Chapter 1068 – Blue Mountain Clubhouse

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:46:13
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These days, people have money on hand, a lot of people began to seek excitement, some years ago, Beijing City, there are monies like gambling license plate single and double, each carrying a suitcase of money, a cab to a junction, to guess the first opened the car is single or double, now finally taste a little higher, follow the trend to play the stone gambling.

Although Tang Lao has a high reputation in the jadeite line, but he is still a businessman after all, this time many members in the Beijing Stone Gambling Club, originally his customers, plus Tang Lao himself is helpful and likes to promote the younger generation, so this is invited to rush to Beijing from Yunnan, to participate in this so-called rich people’s game.

“Xiao Zhuang, if you’re busy, forget it, when this is over tomorrow, we’ll sit together again as gentlemen.”

Tang old man on the phone to see Zhuang Rui long did not speak out, thought Zhuang Rui is not happy to go it, he also knows, that the so-called gambling club people, and the jade culture is really a little bit on the edge is not on, either some of the rich is the capital of the dude, Zhuang Rui may not be able to look at the eye.

Tang Lao if not because there are a few big customers out of the invitation, he will not participate in activities of this nature, but people in the world can not help it, like Zhuang Rui so simply do not care about the external factors of the people, can be said to be few and far between.

“Old master, tomorrow I’ll go and have a look too! Learn some more things with your old man.”

Zhuang Rui thought about it for a while, or agreed, he also wanted to see those laymen, whether they can really pull out to get what good objects, said that the gambling stone is a piece of luck work, maybe there are really some good things inside it!

“Hey, good, that place is called Blue Mountain Club, tomorrow the old man will wait for you there.”

Hearing Zhuang Rui agreed to participate in this party, Tang Lao is very happy, he is also impatient to accompany a group of laymen bullshit, there is Zhuang Rui in, at least at that time there can be a person to talk.

“Fourth brother, there is a place called Blue Mountain Club in our Beijing city, do you know it?”

After Zhuang Rui hung up the phone and returned home, he realized that he didn’t even know where the Blue Mountain Club was. Thinking that he was now considered a Beijinger, he didn’t have the heart to call Tang Lao to inquire, but instead called Ouyang Jun.

“You’re talking about the Blue Mountain Club, right? The one in the Ministry of Finance’s family’s penis runs it? Why are you asking this?”

Ouyang Jun was a bit strange, his brother never liked to go to these so-called elegant places, and the second generation of the capital’s aristocrats did not have much to do, why did he suddenly inquire about this? That said, it is not a good place to eat, drink, whore, gamble and smoke everything, Zhuang Rui should not be interested in these.

“There’s a gambling game there tomorrow, one of the elders in Yunnan invited me to go and take a look.” Zhuang Rui replied.

“Gambling? Cheng, that place I know, go together tomorrow, last time I went to Burma a stone did not buy and returned home, this time to see.”

Ouyang Jun heard is this, immediately came to the interest, he pulled Zhuang Rui some time ago to go to the stereo museum around, listen to Zhuang Rui introduced only the jade museum in those exhibition museum treasure, the market value is going to be in the billions of yuan above, which let Ouyang four brother heart is big indignation.

“Buddy hard work to develop real estate, a year down does not see to earn so much money.”

Especially after hearing that Zhuang Rui had gambled up a few pieces of raw stones worth hundreds of millions of dollars in Myanmar this time, Ouyang Jun has been pondering whether he is also investing some money into the gambling market, after all, as long as he can gamble up, this profit is many times higher than drug trafficking, and he doesn’t need to make money to earn so hard.

The next morning more than seven o’clock, has always been for others to work at eight o’clock, only in the afternoon to go to the company’s Ouyang Jun, early to Zhuang Rui’s courtyard, pick up Zhuang Rui, drove to the Blue Mountain Club rushed to.

Beijing is an inch of land, Blue Mountain Club is also in the outskirts of Beijing, the geographical location is not bad, a few small buildings are hidden under the foot of the mountain, just in time for the season of spring flowers, but it is invigorating.

“Excuse me sir, another private party today, may I ask if you two have an invitation?”

In the club entrance place, Ouyang Jun’s big Ben was stopped, Beijing city but there is no lack of good cars, Mercedes Benz does not mean anything, especially in this kind of private club, is the global limited edition of the famous car is not rare.

“There really isn’t, wait …… for me to make a call!”

Zhuang Rui heard froze, in fact, the invitation he really has, the organization of this gambling people once sent him a post, but then was Zhuang Rui took to his son folding paper cranes to play, and yesterday Tang Lao is only a verbal statement, Zhuang Rui where to find the invitation ah?

“What phone call? This is the place, usually I’m not invited.”

Ouyang Jun muttered, reached out to open the passenger side of the glove compartment and rummaged around, took out a card from inside, threw it to the security guard outside the car window and said, “Here, check it out.”

