as long as there were two people hiding in the back, it would be enough to seal off the open space.

“Hey, I say, what are you two boys carrying that thing on your back for?”

Zhuang Rui listened to the conversation between the two, his eyes unconsciously darting to the side, and suddenly saw the rifle grenade laying beside Peng Fei.

“Right! Why didn’t I think of this? Brother Zhang, do you know how to use this?”

Peng Fei followed Zhuang Rui’s gaze and saw the rifle grenade, his eyes lit up, just now, there were only two people, him and Li Zhen, even if they used the rifle grenade, they would not be able to suppress the other party, but the situation was different now.

As long as Zhang Guojun could use the rifle grenade to suppress the drug dealers by the valley entrance, so that Peng Fei and Li Zhen could grab the edge of the valley entrance, then Duwa and the others inside would be exposed to their guns like a living target.

“Good idea, the power of this rifle grenade can blow off a piece of that rock at the mouth of the valley, and the impact alone can shock the people behind them to death.”

When Zhang Guojun heard Peng Fei’s words, he took the grenade launcher over and set it on his shoulder, that being said, that armory was under his management, what kind of stuff in there hadn’t Captain Zhang played with?

“Ready, charge!”

Peng Fei and Li Zhen glanced at each other, at the same time they stood up and rushed towards the mouth of the valley, at the same time, Zhang Guojun half-kneeled on the ground, his right hand index finger pulled the trigger of the rifle grenade, a fire light came after the shot, accurately hitting a place four or five meters above the mouth of the valley.

“Boom!” A loud bang came out, the entire valley seemed to be shaking, the mouth of the valley was blown open with a two meter square deep hole, and debris continuously rolled down from above.

The two drug dealers who originally hid behind the rocks, but at this moment were shaken by the huge impact and bled from all seven holes, lying on the ground and rolling around, simply unable to carry out the occupation of a sentry anymore.

Inside the valley there were also two miserable cries, but the two Kachin who had already climbed more than twenty meters high, were shaken by the explosion just now and fell down from the cliff.

This more than twenty meters high is equivalent to a seven or eight story building, along with the miserable calls from the air, the two bodies that fell on the grass in the valley slightly convulsed, a streak of blood flowed out from underneath their bodies, and slowly dripped into the stream.

Dewar was so dumbfounded at the moment that he didn’t even realize what was happening, and the dozen or so people around him were so stunned by the explosion that for a moment they forgot to even pick up the guns at their sides.

From the woods to the mouth of the valley, is only a short distance of twenty to thirty meters, Peng Fei and Li Zhen’s figure is like an arrow out of the string, a few strides to the mouth of the valley, do not care about the head is still falling debris, the two brothers at the same time turn over the right hand, the two iron groundhogs in the heart of the palm.

“Boom! Boom Boom!”

Four grenades were thrown in a parabola in the valley, deafening explosions followed, the valley of dirt, grass mixed with blood and limbs flying around, like hell on earth.

“Da da …… da da da!”

Did not wait for the smoke in the valley to dissipate, Peng Fei and Li Zhen hands of sub-machine guns at the same time sprayed out tongues of fire, they are not government troops, there is no need for a living mouth.

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