Chapter 1063 – Terrorist Incident (IV)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:46:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Big brother, a few people ran out from the 18th floor, we lost two brothers.”

Just as the middle-aged man David was complacently watching those super rich people one by one in transferring money to themselves, a noisy voice came from the intercom, hearing David frowned a bit, how could his own brother be so uncaring? If I had known, I would not have brought him here.

After the middle-aged man thought for a moment for a second, he said, “Ralph, you cut all the elevator cables in the hotel, blow up the security passageway for me, and then let Andre guard the rooftop, and don’t let any American police officer appear above the eighteenth floor for two hours.”

David knew that using the method of cutting the phone lines and blocking the hotel’s signals wouldn’t be able to delay for much longer, sooner or later the American police would know what was happening over here, and he hadn’t originally thought that he could take the money and leave so smoothly.

“Big …… brother, this …… how can this work? Blowing up the passage and elevator, how can we leave ah?” Ralph, who was guarding the seventeenth floor, was dumbfounded when he heard his big brother’s words.

The middle-aged man snorted coldly and said in a bad mood, “Silly egg, the ground can not leave, we will not take the helicopter?”

“But …… but we don’t have a helicopter!” Ralph still did not get the hang of it, if these people can afford to buy a helicopter, why bother to come here to rob? Other people don’t know his big brother’s background, doesn’t he still know?

His big brother was three years old peeping at women bathing, eight years old began to cheat prostitutes selling money, ten years old when he began to drug trafficking, from twelve years old to now forty-five years old in this thirty-three years, twenty-eight years are spent in prison, can be said to be a belly of bad water.

However, Ralph does know that after each release from prison, the elder brother did more and more big cases, the last time in prison for twelve years because of the bank robbery, to say that David is really a criminal genius, the whole process of the robbery projected seamlessly, just in the evacuation of the time, the car he drove ghostly flat tires, directly into the roadside of a large tree.

In fact, even so, David still had the opportunity to escape, the police did not know that the car is the robber took, but the tragedy is that the unlucky David was shocked fainted, and enthusiastic passers-by found a large number of dollars from his car, which the Los Angeles police had no difficulty in solving a major bank robbery case.

This time the action, David entire planning for more than two months, do not know where to find such a group of professional robbers, even hit the idea to the Hilton Hotel body, twelve years ago Ralph was still young, did not participate in that robbery, but this time it is to fight the tiger pro-brother.

“Damn, you are pig brain ah? Back without a helicopter, you jump from the fifty-eighth floor yourself!”

The middle-aged man who had always acted calm and collected, was finally irritated by his own brother and couldn’t control his emotions, suppressed his voice and then scolded, “If you weren’t my brother, I guarantee that I would have cut off your genitals and stuffed them inside of your mouth, Ralph, I’m warning you, if anyone comes to the seventeenth floor from the rooftop or the safe passage, I’m sure that I’ll personally throw you off from here! of you.”

Although David’s education is not high, but after spending nearly thirty years in that place of prison, his understanding of crime can be said to be extremely deep, if he is hijacking a bunch of hard miners in gold mining, it is guaranteed that the U.S. federal police will be the first to mobilize anti-terrorism elite to forcefully attack into, but at this moment, he is confident enough that he can get out in one piece.

Not to mention that this banquet hall brings together more than sixty percent of the world’s top tycoons or their children, that is, those Hollywood big shots, but also can not be underestimated, not to mention, if like Spielberg, Tom Hanks and various film and television company bosses died here, then the United States of America’s Hollywood film industry will fall apart overnight.

Hollywood is a business card of American culture, even if there is no horrible ability to absorb money, the U.S. government will not risk the possibility of the collapse of the Hollywood film industry here to carry out a strong attack, the final result can only be through negotiations to meet the requirements of the robbers to send their departure.

What’s more, the influence of those super-rich, more than these film and television predators a thousand times, almost every rich behind a national or local forces shadow, although the United States boasts of the world’s first power, but also do not dare to let themselves fall into the wave of the world’s people’s war.

“Big …… brother, then …… what about the two people who ran away?”

Ralph although also had two squatting prison experience, but this time the scene is he has never seen, alone just saw the bloody corpse, let him hide in a side vomit half a day, at this time has a little six God is not master.

“Just run away, do as I say, now!”

