Chapter 1027 – Sensation (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:44:28
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At this moment, Zhuang Rui’s heart was so emotionally charged that if it wasn’t for the deep outer sea floor, he would have just wanted to raise his head to the sky and wail, and only in this way could he express the heavy feeling in his heart that he had discovered history.

I do not know when, Zhuang Rui’s eyes welled up with tears, looking at these two once by many people with life to protect the skull fossil, as if the time backward, so that Zhuang Rui’s thinking shuttle in the long river of time to witness the history of change.

Beijing human skull fossil came out, once on the human evolution civilization history research, play a very important role, now the skull fossil see the light of day, will certainly re-stir the whole human world.

Those two divers, although not archaeologists, but also engaged in underwater archaeology work, after seeing the box rupture, immediately stopped the action of the hands.

So only two skulls rolled out of the box, the other objects are still intact and preserved in the box, the two men are well-trained professional divers, at this time there is no action, are waiting for Zhuang Rui’s instructions.

Zhuang Rui unzipped the backpack, the sea mussels picked up on the way over just now were all thrown out, and then made a gesture to a diver, signaling him to help himself with the backpack.

Although not as much as Zhuang Rui’s understanding of the fossilized skull, but in the salvage operation a few days ago, these divers also know Zhuang Rui and Professor Meng and others are looking for something, and at this moment saw this somewhat like jade objects, and saw Zhuang Rui’s excited expression, the heart also understand a few points.

At that moment, a diver helped Zhuang Rui to hold the backpack, while Zhuang Rui carefully picked up the two skulls that fell in the sea, and after gently rubbing them with his hands, he put them into the backpack, and then put his hand into the box, and took out another jaw.

This jaw had been completely petrified, and showed a blue luster in the seawater, which Zhuang Rui knew was due to the color of the seabed and the refraction of the light.

After carefully holding the jaw in his hands and looking at it, Zhuang Rui carefully put it into the backpack.

This is ten thousand years ago, absolutely called the human ancestor, Zhuang Rui’s action is so gentle, although know that in the water will not damage to these fossils, but still do not dare to be careless.

In fact, although Zhuang Rui had some guesses in his heart, but he did not dare to determine that what was inside was the “Peking Man fossil”, so the preparation was not very full.

These Peking ape fossils are too valuable, to be honest, he is not very assured of the other two divers, so now he does not dare to leave, can only be loaded one by one into the backpack.

There were not only complete skull fossils in the box, but also many mandibles, teeth and broken femurs, fishy bones and so on, every object was priceless, so Zhuang Rui cleaned up very slowly.

“Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Zhuang, as well as forty minutes, it can be floated, it can be floated.” When Zhuang Rui was carefully cleaning the fossils from the box like outside, Xiao Yao’s voice came from the earphone.

Since this was a reef area, the cruise ship couldn’t enter and the distance was a bit far, so Zhuang Rui and the others didn’t carry a camera on them, and the people above couldn’t find out what they were doing at the bottom of the sea.

“Xiao Liu, go up there and tell them that there is a major discovery, an extremely major discovery, and have Professor Meng come over in a speedboat right away! By the way, leave you to the oxygen cylinder for me.”

After Zhuang Rui heard Xiao Yao’s words, then he remembered that there is still a bunch of people up there, he quickly used his hand to gesture and write out the paragraph above, others Zhuang Rui can’t control, but he must notify Prof. Meng at the first time.

Zhuang Rui is already determined, in these Peking man skull fossil cleanup work is completed before, he will never leave, to know, even if a fragment is lost, that will be irreparable significant loss.

“Nonsense, fooling around on your own not to mention informing us to go?”

After receiving the communication from the speedboat, Director Wu, who was on the cruise ship, was very dissatisfied and said to Prof. Meng, “This Xiao Zhuang, what the hell is he up to? The salvage is over, what other major discoveries can there be?”

Because of Zhuang Rui’s insistence, let Wu director in front of the leadership is very embarrassed, the last excuse he found, but also according to Zhuang Rui said, the ship has a malfunction, only tomorrow to return to the sea, the leadership, although did not say anything, but the director of the Wu feel the pressure.

So now, although Director Wu doesn’t dare to offend Zhuang Rui too much, but his promotion and Zhuang Rui doesn’t have much to do with it, so he doesn’t have a good face to Zhuang Rui.

“Reporting to Chief Commander Wu, I saw what Mr. Zhuang found, it seems, it seems to be a stone, right, it kind of looks like what Professor Meng said a few days ago about a skull.” The diver’s voice came out from the walkie-talkie, Professor Meng, who was originally sitting on the sidelines and didn’t care much about it, his eyes widened violently, not waiting for Chief Wu to react, the walkie-talkie in his hand had already been snatched by Professor Meng.

