Chapter 1104 – The Reason

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:47:44
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Yan Xiaowei was a graduate student of the Japanese Department of Lanzhou University, but the reason why he chose this major was not because he had a good feeling about Japanese, but because he lived in the northeast of the country in a city where there was a lot of trade with Japan, and it was relatively good for him to look for a job after graduation.

Zhongchuan hired Yan Xiaowei’s fee is two weeks 30,000 yuan, which has far exceeded Yan Xiaowei’s heart price, and now got 30,000 yuan for nothing, the family is very average and even some difficulties Yan Xiaowei naturally very happy.

However, Yan Xiaowei also heard the meaning of Zhongchuan, this money is to take the hush money, meaning that after the incident can not say the location of the place he went to, is with a smile on the face of the Yan translation, this will be in the heart of the calculation of how to turn back to swing Zhongchuan together it!

“Day your mother, small master take you a circle on the extra fifty thousand dollars, really a stupid.”

Laughing equally happy two eggs, but also in the heart with Hong Kong kooky small black cursing words, in the greetings of Nakagawa’s immediate family.

The so-called circling by Er Dan was actually just circling to Nakagawa, because Er Dan understood very well in his heart that if Brother Mang Zi and the others had the intention to follow them over, his own group of people would be able to be found out by Mang Zi even if they hid under the sand.

And before the two eggs in listening to the fierce words, the heart is still a little fear, he can not wait for Zhuang Rui and other people in the back of the embellishment it, behind someone to follow, in case of what happened at that time, it is not there is a person who can lend a hand to help well!

“Could it be that he came out this time and didn’t go to worship Orochi? Or was he punished for masturbating to the Imperial Concubine on the day of his arrival? Why is it so unlucky to keep running into those Chinese people?”

Riding on the back of a smooth camel, looking at the endless yellow sand, Nakagawa is also a thousand thoughts, how can he not understand, there are more than one billion people in China, but let him meet Zhuang Rui and other people one after another.

In Xi’an, Nakagawa got a hint from the director of the horse, the other side is he can not afford to mess with the people, well! If you can’t afford to mess with yourself, you can always hide, right? After paying the fine, Nakagawa moved out of the five-star hotel on the same day.

But I did not expect, the next day to go to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin Shi Huang play, actually ran into Zhuang Rui and his entourage, Nakagawa is very much carried forward the Japanese can afford to do the grandpa also did the grandson of the nature, without saying a word on the disappearance of Zhuang Rui and others in the line of sight.

But let Nakagawa can not dream of things happen again, in this barren desert birds do not lay eggs, he was fortunate to see Zhuang Rui and others, if not Nakagawa’s mind is still tough words, estimates just now from the back of the camel fell down.

Nakagawa already knew that Zhuang Rui and the others were an archaeological team, which made him even more of a thief to avoid, and even gave up the plan to visit that site, and promised a lot of money to get away from Zhuang Rui and his party as soon as possible.

“When we find the temple marked on the map, we’ll go back and give these people a heavy sum of money to keep their secret.”

Nakagawa thought about his mind, slightly glanced sideways at Erdan and Prof. Man and the others who were leading the way in front of him, in his mind, these Chinese people could be bought with money, and what Nakagawa lacked the most, happened to be not money.

Just Nakagawa does not know, on his point of mind, even only six years of elementary school two eggs can see out, this will be in the heart of the calculation if you can find the ancient temple, is not to consider the development of a new desert tourist attractions it, do not know if the Nakagawa know the two eggs of the mind, will not be angry to vomit blood.

When Nakagawa was thinking about his mind, he suddenly realized that the camel leading the way in front of him, turned his head to go back to the road, and couldn’t help but shout, “Hey, what’s going on? Why did the camel turn back ah?”

“Mr. Nakagawa, didn’t you want to beware of someone following behind? Mr. Erdan said he was following your instructions.”

When Yan Xiaowei was translating Li Erdan’s words, he wanted to laugh in his heart, “Why don’t you also make a circle and turn back? Is there such a perfunctory way of doing things?

“Yohi, tell Mr. Li Erdan that we all obey his command.”

Nakagawa heard that this is the case, the heart is relieved, although he carries a ninety years ago map in his arms, but let him run to the desert to find the ancient temple, it is estimated that the place is not found, the person would have died in the inside.

Nakagawa’s last name was actually Yoshikawa. In the 1960s, the entire family changed their last name from Yoshikawa to Nakagawa.

That’s right, understand the history of Dunhuang friends have been able to guess, Nakagawa is the last century in 1912, only with silver three hundred and fifty two, on the fraudulent purchase of more than 400 volumes of tens of thousands of books of handwritten scriptures of the Japanese explorer Yoshikawa Koichiro’s descendants.

