Chapter 1021 – Black Pearl (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:44:13
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“Hehe, you all don’t believe me when I just said I saw the pearl, fine! Then smash it to death.”

Zhuang Rui knew that not only was there a pearl in here, but there was more than one, besides the one that was almost the size of a pigeon’s egg, there were more than a dozen small pearls, but they were negligible compared to the big one.

“Great! Smash it open! We can also have a sea mussel soup at night.”

“Yeah! Let’s also have a look and see if this big sea mussel can’t produce a pearl inside or not?”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, the crowd of onlookers were immediately in high spirits, life at sea is actually very boring, hearing that there is a lively show to watch, the deck was immediately filled with people, even Director Wu and Professor Meng squeezed over.

Professor Meng saw Zhuang Rui letting the crew go to get the hammer, he couldn’t help but laugh and scold, “This brat, not doing his job!”

“Professor Meng, you can’t say that, at the very least, it was Mr. Zhuang who was the first to discover the wreckage, this is to be credited as the first merit.”

Director Wu was in a good mood at the moment, just now the second batch of divers had surfaced, and according to their analysis, the location that Zhuang Rui had surveyed, in all likelihood, was the wreckage, and there were quite a few of them.

This makes the director Wu, who presided over the salvage operation, very happy, not to mention that he can’t control Zhuang Rui, even if he can, he will turn a blind eye to Zhuang Rui’s behavior.

“We don’t know yet, we won’t know until they program out and carry out the salvage.”

Prof. Meng shook his head, as an archaeological expert, it is to speak in kind, this sea is also more than just the Awa Maru shipwreck, maybe the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

“Well, we will see the results in the afternoon, Professor Meng, do you think this big sea mussel inside, in the end there is no sea pearl ah?”

Director Wu smiled and sidetracked the topic, he had already sent this news just now, to the General Command, even if only a piece of tin is salvaged later, Director Wu will bite the dust that the tin is the one on the Awa Maru ship.

Professor Meng looked at that big sea clam, said: “This is hard to say, the formation of natural pearls, chance is great, not good to say, not good to say.”

Natural pearl formation, is when the mussel in the seabed feeding, shell open, some foreign objects, such as sand, parasites or small gravel and other foreign objects, occasionally driven by the current, fall into the pearl coat membrane.

When the sea mussel or mussel coat membrane is stimulated, it will secrete nacreous material, to fall into the layers of foreign matter wrapped, so that it is rounded and smooth, and gradually form a pearl capsule shiny and moist outer layer.

The artificially cultured pearl, however, is based on this principle, using the nucleus insertion technique to implant a round bead into the mussel, which is then cultured for a period of time to form a pearl.

The shape of natural pearls is not always round, sometimes irregular shapes depending on the material dropped into the shell, but their color is much stronger than artificially implanted pearls. As for the size of the pearl, in fact, and fell into the volume of the substance is not much relationship, but according to the pearl in the mussel in the years of nurturing related, the longer the time, the pearl particles will be bigger.

“Here it comes, here comes the hammer.”

While the crowd was talking, a crew member walked over with two hands holding a large hammer, which had a handle alone that was more than a meter long, kind of like the kind of sledgehammer used to smash piles at construction sites.

“Boy, this hammer is not small.”

“I say, is this thing afraid to be sixty or seventy pounds? Who can make it move?”

“That’s right! Don’t hurt yourself if you don’t break the mussel, get a smaller one!”

Some onlookers went up to weigh the weight of the hammer, although it can be picked up, but let them lift it over their heads, but it is never done, the arms do not have hundreds of pounds of strength, really can not use this object.

“On this one! Smaller for fear of smashing.”

The shell of the sea mussel with the hand knocked up, issued “when when” the sound of metal impact, obviously this shell is not thin, general small hammer, it is estimated that they can not be smashed open.

“Everyone back up a little, back up a little more.”

Zhuang Rui went forward with both hands to pick up the hammer, this is also he does not want to be too much of a show off, otherwise with the weight of this hammer, Zhuang Rui single hand can give dance out of flowers.

After the crowd heard Zhuang Rui’s words, hollering and hollering to the four sides dispersed, leaving a space of five or six square meters in the middle, eyes unblinking looking at Zhuang Rui holding the hammer.

“Teach …… ow!”

Just as Zhuang Rui raised the hammer high and wanted to smash it down, King Kong squeezed in from nowhere, reached out with his long arm, and grabbed the iron head of the hammer from behind Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui didn’t watch out, was pulled by King Kong stumbled, almost didn’t fall on his head, turned around to see it was this big guy, can’t help but a little bit of tears and laughter.

“Shit, I say, what kind of game are you playing? King Kong, hurry up and let go.”


King Kong let go of his long arm, pounded his chest and Zhuang Rui gesticulated and shouted, and stretched out his hand to grab the hammer in Zhuang Rui’s hand.

“Come on, play aside, this thing can’t be smashed for you.”