“What did you …… you say? Say it again, describe the shape of that object to me.” Prof. Meng’s voice was a bit shaky, originally he was already dead set on finding the “Peking Man Skull Fossil”, but now the news that came out of the blue made Prof. Meng a bit stunned for a moment.

Waiting until the diver will see the situation he said again, Professor Meng has been unable to sit down, directly in the hands of the walkie-talkie thrown back to the hands of the Secretary Wu, the whole person like a young dozens of years, the wind general rushed out of the room.

“Hey, hey, I say, Professor Meng, what …… is going on here?” Director Wu has never seen Professor Meng so out of sorts, subconsciously feeling that something big should have happened, and not caring to bellyache about Zhuang Rui, he hurriedly ran out after him.

“Hurry up, faster ah! How come it’s so slow?” There were a total of six lifeboats on the cruise ship, in addition there were four speedboats, these dinghies were placed on top of the cruise ship, and it would take some time to put them into the sea.

Professor Meng stood at the bottom of the cruise ship’s rotary ladder, looking at the speedboats slowly being lowered overhead, hating the fact that he couldn’t wait to jump directly into the water and swim over at this point.

Along with the speedboat together to reach the reef area, there are two paleoanthropologists, they heard the news of the “Peking Man skull fossil”, is equally excited, without saying a word on the follow up.

Three old people sitting on the speedboat looked at each other, the heart are apprehensive, the face of the nervousness is overflowing.

They were afraid that this discovery would again end in disappointment, because the previous days of cleaning up the bones of the Japanese who had been killed had already disappointed them many times.

Could the search, which had been pursued diligently for several generations, come to an end with them? Whether or not it can console the heavenly souls of those predecessors in the scientific research community, hope, lies in the seabed Zhuang Rui.

After coming to the reef area, Prof. Meng snatched the walkie-talkie with a trembling voice and said, “Xiao Zhuang, Zhuang Rui, please answer me when you hear me, is it a fossilized skull you found?”

On the side, Xiao Yao didn’t know why Prof. Meng was so agitated, and spoke out to remind him, “Prof. Meng, Mr. Zhuang is not using a closed diving helmet, he can’t talk at the bottom of the sea.”

“What about …… that? Is there any diving equipment left? I …… want to go down.”

Professor Meng was anxious to hear, he also did not think about his body of nearly seventy years old, can hold the water pressure on the bottom of the sea? But the old man’s anxious mood was already evident.

“Professor Meng, it’s better for me to do it!”

Xiao Yao took the walkie-talkie in Professor Meng’s hand and said, “Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Zhuang, please tap the microphone when you hear it.” Zhuang Rui had long heard Prof. Meng’s voice, he was just suffering from not being able to answer, and now that he heard Xiao Yao’s words, he hurriedly tapped his finger on the microphone.

“Mr. Zhuang, Professor Meng is asking if the following is a Peking Man fossil? If it is, you knock on the microphone three times in a row.” Xiao Yao’s words caused Professor Meng and the others to brighten up, followed by their eyes staring dead on the intercom and their ears perked up, fearing that they would miss the sound coming out of the microphone.


Three coherent voices came out of the intercom, which sounded like heavenly music in the ears of Professor Meng and the two paleoanthropologists, causing a look of ecstasy to appear on the faces of the three.

“Old …… Old Meng, is this …… true?”

An old man who also had a head full of white hair, tears of excitement flowed out of his eyes, not waiting for him to reach out and wipe it away, saw that on the faces of Prof. Meng and his own old buddy, the same with a smile and tears.

Nearly a hundred years of mystery, nearly a hundred years of pursuit, will be unveiled at this moment, making the three old men, whose ages add up to more than two hundred years old, are also too excited to speak for themselves.

When Prof. Meng and the others came over just now, another diver came up to the boat once and went back down to the bottom of the sea with a hand-carried underwater camera and two bottles of oxygen.

Camera is Zhuang Rui specially explained that he brought down, Zhuang Rui will skull fossils to see the light of day this moment to record down, which in the future, will become important information.

At this time on the seabed, a diver holding an underwater camera was filming, Zhuang Rui and another diver, is working nervously, with a little bit of finger fumbling in the box.

The things in the box have basically been cleaned up, three divers carry backpacks, are filled, because it contains fossilized teeth, the volume is very small.

In order to avoid omissions, Zhuang Rui checked the box again and again, and with a strong flashlight, will be under the box of the reef crevices are illuminated once, for fear of losing any piece of “Peking Man fossil”.

Lasted more than three hours, until the three bottles of oxygen will be exhausted, Zhuang Rui with his hands and aura can not sense the box there are objects, this “accident” salvage work, is considered to be the successful conclusion.


The calm sea surface rippled, Zhuang Rui’s head floated out of the sea, immediately attracting the attention of the people on the dinghy three or four meters away from where he floated.

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