Chapter 1050 Bonadette

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:45:26
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The political system of the United States and China is different, the governor of the United States, including the president, are elected by every American citizen, after more than half a century of development, this set of systems has been quite perfect, it is almost difficult to do anything inside the tampering.

This is also attributable to the developed media in the United States, such as Nixon’s Watergate wiretapping incident, Clinton’s zipper door, etc., were exposed by the media, which also allows politicians only dare to openly and honestly go to pull the vote, and do not dare to use bribery to pull the voters.

In the United States, generally every governor or presidential candidate, behind a related organization, in the help of its operation of a variety of speeches as well as pulling the voters of the matter, in this way, the need for extremely large economic strength to support, so accept the businessmen’s financial assistance, has become the most common method of raising funds.

From a certain point of view, rather than politicians competing with each other, it is better to say that the economic entities in their respective backgrounds, the reason is very simple, their own people on the throne, those policies of course, to the businessmen who once funded him to tilt, this is no doubt about it, the two sides have formed an ally.

In the history of the United States, there are only two people from the star successfully transformed into a politician, one is the United States President Reagan, and the other is now appeared in the ballroom Arnold Schwarzenegger, relatively speaking, he wore sunglasses cool to say that “I’ll be back!” Words, to be more than he is the governor of the state more in-depth.

At least Zhuang Rui felt, after Arnold entered the venue, that the star paradigm, immediately full of big and small stars are suppressed dim, like Michael Douglas such a veteran star, in front of Arnold are a little less than three points.

“Zhuang Rui, the person standing next to that muscular man is Bonadette …….”

After watching the crowd swarming all over Arnold’s side, Huangfu Yun quietly pointed out to Zhuang Rui the host for this evening.

Zhuang Rui gazed at it, it was an old man in his early sixties, wearing a decent suit, not very tall, only about one meter seven, it is estimated that usually seen on the main road, will only think that this is an ordinary foreign old man.

But at the moment, Bonadette stood in Arnold’s side, the waist pole is very straight, is its own kind of unspeakable majesty, its momentum is not in the least worse than Arnold, and under the humble smile, reveals a strong confidence and control, superior social skills, so that surrounded by his side of every person are like a spring breeze.

Zhuang Rui watched as Danny walked over to Bonadette’s ear and whispered a few words, Bonadette nodded apologetically to the people on either side of him, and led by Danny, walked straight over to where Zhuang Rui was sitting.

“Zhuang, I’m glad you could attend this charity auction, and I hope you can have a pleasant evening here.”

Bonadette’s tone was very kind, and as he spoke, he looked at a beautiful actress not far away, squeezed his eyes at Zhuang Rui, and said, “I think this place is very suitable for you young people.”

It has to be said that Bonadette’s sociability is very strong, it is such a casual sentence that makes him and Zhuang Rui talk like old friends, and this old man’s insight is also very broad, quite knowledgeable about China, and even some of the snacks of some small places can be said to be a one or two.

“By the way, you are a Chinese Yun-Huangfu, I remember you, this kind of surname is rare in China, if you put it in the ancient times, maybe you are a Chinese aristocrat!”

What surprised Zhuang Rui the most was that after exchanging a few words with himself, Bonadette suddenly shouted out Huangfu Yun’s name, not to mention Zhuang Rui, it was Huangfu Yun himself who was taken aback.

To know, although Huangfu Yun had seen Bonadette before, but that was already four or five years ago, and at that time, Huangfu Yun was just an ordinary lawyer in the law firm, I did not expect that after so many years, Bonadette could still remember his name, which made Huangfu Yun a little flattered.

Zhuang Rui is in the heart secretly sigh, according to reason this Bonadette is also considered foreign rich second generation, but his quality, far from the domestic those rich second generation or the official third generation can be compared to, just rely on this hand with people’s communication skills, even if Bonadette does not rely on the family that has been the grandfather of the Allied Forces of the United Nations and the United States of America’s senior generals of the father, their own absolutely can also create a career to the.

Zhuang Rui heart understand, the reason why the Bonadette on their own such a reputation and young people so polite, must be because of their own behind the family, we must know, now China is the previous can not be compared to that the world’s largest population market, so that a lot of foreign predators are salivating.

But Bonadette did not mention any topic about business in the slightest, just talking to Zhuang Rui about some of his sights and sounds in China, which made Zhuang Rui very comfortable in his heart, for such a partner, it is what every person would like.

“Zhuang, enjoy this night, the auction at night, there will definitely be objects you are interested in.”

