Chapter 1070 – Black Crow Sand

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:46:18
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Seeing the confident tone of that person’s speech, Zhuang Rui felt that his brain was a bit confused, could it be that the gambling stones he had come into contact with before were all unimpressive? That person’s explanation of gambling stones did somewhat subvert Zhuang Rui’s cognition of gambling stones.

The fact that gambling stones could be interpreted in such a sense, Zhuang Rui had also grown to see this day, and he thought about whether he should suggest that Macau’s fourth wife should add such a novel way of gambling in her new company as well?

“Hey, I said …… do you know how to gamble on stones or not? Do you know about Mr. Tang over there? That’s the one in the gambling stone circle.”

That person was very dissatisfied with Zhuang Rui’s performance, pointing to Tang Lao in the distance, he cocked his thumb at Zhuang Rui, and then said, “The people who come here to participate in the gambling of stones today, can be very famous in the circle, old brother, to be able to enter this club, it must be that you are also a little bit of wealth, turn around and follow the older brother to place a few bets, guaranteed that you will win, here, this is my slice… …”

The man carefully measured Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Jun, see two people although wearing casual, but the material quality of the clothes is good, but did not say anything bad, we must know, can come into the club people, more or less is a little bit of head, such a place is not only for those rich people in the country to provide entertainment venues, the same is also a social circle, a lot of business is likely to be negotiated in this kind of place.

“General Manager of Lianhai Group, Huang Weiqiang, oh, it’s Mr. Huang! Turn around and you take care of my little brother.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the business card, forced a smile and the man polite a few words, how he could not imagine, gambling on stones in the operation of these people, actually become a way of gambling, and also claimed that they are in the circle, this jade line a little bit of understanding of the line to see this situation, it is estimated to be able to laugh off the teeth.

In the old Mr. Jin’s “Divine Eagle Warriors” book at the end of the book was written, a few do not know the heights of the jianghu juniors gathered in Huashan, following the example of the year when the East Evil, the West Poison, the South Emperor, the North Beggar for the Huashan Sword Festival, this situation today there are a few points of similarity, so that Zhuang Rui is laughing and crying.

Mr. Huang saw Zhuang Rui quite on the road, smiled and said: “Good to say, old brother is to do which line? Go, I’ll take you to know a few people in the circle.”

Although Mr. Huang is a powerful man in the city he lives in, but with his wealth, he can barely enter this circle, and he doesn’t know a lot of people, and at this moment, in order to show off his ability, he also wants to learn from Mr. Tang to bring up his juniors.

“Thank you, Mr. Huang, I got up early today, I’m a little sleepy, you are busy first, turn around and start gambling, I’ll ask you for advice.”

Zhuang Rui heard Mr. Huang’s words and waved his hand, what a joke, if Zhuang Rui and these “people in the circle” and then further exchanges, I’m afraid that the whole person will go crazy, he is now quite admiring Tang Lao, this old man is spicy not to be afraid of, what circle can adapt to ah!

“Young people do not pay attention to the quality of life at all, come on, when you turn back to betting, you just find me old Huang.” Mr. Huang shook his head, took that female companion of his and stood up, and went to the crowded place.

“You kid, also find a better reason to be sleepy?”

Ouyang Jun listened to the conversation between Zhuang Rui and General Manager Huang from the side, and has been stealing joy, although he does not know much about the gambling stone, but he always knows that the gambling stone bets on whether or not there is emerald in the original stone, and what quality of emerald is there, rather than the peripheral bets that are derived from it.

“What a mess, what’s all this about!”

Zhuang Rui shook his head helplessly and said, “Fourth Brother, why don’t I say hello to Tang Lao and let’s go first! Go to Panjiayuan to stroll around?”

After Zhuang Rui understood the nature of this “gambling”, even the raw stones can not interest, so a bunch of mallet, can buy what good material ah? It is estimated that nine out of ten pieces of material can be fake, applying a little pigment can be sold as imperial green.

“Don’t help! This is such a fun thing, why do we have to go ah! Pretend to pretend to come to Beijing City, later to take a good look.”

Ouyang Jun can see, this is a bunch of rich people in the play elegant, Ouyang four young stayed at home in the past two years, long time no see this kind of lively, of course, is refused to leave.

“Come on! Fourth brother, turn around to be recognized by your acquaintances, too fall ah!” Zhuang Rui is also a little strange, Ouyang Jun’s reputation in Beijing can not be small, most of the old generation of playboys recognize him, sitting here for half a day, actually no one up to say hello.

“My acquaintances do not come here, old brother, I’ll tell you, this kind of club is mostly local people come to consume.”

Ouyang Jun skimmed his mouth, his circle of people, now basically has rarely go to what clubs, even if the organization of what party, most of them are either held in their own villa or manor, is to go out to sea to the yacht to play, so that privacy can be guaranteed.

