Chapter 1029 – Sensation (V)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:44:33
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“Good man! Although this young man is young, he’s really on his way, worthy of being a son or daughter from an official family, he just knows what he’s doing.”

At this moment, where does Director Wu still remember the misunderstanding he had with Zhuang Rui in the morning? In this meeting, Zhuang Rui in his heart that is a promising young man, if Zhuang Rui was selected as one of the top ten young people in the country, Wu will vote for Zhuang Rui.

Wu director of this posture, the main reason is that Zhuang Rui that sentence is too lethal, he then work hard for ten years, it is not as good as in front of the leadership to mix a good impression.

“Hehe, where are the words, okay, Director Wu has a busy day at work tomorrow, so I won’t bother much.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and shook hands with the Wu director, to be honest, he is a little unaccustomed to the officialdom in this change of face of the skill, but people in the river drift, in order not to be stabbed, we have to gradually go to adapt to it!

Zhuang Rui in the Wu director of the escort, walked to the mouth of the time, suddenly stopped in his tracks, said: “By the way, Wu director, according to our previous agreement, that batch of skull attribution.”

Sending a favor out for nothing, Zhuang Rui naturally wants to ask for something back, that being said, he can’t ask for anything from Director Wu in the future, this favor doesn’t have to expire on the cost.

“Mr. Zhuang, you can rest assured, this agreement is the leadership of the State Council and the relevant ministries nodded approval, we will certainly seriously implement, and so on back to Beijing, you can discuss with the Academy of Social Sciences, the first to retrieve a few fossils on display, this research does not have to be so much!” When Director Wu heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he immediately understood, and did not forget to help Zhuang Rui with a few ideas.

Director Wu’s words made Zhuang Rui nod his head repeatedly, that’s true! If the other side to study a few years, that is not until the Beijing human skull fossil, after the heat, they can be placed in the exhibition hall? That would not achieve the effect of public opinion propaganda to maximize the use of the effect.

“This will require more help from Director Wu.”

“Well said, well said, was it originally stipulated in the agreement?” Zhuang Rui and Director Wu looked at each other and smiled, but in their hearts they have their own calculations, for Zhuang Rui, mentioning Director Wu in front of the leader is just a passing favor, and the skull is even less about Director Wu, to whom it is not given?

The next day at three o’clock, the cruise ship began to depart, after more than ten hours of sailing, to two o’clock in the afternoon, came to Tianjin port.

After arriving at Tianjin Port, Vice Minister Yu personally came to pick up the ship, countless camera flashes, focusing on the handheld “Peking Man skull fossil” a few old professors.

Before Zhuang Rui’s “Xuan Rui ship” returned to the sea, the domestic news has been on the Awa Maru salvage event, do a full range of reports, including more than half a century ago, including the relevant hidden secrets, but also gradually unveiled the mystery of the veil.

Leading the world’s ancient human scientific research results, confusing the truth of the disappearance, in progress for a hundred years of salvage, suddenly attracted the attention of the people of the country, almost all of the country’s media, at this moment are focused on the Tianjin port.

Peng Fei also drove to the Tianjin port, he came to pick up King Kong, this big guy is not good to show up, otherwise it will be staged a real version of the U.S. blockbuster “King Kong” movie.

And Peng Fei came with Huangfu Yun, Zhuang Rui just pushed him out, as the salvage unit of the main representative of the museum of stereo, accepted the reporters on the spot interviews.

After a short stay in tianjin, salvage group dozens of people plus enough hundreds of people of the press corps, a large fleet of cars returned to Beijing, and that vice premier in his busy schedule, also received the salvage group of people, especially on Zhuang Rui appreciated.

Zhuang Rui also did not forget the agreement with the director of Wu, the atmosphere of the moment recounted some of the leadership of the credit, said Wu standing in the team behind the director, the wrinkles of the old face, smiling as if the chrysanthemums bloomed in general.

After the leaders received, the relevant units immediately held a meeting of Chinese and foreign journalists, this time Zhuang Rui still did not attend, but will give the limelight to Professor Meng and the two divers, they are quietly return home.

Don’t know where those reporters from the news, know that these precious “skull fossil” is the national famous young cultural relics appraiser, jade experts, archaeologists Zhuang Rui pro salvage up.

Now the network is developed, want to find a person is too easy, Zhuang Rui’s stereo museum as well as his own, immediately be searched out, although Zhuang Rui deliberately low-profile, but his life experience, or let a person look dumbfounded.

This also made the public as well as the media want to know more about Zhuang Rui, countless phone calls have been made to Zhuang Rui’s cell phone.

There are offers to interview, there is to write a personal biography of Zhuang Rui, there is even a rash director, actually want to ask Zhuang Rui to be the main actor, shoot a movie about jade, which makes Zhuang Rui is really some tears and laughter.

