Chapter 1005 – Jade Storehouse

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:43:31
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“Brother Hu, you are the head of the ground, that is, if this gold mine is not shared with me, there is nothing I can do about it!”

Zhuang Rui deliberately made a bitter face, he believed that with Hu Rong’s old-fashioned way of dealing with the world, even if the two of them were still related, he would definitely make this matter to his satisfaction.

“Brat, a yard to a yard, this mine pre-investment mining, including late refining sale, all the capital equipment are responsible for by me, as for the profit Well …… you six I four, how?”

Hu Rong thought for a while, gave a distribution program, which is also the biggest concession he can do.

Because for one thing, the amount of gold reserves is still not clear, for another, mining gold here, need a lot of manpower, and refining plant investment is not a small amount, if the amount of gold reserves is small, maybe Hu Rong will also lose money!

“Success, just according to this ratio, I’m relieved that you’re doing your job, Hu.”

Zhuang Rui is of course very satisfied, he merely discovered this gold mine, what money do not have to pay, what things do not have to do, can sit on 60% of the share, can not be satisfied?

Zhuang Rui also once thought, since the person is not everywhere around to see how much more underground may not have been mined rare minerals? You know, these days the really rich, are playing with resources.

Don’t look at the world’s richest people are mostly in the financial sector, but their wealth is basically embodied in the stock market, in case of a few Black Friday, assets will immediately shrink.

And those mining resource tycoons, although not on any wealth list, but the energy of these people, far more than those rankings of the rich mostly, to exaggerate some, these people’s moves, and even can affect the decision-making of a number of superpowers.

However, Zhuang Rui’s head of this year is also a flash, they want to really do that, I guess the happy days are over, I’m afraid that is to want to leave the country are to be heavy departmental approvals.

Previously attacked the emerald mine people, should be Duval’s men, now Duval organization was eradicated, the mine’s guard force can also draw out, Hu Rong transferred more than two hundred people with a variety of supplies, to Zhang Guojun and other people sent over.

After arranging these things, Hu Rong returned to Pachang with Zhuang Rui and other people, because Dewar had been solved, this time when he went back, he didn’t take the armored car again, but rode on Hu Rong’s SUV, and arrived at the Chinese city in a few hours’ work.

After arriving at the Chinese city, Hu Rong let his second brother take Zhuang Rui to the jadeite storehouse to select the raw stone, he is a smoke run away, he is busy preparing the instrument to survey the gold mine.

“Jun, this …… raw stone here, can be more than just in that new mine alone, right?”

Zhuang Rui under the leadership of Hu Jun, after a few posts, before coming to an appearance seems to be very ordinary in front of the house, just open the door, inside the space is very large, a full three to four hundred square meters, full of various shapes of emerald raw stone.

There is a big difference between the raw stones of the new mine and the old pit kind, Zhuang Rui just entered the storehouse and felt that something is not right, because from the skin of many of the raw stones, it can be seen that these are the old pit kind of material.

“Brother Zhuang, all the jadeite raw stones in this storehouse are accumulated by three generations of our Hu family, and many of the raw stones in there are old pit kind materials that have already been dug up, and big brother said that as long as you fancy it, all of it will be sent to you later.”

Hu Jun thirty-five-six years old, look at the appearance alone, Hu Jun’s face is very simple, but is the main person in charge of the Hu family town of Chinese city, Hu family in all aspects of the local things are handled by him, in the Pachang’s reputation and even bigger than Hu Rong.

However, Hu Jun today is also very puzzled, he does not know why Hu Rong just home, let him lead Zhuang Rui to select the original stone, and also specifically explained to open the first library by Zhuang Rui to choose.

To know, here is the Hu family several generations accumulated down the very best raw stone, casually take out a piece will be scrambled by the crowd, this is also the Hu family’s heritage and foothold in the foundation.

On this treasury in the jade, not all Hu’s own mine in the production, many of which are the fire fight from the hands of others, can be said to be a block have origin.

If Zhuang Rui not to pick up, Hu Jun do not know how to explain to the old people in the family, just Hu Rong as the head of the family, have the right, so now Hu Jun heart is very entangled.

Hu Jun saw Zhuang Rui walked into the first library, can no longer hold back, opened his mouth and said, “I say, Zhuang brother, in fact, that new jadeite mine of raw stone, are in the second library.”

“Oh? Then Brother Jun just said.”

Zhuang Rui pretended to be confused, just now, but brother you said to pick at random, it’s hard not to change your mind right away?

“Uh, all right, big brother ordered, Zhuang brother, you casually pick, casually pick, right …… I still have something, Xiaowu, help you Zhuang brother to watch a little, I go and come.”

Hu Jun laughed dryly, but it is not good to say anything in front of Zhuang Rui, reached out and greeted the Hu family children who looked at the storehouse, and gave Zhuang Rui an apology after turning around and hurriedly went to find Hu Rong.

