Chapter 1077 – Sai Bei Goods

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:46:36
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“That young man surnamed Zhuang, wouldn’t he really be the Jade King who is on par with Tang Lao?”

The name of a man is the shadow of a tree, the name of the Jade King is not Zhuang Rui’s self-appointed one, but the one that has been passed out in the gambling circle, after seeing those two Jade Association experts treating Zhuang Rui in such a manner, Mr. Zhao and the others are finally feeling the pressure at this moment.

“This …… is hard to say, by the way, what did Tang Lao say about that piece of black ebony sand material just now?”

Another dealer is also anxious, this person is have blindly follow the psychological, when everyone said this object is not good, the heart naturally believe, now Zhuang Rui’s identity seems to have been affirmed, that piece of “broken stone” suddenly in the hearts of several people in the status of the big rise.

“Elder Tang said, this kind of black wushu sand is a big gamble, he can’t tell if there is jade inside, let alone to bet on the quality of the jade.”

Mr. Wang shook his head and then said, “It is difficult for a god to break an inch of jade, Tang Lao did not dare to assert the material, that young man may not be able to gamble on it as well, all right, don’t think about it, wait for the stone to be unraveled and then we will know.”

Mr. Wang is one of the people who knows more about gambling, he now regrets organizing this gambling party, now it seems that this gambling is not as simple as he thought, and from the look of Tang when he was choosing the stone just now, there must be something that the old man didn’t say.

In fact, Mr. Wang misunderstood Tang Lao, the reason why Tang Lao did not say that those objects are fake, one is the rules of the line, he can not smash people’s rice bowls, the second here, although the level of appreciation of the original stone is not very good, but a face tight, self said I am afraid that other people will not be willing to accept, that instead of the beauty of it.

Furthermore, Tang Lao is and Wang always have friendship, this thing is fake, inside can not be out of jade, the person who won the money is also Wang, he naturally even more unnecessary to explain to these jadeite blind what is called counterfeiting.

Of course, Tang Lao’s evaluation of the piece of black sand is also very fair, black sand betting, in all the raw stone can be ranked on the first, many veterans are in this on the halter, Tang Lao for the identification of sand jade is not too good way.

At this time, all the people are concentrated to the backyard, due to the selection of the raw stone are not big material, so the backyard only placed a small stone decomposition machine, there are two other models of the sander, in front of Zhuang Rui’s face, director Yu can not dare to set up any expert spectrum, after seeing the raw stone are carried over, walked to the front of the Zhuang Rui, said in a small voice: “Mr. Zhuang, you here, we are two will not make a fool of ourselves, to see the raw stone are carried over, walked to the front of the Zhuang Rui, whispered:” Zhuang teacher, you here, we Two will not make a fool of ourselves, or …… or you come?”

“Don’t bother, two of you, I’m just here to make a scene today, you two when I don’t exist on the line.”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand, not to say that he took the frame, is really these original stone let him not raise a trace of interest to, fake that a few pieces not to mention, is another few pieces of original stone inside is also the performance of the lack of, the best piece is barely able to reach the bean green species.

If these stones are placed in the Myanmar public market, it is as scraps with the sale, but all the people who have an understanding of the raw stone, the performance of the raw stone is not care, those compared to the fake relatively “generous” of the raw stone merchants, but also to fool these outsiders.

“Success, then I’ll do the deciphering! If there’s anything wrong, Mr. Zhuang, you can give me some pointers.”

Councilor Qin who hadn’t said much stood out, he had spent some time in Yunnan Burma earlier in the year, and had also been someone’s gambling stone consultant, Councilor Qin asked himself that his level of identifying raw stones was not as good as Zhuang Rui and Tang Lao, but as far as stone deciphering was concerned, he still had a few points of confidence.

“Oh, Councilor Qin’s men have produced a lot of famous materials, let’s see them today.”

Zhuang Rui smiled, his own things clear, the reason why he can mix in the gambling circle, all rely on that pair of eyes, to talk about the real learning, Zhuang Rui asked himself and these experts compared to, there is still a certain gap, so for each of the expertise of the people, Zhuang Rui is very respectful, these days there is no a few points of real talent, solely based on the lips is not eaten.

“Mr. Zhuang overpraised.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Qin Councilor’s face seems to glow for a few minutes, then took off the outside suit, rolled up the sleeves of the shirt, looked to Mr. Wang and asked, “Mr. Wang, which piece of material are we going to solve first?”

This time, the two Qin directors were invited to solve the stone plus appraise the jadeite, when they received the invitation letter, there was a check of 50,000 RMB attached, for their own food and clothing parents, Qin directors still have to show a little respect.

“Start solving it in order! Start with number one, but save the seventh raw stone for the last one to solve.”

