Chapter 1100 – Ancient City Ruins

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:47:34
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Dr. Ren brought Zhuang Rui to go to the place, is deviated from the site that has been excavated, vast Gobi beach and desert, has always been the forbidden area for human beings, not familiar with the terrain experienced old guide, is not dare to enter these areas.

And in front of the old Liu head, from birth has been living in this piece of land, in the eyes of outsiders seem mysterious desert, in his eyes is also commonplace, within a radius of a hundred miles, the old Liu head almost all with feet measured.

After Dr. Ren finished speaking, he suddenly saw a hesitant look on Old Uncle Liu’s face, and couldn’t help but ask strangely, “Hmm? Old Uncle Liu, what’s wrong? This trip down is nothing to your old man, right?”

The old man shook his head, somewhat apologetically looked at Dr. Ren, waved his hand and said interrupting Ren Chunqiang’s words, and opened his mouth to say, “If this was placed two years ago, it’s really not a big deal, as for now,…… Old Uncle Liu is old, Xiao Qiangzi, don’t put a high hat on your old Uncle Liu, I’m over seventy years old, and I haven’t gone back in since last year until now. Last year to now, has not been in again, this arm and leg can not!”

The old man’s face is also a bit lost, in last year’s time, the old Liu head in a time to lead the group, encountered a desert storm, at that time a girl in the group did not follow the old Liu head’s instructions to hide in the camel, but shouted and yelled to go to shoot the landscape of the wild sand swirling, at that time, the old Liu head in order to save her, was buried under the sand, almost dead.

Since that time, Lao Liu Tou’s health is deteriorating, if not still attached to the land where he grew up, Lao Liu Tou would have long gone to the city to enjoy his son’s home.

Seeing Ren Chunqiang’s disappointed look, Lao Liu Tou suddenly laughed and said: “I can’t go, my son can go! Your brother Mangzi is a famous desert guide for dozens of miles around, but he’s out with a group and won’t be back until the evening, so Xiao Qiangzi, you guys stay here for a day and go early tomorrow morning!”

“Hey, why did I forget about this? Success, just let Brother Mangzi come in with us, and we’ll talk about the cost and everything.”

Dr. Ren was overjoyed when he heard Old Liu’s words, they would be in the desert for several days this time, with Old Uncle Liu’s son following them, there would be no need to think about the guide’s lack of stamina at all, and Mang Zi was one of the top guides in this region, not much worse than the old man.

“Okay, then it’s settled, at night when Mangzi comes you can talk to him yourself, I’ll go and kill the sheep, let’s have a whole sheep feast at night.”

Old Liu Tou also does not and Dr. Ren pretentious, do guide is originally to make money, friendship is good, always not to risk life and limb, take them across the great desert, right?

However, business is business, favor is favor, the family came to the guest, that is must be entertained, old Liu Tou let a few people in the courtyard rest, then went to catch sheep in a hurry, although can not go deep into the desert, but these small things to do, old Liu Tou is still fluent.

“Brother Ren, what is the usual cost of hiring a tour guide?” Sitting in the courtyard a bit bored, Zhuang Rui and Ren Chunqiang chatted.

“This is not necessarily, sometimes a guide with a dozen people into the desert, each person 100 dollars then, a day can earn more than 1,000, if there are fewer people, a few hundred dollars there are people willing to do it, but the old uncle Liu’s son can be far away from the famous guide, you kid do not want to be reluctant to spend money ah!”

Dr. Ren and Zhuang Rui joked, this way the crowd even with food and lodging, has spent Zhuang Rui 50,000 or 60,000 yuan, Ren Chunqiang also know that Zhuang Rui does not care about those few small money.

“Well, then it’s 2,000 dollars a day, hire five days first!”

Zhuang Rui nodded, from here to the North Gobi, almost a hundred miles in circumference, originally all inhabited, even if Zhuang Rui possessed the eye psychic ability, wanting to finish surveying such a large piece of land, without a few days’ time it would be impossible to complete.

Mangzi also lives in this town, but and old Liu head is living separately, to the evening at seven or eight o’clock, Mangzi only with daughter-in-law and children to the old Liu head home.

And old Liu head dry and thin figure is different, Mangzi long very strong, one meter eight or so body, age in thirty-five or six years of age, talking voice is very big, people are very bold, see the family guests, buttocks even the bench did not dip, and immediately went to the home to kill a goat to carry over.

The yard rose a bonfire, two whole sheep were skewered on iron bars, set up in the bonfire above the roast, the flame licked in the sheep, could not help but send out the sound of “ZiZi”, MangZi’s daughter-in-law back and forth rolled lamb, sprinkled with a variety of seasoning on it, MangZi’s two children around the bonfire play, old LiuHou squatted on the ground and smoked a dry cigarette, reprimanding the little grandson from time to time, but on his face, but the little grandchildren, and the little grandchildren, and the little grandchildren. Little grandson a few sentences, but his face was full of happy smiles.

“Brother Mangzi, we are here for nothing, this time we are asking you to come as a guide.”

