Chapter 1064 – Terrorist Incident (V)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:46:03
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Fuck, the stairs are blown off.”

“Oh my god, is it really 9/11?”

“Hurry up, run upwards to the rooftop.”

After four or five minutes, those who entered the safe passage, ran back again with a panicked look on their faces. These people who stayed at the Hilton Hotel might normally be business elites or successful people in certain fields, but when faced with the threat of death, they might not necessarily see how much better they were than ordinary people.

Maybe it is the reason that the phone can be called out, almost everyone is holding a phone, some people roar to dial 911, there are also call to family and friends, anyway, this scene is not only in the floor where Zhuang Rui is, almost every floor of the Hilton Hotel is happening this kind of thing.

Paris this alarm call for a long time, the other party asked many questions in detail, Paris does not lack of experience in dealing with the police, will just happen one by one to do the elaboration.

“Ms. Paris, are the police here?”

Zhuang Rui saw Paris put down her phone and hurriedly pulled her to a place far away from the elevator, which had become a place for the crowd to vent their emotions, and the noise made it impossible to carry on a conversation at all.

“They didn’t say.”

Paris spread her hands, but her eyes immediately looked behind Zhuang Rui, with an unbelievable look on her face, and said with her mouth wide open, “Oh my god, when did the police work so efficiently?”

Zhuang Rui looked back, a beam of strong light suddenly shone on his face, slightly squinting his eyes, Zhuang Rui saw, outside the hotel, hovering a helicopter, due to the hotel soundproof glass, did not hear the helicopter’s roar.

“Bastard, is the US government trying to get everyone killed?”

Different from Paris’ face of delight, Zhuang Rui cursed at the first moment, those robbers in the hotel were not good men and women, from their equipment, it could be seen that these people were not small gangsters who chopped up people on the street with a big knife blade.

When their lives are threatened, those robbers will definitely pull everyone along with them, Zhuang Rui and those super rich people don’t have any friendship, but Huangfu Yun can still be inside!

“We’re here, save us.”

“Smash the damn glass.”

When those panicked people saw the helicopter, it was like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, immediately two or three people lifted the flower pots of the hotel’s evergreens and smashed them against the hotel’s glass, and the roar of the helicopter reached their ears as a cold wind blew.

Not only the floor where Zhuang Rui is so, basically all the floors are staged this scene, if not did not get the exact news, it is estimated that this will have been someone started to jump off the building, to know, in the 911 incident, the number of people who jumped to their deaths is even greater than the number of people who died directly from the airplane crashing into the building.

Suddenly, from the helicopter came the voice of the loudspeaker, “Don’t be alarmed, this is just an anti-terrorism drill, please return to your rooms, once again, this is just an anti-terrorism drill, please return to your rooms to avoid accidental injury.”

The police had actually sensed a hint of the situation before Paris called the police, and had secretly deployed to surround the Hilton Hotel, only that they didn’t know the exact situation inside, and it wasn’t until they received Paris’s phone call that they realized that the tycoons in this building, who occupied more than fifty percent of the world’s wealth, had been hijacked by the terrorists.

To the strength of the Los Angeles Police Department, simply can not deal with such a major case, coupled with the current governor of California Mr. also inside, the police are not dare to act rashly, the first time the news will be reported, and now arrived in the helicopter, but is being assembled near Los Angeles training of the Navy SEALs.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National Security Agency’s (NSA) professionals stationed in Los Angeles had already gotten through to the hijackers, and because the hostages taken this time were too important, as far as they could tell, they didn’t have the slightest room to bargain.

“Damn, you have to stop the elevator and blow up the stairs for a drill?”

“I’m going to file a complaint against you sons of bitches for wasting taxpayers’ money.”

“Stop arguing and go back to your room first! There’s no place to reason in case you get hurt by mistake.”

After hearing the police’s warning, the crowd gathered around the floor were not quite convinced, but their moods lightened a little, and after whining for a while, they each went back to their own rooms.

“Brother Zhuang, it should be safe, let’s go back to the 28th floor and take a rest!”

Peng Fei didn’t let out a sigh of relief until this moment, he wasn’t very good at urban counter-terrorism, and he didn’t think he had the potential of a lone hero to sweep away the robbers on the 18th floor in one fell swoop, in Peng Fei’s heart, Zhuang Rui’s safety was the most important thing.

“Alright! Ms. Paris, please make yourself at home! This is your family’s hotel, you don’t need to follow us anymore.”