This Blue Mountain Club was only after Ouyang Jun ended his Beijing Suburbs Club, and slowly made a name for itself in the capital’s aristocratic circles, but the grade and environment were a bit worse than Ouyang Jun’s club back then.

The owner of the club would have liked to take Ouyang Jun’s route, but the level of the circle itself is not enough, and the face of the people is not as wide as Ouyang Jun’s, so most of the members are some of the well-known tycoons in the country, and the authority to enter is not so high, basically as long as there is money to come in.

Of course, the low threshold is also relative, the general boss of a million dollars, really can not come in, because the Blue Mountain Club every week there will be underground boxing and dogfighting and other entertainment projects with the nature of gambling, often a win or lose in the hundreds of millions of yuan or more, is not the average person can afford to play.

And the club’s internal membership privileges, are also different, like Ouyang Jun took that card, is the club’s top members of the treatment, 24 hours a day no matter what time to come, can be the best reception.

After the security guard verified Ouyang Jun’s card, he respectfully handed the card back and said with a smiling face, “Mr. Ouyang, please come in, have a good time.”

“Fourth brother, Cheng ah! This face of yours can be eaten everywhere!” Zhuang Rui saved himself the effort of calling Tang Lao, and didn’t mind kissing Ouyang Jun’s ass.

“That’s right, I tell you, there are not more than five of this card in Beijing, our brother and sister just smashed this club, no one will look for you to lose money.”

Ouyang Jun smiled proudly, he usually whether in front of the old man’s heel or in the business world, always felt by Zhuang Rui pressed a head, and now can in front of Zhuang Rui to get a bit, the heart is still very happy.

“Come on, fourth brother you are great.”

Don’t money ass continue to shoot, Zhuang Rui heart sneer, no wonder Ouyang Jun did not take the family road to politics, to his character, not to mention the old man retired, is at its peak, Ouyang Jun can be those politicians fiddled with the dizzying.

However, Ouyang family side, Zhuang Rui is still and what is not the heart of Ouyang Jun get along with the best, something is basically the first time to think of him, and like Ouyang Lei those cousins, feel a little disconnected.

“Well, turn around I’ll give you a card, you’re fine to see the dogfighting is also good, right, here little girl can be quite a lot, the world no matter which country’s chick, as long as you ask, can give you arrangements.”

Ouyang Jun said the topic was pulled to women, with a cheap smile on his face, which has a little bit of the look of being a brother?

“Forget it! Fourth brother, I don’t have much interest in those, you also run less to these places, it’s not good for sister-in-law to know.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head and hurriedly interrupted Ouyang Jun’s words, if he lets this brother continue, he can turn around and arrange a flight for you.

“Cut, brother I want to play women also do not come here.”

Ouyang Jun this is the truth, in recent years the Ouyang family in the domestic political arena is strong, I do not know how many people staring at them, Ouyang Jun than before convergence of a lot of people, such as the closure of the capital suburbs club, is to not give some people can take advantage of the opportunity.

“By the way, Zhuang Rui, should we let the white lion come and fight on, I dare say that big guy to come, absolutely can sweep all the dogfighting here.”

The dog fights in the club were all provided by the members themselves, last year someone had once given Ouyang Jun an American Pit, but it lost to an Argentine Dogo, and was bitten to death on the spot, which made Ouyang Jun quite indignant, and the little Tibetan Mastiff he got from Zhuang Rui hadn’t grown up yet, so he hit his idea on the White Lion.

“White Lion?”

Zhuang Rui stopped at that, his eyes staring tightly at Ouyang Jun, only after looking at the fourth brother a little bit numb, did he open his mouth and said, “Fourth brother, the white lion saved my life, it’s my brother, it’s a brother just like you, if I ask you to go down to the field to go and bite a dog, would you be willing to do that?”

Zhuang Rui absolutely believe that the white lion that can tear and bite with the snow leopard golden eagle’s combat power, but let the white lion go to participate in dogfighting to entertain those who are idle, beating Zhuang Rui to death can’t do this kind of thing.


Ouyang Jun was Zhuang Rui said stupid, along with the words on the pick up, but then reacted, a face of dissatisfaction yelled: “Damn, you kid take the animal me and than ah? You are also too unkind, right?”

Zhuang Rui patted Ouyang Jun’s shoulder and said, “Fourth brother, sometimes animals are more reliable than people, by the way, that little mastiff back to me.”

The small Tibetan mastiff born by the white lion, one was carried away by Ouyang Jun, after Zhuang Rui heard this from Ouyang Jun, no longer rest assured that the Tibetan mastiff is kept in his place, Zhuang Rui knows that the Tibetan mastiff without professional training, against those professional dogfighting, is almost a dead end.

“Hey, brother I’m just saying, definitely won’t bring little tinkerbell to participate in dogfighting.”

Ouyang Jun heard Zhuang Rui words, immediately anxious, the daughter-in-law named Tinkerbell’s Tibetan mastiff, now in the family by the wife and son favored, on the status of the family than he is much higher.

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