Chapter 1065 – Quelling

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:46:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light


Seeing Zhuang Rui standing up and about to open the door, Peng Fei hurriedly stopped Zhuang Rui and took a side step to the door, his body pressed against the wall, and after taking a deep breath, he took a lightning fast glance at the cat’s eye on the door.

“Brother Zhuang, it’s the American police, I’m ready to open the door.”

Peng Fei first pulled out the pistol with a silencer on his waist and carefully placed it two or three meters in front of himself, then made a gesture to Zhuang Rui, indicating that he should not hold on to that submachine gun, which could easily trigger a misunderstanding.

“We are from the FBI, please open the door Ms. Paris.”

The person outside the door was slightly impatient after waiting for a while, just as the words fell, the door of the tightly closed room suddenly opened, which made the agent in police uniform freeze for a moment, but the counter-terrorism team members guarding the door reacted quickly and immediately rushed into the room.

“Crouch down, everyone crouch down and undergo inspection, please cooperate with us.”

More than a dozen heavily armed face with hoods have as often dressed as in Counter Terrorism Elite, the first time the dark muzzle of the gun aimed at the three people in the house, Peng Fei was very cooperative directly squatting by the door, while Paris reacted a little slower, it was pressed by a brawny man on the sofa.

Zhuang Rui was very smart, when Peng Fei turned around and made a wink, he stilled the sub-machine gun in his hand on the carpet, and sure enough, the big soldiers who came in saw the sub-machine gun at the first time, and as if they were on the verge of an attack, they aimed their guns at Zhuang Rui who was sitting on the sofa.

“Calm down, I’m unarmed.”

Zhuang Rui raised his hands high, but he knew that although the United States claimed to uphold human rights, but it was not uncommon for the police to shoot civilians, especially because many police teams had strong discrimination against people of color.

Last year, a white police officer in New York once shot a black man, which caused a big commotion, so Zhuang Rui very cooperative squatting on the ground with his hands up, he can’t be a confused ghost here.

On the contrary, Paris, who was pressed on the sofa, was constantly struggling, and her mouth shouted, “Damn, we are not robbers, let go of me, let go of me …….”

Fear of a night, and was treated so, Paris’s temper flared up, and the domestic people see the police have a kind of natural fear of different, rich people in the United States is not afraid of the civil servants, most often hanging on the lips of the sentence is “you wasted our taxpayers’ money”.

However, this time not only the police came in, there are heavily armed soldiers, they do not care how much tax Paris paid a year, although released Paris, but the cold muzzle of the gun has been pointing at Paris.

After a few people with instruments had conducted some inspections on Zhuang Rui and the others’ bodies and rooms, the federal agent in the lead finally let out a sigh of relief and opened his mouth to say, “Alright, two gentlemen, Miss Paris, I’m really sorry, you can sit down now.”

“Mr. Policeman, I would like to know …… exactly how things were resolved? Also, there was a friend of mine in the banquet hall on the eighteenth floor, where is he now?”

Zhuang Rui didn’t know that the fact that he was still able to sit here peacefully instead of being invited into the police station was mainly due to the fact that the Chinese Embassy in the United States had intervened with the American side in the first place, and the people who had come this time didn’t just include American federal agents, but also personnel from the National Security Bureau and the diplomatic side.

“Mr. Zhuang, my name is Virgil, your friend is safe now, but for the time being you won’t be able to see him because we have to make a statement first.”

The federal agent who was in the lead made a self-introduction, but he didn’t say his identity as the deputy director of the FBI, as a powerful figure within the FBI, if it wasn’t for Zhuang Rui’s special identity, it wouldn’t have been possible to use him, the director of the bureau, to make a statement personally.

This time the matter is very troublesome, suppressing public opinion is already impossible, so they will have to start from these hijacked people, and strive to minimize the impact of this incident.

“Mr. Zhuang, two of the robbers were killed by you and Peng, right? Please tell us in detail what happened.”

Virgil opened the electronic pen, while someone turned on the camera, and Peng Fei and Paris were brought into another room to take their statements.

Zhuang Rui did not have any concealment, the things that happened to speak completely and completely, he is not afraid of the U.S. government to put him on a charge, that is to say, the domestic have self-defense, can not come to the United States was pointed at a gun and not to fight back, right?

Fergie asked in great detail, and even let Zhuang Rui recall how many punches he had punched the man, which made Zhuang Rui glad that he didn’t use aura to treat the wounds on his hands, or else he would definitely be suspected by the relevant authorities.

