Chapter 1020 – Black Pearl (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:44:10
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“Underneath that seabed, there should be the presence of metal objects, I have repeatedly surveyed it several times with the metal detector, and all of them appear to react, I would suggest, to first dredge and then salvage what’s underneath.”

What is underneath, of course Zhuang Rui knows best, but right now he can only speak based on the performance of the metal detector, he can’t even say the words that the gold is under two meters.

“Okay, let’s have a short meeting! Let’s see how to proceed with the dredging.”

The first day of the salvage carried out, to see the results, Wu director at the moment is enthusiastic, and again the set of government agencies to take out, which no matter what, all have to go to the meeting to discuss.

However, Wu obviously dry work desire more urgent, this meeting, as he said, is a short meeting, only about half an hour’s time, to determine the dredging program, and began to implement up.

Seabed dredging work, is currently a major problem of ocean governance, due to the rise and fall of the tide will cause changes in the silt, so it is often cleaned up within a few days, was managed by the place, and then silt a piece.

And this silt is volcanic ash and all kinds of marine corrosion material caused by some soft and some hard, clean up is also very troublesome, sometimes even need to carry out blasting.

Of course, this program is impossible, blasting will inevitably lead to further damage to the wreckage, good in Zhuang Rui’s ship “Xuan Rui” equipped with a drilling platform, and extend the length of up to 60 meters of floating crane cantilever, but also the management of the seabed silt of the big tool.

The final discussion decided, first explore the specific seawater depth parameters, and then use the cantilever deep seabed, the surface layer of silt dredging up, and then by the divers to go down for investigation, if it is determined to be the remains of the shipwreck, according to the size of its volume, and then carry out salvage.

Technical things, Zhuang Rui is not plugged in, even the Secretary Wu and Professor Meng, for those technicians mouth data, is also like listening to the sky book general.

Fortunately, Director Wu is also considered an enlightened leader, and there is no such thing as an outsider leading an insider, and Zhuang Rui and Professor Meng walked to the side to chat.

“Zhuang Rui, are you alright? Just heard that you came up, came to find you but in a meeting.”

While Zhuang Rui was chatting with Director Wu and the others, Qin Xuan Bing walked in with a hint of worry on her face, only after seeing Zhuang Rui did her expression relax.

“What can be wrong?”

Zhuang Rui smiled and wrapped his arm around Qin Xuan Bing’s waist, in front of outsiders, Qin Xuan Bing was a little uncomfortable, but just now she had been worrying about Zhuang Rui, so she didn’t reject his move.

Seeing other people’s young couple speaking in private, Director Wu and Professor Meng had the good sense to exit the small conference room, leaving the space for them.

“You people, how embarrassing in front of outsiders!” After Director Wu and Professor Meng walked out, Qin Xuan Bing pinched the soft flesh around Zhuang Rui’s waist.

“Old married couple, what’s there to be embarrassed about!”

Zhuang Rui laughed evilly and wrapped his arms into Qin Xuan Bing, and when he was about to put his mouth over, he suddenly remembered something and raised his head to a corner of the room and said loudly, “Clyde, if you look again I’ll turn around and pull out your beard!”

“Oh God, how did he know I was watching?”

Clyde, who was in the fifth-floor surveillance room, was currently staring at the screen in disbelief, and after a few seconds, he felt that it would be better for him not to challenge his boss’s bottom line, and obediently turned off the monitor in that room.

“Get out! With the two of us here, the people outside still don’t know what to think!”

Qin Xuan Bing was a bit thin-skinned after all, breaking away from Zhuang Rui’s embrace and opening the door to the room, the slightly salty sea breeze blew into the room, making it a refreshing experience.

“Right, wife, turn back to clean up the seabed silt, I’ll give you the whole two tons to bring home, right? These are the most authentic undersea mud!”

Zhuang Rui walked outside while joking with Qin Xuan Bing, he just couldn’t figure out why this woman’s cosmetics were so expensive. As far as he knew, the undersea mud mask used by Qin Xuan Bing was not much cheaper than gold.

“What do you know ah! Apply to women’s skin under the sea mud, that must be red mud only, and to contain a certain proportion of carbonate and iron oxide, you think what can be used ah?”

Qin Xuan Bing did not have good temperament white Zhuang Rui a glance, to talk about the collection of antiques and jade, she is not Zhuang Rui know more, but when it comes to cosmetics, Zhuang Rui from now on to learn, I’m afraid to learn from the age of sixty years old are not as strong as Qin Xuan Bing’s professional knowledge, this is a woman’s nature.

“Cough …… Xuan Bing, that what, I send you individual objects!”

Zhuang Rui awkwardly coughed, suddenly remembered that he brought to the surface of the sea that big sea mussels, when pulled from the surface of the sea to the speedboat, if it is not Zhuang Rui out of the way, two people on the speedboat simply can not be fished.

“What is it?”