After Mr. Wang and the other two conferred for a while, they made this decision, if the raw stone in front of them can be solved with high quality jade, then they don’t have to worry about this black wushu, to be honest, at this moment, the three bookmakers are really a little bit worried.

“Good ……”

Councilor Qin nodded, went forward and selected that piece of No. 1 raw stone, fixed it on the stone solving machine, this piece of material only weighs twenty or thirty pounds, into a semi-circle, is a piece of raw stone that has been blocked and cut over, in the cut surface there is a palm-sized piece of green color, in the sunlight, the green is a little bit bewitching.

“Boss Li, this is your material ah!”

“Yes! Old Li, stay a knife down, we will know whether it is up or lose ah!”

“I think this piece of material can go up, can’t you see? This cut is already green.”

When Director Qin was observing the raw stone to find the cutting point, the people gathered around had spoken and discussed, this is the first activity of the gambling club organized by Mr. Wang, these members are also the first time to contact the gambling stone, basically there are not a few people who have seen the gambling stone, but all of them pretended to be like a connoisseur.

“Definitely can come out green, this is Russia from the hands of a raw stone merchant in Guangdong to buy down, at that time there was someone bid 2 million, Russia spent a whole 2.6 million, only to let that person sold to me.”

Li boss is Shaanxi people, talking with a little Shaanxi accent, after buying this piece of raw stone, Li boss looked for a lot of connoisseurs to see, but the Shaanxi side of the play jade more, play jadeite people are very few, not many people can say a two or three to, is to Li boss himself on the Internet to find out a lot of information, know a lot of jadeite related knowledge, for the piece of material, but also more and more optimistic.

“Poof …… cough, cough ……”

Li boss words just fell, standing in the Tang old side of Zhuang Rui, a mouthful of just drink into the mouth of mineral water sprayed out, Zhuang Rui quickly lowered his head and pretended to cough up, this behavior is very impolite.

But Zhuang Rui really can not help it, that piece of material to show out of the green, completely with the pigment to do the fake, and the technique is not very clever, open-eyed blind to spend 2 million to go and Li boss competition this piece of material it!

Obviously, this is someone else under a set, at the expense of the Li boss will also be treated as a treasure, estimated that a moment will have to have him cry.

This jadeite jade appraisal, and antique appreciation, not read a few books can learn, but also need a lot of physical hands-on experience, like the teacher of the fat man, the reason why the domestic calligraphy and painting antique appraisal of the titans, is because he has seen almost all of China’s celebrities of ancient and modern masterpieces, under the two relative comparisons, naturally, can be broken out of the authenticity of the first glance.

Qin director also heard the crowd around the discussion, eyes show a trace of disdain, he just on the hands of frosting that cut surface, feel out, this is not like the real jadeite crystals, just now with a magnifying glass to carefully observe some of the later, is more sure of their own ideas, this is a piece of fake raw stone.

In the real domestic and Myanmar’s major public disk, fake raw stone also exists, but the number is very small, because the people who participate in the public disk is not a jadeite line of veterans, these fake raw stone sales, more for some outsiders who want to invest in jadeite collection of value-added, the Qin Councilor more than once to see this phenomenon, is not to show what shocked look.

Qin director is to solve the stone, true or false and he has nothing to do with, say out instead will offend people, when the very casual in that “green” next to draw a line after the start to solve the stone machine, according to reason, generally this material is not necessary to cut the stone, but the fake raw stone is not so much to pay attention to.

“Click …… click click click ……”

With an ear-piercing sound of alloy gears and stone friction, crushed stone chips were scattered to the ground, and after a minute or so, the semi-circular material had been cut into two halves from the center, half of which was fixed on the stone-solving machine, and the other half rolled down in a bone-jarring manner on the grass.

“Quick, quick look, is there any jadeite inside?”

“Hey, Old Song, don’t block me! Is there any emerald?”

“Make way, let Russia take a look, this is Russia’s stone ah!”

In the stone machine stopped turning after the field of people have surrounded up, the thirty or forty people around the city in a small circle, that is not easy to squeeze in, anxious owner of the original stone Li boss, outside jumped up and down.

“Old Li, nothing inside.”

“Yes! This is called the collapse of the solution, right?”

“Ahem, two million dollars so lost, old Li, you point is also too back some right? The cut surface out of the green can be solved collapse.”

Grab in the front of a few people, see clearly after the cut, immediately issued a huge sigh, they no longer understand the stone, also know that there is no thing that is designated to lose, of course, to their understanding of emerald, or did not think that this piece of raw stone is a whole of the West Bay goods.

“No emerald? Can’t be right? That …… sells me that person said, inside is at least have ice kind of material ah?”

It is not easy to squeeze into the circle of Li boss, forehead covered with sweat particles, do not know is anxious out of the or really hot out of a pull Qin director, said: “Cut again, and then cut into two halves, maybe on that side inside it!”

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