After about half an hour, after giving Zhuang Rui a statement, Virgil stood up and said, “Alright, Mr. Zhuang, thank you for your cooperation, I’m sorry, for the time being, you need to stay here.”

“I’m sorry, I need to see my friends, I need to get out of the United States, my safety is not guaranteed here.”

Zhuang Rui protested, staying here and not being able to leave, isn’t this house arrest? Americans don’t in order to hide the truth of the matter, when the time comes to silence yourself again, then buddies are not more than sinus e still wrong ah? Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui could not help but shiver.

“Mr. Zhuang, I can send your friend over, but you …… really can t leave here for the time being.”

Vogel apologized to Zhuang Rui and spread his hands, leaving behind four heavily armed American soldiers before leaving in a hurry, he still has a lot of things that need to be busy, the people who need to be pacified today are just too many, and everyone’s identity is not simple.

What’s more, they were able to properly resolve this matter this time, in fact, the United States side made a compromise to the terrorists, this matter, if the word gets out, will be a huge blow to the reputation of the United States government, so there is still a lot of work to follow up on, Virgil also did not have time to stay here and Zhuang Rui bullshit.

However, Virgil still honored his promise, after three hours, a haggard Huangfu Yun was sent to Zhuang Rui’s presidential suite, only this dude obviously suffered a lot of shock, look very tired, did not say a few words and looked for a room to huff and puff.

“Mr. Zhuang, I wish you a safe journey.”

The third day after the incident ended, Zhuang Rui, accompanied by the Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in the U.S., came to the Los Angeles airport, waving goodbye to the embassy staff who made great efforts in this incident, Zhuang Rui boarded the plane.

“Damn, this is the face of the U.S. government that boasts freedom and vows not to compromise with terrorists.”

Waiting for the plane to take off into the clouds, Zhuang Rui finally cursed out the words that had been held back for days, the first few days had been monitored by the American side, really suffocating Zhuang Rui.

“Come on, if it wasn’t for the American government’s compromise, you wouldn’t be able to see your brother.”

Although rested for three whole days, Huangfu Yun’s demeanor is still a little bit of condescension, although he has handled a lot of tricky cases, but I was hijacked by bandits with live guns and nuclear bombs, that psychological impact is still very big.

Huangfu Yun sighed and said, “Alas, it’s a pity about that Xuande stove.”

Things went back to that night four days ago, after the operation was exposed, the hijackers accelerated the transfer of money, and by David and the U.S. police negotiated, after dropping a South American rubber estate owner from the eighteenth floor, the U.S. police were forced to terminate all rescue operations.

The U.S. government could not afford not to be soft, not to mention that there is a U.S. governor among the hostages, or any American in the field died, will set off a storm, if the hostages are all killed in this incident, the U.S. and even the world economy will collapse, this kind of consequence is any government can not afford.

Negotiations were in a state of anxiety at first, but after the footage of David putting a pistol to Governor Arnold’s head was released, the police allowed them to carry the hostages to the rooftop, and the robbers released the first batch of hostages, all of which were some hotel waiters and people not listed on their list, Huangfu Yun was among these people.

Just before the police helicopter, Huangfu Yun holding the Xuande furnace, but was left by David, that dude although the field of jewelry and antiques is not interested, but do not mind leaving such a beautifully crafted trophy.

As for what happened later, Huangfu Yun did not know, but all the people who were involved in this matter can think with their asses, in the end it must be the U.S. government compromised, otherwise it will not be so calm now.

After Zhuang Rui and other people returned to the country, but also accepted the relevant departments of some of the investigation, Zhuang Rui and other people can feel out, those who investigated them in the relevant departments of the personnel, face and speak in the tone of voice, are with a set of this event gloating attitude.

I don’t know what means the U.S. government used, what kind of compromise was made to the governments? This incident was not reported in a big way, with the passage of time, in addition to those who personally experienced it still remember, the incident has slowly faded out of people’s memories.

Zhuang Rui also resumed a quiet life, in addition to accompany the family is to school classes, but in two months, Zhuang Rui received a gift from the United States, let him quite a surprise.

That is Zhuang Rui photographed six books of the Yongle Dazhong and that precious ruby, along with these two things, there is also a letter from Bonadette, the letter for the things that happened two months ago expressed regret, in order to express their apologies, Bonadette decided to Zhuang Rui photographed two items, gratuitous gift to Zhuang Rui.

However, the robbers snatched the genuine Xuande furnace, but not in the gift, which makes Zhuang Rui very regrettable, because so far, that is the only one he has seen Xuande three years made Xuande furnace.

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