Seeing Zhuang Rui said as if it was something, Qin Xuan Bing is also a little curious, she knows that her husband, there are quite a lot of rare and strange skills.

“Nuo, it’s right in front, you’ll see it in a moment.”

At this time the two have walked to the deck, in front of Zhuang Rui more than ten meters place surrounded by a circle of people, through the cracks of the people, Zhuang Rui can see, was surrounded by the very large sea mussels.

“Hey, this is really a sea mussel, Mr. Zhuang touch this thing up for what?”

“Want to eat meat, tell you, this sea mussel meat boiled out of the soup, that flavorful can let you swallow the tongue.”

“Such a big one, I’m afraid it’s not two or three hundred pounds? I guess we can all eat it at night.”

“Mr. Zhuang is here, everyone make way.”

A circle of people are discussing this millstone sized sea mussel when Zhuang Rui separated the crowd and walked in, although Qin Xuan Bing grew up in Hong Kong Island and is not a stranger to the sea, but such a big sea mussel, it still makes her a little surprised.

General sea mussels are not big, like Fujian Jiangsu and other coastal areas of the sea mussels, shell length is usually only 7 to 9 centimeters, the taste is very delicious, like this big sea mussels, is really very rare.

“Hubby, are you really going to eat the meat of this sea mussel?”

Looking at this dark as a millstone like sea mussel, Qin Xuan Bing frowned and then asked, “The thing you said you were sending me, is this it?”

“That’s right, but it’s not this sea mussel, but what’s inside.” Zhuang Rui hemmed and hawed, the pearl inside there was not small, Qin Xuanbing as a jewelry designer would definitely like it.

“You mean there are pearls inside? How do you know that?”

Qin Xuan Bing reacted quickly, immediately thought of the pearl above, but then produced a doubt, now except in the rare people around some deserted islands, it is very difficult to find natural pearls, how can Zhuang Rui be sure that there are pearls inside?

“Ah …… uh, like this, I just went down, this sea clam is open, I look at the inside there is a place glowing with a ghostly color, I estimate that nine times out of ten is the pearl.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t think that when he was excited, he let the words slip out, and hastened to find a reason, Qin Xuan Bing didn’t know the habits of the sea mussel, and nodded his head to recognize Zhuang Rui’s explanation.

However, some of the old sailors around, after listening to the words of Zhuang Rui is skimmed, sea mussels such creatures are the most sensitive, there is a wind and grass immediately close up the shell, can see it is strange!

An old man in his fifties, after Zhuang Rui said these words, squatting down his body to the big sea mussels carefully measured up, after a few minutes, stood up and said: “Do not say, this sea mussels really may have pearl it!”

Before the old man’s words fell, someone in the crowd taunted: “Old Li head, you just blow it! This is not a farm in the inner sea, how can there be so many natural pearls?”

Now is the market, can see the pearl almost all are artificial culture, so the price is not very high, spend a few hundred dollars can buy a good pearl jewelry.

But in the top luxury consumer circle, playing with natural pearls, if it is a superb natural pearl, the price is not much cheaper than diamond emerald.

However, after decades of salvage, natural pearls have been rare, so the crowd of onlookers to the words of the old head of Li are all a little unimpressed.

Old Li head was taunted by the crowd, face some can not come down, said loudly: “I did not say that there must be, but look at this sea mussel shell lines, like there is a pearl, my old Li head before opened a farm, more or less can see a little bit, this is not like our country’s sea shells, but a little bit like the black butterfly shells.”

Old Li head once ran a pearl farm for a period of time, only later the price of pearls fell too much, he turned off and restarted fishing, but for pearl shells, there is still a certain amount of research.

“Black butterfly shell? That’s a good thing?”

Zhuang Rui heard froze for a moment, the pearl is also belongs to a kind of jewelry antiques, Zhuang Rui also a little research, know that the black butterfly shell only two major natural origin, are in the south central Pacific Ocean, but do not know why this will appear in the Chinese inland sea waters.

Black butterfly shell’s specialty is naturally black pearls, and the price of the best black pearls, and even far more than diamonds, let’s say, more than 15mm fine round black pearls, even readily available can refer to the market price are not, see its expensive and rare.

Basically every year out of the natural black pearl, are traded in the auction, the market can see, are some artificial imitations.

“This is what Mr. Zhuang fished out, it’s better to let Mr. Zhuang dispose of it!”

“Right …… right, if there are pearls in here, it also belongs to Mr. Zhuang.”

“Mr. Zhuang, smash it open and take a look! If this really has pearls, the size must not be small.”

After listening to Old Li’s words, the crowd was also a bit unsure, that said, such a big sea clam, it is normal to have pearls inside, it depends on Zhuang Rui’s good or bad luck.

In Chinese waters salvaged cultural relics, is indeed owned by the state, but the pearl is not a cultural relic, if salvaged, of course, belongs to Zhuang Rui, otherwise Zhuang Rui would rather this big sea mussel at the bottom of the sea to stay.

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