However, Beijing like this club is also a lot, in a sense has replaced the year as many as the capital reception office, to come here, most of those local officials or around the “successful people”, over time has evolved into the rich fight for the rich and officials to run the place of the official, Ouyang Jun in addition to the opening of the show when the time, this is still the first time to Ouyang Jun in addition to the opening time to show up, this is the first time to come, naturally do not recognize the “successful people” here.

Zhuang Rui shook his head, while chatting with Ouyang Jun, while turning his attention to a few pieces of material not far from himself, this look is a bit of a surprise.

In the distance of Zhuang Rui seven or eight meters away from a shelf, placed a piece of about four or five pounds of weight of the whole betting on the original stone, body dark, skin is frosted, but is the old pit of Myanmar Ma Meng mine kind of material.

Ma Meng jade is also known as the black sand, is the gambling stone in the biggest gambling a kind of raw stone, not to mention these novices, is in the gambling stone line hanging around for some years of the old man will often hit the eye, but the same reason, the greater the risk the higher the profit, so the sand jade is also in the gambling stone in the most widely used.

See this piece of material, Zhuang Rui slightly surprised, to know, Myanmar’s old pit jadeite mine basically have been mined out, even in the public disk appeared on the old pit kind of material, that are some of the Myanmar mine owner inventory of the old material, and not a lot to see, and the price is very high, Zhuang Rui did not expect these amateurs to come out of the object is quite insider, can not help but get up and walk to the piece of wool next to.

“Older brother, this material has a look?”

Ouyang Jun followed behind Zhuang Rui, looking at the black stone, frowned, in this brother’s eyes, only those who cut through the window material, can be called jadeite raw stone.

“I don’t know, all gambling material, it’s not good to say, hemp Meng field material although the water bottom is a little poor, and green in often with blue, but also once out of a lot of superb jadeite.”

Zhuang Rui once got a piece of black wushu sand on the Pingzhou public disk, there is a piece of imperial green material, so he is in the back of several public disk, pay special attention to the raw stone of Ma Meng field, but from that time onwards, never appeared any good material.

“More than poor, this piece of material is the old Wu in Nanjing to bring, said the family has been passed down for decades of the old pit species, but this material is colorless and ringworm, does not look like the original stone, I really do not know how the old Wu think.”

Standing in Zhuang Rui not far away from a middle-aged man heard the conversation between the two, came up to insert a sentence, but this person can say “color ringworm” two words, is stronger than the Wu just out of a lot of people, just compared to the old Wu is also fifty steps laugh a hundred steps, clearly is the Ma Meng field of the old pits species, in the mouth of the buddy is a broken stone.

“Oh, old brother good insight.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and did not say much, this day here are basically jadeite blind, their own words rather than beautiful, not seen there Tang Lao is also closed, really asked can not before nodding or shaking his head?

Of course, it is estimated that this group of “people in the circle”, also thought that the gambling expert should be this style, but do not know that Tang Lao is too lazy to give them literacy, the more these half-understand people, the more is the main jadeite jade consumers, Tang Lao is not offended, just occasionally look at Zhuang Rui’s eyes, with a trace of helplessness.

“Well? A bit of material ah!”

When Zhuang Rui was talking to the man, a trace of aura overflowed from his eyes, unveiling the surface layers of this piece of Black Crow Sand, when the aura entered about two centimeters or so, a touch of green appeared in Zhuang Rui’s eyes.

There is like glutinous rice general viscous head of water, basically can reach the ice seed, but the green is good, the distribution is very uniform, although the whole piece of jadeite head is not big, only slightly larger than the egg, but with the price of the jadeite market, this piece of ice seed material decomposition made into jewelry, then, almost can be worth a two or three million or so.

This kind of raw stone is good, but Zhuang Rui can not look at the eye, his four courtyard basement placed in the material randomly pick out a piece, the quality is far more than this piece, is to see clearly inside the jadeite seed water, Zhuang Rui turned around and ready to leave.

“Xiao Zhuang, how is it, see what material? I have picked out six pieces of the original gambling, you also point a piece of it!” Zhuang Rui was just thinking about wandering around the hall a little more when Tang Lao was flanked by a group of people and walked over.

“Me? I’ll forget about it!”

Zhuang Rui smiled and shook his head, here others obviously don’t take themselves as a dish, Zhuang Rui also don’t want to make a scene, as the saying goes, it’s not a family that doesn’t come into a family, out of the door of this club, Zhuang Rui and these people also won’t have any more interactions.

“Xiao Zhuang, give the old man this face! If …… it doesn’t get out later, I have no place to put this old face.”

Tang Lao’s face was really a little feverish, in his heart, he somewhat regretted inviting Zhuang Rui over, originally he wanted to introduce Zhuang Rui to a little bit of contacts, but he didn’t expect that these self-righteous guys didn’t put Zhuang Rui in their eyes at all.

