Chapter 1022 – The Black Pearl (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:44:15
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“Jen …… Pearl ……”

Old Li’s non-crying, non-smiling face twitched as he uttered a sentence that made the crowd cry and laugh.

“Old Li, know there are pearls inside, but what are you doing?”

“That’s right, could it be that there’s a treasure inside that scared you silly?”

“Come on, quickly make way, let the big guys see, what exactly is there.”

Onlookers of those people in the heart more and more curious up, said the old Li size is also a boss, a year also has decades of income, not to see a pearl to reveal this expression, right?

“Don …… t move, no one move, Mr. Zhuang first.”

Old Li saw the crowd surrounded, suddenly made an unexpected move to the crowd, only to see the old Li also do not care about the fishy smell of the mussel meat, directly to the tightly to the arms.

“Mr. Zhuang, this …… this object I can give you ah! You must look after it.”

Seeing Zhuang Rui come forward, old Li like to throw out a hot potato general, the piece of clam meat wrapped with pearls, stuffed into the arms of Zhuang Rui, but the crowd from the old Li face, or can be seen a trace of reluctance to.

Old Li this is afraid of the object in their hands, was snatched away by others, many hands, in case if you lose a word, small grains of him can still pay up, if the big pearl lost, even if the family lost all their money, the old head of Li can not be compensated.

“Hey, as for it!”

Zhuang Rui received mussels, heart some depressed, this sea mussel meat inside a lot of juice, directly on his chest clothes to wet, and also along the clothes flow to the shorts.

Fortunately, Zhuang Rui had just dived up, wearing only big shorts and undershirt, otherwise a good outfit would be ruined.

“Mr. Zhuang, take out the pearl inside and give us a look!”

“Yes! Open our eyes, these are natural pearls!”

“Xiao Zhuang, take it out and take a look, there are not many pearls unearthed in ancient times.”

Not only are the onlookers coaxing, Professor Meng is also very curious, urging Zhuang Rui on the side.

Pearls and emerald diamonds and other jewelry is different, if placed for a long time, at first contact with the external air, will decay into powder, so despite the prevalence of pearl jewelry in ancient China, but can be preserved intact is not much.

So from the tomb unearthed jewelry, mostly gold and silver ornaments, like the Tang and Song dynasties pearl is extremely rare.

Of course, there are still pearls unearthed in recent times, such as the Cixi’s tomb in the east pearl and other objects, due to the short time in the ground and was able to be preserved.

“Alright, I’ll bring it out for everyone to see.”

Zhuang Rui saw the group’s anger, he couldn’t help but smile, and tore the piece of mussel meat in his arms, Zhuang Rui looked inside, and he himself was stunned first.

A black pearl slightly smaller than a pigeon’s egg, even if the outside is wrapped in a layer of mucus emitted by the sea mussels, but in the sunlight, still shows a tantalizing luster.

What surprised Zhuang Rui the most was that when he first looked at it, the pearl was black, but with the movement of his hand, the pearl seemed to be changing colors as well, turning from black to deep purple in an instant, and showing a metallic luster.

Although the shape of this large pearl is not a rolling circle, slightly irregular, but still let Zhuang Rui look as mesmerized, this sight intuitive feeling, far from using aura survey can be compared.

Next to the big pearl, there is a circle of bean-sized pearls, all pure black pearls, as if the stars are arching over the moon, will be this big pearl around the center.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Rui is also a little surprised, the black butterfly shell that grows in the Pacific Ocean, why will appear in Fujian waters? Can’t it be that it’s really a clam spirit, wandering in the four seas?

“Pearls, really appeared pearls.”

“Still black, wow, it’s so big!”

“Black pearls? Isn’t that worth a lot of money?”

In Zhuang Rui dumbfounded this work, the surrounding people also surrounded up, some sharp-eyed has seen the pearl wrapped by the mussel meat, suddenly exclaimed in all directions.

But these years the market can see the pearl, all are artificial culture, the price of the most expensive is only thousands of dollars, although the crowd envy, but also did not take it too seriously.

Others do not know, Zhuang Rui on the value of these pearls, but some understanding, let go of a few small pearls, not to mention, this pigeon egg black pearl, that is absolutely priceless, its value is absolutely far beyond the same volume of imperial green jade.

The formation of pearl size, is and breeding mother shell has a direct relationship, if the debris falling into the mother shell is too large, will be directly cleaned out by the mother shell, and only this volume of the sea mussels, it is possible to harbor such a large pearl to.

“Xiao Zhuang, pull it out and show me.”

The onlookers were so excited that they couldn’t care less about the leader or not, Professor Meng and Director Wu’s body was of course not as good as these young people, and for a while they were actually squeezed to the periphery, and they couldn’t help but feel a little anxious.