As Yoshikawa Koichiro traveled around Southeast Asian countries in the early part of the last century, he stole a large number of precious foreign artifacts and rare treasures by many shady means, and after returning to Japan, he invested in a number of industries.

After Japan’s defeat in the war, the Yoshikawa family sold many of the precious items looted from foreign countries, and with their strong financial resources, they were able to gain a foothold in the chemical industry in Japan.

However, in order to cultivate the family’s cultural heritage, the Yoshikawa family kept more than 400 volumes of Dunhuang handwritten scriptures from China, and spent money to find some scholars to study and organize them.

Nakagawa’s father was a famous theorist of Dunhuang culture in Japan in the 1950s and 1960s. Unlike the rest of the family, who were keen on business, Nakagawa’s father was obsessed with these scriptures and documents that recorded the ancient civilization of China, and so he was not a high ranking member of the family, and was very much underappreciated.

In the late 1960s, Nakagawa’s father was sorting through handwritten scriptures from China when he inadvertently found a map in one of the scriptures with detailed notes indicating the origin of the map.

Nakagawa’s father, who was familiar with Chinese writing, was overjoyed to see the map, which was a handmade map by Taoist priest Wang, drawn in 1911 in the last century, and the contents of the map made the old Nakagawa even more ecstatic.

The annotations on the map indicate that the scripture relics unearthed from the Dunhuang Cave of Sutras are not the more than 50,000 pieces known to the world, but in fact the total number is more than 80,000 books. It was just that more than 30,000 of these scrolls, when they were first unearthed, were given by Taoist Wang to an old friend, the presiding officer of an ancient temple not far from the North Gobi at the time.

Although the desertification of the place where the temple is located is not so serious, but that ancient temple has also suffered from the attack of wind and sand, originally very some of the temple has become very declining.

Monks can not eat and drink water, that will also run, so the whole ancient temple plus the host, but only three or four people.

And soon after Taoist Wang sent out the scrolls, the presiding officer sat down and died, and before he sat down, he let someone notify Taoist Wang, and asked Taoist Wang to keep the scrolls in a safe place.

More than 30,000 scrolls, not a small amount of money, Wang Taoist in the transport over, used a lot of carriages, the transportation will not be so convenient now, from Dunhuang to Qiu Jiawu by carriage will take three days.

So Taoist Wang did not transport the scrolls back, but in the temple to build a dark room, more than 30,000 layers of scriptures hidden, and later never mentioned this thing to people.

However, out of habit, Taoist Wang recorded this matter in detail, and made a map, old Nakagawa deduced that later, probably when Taoist Wang organized the Dunhuang handwritten documents, did not pay attention to the map will be clipped inside.

Get this map, the old in the river as a treasure, in order to let the family know do research can also have a good fortune, the old in the river has never said to any one of this discovery, want to find this batch of cultural relics shipped back to Japan after a shock.

Just suffering from the Sino-Japanese relations, the old Nakagawa has not been able to come to China.

In 1972 after the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, the old Nakagawa through all kinds of relations, in the mid-1970s of the last century, finally came to Dunhuang in the name of scholars.

But when Nakagawa was ready to go to the ancient temple, he was dumbfounded because the original oasis had turned into a desert, and he could not reach the temple by himself.

At that time in China, still in that unprecedented period of the Great Leap Forward, the government agencies in disarray, the civil society is simply no concept of protecting cultural relics, the old Zhongchuan in the promise of heavy benefits, from the Qiu Jiawu convened more than a dozen young and strong, sitting on a camel into the desert.

Just old Zhongchuan never thought, this trip to China, is his death, in close to the ancient temple place, the strange quicksand swallowed more than a dozen fresh life, which is full of ambition of the old Zhongchuan.

Foreign friends died in China, the government has always been special treatment, immediately launched an investigation, but at that time into the desert, one crazy, the other does not know the old Zhongchuan traveled to the desert cause, this matter eventually also unsettled.

For the Qiu family nest, this is a tragedy in the town, for the Nakagawa family far away in Japan, but did not attract attention, because the old Nakagawa did not elaborate on this matter to the family, so at that time, the Nakagawa family thought that this is the old Nakagawa in the footsteps of the ancestor exploring the footsteps of an accident that occurred.

But just last year, Nakagawa finally discovered this shocking secret when he was organizing his father’s diary and got a photocopy of that map.

Unlike in the 1970s, Dunhuang studies had developed into a culture, and Nakagawa well understood the value and influence of the 30,000-plus Dunhuang hand scrolls.

Nakagawa traveled alone to China on an investment trip so as not to attract the attention of the Chinese authorities.

Although the time has passed more than thirty years, but Nakagawa did not forget how his father died, he did not want to go under the sand and reunite with the dead old man, so this is the guide, desert experts and interpreters composed of such an expedition team.

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