Zhuang Rui scratched his head, he did not want to refuse the face of Tang Lao, then pointed to the black wu sand in front of him, said: “Okay! Then …… let’s take this piece! I look good.”

Zhuang Rui although he has not looked at other material, but this piece of black crow sand inside the ice kind of Yang green jade, the quality is already very good, even if placed in some of the big jadeite fair, is also rare to see the top grade of jadeite, so in the Zhuang Rui thought, this piece of material is included in the ten pieces of raw stone today, there should not be any problem.

“Boss Zhuang, you see is not a few more pieces of material, re-select a piece of ah, where this piece is like a jadeite raw stone ah!”

“Right! Right ah! This black and dirty stuff, can be out of the jadeite is strange!”

“I think it’s better to let Tang Lao choose! As the saying goes, “You can’t do anything with no hair on your mouth, and young people don’t have a plan for what to do!”

Just Zhuang Rui did not expect, he so casually pointed a stone, but was unanimously opposed by the field of people, where these laymen know what is called Ma Meng plant, what is called black sand ah? In their view, the jadeite raw stone that is to bring green, many people even what is called full gambling stone, what is called half gambling stone are not clear.

Also this piece of material is too difficult to see the reason, the skin of the layer with the color of the bottom of the pot of gray, but also pitted uneven, very much like the early years of the foothills of the mountains are everywhere weathered broken stone, the general public is really difficult to such a stone and the value of the city of emerald together, which is the lingo of the insiders to see the doorway, the outsiders to see the fun.

These in their own company enterprise within the word of the characters, originally on Zhuang Rui not quite see eye to eye, thought Zhuang Rui in all likelihood is a famous guy, and now see Zhuang Rui elected so a piece of raw stone, is a variety of ridicule words are said.

Although Zhuang Rui is young, but the kung fu is a good practice, he is also lazy to give this group of amateurs to explain what is called Ma Meng factory raw stone, waved his hand, said: “do not need to see, I will choose this piece of material, if you do not agree, then forget it.”

From Zhuang Rui debut so far, I do not know how many people have questioned his age, but those people are connoisseurs, Zhuang Rui will eventually conquer those people with the actual performance, but for these amateurs, Zhuang Rui simply lazy to explain, “all do not agree with the selection of this piece of material is only good, turn back to look for the owner, self may also be able to pick up a leak, this mosquito is small is also meat ah! ”

In some people are ready to speak out against Zhuang Rui when, the northern industry’s Wang coughed, opened his mouth and said: “Ahem, we say a few words, small Zhuang choose this piece of material, naturally have his reasoning, not …… Tang Lao you look at the piece of material, how is it? Is not the jadeite raw stone ah?”

Earlier Wang heard Zhuang Rui’s reputation in the jadeite line, once to Zhuang Rui under the invitation, and Tang Lao to Zhuang Rui doubly respected, as the organizer of the event, Wang how to give the old man to stay a few points of face, so spoke to help Zhuang Rui rounded out the scene.

“Xiao Zhuang, you …… see, this …… is really sorry!”

Tang old man also did not expect Zhuang Rui pointed out a piece of material, actually will be the crowd so squashed, his old face is already shy fast no place to put, this thing if passed to the jade circle to go, a quasi-people laughed off the teeth, Tang old heart at the moment is also some angry, next time absolutely do not participate in this kind of activities, even if it offends a few big customers are also in the heart of the matter.

In fact, living in the real world, a person’s fame, such things are rare, not to mention Tang Lao, is the old man, although now completely withdrawn from the Jade Association, every year to receive a variety of activities invitations are still stacks and stacks.

“Oh, Tang Lao, it’s okay, I’ll pick this piece, it’s okay if the big guys don’t agree, I’ll go over there first.”

As the saying goes, when you meet a friend in wine, there are fewer cups of wine, and when you don’t talk to each other, Zhuang Rui’s patience with these people also has a limit, and now smilingly greeted Tang Lao, pulling Ouyang Jun to the side, Zhuang Rui was afraid that he would hear those “tall tales” again, and then he couldn’t help but laugh out in public.

“Xiao Zhuang, alas, okay!”

Tang old man also know let Zhuang Rui stay here, is definitely a kind of torture, and so Zhuang Rui left after the crowd said: “everyone, this piece of material is indeed jadeite raw stone, and is the old pit mine Ma Meng factory material, commonly known as black WuSha, some people also called WuShaJu, its performance is the skin dark, uneven, but inside the jadeite out of the chance is still quite big. Well, as we all know, there isn’t a lot of material of the old pit variety nowadays, and compared to the jadeite raw stone of the new pit, the jadeite quality of the old pit variety is undoubtedly a little bit better, so it’s only reasonable that Xiao Zhuang chose this piece of raw stone as today’s participant in the betting raw stone.”

