Chapter 1015 – Negotiation (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:43:57
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Zhuang Rui’s move made everyone present dumbfounded, without Zhuang Rui’s large tonnage salvage ship, this meeting of theirs was useless even if they opened a flower, ah? Can’t let these leaders put on diving suits and go down to the sea to salvage, right?

And Zhuang Rui’s attitude is very resolute, a word turn face to say goodbye and leave, engage in these several leaders face is not pull down, want to find a step down are not.

“Xiao Zhuang, wait a moment ……”

Just as Zhuang Rui pulled open the door of the conference room, Prof. Meng couldn’t sit still, stood up and called out to Zhuang Rui.

Prof. Meng is a pure scholar, he doesn’t want to be involved in those things that are fighting with each other, but he really wants to let the treasure in the “Awa Maru” ship see the light of day again.

More importantly, Prof. Meng wanted to determine in the wreckage of the “Awa Maru”, in the end there is no “Peking Man skull” fossil existence, if there is, he also wanted to take this opportunity to comfort the spirit of those scientific research predecessors.

“Teacher, I really have arrangements, that day in the Institute said, this can not be rushed to the shelf, right?”

Zhuang Rui stopped his steps, looked at Professor Meng and smiled bitterly, no matter whether there is a fossilized skull inside that Apo Maru ship or not, Zhuang Rui did not want to trip this muddy water.

The ocean is boundless, for thousands of years, I do not know how many carrying the rich jewelry sunken ships, Beijing human skull fossil is certainly precious, but Zhuang Rui is not no choice, the sea waiting for him to go fishing treasure more to go.

How could Prof. Meng not know his disciple’s mind? At that moment, he opened his mouth and said, “Xiao Zhuang, this salvage, for our country’s science and culture and unraveling the truth of the history of that year, all have extremely important roles, and it’s also good for you!”

“Beneficial to me?”

Zhuang Rui raised an eyebrow at the words and said, “Teacher, even if the wreckage of the Awa Maru is salvaged, this political achievement goes to the leaders present, and the property is naturally the country’s, what does it have to do with me?”

Zhuang Rui’s words, let those three vice ministers who have long been cultivating their faces to be impervious to swords and spears, also felt their faces slightly burning, since the previous talk was about cooperation, then it must be mutually beneficial, can’t be cheap to take advantage of themselves and let others suffer for nothing, right?

“Xiao Zhuang, what requirements can be put forward, this meeting is to eliminate differences, win unity, and strive to salvage the wreckage as soon as possible!”

Prof. Meng and Zhuang Rui’s conversation, gave Yu Vice Minister a step, Yu Vice Minister of course followed the steps down, let a little benefit let a little good, anyway, and do not need to pull out a dime from his pocket, are not all the country’s?

“Yes! Xiao Zhuang, come back and sit down, there is no hurry this moment, listen to the leaders’ arrangement!”

Professor Meng could see that Zhuang Rui really didn’t want to get involved in this matter, so he couldn’t help but get up himself and pull Zhuang Rui back.

“That’s right? I heard that you, Xiao Zhuang, are also a permanent director of the Jade Association, which counts as someone in the system!”

Vice Minister Yu’s words made Zhuang Rui laugh and cry, it’s true that the older a person is, the thicker his face is, buddy that permanent director and you bureaucrats can’t even hit a piece, how can he be counted as a person in the system?

“Well, small Zhuang, say, say your opinion, what is the problem, we discuss the solution.”

Yu vice minister to see Zhuang Rui face is not good, hastily pulled the topic to the wreck salvage, in fact, he will be very upset in his heart, even if you kid background is deep, in the seat of the several that is not a pinch of mud, how can also be called the Republic of senior officials, right? How much also want to give some face ah!

But some time ago, the Ministry has been salvaging the wreckage of the Awa Maru report, submitted to the State Council, and also approved, so the salvage must be carried out, or else the three ministers of the Lord, has long been whisked away, where will still and Zhuang Rui nagging?

“Alas, I also want to support the country’s salvage operations, but I’ve been planning the Pacific Ocean salvage project for the past few months, has cost hundreds of millions of yuan, if it stops, the loss is huge ah!”

Zhuang Rui hadn’t been mixed up for nothing all these years, he never mentioned what conditions he had, he only emphasized the difficulties one after another, and the hundreds of millions that he had just said had now immediately turned into hundreds of millions.

“Shit, this kid dares to come to knock on the door ah?”

Zhuang Rui’s words let the three deputy minister adults face to face, listen to Zhuang Rui words mean, let him participate in salvage is fine, but he lost money …… organization will have to give a statement.

And a few ministers really can not figure out, this has not even started salvage, Zhuang Rui how to spend a few hundred million ah? Even if the drilling platform and floating crane cantilever are counted, that is not as exaggerated as Zhuang Rui said ah!