David kind of regretted letting his brother join in this operation, there were one or two hundred fat pigs waiting for him to go under the knife to slaughter in the whole eighteenth floor, running away with so many or two people, he didn’t care at all, anyway, even if no one ran out, with the federal police’s attention to this rally, they would be able to sense the problem soon enough.

“Gentlemen, ladies, I think …… we’re going to have to move a little faster.”

David looked at the people squatting on the ground in the field, his mood became better, although he came from the bottom of the social class, but he always wanted to become a person in the upper class, after this vote, his own desire will be satisfied.

David knew that after this incident, he would definitely be listed by Interpol as a person who was on par with Osama bin Laden, but he wasn’t worried because he had already arranged a back way.

This shocking robbery, completely planned by David, as for the leader of these bandits, but he squatted in Russia in a fraud in Siberian prisons befriended, these people are all armed separatists in the former Soviet Union, in the sparsely populated Siberia, there are enough places for them to hide and squander the money.

And right now on a ship somewhere on the west coast, two top surgical plastic surgeons were ready for the operation, it would only take three days at the most for him to become another person, thinking about the good life in the future, David couldn’t help but have a smug smile on his face.

“Alright, Brother Zhuang, don’t go up any further.”

After climbing ten or so floors in one breath, Peng Fei panted and called out to Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui’s physical strength was perverted he knew, he just didn’t expect that Paris, this chick, climbed more than ten floors in a row and actually didn’t change her face, making Peng Fei quite surprised.

“Thirty-one layers, go in!”

Zhuang Rui carrying the sub-machine gun snatched from the robbers, just pushed open the security door, suddenly his feet shook, with the sound of explosions coming from below, it seems that the whole building shook, the power supply system was also affected, the emergency lights at the exit of the staircase flashed out indefinitely, Peng Fei behind Zhuang Rui and Paris did not take precautions under, both fell to the ground.

“Shit, it should be the robbers who blew up the stairs, go in first and look for the phone, it’s impossible for them to block the signal for a long time.”

Peng Fei climbed up and followed Zhuang Rui into the floor, today’s encounter made Peng Fei feel depressed, it seems that every time he follows Zhuang Rui out of the country, he always encounters that little bit of situation.

“I …… have a phone ……” Paris weak voice came from behind Peng Fei.

“You have a phone? Where is it?”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment at his words, when he escaped from the eighteenth floor, he had seen Paris with empty hands.

“In here.”

Paris reached out to her chest, actually really pulled out a compact cell phone from the chest bulge, but that originally choppy place, all of a sudden, it leaked, and appeared a little flat.

“This also works?”

Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei glanced at each other, this woman’s body structure is just much more practical than a man’s, but then again, people like Arnold and Stallone seem to be able to clip a phone in the middle of their pecs.

“Brother Zhuang, take down the gun’s magazine and leave the gun!”

Peng Fei glanced at Zhuang Rui, his look was really a bit thunderous, covered in blood plus the submachine gun in his hand, I’m afraid it would make the guests of the thirty-first floor mistake them for robbers.

Zhuang Rui listened to Peng Fei’s words and threw the submachine gun into the safe passage, then took off his suit, although there was still a little bit of blood on his white shirt, but it wasn’t so conspicuous anymore, the three of them headed for the hotel elevator, although this place was safe, but it seemed a little bit better to be able to leave, who knows whether those robbers would be heartless enough to blow up the whole hotel?

“The elevator can’t go down.”

Arriving at the elevator of the thirty-first floor, several people realized that the eight elevators that could be used at the same time, the indicator light had already gone out, more than twenty guests who were ready to go downstairs were drumming there, one by one holding their cell phones in a useless manner, the shaking of the suspected tremor just now made all of them wear a worried look on their faces.

I don’t know if the hijackers just lifted the signal interference, Paris, who had been dialing 911, suddenly cried out in surprise: “Got through, I got through, is it the LAPD? We’ve been hijacked, the damn Hilton has been hijacked by bandits.”

If Paris Hilton was asked to select the world’s most unsafe hotels at this moment, she would have righteously ranked her family’s hotel first.

“What? A hijacking, what’s going on?”

“Oh my God, it’s not a terrorist attack, is it? What the hell is going on?”

“Damn it, I’m going downstairs.”

Paris’s alarm call made the people guarding the side of the elevator panicked, although 911 had already passed eight years ago, that scene would never be forgotten by Americans, seven or eight people immediately ran in the direction of the safe passage.

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