Chapter 1012 – Peking Man Skull (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:43:48
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After Professor Meng listened to Zhuang Rui’s knowledge about the Peking Man Skull, he suddenly stood up and greeted Zhuang Rui, “Xiao Zhuang, you come with me.”

“Teacher, what are you doing?”

Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but froze for a moment when he saw Professor Meng open his lounge room in the institute, since Professor Meng often didn’t have a day or night when he did his research, he specially packed up a room and sometimes stayed in the institute.

It’s just that this room, he never let Zhuang Rui and the others in, it’s Dr. Ren, who has been following him for the longest time, doesn’t have this honor, so Zhuang Rui’s heart was quite a bit odd when he saw Professor Meng letting him into this room.

Professor Meng’s room is not large, in addition to a bed, surrounded by all the bookcases, which is full of all kinds of historical documents, Zhuang Rui with the aura slightly measured, actually found that there are a lot of books with the aura, it can be called ancient scrolls of good books.

After entering the house, Professor Meng opened a bookcase of the lower level, from which held out a thick stack of information, Zhuang Rui can see clearly, those papers have been slightly yellowed.

Prof. Meng put the information in front of Zhuang Rui and said, “Zhuang Rui, all these information are collected by me for decades, you can take a good look at it, and it may be a little bit helpful for whether or not we can find the Peking Man skull this time.”

Zhuang Rui took a look at the room, there really wasn’t even a place to sit, he couldn’t sit on Prof. Meng’s bed and read it, could he? At that moment, he opened his mouth and said, “Professor Meng, why don’t …… we go out and look at it?”

“OK, turn around, you finish reading, these materials I have to take back.”

Prof. Meng is very precious Zhuang Rui’s hands of the stack of information, some of this information is his own collection, while some are those old scientists who personally excavated the Peking Man skull left to him.

Zhuang Rui promised, holding the information out of the room, came to the living room and sat down, opened a literature bag, took out the information inside and carefully read it.

Time flew by in Zhuang Rui’s reading, and Zhuang Rui was also attracted by the true account of that section of history from decades ago, by the time he finished reading all of this information, the sky was already dark.

“Shit, it’s more than nine o’clock.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the table, it was actually already more than nine o’clock in the evening, he actually sat here for five or six hours to read, stretching his muscles and bones, his body felt a little sore.

Taking out his cell phone to take a look, Zhuang Rui found that there are seven or eight missed calls on it, all of which are from home, due to the fact that he was talking about things in the afternoon, Zhuang Rui turned his cell phone to mute.

“Uh, teacher, you haven’t left yet?”

Zhuang Rui put down the information in his hands and just stood up when he saw Prof. Meng walk in from outside, carrying a lunchbox in his hand.

Prof. Meng placed the lunch box in his hand on the table in front of Zhuang Rui and said with a smile, “I know you have to look at it for a long time, I went back home and made some food, but old man I like to eat light, I don’t know if it’s right for your appetite.”

For this closed disciple of his, Prof. Meng was satisfied from the bottom of his heart, although Zhuang Rui was young, he was renowned in different fields of the antique house and the jade world, and had not lost his archaeology related knowledge.

A couple of years ago, the discovery of the sword, including this year’s tomb of Liu Xiu, and some time ago, the Song Dynasty ancient shipwrecks, these discoveries are not to make the world of scientific research community vibration, Zhuang Rui that the identity of the researcher, but also because of this gained.

As an old scientific research staff, and an educator, Prof. Meng’s heart is only joy, especially when he saw Zhuang Rui sleeplessly in the study of information, it is like seeing his former self, which is why he personally went home to Zhuang Rui to do the meal.

“Teacher, thank you.”

After opening the lunch box and looking at the still hot meal, Zhuang Rui’s heart was touched, at this moment, Professor Meng only became the teacher who was really recognized by Zhuang Rui after Uncle De and Gu Tianfeng.

Prof. Meng waved his hand and said with a smile on his face, “Eat quickly! It will get cold if you leave it for a while.”

After Zhuang Rui wolfed down his meal, Professor Meng pulled a notebook out of the information and said, “You’ve read what’s in here, haven’t you?”

Zhuang Rui raised his head and glanced at the notebook that was supposed to be popular in the fifties and sixties, nodded, and said, “Read it, this is supposed to be left behind by Prof. Fei Wenwen, and it’s written in great detail about how the Japanese had once forced him to tell the whereabouts of the Peking Man’s skull.”

As the first to discover the Peking Man skull, Professor Fei Wenwen was captured by the Japanese on the day of the fall of Beijing and held for more than forty days, but it was when Japan declared war on the United States that he was inexplicably released again.

From the Japanese captured the escort Peking skull fossil of the United States Marine Corps time to project, all signs indicate that the Peking skull and many gold and silver paintings and cultural relics, must have fallen in the hands of the Japanese at that time, but after the war, the Japanese extremely denied that they got the Peking skull.