After chatting with Zhuang Rui for five or six minutes, Bonadette affectionately patted Zhuang Rui’s shoulder and excused himself and left, as the host, the guests he needed to greet today were just too many, being able to tarry for five or six minutes in Zhuang Rui’s place had already made a lot of people pay attention to this remote corner where Zhuang Rui was.

As the guests continue to arrive, the sofa area next to Zhuang Rui also sat on people, basically all the guests are the same as Zhuang Rui, is used dinner before arriving, the banquet hall in the middle of the sumptuous food, almost a display, which also let Zhuang Rui see the side of the foreigners luxury.

To know, many of those food items were flown in from abroad, according to Huangfu Yun’s introduction to Zhuang Rui, those ingredients alone were worth more than hundreds of thousands of dollars, and these things would be dumped into the garbage can afterwards.

“Julie, are you interested in playing a role in my new movie?”

“Mr. Steven, thank you, if there’s a slot, I’d definitely be willing.”

“Smith, your Mechanical Public Enemy did very well! What movie are you going to star in next?”

The conversation of several people on the sofa next to Zhuang Rui attracted Zhuang Rui’s attention, it didn’t matter if he turned his head to look, it almost didn’t make Zhuang Rui jump up.

“Shit, Angelina, Will Smith, who is that old man?”

Zhuang Rui did not expect, in their own side sits two world movie world top stars, not to mention Smith, that Julie Angelina, absolutely thousands of men in the heart of the goddess.

And today Julie’s dress as her role on the screen in general, bold in revealing the wild, two suspenders from the shoulders, back almost all bare, the front chest is also just a little bit covered, from the side to see, plump breasts in plain view.

“That’s Spielberg, you don’t even recognize him?”

Huangfu Yun glanced to the side, although his mouth was replying to Zhuang Rui’s words, his gaze was firmly fixed on Julie’s towering chest, wondering if Mr. Pitt would propose a duel with Huangfu Yun if he saw his piggish appearance.

In fact, not only Huangfu Yun, most of the people’s eyes within this scene are staring at the bodies of those Hollywood actresses, this tycoon is also a human being! Conquering these extremely seductive actresses would obviously make them more accomplished.

Zhuang Rui swallowed his saliva, very difficult to withdraw his gaze, it seems that this foreign country absolutely can not come more, the temptation is really too strong, that said, although Zhuang Rui did not engage in one-night stands or extramarital love ideas, but in this choppy place, it is inevitable to produce a revitalization of the Chinese man’s mighty mind.

“Hi, Chinese man?”

Zhuang Rui just ready to read a few sentences of clear mind mantra, that Smith end a cup of red wine, came to Zhuang Rui and others in front of, here is originally a social occasion, to Smith and others identity to come here, in fact, originally a little bit reluctant, so they in today will not take the star’s frame.

Especially after seeing Bonadette’s attitude towards Zhuang Rui just now, all these stars were curious about Zhuang Rui’s identity in their hearts, and after Will came over, Julie and Spielberg also came over.

“Hello, Mr. Smith, I’m from China.”

Zhuang Rui stood up and shook Smith’s hand, after 2000, especially in recent years, Chinese people’s spending power has shocked the world, things like being mistaken for Japanese in the past have rarely happened today.

“Just call me Will, China is a very ancient and mysterious country, by the way, there are kung fu stars like Jackie Chan there, I think …… I will go to China to shoot a movie after that.”

Will Smith is very talkative, hand-waving and Zhuang Rui compared, the arrival of several world’s top stars, but let Zhuang Rui put down the sense of constraint in his heart, not humble and not supercilious and they discussed the movies they have seen.

“Grandma, if Liu Chuan knows that his buddy is sitting next to Julie, will this kid immediately sell the Tibetan mastiff base to chase himself all day long?”

Chatting with a few big stars, Zhuang Rui has a kind of extremely unreal feeling, to know, just a few years ago when he and Liu Chuan watched a movie starring Julie Angelina together, Liu Chuan that bastard is very graphic with certain words, and Julie has carried out physical as well as liquid exchanges.

A bunch of people chatting, time passes very quickly, an hour of dining time quickly ended, and the second agenda of today’s auction, is about to begin, more than a dozen staff will be a few special glass as well as crystal display cabinets pushed into the banquet hall, immediately caused a piece of women’s screams.

“This auction, Bonadette has really made an effort.”

Zhuang Rui and others also surrounded the past, although separated from the crystal display cabinet, but Zhuang Rui can see at a glance, that the jewelry and diamonds that are set up inside, can be called the top luxury goods, each piece of the price, at least in the 10 million U.S. dollars or more.

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