Of course, with the status and measure of several ministers, naturally will not argue with Zhuang Rui, this matter is simply Zhuang Rui find an excuse, the root cause is that they do not want to participate in their organization of the “Awa Maru” salvage operations.

“Yes, this salvage work is a very arduous and huge project, but I still hope that Xiao Zhuang can put the country first and carry out the salvage operation of the Awa Maru first.”

Vice Minister Yu nodded his head repeatedly, echoing Zhuang Rui’s words, this was also a groundbreaking thing, a hairy guy actually made a whole group of old men get down.

“This ……”

Zhuang Rui frowned and did not speak, want to let the horse run …… no problem, but always have to give the horse to eat grass, right? Buddies have money is not false, but that is not a gale out, why should I give you rob political achievements to pave the way ah?

Zhuang Rui even agreed to participate in the salvage, his eyes are also staring at the batch of “Peking man skull fossil”, but whether there is this object inside, now or two, the possibility of white dry is also very great, so Zhuang Rui on the agreement more than eye.

So many people on the scene, only Professor Meng knows Zhuang Rui’s mind, then opened his mouth and said: “Xiao Zhuang, you do not have a museum? Let’s do it this way …… I suggest that if the relevant artifacts are salvaged from the shipwreck, they will be handed over to Xiao Zhuang’s museum for preservation, what do you think?”

“Professor Meng, but this museum of Xiao Zhuang, he is private in nature! In case a national level protected artifact is found in the water, it’s a bit inappropriate, right?”

One of the paleoanthropology experts present immediately put forward a different opinion, “Awa Maru” is the last hope for the Beijing human skull fossil, if it is really salvaged, it can never be returned to private ownership.

“Yes! All items salvaged in China’s inland waters are owned by the state, this is not a good example to break!”

Vice Minister Yu also frowned at the words, although he had no eyes for those antiques and whatnot, but this was a matter of principle, if it was really handed over to Zhuang Rui to deal with, it was inevitable that there would not be people who would say small talk to settle the scores afterward, and then, I’m afraid that all the good things could turn into bad things.

“Uh, leaders, experts, the objects in this wreck, of course, are owned by the state, if I have time, I will definitely support this salvage activity for free, but …… I’m really too busy to spare the time!”

Zhuang Rui stood up, first affirmed the words of Vice Minister Yu, listening to the people present nodded their heads, but the last two sentences, but let the people angry almost cursed.

After this righteousness, or bite the dead no time, this is not a clear condition to ask for benefits? However, Zhuang Rui this meaning is expressed more implicitly, the crowd is unable to refute.

In fact, Zhuang Rui is not wanting money, he is not the kind of heart only drilled into the eye of the money, more than a year ago, he let Huangfu Yun established a charitable foundation, now by the university classmate Bi Yuntao in the management of the foundation almost every year to donate tens of millions of yuan, which is Zhuang Rui’s return to the community.

But there is money to donate and gratuitous help these bureaucrats to fish for political achievements, this is two different things, Zhuang Rui confident that those out of the water cultural relics in their own hands, absolutely more than placed in the deep palace compound, or deep in the ground inside the treasury can show the value of a lot of big.

“Ahem, small Zhuang ah! The ownership of this thing, of course, belongs to the state, but if you can really salvage any precious state-protected cultural relics, will you still have to display them to the public in the end? It’s not that the state’s things can’t necessarily be placed in a private museum.”

Professor Meng’s words caused a commotion at the scene, there were those who nodded their heads in agreement and those who shook their heads in denial, but more people, however, were carefully savoring and pondering over Professor Meng’s words.

Thinking about it, what Prof. Meng said is not unreasonable, something is the state, set a limit of years, handed over to a private exhibition for safekeeping, seems to be not a completely unacceptable thing.

In the previous few years, there have been scholars have put forward such a proposal, the Forbidden City that dozens of millions of valuable cultural relics out of the diversion, to local and private museums to keep on display.

This on the one hand can reduce the pressure on the preservation of cultural relics of the Palace Museum, on the other hand, also allows the general public to see a rich variety of national treasures and cultural relics and ancestors left behind a brilliant culture.

For security considerations, large-scale diversion of cultural relics is absolutely not feasible, this proposal was rejected, but this also gives the national heritage conservation department to broaden the idea.

Now it seems, as long as Zhuang Rui can promise to properly keep the water artifacts, and in the specified period of years to return the cultural relics to the state, this is not a bad way.

After all, as long as the cultural relics, are older than people, even if lent to Zhuang Rui hundred years, as long as the preservation of proper, will not let the value of cultural relics lost.

Of course, all of this is not the Ministry of Transportation can make the decision, it must be decided by the relevant departments of culture, especially like the Peking Man skull fossil such as cultural relics, and even have to have certain core layer of leadership nod, before it can be placed in private museums to display.

After several ministers whispered, Yu vice minister stood up and said, “We can’t be the master of this matter, we must consult with the relevant departments, so, three days later, let’s meet again!”

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