Chapter 1009 – The Awa Maru (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:43:41
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“The deputy …… vice minister of the Ministry of Transportation?”

Zhuang Rui heard immediately dumbfounded, although he can feel that these people are leaders, but that old Yu began the performance, so that Zhuang Rui not much to see into the eyes, but did not expect Ouyang Lei this introduction, is actually a deputy minister-level cadres.

To know, although many domestic departments, but the Ministry of Transportation is definitely the real power department, the Ministry of Transportation, if the deputy minister to the local up, it is likely to be a party member of the big officials.

However, Zhuang Rui is a little puzzled, although Ouyang Lei in the military level is very high, but the lieutenant general relative to a national department of the vice minister, is also higher than a level, and the two sides are not a system, this Yu Minister does not need to Ouyang Lei show such a compliment, right?

“Minister Yu, hello.”

After the shock, Zhuang Rui hastily stretched out his hand, on the age on the level, the other side are higher than self a few streets, of course, to show a little bit of politeness.

Zhuang Rui although the heart a little despise each other, but he also mixed in society for several years, but will not show on the surface, these days often a look can offend people, especially these officialdom old oil, the most skillful is to detect words and colors.

“You are Xiao Zhuang, right? I didn’t expect you to be so young, Chief Ouyang, this is really a general’s son!”

When shaking hands with Zhuang Rui, Vice Minister Yu only stretched out a hand, but the smile on his face was very breathtaking, and he didn’t forget to hold up Ouyang Lei when he was talking to Zhuang Rui.

“Xiao Zhuang, you’ve done us a great favor some time ago! Giving our country’s deep sea salvage cause a proper name, on behalf of the Ministry of Transportation, I would like to express my gratitude to you!”

Although Vice Minister Yu’s words did not lack an official flavor, but with his status, to be able to say these words to Zhuang Rui, it was definitely on the face of Ouyang Lei – or rather the Ouyang family.

Vice Minister Yu’s respect for Ouyang Lei was naturally unrelated to the old master of Yuquan Mountain and the current core layer of that Standing Committee, but it wasn’t all that.

Anyone can see, with Ouyang Lei’s age, in the future into the Standing Committee of the Military Commission that is the nail in the coffin of the thing, that is, when the first Vice Chairman of the Military Commission is not impossible, if that is the case, Ouyang Lei can be called a national leader.

It was because of this that Vice Minister Yu put his posture so low, in front of the Ouyang family representative who was so strong in both the military and government, this was also a very normal move.

“I don’t dare to, this is what I should do.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t know why, his mouth spat out a very clichéd sentence, and he felt awkward straight after saying it.

“Well, young people are not arrogant, no wonder they have achieved so much, by the way, your last salvage out of the Song Dynasty shipwrecks, for some aspects of our country’s deep-sea salvage is also an inspiration, some of the related costs, you can apply for reimbursement.”

Yu vice minister this is naked in to Zhuang Rui show good, what enlightenment and so on words, that are bullshit, this is mainly to Zhuang Rui agreed to salvage party plus the name of the Ministry of Transportation only.

“Minister Yu, good intentions are appreciated, but the cost is even.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head and politely refused Yu Vice Minister’s goodwill, he knew that even if the Ministry of Transportation reimbursed himself for some expenses, at most it would only be a million or a hundred thousand dollars, and compared to his own input, it was just a drop in the bucket.

And Zhuang Rui knows that the government department is extremely procrastinating, even if there is a leader to urge, this money also do not know when to lead out of the financial department, he is not bad this money, do not want to find this trouble.

“Eh? Or Xiao Zhuang style is high.”

Yu vice minister was Zhuang Rui said a stunned, he originally wanted to use this as a pretext, then go to say the following things, did not think that Zhuang Rui simply do not want this money, but let Yu vice minister the following words can not be said.

“Brother Lei, what exactly is the matter of calling me here? You say it straight.”

Zhuang Rui will feel a little impatient, this officialdom do things can not be open to the point ah? Have to be cloudy and confused people around the dizzy before pulling to the main topic, is not so do not show the level of leadership?

“Minister Yu, it’s better for you to say it, although the military will also be involved this time, but it’s still mainly led by your Ministry of Transportation.”

Ouyang Lei shook his head, not answering Zhuang Rui’s words, if such a thing were to be said by him, it wouldn’t be very consistent with his status, if it weren’t for the fact that this matter involved Zhuang Rui, Ouyang Lei wouldn’t have stepped in at all.

“Ahem, Xiao Zhuang, it’s like this.”

Vice Minister Yu’s face turned a little red, coughed and then said, “Xiao Zhuang you also know that for thousands of years, the sea does not know how many merchant ships have sunk, recently the Ministry of Transportation intends to clean up the sea related to Fujian, and would like to ask for your help.”

