Chapter 1083 – Zhuang Rui’s Ideal

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:46:52
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“Older brother, this is also too fucking cool? What real estate do we still engage in? I’ll follow you to gamble in the future.”

Politely rejected Qi Zi stay guest, and Tang Lao about tomorrow noon after a small gathering, Ouyang Jun drove the car with Zhuang Rui returned to the courtyard, the buddy on the way mouth did not stop, until into the courtyard, but also a little bit not quite believe what happened today.

Ouyang Jun has money, but most of that money is parked in the bank figures, not the bank owes him, but he owes the bank, coupled with the development of real estate throughout the country in the past few years, spread a little big, or else to Ouyang four young nature, today would not have pulled out only one hundred million yuan in cash.

Just this one day’s work, won five hundred million yuan, come or so easy, let seen a lot of big scene of the fourth brother also some loss of composure, he is now sort of a little understanding of Zhuang Rui why can in just a few years in the rich and famous, if I have that skill, Ouyang Jun dare to think of the opposite side of the Tiananmen Square to build a villa to go.

“Come on! Fourth brother, do you think you can stumble upon such a big gamble every time?”

Zhuang Rui sniffed, this kind of thing encountered once is luck, where can again and again and again? From the envious and jealous eyes of those businessmen afterward, Zhuang Rui can see that this domestic business community, in the future, I’m afraid that no one will be willing to gamble with him anymore.

“By the way, fourth brother, that money you have to follow closely, now owed can be all mine, I see that a few brothers slipped so fast, will not want to run away right?”

The money that Zhuang Rui said, is exactly the gambling money that Mr. Wang and others lost, since they can’t get so much cash on hand, even counting the more than one hundred million dollars of gambling money today, it is only put together more than two hundred million RMB, and all of this money has been put into Ouyang Jun’s pocket under the name of needing to turnover in his business.

As for Zhuang Rui’s share, is to be in the next week to get together, Mr. Wang and others in the Ouyang military issued a note, but also do not care about this activity is organized by them, directly will be the crowd left in a hurry to leave, so Zhuang Rui is very skeptical, these guys will not be thirty-six plans to go on, right?

“Look at you that financial fanatic like, not a penny less, unless those people do not want to mix in the country.”

Ouyang Jun on Zhuang Rui’s words are very unimpressed, in the four nine cities on this boundary, has always been only Ouyang four young fool others, no one can let him eat it, hand pinch a few people’s IOU’s, can not ask for money can also be seized their family property.

The fact is just like what Ouyang Jun thought, Mr. Wang several people do not know from the bank loan or borrowed loan sharks, in three days, the money to Ouyang Jun’s account, and the first session of the Beijing Gambling Club has also since this incident, become no end.

However, that day involved in the gambling in many bosses, through other channels into the gambling circle, until they become the circle, only after they learned of Zhuang Rui’s name, those who then will be the matter of a proclamation, Zhuang Rui in the jade line gambling circle reputation, hidden has surpassed the old man Tang, of course, these are all words later.

Time into the May of 2009, Beijing’s weather also gradually became hot, Zhuang Rui family moved to the outskirts of Beijing manor, which makes the two refused to go to kindergarten little guy excited up, all day long with King Kong in the garden wild.

Originally also worried about the children do not get along with their peers, will cause psychological obstacles Zhuang Rui, see Fang Fang Yuan Yuan that happy, simply do not care, small children’s childhood should have been carefree, imposed on them things will only produce a shadow on their childhood it!

“Hubby, how long will you go out this time?”

Having been married to Zhuang Rui for several years now, Qin Xuan Bing is still a bit shy as always, and this husband can only be shouted out behind people’s backs.

However, in the jewelry design world, Qin Xuan Bing is famous, she presided over the design of several models of jewelry, have won the awards of the international jewelry competition, although not as good as Zhuang Rui’s reputation in the antique line and jade world, but also internationally recognized jewelry designer.

“It’s hard to say, if everything goes well, it should be around a month, if it encounters difficulties, I’m afraid three to five months is hard to say.”

Sitting on a beach chair, looking at his son and daughter frolicking with the Vajra White Lion in the distance, Zhuang Rui didn’t want to go out for archaeology either, but this was something that was set years ago, and he had already been dragging his feet for several months.

Of course, Zhuang Rui these months is not nothing to do, he inquired about many historical information, for the distribution of Gansu and Xinjiang Inner Mongolia generation tombs, have a detailed understanding.

Compared to Shaanxi and Henan and other soldiers must fight, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, Gansu, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, the burials of these places are not famous, although there have been a number of burials within the exquisite funerary objects, but these places have fewer historical celebrities, its influence is far less than the central provinces.

But it is undeniable that, compared to the tomb robbers rampant in those historical tomb provinces, Gansu, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, the ancient tombs of these provinces, relatively well-preserved, the value of its excavation is also greater, so Zhuang Rui has always been the focus of archaeology in these places.