Zhuang Rui saw some people began to reach out to the pearl, immediately frowned, shouted: “Hey, everyone give way, if this thing is lost, a to tens of thousands of it!”

Participate in the salvage of the composition of the personnel is more complex, there are coastal fishermen, there is the Ministry of Transportation and Maritime Affairs Bureau of the staff, as well as some experts and professors with the students, to be really touched, can not be searched and inspected one by one, right?

Zhuang Rui said tens of thousands of dollars, is to say that the few smaller black pearls, these small pearls, although also very rare, but every year in the Pacific region or some output, the price is indeed tens of thousands of dollars.

Zhuang Rui this yell, the crowd is also a little embarrassed, have backed up, and the ship’s security also rushed over, four or five security guards with batons in hand, the Zhuang Rui was surrounded in the center.

Zhuang Rui was relieved, and hastily took out all the pearls, and then took off his undershirt and vigorously wiped the mucous membrane on the pearls.

After Zhuang Rui spread out the pearls again, the more than ten black pearls presented in front of everyone’s eyes, all of them exuded an attractive luster, even if they were not polished, they could also let people see that they were extraordinary.

When Professor Meng squeezed in, Zhuang Rui handed over the largest black pearl to him.

Although Professor Meng’s ability to appreciate antiques is not as good as Zhuang Rui, but he has seen a lot of knowledge, for the black pearl is not a stranger, after inspecting some, can not help but open his mouth to say: “Color and lust heavenly, absorbing the sea aura, Aloe essence of the sun and the moon, superb, superb black pearl ah!”

“Professor Meng, this pearl is so big, how much can it be sold for?”

Onlookers of these people, most of them are working class, relying on wages to eat, they have almost no knowledge of luxury goods at all, can only intuitively to the price to position this pearl.

“This …… is not easy to say, such a big pearl, if after the design of well-known jewelry designers, and then with other materials, at least …… least should be in a few million or more, right?”

Professor Meng for the luxury goods market, do not know much, in his heart estimate to say a price, just he did not know, the value of this black pearl, to far beyond the price he said.

“Hey, Mr. Zhuang’s luck is really good! This going down to the sea for a turn, actually made a few million dollars.”

“Yeah! Let’s go around the shallow waters later and see if we can fish one out as well.”

“Dream on you, natural pearls are not that easy to find, Mr. Zhuang is just lucky.”

Even though the price that Prof. Meng uttered was far from the actual value of this black pearl, it still caused a gasp from the surrounding crowd.

One must know that even a few million dollars is already an unattainable astronomical figure for many people who are living on dead wages.

The crowd is also aware of Zhuang Rui’s wealth, only envy in the eyes without jealousy, Zhuang Rui was originally a rich man, more this money is nothing, but if this is a change of a penniless person to get this black pearl, their mind will not be so calm.

Only once ran a pearl farm old Li head, slightly shook his head, natural black pearl, the diameter is more than 20mm, which is unheard of in the history of the black pearl, not to mention a few million, or tens of millions of dollars can not be taken down.

After waiting for Director Wu to view the large pearl again, Zhuang Rui held the pearl in his hand and handed it to Qin Xuan Bing’s face, saying, “Xuan Bing, this is my gift to you, do you like it?”

“Like it, of course I like it. Zhuang Rui, this …… this pearl if carved into a pendant, its value should be at least fifty million dollars or more, I’m afraid that we can win the gold medal of the World Jewelry Expo once again.”

Although from the jewelry family, itself and engaged in jewelry design, but such a large natural black pearl, is in the British royal family jewelry, Qin Xuan Bing has not seen, the eyes have long been out of small stars.

“What …… what? Fifty million …… or dollars?”

“Really? This bead is worth so much money?”

Although Qin Xuan Bing’s speaking voice was not loud, it was still heard by those onlookers, which caused those who had just calmed down to almost stare out of their eyes at once.

Counting Professor Meng in, none of the people in this deck could estimate that this pearl could be worth that much money, although Old Li Tou estimated that this pearl could be worth tens of millions of dollars, but his estimate was in RMB!

“If you like it, this pearl is designed by you, and I’m going to put it on you with my own hands.”

The price that Qin Xuan Bing uttered was also a bit out of Zhuang Rui’s expectation, but now for money, Zhuang Rui really didn’t care, pulling away Qin Xuan Bing’s small hand, and placing the pearl in his wife’s hand.

“Okay, okay, all disperse! It’s time to work soon, what’s it like to gather around here?”

Although Director Wu’s heart that is also envious and jealous, but as a hall level leader, the immunity is slightly stronger, opening the mouth to disperse the crowd of onlookers.

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