In this way, the Peking Man skull has become the largest missing cultural relics of the last century, although from the early liberation of several generations of scientists have not given up looking for, but have not seen the trail.

However, Zhuang Rui from another information, that is, the last century seventy Awa Maru ship part of the hull was salvaged from the water after the relevant information, for the Peking Man skull thing, seems to have a turnaround.

At that time, salvage personnel from the broken hull, found the pseudo-Manchukuo dignitary Zheng Yu’s family collection of small official seal and round ink stone, and thus deduced that the ship confirms the carrying of a large number of northern China’s treasures of the conjecture, but also become the “Awa Maru” may be loaded with “Peking Man skull” a strong It is also a strong circumstantial evidence that “Awa Maru” may have carried “Peking Man skull”.

There are many related information about the fossilized skull of Peking Man, it is difficult to distinguish the truth, and there is even a news that the U.S. President Richard Nixon, when he visited China, had sent the fossil whereabouts of the U.S. side as a top-secret gift to the Chinese government, saying that the fossil may be in the Japanese shipwrecked ship “Awanamaru” on the ship.

According to all the signs of deduction, the possibility of the Peking Man skull on the Awa Maru is very big, just because the seventies that will be diving technology has limitations, and can not effectively clean up the seabed silt, all the items will be salvaged, as for the whereabouts of the Peking Man skull, or can not be confirmed.

“Zhuang Rui, do you think the possibility that the fossilized Peking Man skull is on the Awa Maru, is it big?”

Prof. Meng knew that this disciple of his was different from others, and many of his insights were often proven to be right, so at this moment, Prof. Meng was asking Zhuang Rui in a solicitous tone.

“The possibilities are great, but there is one thing that is hard to explain, and that is the time when the fossilized skull disappeared was in 1941, and the time when the Awa Maru shipwrecked was in 1945, there was a difference of four years, in these four years, why wasn’t the skull transported to Japan?”

After reading so much information, Zhuang Rui is the most difficult to understand this point, according to theory, like this priceless treasure, the Japanese will certainly be sent back to Japan immediately after obtaining, rather than wait for four years later, only to send it to the “Awa Maru” ship.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s question, Prof. Meng nodded and said: “I have examined this question for a long time, and there are two explanations. The first explanation is that this batch of fossils, is the Japanese from the hands of the Americans, and at that time the U.S. government and Japan for the fossil incident, Japan in order to deny getting the fossils, so secretly transported it to the northeast, that is, at that time, the Manchukuo for hiding. The second explanation is that the Japanese did not recognize the fossilized Peking Man skull at that time, because in that time of war, the bones of the dead were very common, and even if these bones were put in a box, they might not be able to attract the attention of the Japanese. If it is the second explanation, then the Japanese sent these boxes with fossils, together with those gold, silver, calligraphy and painting artifacts, to the Northeast, and moved them on board the Awa Maru only when they were evacuated four years later.”

In order to understand the mystery of the opening Beijing human skull fossil, the country has done a lot of work, and even according to a Japanese veteran’s dictation, secretly Beijing Ritan Park are dug up, and subsequently in a number of skull fossils are likely to appear in the place of the exhaustion, but there has never been any gain.

From Fei Wen’s generation of scientists, after three generations, have not been able to discover the whereabouts of the Peking Man skull fossil, which also makes many older scientists die in peace.

Professor Meng from the seventies to participate in the salvage work of the Awa Maru, has been secretly searching for the Pekingese skull fossil related information, after a variety of analyses, Professor Meng recognized the skull in all likelihood, is in the “Awa Maru” ship.

Just out of the late seventies of that prison, Professor Meng for the “Awa Maru” salvage incident has been a bit grudging, otherwise to his reputation in the industry, I am afraid that he would have initiated the “Awa Maru” of the second salvage.

But today after this incident, caused Professor Meng’s recollection, which took out his years of verification of the information to Zhuang Rui, as a Chinese scientific research scholars, Professor Meng certainly hope that the Peking Man skull fossil reappeared in the world.

“Teacher, I’ll take this job, as long as that ship really contains the fossilized Peking Man skull, I will definitely be able to find it out!”

After reading those literature, Zhuang Rui can deeply feel the old generation of scientists of that kind of urgent and helpless mood, which makes Zhuang Rui feel deeply, a moment of heart surge, open mouth said big words.

“You kid, don’t talk big words first, if that object in case it rolls down from the box into the sea, how to find it?”

Professor Meng looked at the confident Zhuang Rui and couldn’t help but laugh, in fact, his hopes of being able to find the fossilized skull of Peking Man were not very high.

“Hehe, teacher, I’ve always been very lucky, and that timbered sword, isn’t it also a legendary object?”

Zhuang Rui smiled heatedly, the words turned, then said: “But …… teacher, this skull fossil if really find out, but to stay in my museum ah!”

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