“What are you thinking about? It’s not like I’m not letting you go.”

Qin Xuan Bing stretched out her hand angrily and waved it in front of Zhuang Rui, although Zhuang Rui yelled all day long that he wanted his wife and children to have a hot bed, she could see that her husband had an adventurous nature in his bones, and if he didn’t go out for a period of time, the whole person seemed to be like he had lost his soul.

“Uh …… I’m wondering if I should retire before I’m thirty five!”

Zhuang Rui embarrassed smile, this play collection and smoking opium is almost the same, are addictive, archaeology is also so, as an archaeologist, if you know which place may have not yet unearthed ancient tombs, will hold back the energy to go to explore a bit.

Zhuang Rui study archaeology, initially was originally intended to archaeology related understanding, enrich their own collection of knowledge, but the more in-depth, the more he felt in the archaeological process, the excavation of history, to recreate a thousand years of civilization of that kind of thrill, the great attraction brought to himself.

This makes Zhuang Rui involuntarily addicted to it, after reading the master’s degree followed by a doctorate, but also explains Zhuang Rui’s strong interest in archaeology, Zhuang Rui in his mind to set a goal for himself, that is, in his lifetime, will be the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin Shi Huang to be unearthed, reproduce the real eighth wonder of the world.

Of course, for technical and various reasons, this is only Zhuang Rui’s dream now, as a newcomer to field archaeology, although he participated in the excavation of Liu Xiu’s tomb at Mangshan in Henan Province, but that was not presided over by him, Zhuang Rui’s current need is to practice through field excavation.

These days, learning is not as good as growing up, growing up is not as good as marrying well, and one’s own ability is not as good as having a good father, although the school is a place to teach and educate people, but also can’t avoid human relations, as a domestic archaeological field of the titan of the north professor Meng’s students, Zhuang Rui is to take advantage of all the advantages.

Especially this field archaeology, Professor Meng but spent a lot of effort, dredge a lot of joints, the field trip and excavation work, not only the whole process by Zhuang Rui presided over, but also Dr. Ren sent to Zhuang Rui to play the hand, and as long as Zhuang Rui probe the burial, the back of the excavation declaration work, all by Professor Meng to solve.

Zhuang Rui also made up his mind, this time must be excavated to let the world shocked by the miracle, but this big heart, the difficulty of natural increase, Zhuang Rui is now worried about, in addition to the mausoleum of the first emperor of Qin Shi Huang, he seems to be no longer able to find a little bit of influence of the emperor’s tomb.

Examining the information of the tombs of famous historical figures around the world after their deaths, Zhuang Rui is a little frustrated, this famous basically have been stolen, not famous Zhuang Rui also do not care to excavate, and now he is only counting on the prairie to find some clues, but this thing is too ethereal, Zhuang Rui did not say to anyone.

“Forget it! Look at your soulful appearance, I guess you’ve wanted to go out for a long time, right? OK, things are ready for you, Peng Fei tomorrow and you go together, but …… husband, to promise me, must not be out of any danger.”

Qin Xuan Bing somewhat worried to look at Zhuang Rui, these years the art market is hot, and she was idly bored, from the Internet to see a book called what “Ghost Blowing Lantern” book, which net is to say some tomb within the strange and bizarre things, the Hong Kong people were originally very superstitious, the book of those contents, really let Qin Xuan Bing scared not light.

“Haha, I bring a car of black ass hooves to go into ah?”

Zhuang Rui also read the book, smiled and couldn’t help but laugh, in fact, those difficult to explain things in the tomb, modern science can be explained, like the ghost blowing lamp argument, but also just closed tombs in the air circulation after the phenomenon of spontaneous combustion of objects, there is no amount of mystery to speak of.

And like Professor Meng like people, handled the excavation of ancient tombs know many, until now have not seen what zombies and other things, those things only exist in the novel, the real archaeological professionals will not be plagued by these problems.

“Alright, this is the amulet I invited from the temple, you must wear it on your body.”

Qin Xuan Bing didn’t pay attention to Zhuang Rui’s nonsense, she pulled out a black obsidian carved bracelet from her pocket, and gave it to Zhuang Rui to wear on her left hand, although black obsidian is not too valuable, but it is also called the “Black Diamond Warrior”, it is extremely evil warding, there are quite a lot of black obsidian holy relics or statues of Buddha in the ancient Chinese Buddhist artifacts about calming down the house or warding off evil spirits.

“Thanks, this bracelet cost mom and dad a lot of work, right?”

Zhuang Rui saw it at a glance, this string of bracelet that Qin Xuan Bing was looking for, was completely polished by ebony obsidian, the color was bright black just like the raven’s blood stone, it was the only obsidian inside the obsidian to reach the level of gemstone, the texture was extremely delicate, it was a rare and precious object that could not be seen often, if this thing was in the temple, it would definitely be an object like a magical artifact.

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