Zhuang Rui nodded and looked at Paris and frowned, he didn’t know if he should thank this American chick, if it wasn’t for her pranks, I’m afraid that this would have made himself one of the hostages.

“Oh no, I think …… I’d better follow you guys until I see the police!”

Paris shook her head, although this girl loved excitement, after seeing Peng Fei and Zhuang Rui’s hands, she knew that following the two was the wisest choice.


Zhuang Rui said indifferently, then he and Peng Fei re-returned to the safe passage and went back to the 28th floor, luckily the people on this floor didn’t have the common sense of anti-terrorism and didn’t block the safe passage away, of course, Zhuang Rui and the others entered the floor, and then sealed the safe door away.

After returning to her presidential suite, Paris received another call from the police, the other party not only spoke with Paris, but also interrogated Zhuang Rui in detail, and finally asked them to keep their cell phones on at all times, and stay in their rooms waiting for rescue.

“Peng Fei, should Brother Huangfu be alright?”

Since having aura in his eyes, this was the second time Zhuang Rui felt helpless, the first time was in the vast ocean and on that lonely island, this time although he was in the world’s most prosperous metropolis, Zhuang Rui still couldn’t change anything with his magical eyes.

All along, Zhuang Rui thought that his eyes could change the world, but now the situation is to make Zhuang Rui feel a little confused, until this moment he realized that he is only in some specific areas than the ordinary people stronger than some only, but not omnipotent.

“Brother Huangfu should be fine, he doesn’t have any money, those robbers won’t do anything to him.”

Peng Fei said this without much backbone, after thinking for a while, then said, “Brother Zhuang, should …… I go down to take a look?”

“Don’t, you honestly stay here! Remember, you’re just a tourist now, professional things should be done by professionals.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, Huangfu Yun and Peng Fei were both very important to him, he wouldn’t put the other in danger for the sake of one of them, right now, it seemed like waiting was the only way.

“Big brother, I’m Rui, I’ve encountered a little bit of trouble in the US again, the Hilton Hotel I’m staying at in Los Angeles has been hijacked by thugs.”

After Zhuang Rui thought for a while, he asked Paris to borrow a cell phone and dialed Ouyang Lei’s phone, but just after saying a few sentences, a murmur suddenly came from the phone, followed by a busy tone, making Zhuang Rui stunned for a while, can’t it be that this U.S. wireless carrier is still inferior to the Chinese carrier?

Zhuang Rui is ready to dial again when the hands of the phone suddenly rang, Zhuang Rui did not think much, smoothly pressed the answer button, “Mr. Zhuang, I am the U.S. National Security Agency’s Emerson, I know that you are the identity, but this incident is a U.S. state secret, related to U.S. national security matters, I hope that you do not spread out, after the end of the matter, we will open a news conference.”

After receiving a headless phone call was warned some, Zhuang Rui froze for a long time before he understood, “Dare I say that my own phone just now was wiretapped, is this the legendary wiretapping?”

Zhuang Rui can not help but laugh bitterly, and tried to dial Ouyang Lei’s phone, found that not only is the international long-distance, even 911 this number can not be played out, it is estimated that this time is blocked by the U.S. government signal, and then can only be resentful of the cell phone back to Paris.

However, Zhuang Rui’s phone also played a role, although Ouyang Lei not get a lot of information, but things have been made clear, he immediately contacted the Chinese Embassy in the United States, said the U.S. government is required to properly resolve this terrorist incident, to ensure the safety of the hostages.

There is no impermeable wall in this world, just after the Chinese Embassy in the United States of America to the United States of America note, a number of countries at the same time and the United States side of the negotiation, and even some national television stations temporarily inserted in the news, but also reported this matter, and even this matter will be said to the United States of America’s second 911 incident.

Always like to meddle in the internal affairs of other countries, commenting on the news of other countries of the old United States, this time is very passive, the diplomatic department is busy, of course, has always boasted of freedom and openness of the United States, naturally, is a denial of the shocking robbery, and countries in the United States Consulate embassy to play a war of words.

But at the same time Zhuang Rui made a phone call, the U.S. President called the Secretary of State and some of the dignitaries who are on vacation abroad, held an emergency teleconference, as for the content of the meeting, is classified as a national level of confidentiality, outsiders do not know.

The TV in the room also did not have any signal, as time passed by the minute, the time soon came to more than three o’clock in the morning, has been concerned about the outside of Zhuang Rui and others, found that there are two helicopters from the rooftop to leave.

“Ding dong, ding dong ……”

After about half an hour, the doorbell of the presidential suite where Zhuang Rui was suddenly rang.

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