Chapter 1025 – Sensational (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:44:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Could it be that the fossilized skull of Peking Man, is really about to become a case of doubt?”

Zhuang Rui alone quietly walked to the deck, looking at the sea in the moonlight emanating a little light, the heart is also a little at a loss, their eyes again powerful, that is also a clever woman can not cook without rice ah!

Bright moonlight sprinkled on the surface of the sea, the whole sea seems to be coated with a layer of crystalline luster, with the ups and downs of the waves fluctuating, the scenery is very beautiful.

Standing alone on the deck, thinking about the salvage experience of these more than twenty days, Zhuang Rui subconsciously overflowed his aura out of his body and extended it towards the sea under the ship.

Whether it was day or night, for Zhuang Rui, there was no difference, the invisible and colorless aura was like a mercury cascade, wrapping the entire cruise ship’s sea in a few kilometers radius.

Feeling the scattered aura surveyed in his eyes, Zhuang Rui is very cozy, this seabed is not only shipwrecks, there are many unknown treasures, and even some coral reefs with life can emit a rich aura.

Now the shallow sea at the serious pollution, coral has been rare, in a survey the day before yesterday, Zhuang Rui from the seabed to pick down a strain of more than a meter long red coral, very beautiful, if placed in the ancient times, is absolutely surrendered to the palace of the tribute.

“Hm? So many pearl shells ah?”

When Zhuang Rui’s aura surveyed to about two kilometers ahead, he suddenly felt that the place on the bottom of the sea emitting aura suddenly increased, and after careful observation, many small pearls with aura appeared on the bottom of the sea.

But the size of these pearls compared to their own to get that black pearl is far worse, most of them are the size of a bean grain, and the aura is not very abundant, just a large number, Zhuang Rui roughly estimated, at least forty or fifty sea mussels within the presence of pearls.

And there are a lot of reefs there, there are some that also emit a light aura, although it is not dense, but it is widely distributed, indicating that there is no erosion from pollution.

This aroused Zhuang Rui’s interest, and after withdrawing all the aura from elsewhere, he carefully surveyed the waters there, and if there was another large sea clam, he wouldn’t mind going there to salvage some.

“What is this?”

When Zhuang Rui’s aura skimmed over a coral reef that was emitting aura, he suddenly felt an aura at the bottom of the reef that he seemed to have never sensed before, and couldn’t help but wonder in his heart.

“Strange, what the hell is this?”

After carefully inspecting the object at the bottom of the coral reef, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but be a bit dumbfounded, the shape shown after the aura wrapped around it was a bit like a round ball, but the aura emanating from it was extremely dense.

“Eh? There’s also ……”

Next to that spherical object, there are more than ten objects that emit spiritual qi, the shape is very irregular, some are long, some are like a fist, and some are curved, don’t know what they are.

“What the …… fuck is this?”

Zhuang Rui has never seen such a strange object, non-silver, non-iron, non-gold, non-copper, but the richness of the aura is not even below his stereoscopic sword.

“Could …… it be …… a fossilized skull?”

Zhuang Rui’s mind suddenly came up with such a thought to, and once this thought arose, it could no longer be waved away, and the more he thought about the two or three round objects in his aura senses, the more it looked like the shape of a skull.

“Mr. Zhuang, this sea breeze can’t be blown much! It’s fine when you’re young, but you’ll have more problems when you’re old.”

Just when Zhuang Rui wanted to further investigate, the ear suddenly came with a stock of Minnan language voice, turned his head to see, but is involved in the salvage of the old Li head.

“Oh, it’s Old Li ah? How not yet rested?”

Zhuang Rui saw Old Li, his heart was moved, he was fretting that he didn’t know what was that place in front of him? Why are there so many reefs present, just so happen to ask this local snake.

“Age, this night sleep does not materialize, get up and turn around.”

Old Li participated in this salvage and was considered to be a meritorious official, and received a reward of 50,000 dollars, although it was not as much as he earned in a month of fishing, but at the moment, this sea was closed, so it can finally make up for some of it.

Zhuang Rui pretended to be very casual, pointed his finger ahead and said, “Old Li, what is that piece of sea in front?”

“Oh? You’re talking about Devil’s Reef, Mr. Zhuang?”

Old Li followed Zhuang Rui’s finger to look at a glance, face now a strange look, then said: “That is a piece of reef area, about three or four hundred acres of like, in our this is called the Hundred Acre Reef, some people also call it the Devil’s Reef, there ……”

After the old Li’s explanation, Zhuang Rui realized that this is a place for coastal fishermen to love and hate, love it because it is densely populated with reefs, rock caves and stone caves for sea animals to live in, and is rich in squid, grouper, lobster and other valuable seafood, it is a natural fishing ground.