Yu vice minister this is half-true, Zhuang Rui this salvage out of the Song Dynasty shipwrecks, although signed on the name of the Ministry of Transportation, but discerning people know that this is the Ministry of Transportation hard to post, salvage nothing at all them, in this way, the leadership of the Ministry of Transportation pressure is relatively large.

So the ministry after a meeting and consultation, decided to salvage a great influence of historical shipwrecks, just technology is not very sure, which is looking for Zhuang Rui.

“Vice Minister Yu, please be straightforward if you have something to say, the kid who can help must be obliged to do so.”

Zhuang Rui slightly imperceptible skimmed his mouth, mouth said beautiful words, but in the heart is very unimpressed, when buddies are three-year-old children? Cleaning up the Fujian waters, do you need to involve both the military and the archaeology department?

“Well, it’s like this, Xiao Zhuang, have you heard of the name Awa Maru ship?”

Vice Minister Yu was a little embarrassed by Zhuang Rui’s words, and didn’t beat around the bush, directly stating the main purpose of his visit.

“Awa Maru ship? Minister Yu, are you talking about the Japanese ocean-going tanker that sank in the China Sea in 1945?”

Just before Zhuang Rui could reply, Professor Meng, who was sitting on the side, suddenly stood up and asked Vice Minister Yu a follow-up question.

Vice Minister Yu nodded and said, “Yes, it’s that shipwreck, we want to salvage it this time, the historical significance of this shipwreck is relatively significant, that’s why we want to invite Xiao Zhuang.”

“Wait, Minister Yu, as far as I know, this shipwreck has already been salvaged, why do we need to salvage it again?”

Professor Meng somewhat rudely interrupted Vice Minister Yu, and said immediately after, “It’s been almost thirty years, I personally participated in the salvage of the Awa Maru back then, and it’s still fresh in my mind!”

“Ahem, Professor Meng, since you participated in that salvage, you should know that at that time, due to technical and weather reasons, only part of the hull was salvaged, while many controversial things that were not salvaged from the bottom of the sea.”

Vice Minister Yu’s words were somewhat ambiguous and did not specify what exactly was not salvaged, but Zhuang Rui understood.

Although Zhuang Rui archaeology major is not modern archaeology, but for Japan’s Awa Maru, as long as a little understanding of history, are heard of, Zhuang Rui is also well known.

Awa Maru is a Japanese ocean-going tanker built in the 1940s, the ship was launched on March 5, 1943, nominally a merchant ship, but in accordance with the military performance and requirements to build, whether in terms of size, nature, performance, are the true meaning of military vessels.

At that time, four merchant ships of the same type as the Awa Maru were converted into light carriers, but it belonged to the Nippon Yusen Company, and it made six round trips to the Japan-Singapore route to carry supplies for the army.

During this period, Awa Maru was attacked by bomb blasts and American torpedoes, but still accomplished its mission, and thus was hailed by the Japanese military as an “unsinkable ship”.

During this period, in order to improve the situation of prisoners of war, in 1944, the United States and Japan reached an agreement to provide humanitarian assistance to the personnel in the Japanese-occupied territories.

The Japanese and Americans converted the Awa Maru into a transport ship to carry relief supplies. In order to be sure, it was agreed that the Awa Maru would be identified by removing the anti-aircraft and bow guns from the bow of the ship, evacuating the soldiers, and painting a green cross on the hull.

In the 1945s, the Awa Maru was the ace transport ship for the depleted Japanese naval forces, and the Japanese government was not willing to use it only to carry relief supplies, which sowed the seeds of the Awa Maru disaster.

In February 1945, the Awa Maru sailed from the Japanese port of Moji to Singapore and other Japanese-controlled areas, and made a journey of death.

At this time, Japan’s maritime fleet, almost completely without combat power, “Awa Maru” became the only Japanese ship on the Pacific Ocean can travel safely, but also Japan in the Pacific Ocean for the transportation of supplies, personnel only hope.

At this time, Singapore, Jakarta and other Japanese-controlled areas have been in all directions, so Japan in Southeast Asia, high-ranking officials and generals, wealthy businessmen and their families scrambled to board the ship, and finally the original design of this ship to load 236 passengers on the cargo ship was crowded with 2009 people!

“Once the Awa Maru arrived in Southeast Asia, it was kept under strict secrecy. Only at nightfall, under the surveillance of the Japanese military police, the mysterious cargo to the cabin, March 28, “Awa Maru” left Singapore, embarked on the voyage home.

However, late at night on April 1, the Awa Maru was torpedoed by the U.S. submarine Queenfish while passing through the waters of Fujian, China, and sank three minutes later.

With the exception of one survivor, 2008 people sank to the bottom of the ocean, including war criminals who had committed many crimes, high-level professionals and technicians, as well as elderly people, women and infants. The Pacific Ocean was the scene of the greatest maritime disaster in history!

More than half a century later, the survivors of the disaster have passed away, and there are many questions about the Awa Maru, but of course, the one that catches people’s attention the most is the huge fortune that was widely rumored to be on board.

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