Zhuang Rui dialed away the hand of King Kong, there is a valuable black pearl in here, if King Kong smashes a hammer right on it, then Zhuang Rui can’t even find the ground to cry.

“Go go go, if you don’t listen at night Lei Gong will still come to you.”

Zhuang Rui did not have the good sense to scare a thief heart not to die of King Kong, this big guy yesterday was lightning scared through the guts, a listen to the words of Zhuang Rui, immediately holding his head and squatting to the side, attracted the crowd of onlookers laughed loudly.

Re-whirled the sledgehammer, raised high hammer clamped thunderous momentum, in the air across an arc, heavily struck the big sea mussel shells.

“Pfft! Bah, what’s that smell?”

Due to Zhuang Rui’s too fast movement, the sledgehammer did not have any pause at all after coming into contact with the sea mussel’s shell, directly shattering the shell and plunging the hammer into the inside of the sea mussel.

But a sympathetic slightly salty seawater, from the sea mussel body rupture splashed out, just fell into Zhuang Rui’s mouth, this sea mussel meat is fresh and beautiful, but there is no processed sea mussels, that taste is not generally unpleasant, engaged in Zhuang Rui brow immediately wrinkled, and spit spit outwards.

“Grandma, buddy still can’t handle you?”

Zhuang Rui took the water handed over by the bystanders rinsed his mouth, took a deep breath, directly raised the sledgehammer again, swung it high and continued to smash.

Zhuang Rui choose to hammer point, are in the sea clam four sides, and the center of the place of pearl breeding, is not touched at all.

After more than ten consecutive whacks, the tightly closed sea mussel is already broken, fresh white sea mussel meat twitching for a while after the final immobilization.

Zhuang Rui’s this move, watching the onlookers are dumbfounded, the crowd can not imagine, does not look strong Zhuang Rui, actually can hit so many whacks in one breath, that is, the construction site is always swinging whacks of the workers, compared to him is also far inferior.

“Mr. Zhuang, let me do it! This sea mussel meat is tightly attached to the shell, ordinary people won’t peel it, don’t waste it.”

After Zhuang Rui rested his hand, the old Li head jumped out, looking at the snow-white tender sea mussel meat, the mouth seems to be almost out, the general sea mussels can only be fried to eat, like this big but extremely rare.

This big sea mussels and can also be called sea mussels of those small shells are different, the water is boiled automatically detached from the shell, it is the mussels and shells are tightly linked together, you must use a knife to separate them.

Zhuang Rui nodded and said, “Cheng, you come to solve it! Be careful not to hurt your hand.”

This sea mussel shell rupture place or with sharp, a careless will cut to the hand, Zhuang Rui childhood once in Pengcheng Yunlong Lake caught mussels, that will be no less than mussel shells pulled hand.

“Hey, Mr. Zhuang, you can rest assured! We used to eat this bowl of rice.”

Old Li heard Zhuang Rui’s words, immediately smiled, jogging all the way to the restaurant, borrowed a knife and two plastic buckets, came to the side of the mussels, skillful dissection up.

Old Li head did not brag, his movements are very skillful, a hand on the shell of the mussels, the other hand to the inside, simply did not use the eyes to see, all based on the feeling of the mussels and shells of the meat and a silk record away.

This sea mussel is more than two hundred pounds, even if the shell is removed, the meat inside is sixty or seventy pounds, not long, half of the mussel meat has been unraveled, put a full poke.

“Hubby, what about the pearl you said?”

Qin Xuan Bing tightly pulled Zhuang Rui’s hand, has been staring at the old Li head to take out the mussels, but to her disappointment, until a plastic bucket is full, also did not see the appearance of a pearl.

“Oh, this lady, you don’t worry, the pearl is generally adsorbed inside the outer membrane sleeve, which immediately solved to.”

Zhuang Rui has not answered, the old Li head laughed, while talking, his hand is not idle, from the sea mussels that have been half-open to scrape a strand, a whole block of snow-white tender mussel meat was taken out by him.

“Mr. Zhuang, this is the outer membrane set, whether there is a pearl or not, depends on a knife.”

Old Li Tou did a beautiful job, pulling out the entire part that nurtured the pearl, holding it in his hand and showing it to Zhuang Rui.

Smell that fishy odor, Zhuang Rui hastily waved his hand, said:, “get, old Li, you just untie it!”


See the crowd are staring at their own, the old Li heart also some complacency, have the thumb on top of the knife handle, around the palm of the hand turned around the whole flower work, a knife will be a piece of seven or eight pounds of mussel meat to cut.

“This …… this ……”

After cutting the mussel meat, the old Li’s movements suddenly stopped, lowered his head and stared closely at the piece of mussel meat, his mouth muttered and did not know what to say.

“Old Li, are there any pearls? Quickly light it up and show it to us.”

“Yes! What are you doing there? There is no such thing as a word!”

“Huh? Old Li, why this look, what the hell is in there?”

When Lao Li raised his head, the crowd realized that Lao Li’s face, which was somewhat vicissified by the sea breeze, revealed an indescribable look.

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