Zhuang Rui smiled and did not think, he can guess a few points Hu Jun’s mood, and even Hu Rong let him into the storehouse to pick wool, Zhuang Rui also know that the Hu family this is in order to pay back the eight hundred million U.S. dollars in favor.

Took out his cell phone and looked at the time, it was already more than five o’clock in the afternoon, immediately arrived at the point of eating, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but smile, it seems that Hu Rong also left a hand, and didn’t give himself to pick wool in this storehouse, leaving too much time.

“Brother Zhuang, this is a cell phone you’re holding, right?”

Xiao Wu who followed behind Zhuang Rui looked at the phone in Zhuang Rui’s hand with envy, there are also cell phones in this side of Pagang, but the general public can’t afford to use them, and many people haven’t even seen them.

As far as Chinese city is concerned, except for Hu Rong and some departmental heads who are equipped with it, even the direct descendants of families don’t have it.

Xiao Wu is also in his early twenties, he is especially yearning for these new things, especially this cell phone, which is usually only held by big shots, looking at the brick-block-like walkie-talkie in his hand, and then looking at the compact cell phone in Zhuang Rui’s hand, his envy is overflowing.

“Yeah! Don’t you have one on this side of Myanmar?”

Zhuang Rui casually replied, and only after he finished did he remember that he really seemed to rarely see anyone using a cell phone in Myanmar.

Xiao Wu shook his head and said, “No, only Big Brother and a few of them on our side have them, Big Brother Zhuang, is this thing expensive?”

Myanmar is mountainous, to set up wireless mobile equipment is a big investment, the government does not have the money, and the rich equipment side has to be concerned about the problem of cost recovery, so cell phones are not popular in Myanmar.

This is somewhat similar to China in the early nineties, people with cell phones walking on the road will make people enviously stop and watch.

“It’s not expensive, Little Five, this is for you to play with!”

Listening to the words of Xiaowu, Zhuang Rui remembered that he went to college that will, to see the appearance of Wei when holding a cell phone, a moment of a little touching, shut down the phone out of their own card after the cell phone will be handed over to Xiaowu.

“No …… no, Brother Zhuang, I don’t dare to take it, this thing is old expensive.”

Xiao Wu was startled by Zhuang Rui’s action, although his heart was eager, but he didn’t dare to pick up Zhuang Rui’s things indiscriminately, the Hu family’s family rules were still very strict.

“What’s expensive! Take it if it’s given to you, if Hu Rong asks, just say it’s from me.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and shoved the cell phone into Xiao Wu’s hands, this thing now in China, is to buy food to pick up rags are manually a, really can be called a “cell phone”.

Seeing Xiao Wu holding the cell phone, wanting to give it back but unable to do so, Zhuang Rui said with a smile, “It’s okay, maybe after a while, all the people in the Chinese city will be able to afford a cell phone.”

“Really? Brother Zhuang, everyone can afford it?”

Xiao Wu had an unbelievable look on his face, Chinese City has tens of thousands of people, excluding the elderly and children there are still tens of thousands of people, if all of them were to get a cell phone, how much would it cost?

“Well, everyone can use it, you’ll know after a while, okay, this one is on, there are games inside, you play it! I’ll give you the charger later.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the storehouse full of old pit seed material, and didn’t have the heart to bullshit with Xiao Wu, after teaching him to turn on the computer, he turned around and walked inside the storehouse.

“Damn, really rich and generous ah!”

Looking at this warehouse full of old pit species raw stone, Zhuang Rui a little into the treasure mountain feeling.

To know, now the old pit kind of material is extremely rare, often people have a piece can be used as heirlooms hidden under the bed (true story, Yangzhou has a comrade in arms has a piece of more than seventy kilograms of material, hidden under the bed for seven or eight years), but in front of the eyes of the Zhuang Rui, but there are thousands of pieces of more.

“Old Hu’s family still has a good eye ah! All of these materials can be considered fine.”

There were thousands of raw stones in the entire storehouse, and Zhuang Rui was impatient to inspect them one by one, directly releasing his aura to sense them.

Most of these raw stones are all gambling material, very few open window, but the vast majority of them contain jadeite, and the grade is good, generally up to the ice seed.

There are even two pieces of glass seed material, color green slightly second a little bit, almost can be comparable to the emperor green, which also let Zhuang Rui eye-opening, jadeite family is definitely not a false name.

Zhuang Rui also did not polite, took the chalk marked out more than a hundred pieces of ice and glass seed material, these raw stones again worth, but also can not be worth eight hundred million so much, Zhuang Rui pick up completely no psychological burden.

However, Zhuang Rui still give the Hu family left a bit of family, or Hu Rong later to solve up the family inventory of raw stone, the whole out of all the bean green seed material, not to this brother angry fainted not.

“Brother Zhuang, you have not started to pick it? Xiaowu, go …… to turn on the headlights, let your brother Zhuang properly pick some good material.”

After Zhuang Rui made a good mark on the raw stones he needed, he just walked back to the entrance of the storehouse and met Hu Jun with a spring in his step.

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