Chapter 1105 – Water Source of the Desert

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:47:47
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“The camel caravan from there (Ayyarimey Ayyarimey)

The camel caravan from Hami (Sharihun Barui)

The camel caravan from Hami (Xialihong Barui)

“The geese in the sky are calling.

Desert footprints in pairs (Xiali Hongbarei)

Desert footprints in pairs (Xialihong Barui)

Hey ……”

Pleasing and melodious camel bells, a rough singing voice sounded, loud voice in the desert echoed for a long time, listening to Zhuang Rui and others are spiritually invigorated, that the head of the hot sun seems to have become faint and weak.

“Brother Mangzi, good job, one more song.”

Zhuang Rui loudly applauded, don’t say, fierce sang this song from Wang Luobin handwriting, was knife Lang reinterpretation of the song, it is really something, thick voice with a hint of hoarseness, if coupled with accompaniment, Zhuang Rui believe that fierce is not worse than the knife Lang sang how much.

“Oh, casually singing, don’t hate it on the line.”

Mangzi naive smile, he usually loves to listen to Knife Lang’s songs, nothing like to roar on a few voices.

“Brother Mangzi, this singing won’t be heard by the people in front, right?”

Xiao Jia was sitting on a camel behind Mangzi, his whole face was covered by a sarong, and he was wearing a big sunglasses over his eyes, and he looked breathless when he spoke.

Followed the camel behind the two eggs and other people, in this desert a whole two days in circles, although along the way Zhuang Rui in the desert also found some ancient people lived under the ruins, but the value is not big, there is no digging significance.

Although the desert scenery is good, but look at a long time will inevitably feel bored, and the desert climate temperature difference is great, the daytime heat can cook eggs in the sand, to the night is to wear a coat, so that the crowd is extremely uncomfortable.

More importantly, the desert lack of water ah! Although the four camels camel a lot of water sacs, but that are drinking, these two days, not to mention bathing, even wash your face has become a luxury, everyone seems to be covered with a layer of yellow sand, become gray.

Mangzi perennial wandering in the desert, but did not feel anything, but Zhuang Rui and others, it is not the same, just entered the desert when the excitement, has long since disappeared, even the favorite chanting Xiao Jia, also licked his lips with his mouth to become a word like gold up.

Mangzi stopped singing and said with a smile, “We are separated from them by dozens of miles, we can’t hear them.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the watch, it is already more than three o’clock in the afternoon, after two hours, it is estimated that the sky will be dark, legs clamped down on the camel, walked a few steps to catch up with Mangzi, opened his mouth and said: “Brother Mangzi, let’s do it this way! Let’s find a camp and stay there, tomorrow we’ll follow them for another day, if they don’t go to the ancient temple ruins, we’ll go ourselves!”

Erdan’s camel caravan has been wandering around in the desert for a few days now, Zhuang Rui is also a bit impatient, he believes that as long as he can find that ancient temple ruins, even if there is some kind of trickery in it, that Japanese won’t be able to get any favors.

“I estimate that they should enter the quicksand area tomorrow, that kid Erdan left me the code word, if they still go around in circles tomorrow, we’ll go ourselves.”

Mangzi this time tracked Erdan’s camel caravan, it didn’t take much effort at all, don’t look at Erdan’s tone of voice at that time, in fact, he didn’t have a plan in his heart, every time he camped, he would leave some secret marks for Mangzi.

As for Mangzi changed his mind, willing to go to the region of quicksand thing, is to be attributed to the “Kongfang brother”, Zhuang Rui yesterday and Mangzi discussed, if you can find that ancient temple ruins, Zhuang Rui is willing to pay him 100,000 yuan.

As the saying goes, money makes the devil push the mill, although the novels tell more about what heroes and heroines more light money, but people live in the world, eat, drink, sleep and what do not spend money? So after thinking about it again and again, Mangzi agreed to Zhuang Rui’s request.

“Hey, there are cacti in front.”

Xiao Jia who was sitting on the camel suddenly shouted, the crowd looked up, and sure enough, forty to fifty meters away in front, there was a piece of low cactus growing.

“Haha, everyone is lucky, we will camp here today.”

Mangzi whistled, a few camels accelerated their pace and came to the place where the cactus was growing, after everyone dismounted from the camels, Mangzi commanded the camels to surround a domed shape with roughly twenty square meters inside.

“Elder brother Zhuang, lend me the shovel.” Without waiting for Zhuang Rui to reply, Mangzi drew down an engineer’s shovel from the back of the camel carrying the supplies.

“Brother Mangzi, can’t use this, right?”

Zhuang Rui who was planning to take down the tent was a bit puzzled, this has been living for two days now, and I didn’t see the need for a shovel to set up the tent ah?

Mangzi smiled at his words and opened his mouth, “Hey, you guys are lucky, you can eat something hot today.”

Zhuang Rui also reacted quickly and opened his mouth to ask, “Huh? Brother Mangzi, are you saying that there’s underground water under here?”