But a few months later, a small cost of production of the movie “crazy stone” after the release, a time popular north and south of the Yangtze River, not only the movie sells, that the director and the actors are also a hit.

Of course, these are all words, now Zhuang Rui is in the middle of the fire, the courtyard has been fleshed out, is not staying.

Not only that, even the Beijing suburb manor also don’t know how to be known by the reporter, all day long there are one or two dozen reporters around that place around, engage in Zhuang Rui now hid to the old man’s small courtyard, if not, he can only go back to Pangcheng to avoid the wind.

“Dude is not a movie star, as for this?”

Sitting in the old master’s courtyard, Zhuang Rui was whining to Gu Yun, this messed up with not being able to return to his home, Zhuang Rui this time is considered to know the consequences that come with being famous.

“Come on! Movie stars want to be famous but still can’t get out!”

Gu Yun smiled and put the newspaper in his hand on the coffee table, nodded and said, “Look, No, the young entrepreneur’s path of entrepreneurship, and this, the famous cultural relics connoisseur Zhuang Rui anecdote. This is good, I and Zhuang Rui had to tell the story, haha ……”

Looking at those tabloids in front of him, Gu Yun was laughing with joy.

As Zhuang Rui thought beforehand, the news of the Beijing human skull fossil resurfaced, stirred the world of science and research, countless anthropologists from around the world gathered in Beijing, just to catch a glimpse of this 600,000 years ago human ancestor.

This is not only an academic event, but also politically far-reaching, dozens of countries or regions of the relevant departments, have sent congratulatory telegrams to the Chinese government, saying that the resurfacing of the Peking Man skull is a cause for celebration in the history of human evolution.

The success of the salvage operation also shows that the Chinese government has the ability to protect and retrieve its own national treasures, which is also a matter of honor for our country.

And in a sense, it also makes clear that back then it was a shameless island nation that smuggled China’s national treasures out of the country, and the mystery of more than half a century has gradually been answered with the release of these fossilized skulls.

The “Peking Man Skull” from missing to found, the twists and turns of the story can be called a legend, enough to be made into a TV series, but also let the general public have the desire to understand, countless phone calls to the TV station, hoping to get the relevant information.

These reporters can not interview Zhuang Rui, simply play their own imagination choreographed up, will be Zhuang Rui boasted the whole is a Sun Wukong reincarnation, eyes of fire to find treasures all over the world.

“Okay, don’t diaphragm me, brother Gu, I have been this time but even the phone are afraid to turn on, you say these reporters, how the news is so well-informed ah? I changed two cell phone numbers and they found them.”

Zhuang Rui is really depressed not light, find national treasures to focus on national treasures well, why have to pull themselves out ah? Can’t be eaten eggs feel good taste, have to know that lay eggs old hen?

This more than a week, Zhuang Rui did not dare to use the phone, knew that there would be such consequences, he would rather those treasures lying at the bottom of the sea, but also not willing to go out in the wind.

The only thing that comforted Zhuang Rui is that the relevant ministry in order to recognize Zhuang Rui’s outstanding contribution in the salvage, after discussion, decided to first take out three complete skull and jaw fossils, as well as twenty fossilized teeth and bones, placed in Zhuang Rui’s stereoscopic museum for public display.

Just in accordance with the provisions of the relevant ministry, Zhuang Rui’s museum will also be remodeled, in the anti-theft facilities to be strengthened, Huangfu Yun made a budget, I am afraid that the transformation will cost about 10 million.

After Zhuang Rui waved his hand and approved the money, in the heart of the slander: “Buddy museum of anti-theft facilities is the world’s first-class, always better than that always lose things of the Palace Museum, right?” However, Zhuang Rui used this reason to blackmail a piece of land from Ouyang four young people, which made Ouyang Jun is crying and laughing, if Zhuang Rui this treasure hunting trip is not over, sooner or later, his own this neighborhood can be bought by him.

“Zhuang Rui, your call.” Zhuang Rui was chatting with Gu Yun when the voice of old man Gu rang in the house, Zhuang Rui was a bit surprised and hurriedly walked in and asked, “Uncle, who is calling?”

Zhuang Rui was scared by those enthusiastic reporters, and couldn’t answer the phone without asking first.

“Little Hu from Burma called, I said how the phone hit the old man here, dare to still think of that piece of yellow Fei ah?”

The old man muttered, turned around and went back to his studio, according to what the old man said, the yellow jadeite processing system well has come to an end, Gu Tianfeng basically eat and live in the studio in the past two days.

However, the older the person is, the smaller the heart, the old master said to give Zhuang Rui a surprise, directly leading to Zhuang Rui in this courtyard stayed for three days, and did not get to see their own piece of superb yellow Fei actually carved into what object.

“Hey, Hu, how’s the survey of the gold mine?” Zhuang Rui picked up the phone and asked, he guessed that Hu Rong called him about this matter.

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