But the large reef is several hundred acres in circumference, are not in the water, the surface of the blue waves, but the water is deep, caves, difficult to enter the boat, I do not know how many fishing boats have sunk over the centuries, also known as the local people called “home God Reef,” meaning the reef of death.

Only the most daring and skillful fishermen dare to sail their sampans deep into this place to fish and shrimp, but even so, every year we still hear news of people dying here.

Some expensive seafood alone, not enough for Zhuang Rui to find a reason to go to this Devil’s Reef, so after listening to the introduction of the old Li, Zhuang Rui suddenly turned the topic, out of the blue asked: “Old Li, this …… place has no pearls ah?”

“Pearls? Of course there are, but those sea mussels are at the bottom of the sea, the underground reef is very dense, a carelessness will be stuck underneath, no one dares to go here to touch the pearls.”

Old Li shook his head, with a trace of lingering fear on his face, when he was young, he had also broken into the Devil’s Reef, although the harvest was not small, but it was also a nine deaths, and almost didn’t send his little life inside.

“Oh? Then I’d like to go there to take a look, those pearls that I got before were not enough to wear a string of necklaces, I was thinking of finding some more pure natural sea pearls!”

Zhuang Rui immediately smiled at the words, this is just needing an excuse, Lao Li sent it, as for the danger and what not, Zhuang Rui doesn’t really care, with his own pair of eyes, as long as he’s careful, there shouldn’t be any accidents.

“Mr. Zhuang, must not ah! Not only is the terrain complicated there, there are sharks present, this is something that will kill someone!”

Old Li head heard Zhuang Rui’s words, immediately anxious, the reef area is a paradise for sharks to survive, standing on the boat casting nets fishing is okay, but to go deep into the water, that is playing with life, even the most daring water best fishermen, but also categorically do not dare to do so.

Zhuang Rui heard a moment of contemplation, said: “There are sharks? In fact, not afraid, I have a kind of medicine on board, sprinkled in the water to emit the odor, it can disperse the sharks.”

Sharks have a very developed sense of smell, it is their main way of foraging for food, in a few kilometers away it can smell the smell of blood, once the animals in the sea are injured, they are often attacked by sharks and killed.

Scientists to some often dive for scientific research personnel configured a drug, as long as the water sprinkled out, you can let the sharks to avoid, Zhuang Rui in this salvage before, in order to prevent a shark attack, in the boat to prepare some of these drugs.

Zhuang Rui’s mind has long been set, see old Li still want to persuade himself, a wave of the big hand, said: “cough, old Li, this matter tomorrow!”

“Why am I so talkative! This in case something happens, alas ……”

Seeing Zhuang Rui turning away with an excited look, Old Li stood on the deck and sighed, if something goes wrong because of Zhuang Rui’s words, Old Li can’t forgive himself.

The next morning, Zhuang Rui found the actual responsible for the salvage operation of the Wu director, said his meaning, so that the Wu director did not react for a moment.

“I do not agree, Xiao Zhuang, you …… are not fooling around? The leaders are waiting for us to go back to have a celebration meeting, you …… you actually have to delay for a day, how can this work?”

According to the voyage, we can arrive at Tianjin port tonight, and the celebration will be held tomorrow, if none of the people on this ship show up, wouldn’t that be an international joke?

“Ahem, Director Wu, don’t get excited first, you can negotiate with Beijing and push the celebration back a few days.”

Zhuang Rui also knows that his reason is very “strong” in order to salvage a few pearls, so that Beijing those ministry level leaders, and even vice state level leaders more, is a little bit unreasonable.

But Zhuang Rui does not care, buddy this time out of money and effort, a little benefit did not dip into, he does not care how those leaders think about it, anyway, Zhuang Rui does not need to look up to others.

“No, can not be so unorganized and undisciplined, today must set sail back.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Director Wu’s nose almost got crooked, he didn’t dare to go and negotiate with Beijing, if the leaders thought that he was proud of his achievements, then all the good things could be turned into bad things.

“Ahem, Director Wu, yesterday Clyde gave me a word, the ship’s power system has a little problem, today it will be overhauled for a day, this …… I can’t do anything about it!”

Zhuang Rui two hands a stall, simply play a rogue, anyway, this is his ship, how he said anything, Clyde is sure not to brush off the boss.

“Are you …… you not playing nonsense? Prof. Meng, you judge, is there such a thing?”

Director Wu was so angry by Zhuang Rui’s words that he almost went crazy, and pulled Professor Meng down, wanting him to discipline his disciple.

“Little Zhuang, this, is not quite appropriate.”

Prof. Meng also felt that Zhuang Rui was a bit too childish, making a boatload of people wait for him for a day didn’t make sense.

Zhuang Rui thought for a while and said, “How about this! It’s not far from the coastline here, I’ll have the helicopter send Director Wu and the others back first.”

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