Tang Lao gave the crowd present a sweep of the blind, of course, the old man into a fine Tang Laozi will not say anything too radical words, we must know, the prosperity of the jadeite market, to a large extent, is these outsiders to promote up.

However, Tang Lao’s words still let just out of words to mock Zhuang Rui is to feel the face burning, this whole half is not incompetent, actually is ignorant, these bosses are to face people, for a time are snappy to say nothing.

Looking at the back of Zhuang Rui standing twenty or thirty meters away, the crowd’s view of this young man has changed somewhat, perhaps those rumors about Zhuang Rui is true? The person who can make the enterprise bigger and stronger can’t be without a little brain, many people are thinking in their mind, how to go and ease the relationship with Zhuang Rui in the future.

“Hey, Old Zhao, I told you! How could my grandfather collect a piece of broken stone ah! How about it, Old Tang said that this is an old pit seeded Jadeite raw stone.”

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the field, the person who spoke was the owner of this piece of material, his age was not too big, only thirty-four or thirty-five years old, and at this moment, he had a smug look on his face, as if that piece of material had already been cut with a big rise.

Was black sand master contempt of the old Zhao is also not willing to show weakness, said: “Your kid is just lucky, but this stone inside there is no emerald or two say it, who knows cut is what ah! Don’t be complacent too early.”

“That’s right! Before you kid also do not know this is the old pit kind of material it!”

“Maybe your old man for decades really is a collection of broken stone it!”

“Hey, so what if I know this is old pit material! Inside there is no jadeite is still hard to say!”

After these two people interrupt, the bystanders are also out of the mouth to joke, but the Zhuang Rui just brought the embarrassment eliminated, but the heart is like eating a fly like hard, these people at the moment also feel, Zhuang Rui just do not explain, dare to be pressurized will not put themselves in these people in the eyes.

This makes the entrepreneurs have always been above the top of the heart is very uncomfortable, some of the Taoist line is not enough to hide the words of the people, the words, intentionally or unintentionally, and Zhuang Rui and hung up on the relationship.

Don’t look at the face of these people to Tang Lao admiration, in fact, a very conceited, deep down perhaps not even take this gambling people seriously, gambling for them is only a means of gambling.

“Alright, since both Mr. Zhuang and Old Tang said that this piece of material is okay, then let’s pick it in! We’ll know when we cut the stone in the afternoon.”

Mr. Wang spoke out to interrupt the words of the crowd, he did have some understanding of the gambling circle, know that in the large public market, a stone bet hundreds of millions of dollars in price is also there, not to mention, that is, before the eyes of Tang Lao, the “King of Jadeite” of the family, I’m afraid than many bosses within the family to be much more generous.

By analogy, it seems that the young “Jade King” of the family, it should not be like he said just a curio store small boss, so Mr. Wang on Zhuang Rui’s name from the Zhuang total, small Zhuang into the Zhuang teacher, business people, who will not be a few hands face of the stunts ah?

Zhuang Rui although in the antique line and jade line are now belonging to the top experts, but these two lines are relatively closed, people outside the circle is not very understanding, and Zhuang Rui as a stereo museum boss of things, in addition to the circle of people, almost did not appear in the public news, his business card to the outside world, with the Panjiayuan “Xuan Rui Zhai” Antique store owner’s name.

Is in this gang to the wealth of the family on the success or failure of the bosses, to such a small curio store owner to look at the eyes is normal, this is like a beggar mixed into the white-collar party, the crowd did not bad-mouth has felt that they have shown a very high quality.

“I say old brother, you and so a bunch of cap master pull what egg ah? I don’t think they know as much about jade as I do!”

Zhuang Rui said nothing about what just happened, Ouyang four young but a little can not stand, he was in Beijing City dude inside is the absolute head of the character, where to go only to be complimented on the part of, when has endured such a cold and cynical scene by the people?

Although said is not their own, Ouyang Jun also feel the face is very hung up, Ouyang Jun said the cap master, that is the curse words, said that a bunch of people are fools.

“Oh, fourth brother, you and these people to calculate what strength ah? We just come to see the fun, the people here even a recognize you have not, level can be high to where ah? I’m not angry, what are you angry about?”

Zhuang Rui smiled at the words, are on their own to look down on it, wait until the afternoon when the betting, they do not mind making a small fortune, is not the money is more self-confidence inflated some of the tawdry? Then they will help them spend a little, win over into their own charity fund to help them do good deeds.

“A bunch of pretentious grandchildren, old brother, turn around and tell me which piece of material is better, I will win this bunch of grandchildren’s faces are green.”

Ouyang Jun eyes turn, actually and Zhuang Rui played an idea, he knows Zhuang Rui’s hair journey, debut four or five years, whether it is jadeite jade or antique art, almost never once hit the eye, to cope with the small scene here, of course, is not a problem.

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