In the desert, heat and drought are the number one killers for explorers, and most of the desert exploration victims are caused by heatstroke due to lack of water. Once you get lost in the desert, you must make sure that you have enough, clean water to drink before you get out of your predicament, or the hope of surviving is slim.

There is no water on the surface of the desert, and it is difficult to dig out water in most areas, but the desert is mostly a basin, and there are many seasonal rivers in it, and there are water sources that exist, just that they have not been encountered in the first few days.

These days in the desert to stay, Zhuang Rui party for water, but there is a renewed awareness, the water bag unified by Mangzi custody, only in the case of very hungry and thirsty, Mangzi will allow people to drink a small mouth.

Although I have heard of people in the thirst, will go to drink camel or even their own urine, but before there is no intuitive understanding, now Zhuang Rui and other people know, in the desert if there is really no water, that kind of thing is not impossible.

Just two days of desert life, let just from the Huaqing Pond hot springs out of the crowd not a few days, there is a kind of ice and fire nine heavens feeling, remembering the previous waste of water behavior, all are feeling a bit of fever on the face.

“That’s right, if the water source is abundant, you guys can probably still wash your faces.”

Mangzi laughed, took the shovel and walked to the side of those plants, and after slightly surveying them, he walked three or four meters to the right and dug downwards with the shovel.

“Brother Mangzi, if there are plants, there must be water?”

In the first two days, their party was also able to see a few green plants from time to time, but never saw Mangzi acting like this, Zhuang Rui did not see any difference between these cacti and the ones he encountered a few days ago?

Watching Mangzi’s behavior, the aura in Zhuang Rui’s eyes silently seeped down through the surface of the sand.

Different substances are reflected in different colors in Zhuang Rui’s eyes, the sand shows a greyish feeling in the aura without a trace of aura, while the water is clear and transparent and will have a faint trace of aura present.

“Zhuang Rui, just because there are plants doesn’t necessarily mean there is water, many plants are able to take in trace amounts of water molecules from the air, but since Brother Mang Zi said so, there will definitely be.”

Compared to Zhuang Rui, Dr. Ren’s confidence in Mangzi was a bit stronger, back then when they were archaeologically at the Desert Habitat Ruins, Mangzi had left a deep impression on him.

“There really is ……”

Before Dr. Ren’s words fell, Zhuang Rui had already sensed it, about a meter and a half deep under the sand, the sand was permeated with a slight aura, although not much, but the presence of water indeed.

The sand is loose and soft, digging up quickly, seven or eight minutes of work, Mangzi dug down more than a meter deep, and at this time the sand shoveled out, has been a little damp, and even condensed into a ball.

“Brother Mangzi, why don’t you stop digging?”

Xiao Jia saw Mang Zi digging down another half a meter and then stopped his hand, he couldn’t help but ask strangely, this clearly has all the traces of water, why don’t you dig down?

“There is already water ah!”

Mangzi casually replied, and then took a transparent plastic sheet, he dug open the pit to cover the mouth, four sides with sand pressure, which walked to the camel, will be these days to drink empty some water sacs took over.

“This …… can have water like this?” Xiao Jia stared at the sun that was about to set in the west, lying on the sand, looking at the sand pit covered with a plastic sheet, muttering under his breath.

“Hey, there is really water.”

Xiao Jia crumbled and waited for five or six minutes after, really can not help it, secretly lifted a corner of the plastic sheet, found that the bottom of the sand pit actually really seeped out a layer of water, and the plastic sheet is also full of tiny water beads, from time to time to drop a few particles down.

“The water source here is too little, using this method can get a little more water.” Mangzi smiled and covered the plastic sheet again.

In fact, covering the pit with a transparent plastic sheet was tantamount to a simple solar still, where the air and soil in the pit rapidly heated up to produce steam, and when the water vapor reached saturation, it would condense into water droplets on the inner surface of the plastic sheet.

Although Mangzi did not understand this common sense, but living in the desert for many years, doing this kind of water extraction is a good thing.

After about an hour or so, Mangzi lifted the plastic sheet and took the water from the bottom of the pit from the scoop, poured it into the basin and let the people wash their faces.

Although there was the presence of groundwater in this water, it was high in saline, and Mangzi took out some more water from the bottom of the pit and put it into the already prepared pot and boiled it, letting Peng Fei watch the pot.

Mangzi himself is a horse led over the camel, let them drink up the water at the bottom of the pit, these water sources people can not drink directly, but the camel can be.

After the water boiled, you could clearly see the alkali blocks at the bottom of the pot, Peng Fei changed the boiled water to a different container, poured out the alkali blocks, took out a few large pieces of air-dried meat, and put it into the pot to boil up the meat soup.

Peng Fei wild survival experience is also very rich, although not as familiar with the desert as Mangzi, but compared with Zhuang Rui and others is much better, these days camping and tenting things are he to do.

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