Just now, before Dr. Ren had the chance to say his intention, Mangzi ran off to busy himself with the killing of the sheep, and it was only until this moment that he had the time to talk to Mangzi about asking him to be a guide.

Mangzi froze for a moment at his words and opened his mouth to ask, “When? Can it be two days later? I promised a guest when I came back today that I would accompany him into the desert tomorrow and the next two days.”

“What? We are also going into the desert tomorrow, Brother Mangzi, what …… about this?”

Ren Chunqiang did not think that there is a cut-off in the middle, can not help but be a little anxious, if you wait for two days in this place where the birds do not lay eggs, suffocate also suffocate people to death.

Mangzi thought for a moment, stood up and said, “Let’s do it this way! I didn’t charge him a deposit anyway, so I’ll go to Erdan’s house and say something, so Erdan can accompany them in.”

“Okay, okay, Brother Mangzi, how much did that man offer, we’ll give you double.” Dr. Ren was being generous at Zhuang Rui’s expense, anyway, it wasn’t his how much it cost, and Zhuang Rui wouldn’t care.

“Well, that’s not necessary, let’s talk about it when we come back!” Mangzi waved his hand and walked straight out of the courtyard, this is about the credibility of doing business, give it to others earlier, or let them find another guide.

The town on a total of dozens of families, before and after the time of seven or eight minutes, Mangzi turned around, entertaining Zhuang Rui and others to eat and drink up, but let Zhuang Rui and others embarrassed, they are four big men, actually did not drink over the old Liu head of the two masters, and finally all were put down on the ground, do not know how to sleep on their own to go to bed.

The next morning at five o’clock, Zhuang Rui and others were called up, Mangzi led ten camels, to the parking place, these ten camels have six for people to ride, while the other four, is loaded with supplies, and in case of emergency, can also be used for riding.

It took more than half an hour to move the tents and spades and drinking water and other supplies from the three cars to the baskets on both sides of the camel’s hump, which would be all of their logistical supplies in the desert, and also the lifeline of several people in the desert.

Everyone’s face, regardless of men and women, are surrounded by a sarong, with a hat, which is to prevent sand blowing in the face, in the desert almost everyone is this kind of dress up, the locals have long been accustomed to, only those foreign tourists look at Zhuang Rui and others in the pointing out of the finger.

“Let’s go!”

With Mangzi’s rough yell, six people sitting on top of the camel, swaying towards the depths of the vast desert, the clear sound of camel bells drifting in the desert.

Unlike horseback riding, riding on a camel is very stable, camel’s feet have thick skin with meat pads, very suitable for walking in the desert, thick hair in the ears, can block the sand into the wind, double eyelids and thick long eyelashes, but also can prevent sand from entering the eyes, and even the nose can be closed freely.

These special “equipment”, let the camel in the desert like a fish out of water, see the camel in the sand walking smoothly, gradually Zhuang Rui and other people’s guts are also big, fierce a yell, more than ten camels suddenly trotting up, so that the people riding on the top of the crowd issued a scream.

After nearly two hours in the desert, far away from the eye can reach the place, suddenly appeared a row of low walls, after approaching, Zhuang Rui found that this dilapidated ruins covers an area is not small, from the inside of the building of the decadent walls can be seen in the former layout of the streets and alleys, and in the ruins of the outside, and there are still traces of the remnants of the field beds and ditches.

The soil here has not been completely desertified, from some corners of the wall can still see the existence of soil, a low plant in the ruins of the plants grow tenaciously, to the rocky and broken walls of this added a trace of vitality.

This place was not very far from Qiu Jia Wo, a round trip would only take four hours, so no one stayed here to stay, Zhuang Rui and the others were still the first tourists to arrive here today.

“Here we are, this is the ruins, Brother Qiangzi, do you guys want to come down and take a look?” Mangzi reached out and patted the neck of the camel on his crotch, the camel ambled down very meekly, just enough to get one’s feet on the ground.

Zhuang Rui also followed Mangzi’s example and patted the camel’s neck, stepped down from the camel and said, “All come down and take a look!”

Dr. Ren walked to Zhuang Rui’s side, looked at this place where he once worked, and said, “Zhuang Rui, the desertification here is not deep, basically the broken walls of the houses are exposed, and basically all of them have been excavated back then.”

“Well, the value of excavation here isn’t very great anymore, right, Brother Mangzi, you grew up here, have you heard of any other ruins around here?”

Zhuang Rui walked around the ruins, used his aura to sense the underground, and walked back to the camel with some disappointment, although there were still some ceramic tiles and jars with aura left in this half-sand, half-earth underground, just that those objects were all very ordinary, and didn’t have much value for excavation.

After Mangzi heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he tried very hard to think for a while, and said with some uncertainty: “The ruins are just unheard of, but I heard from the old people in the town that there seems to be a Buddhist temple close to the North Gobi, and at the beginning of the last century, there were often monks and Taoist priests in Dunhuang who went there.”

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