Chapter 1123 – Quicksand Lightly Covers Hanmo Sinking Fragrance

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:48:33
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“Shit, it won’t be such a big scene, right?”

Zhuang Rui looked at the sky can not stop circling, looking for a landing site of the helicopter, suddenly stunned, this is not shooting the Scorpion King and other U.S. blockbusters, as for the deployment of the military?

If he didn’t see Peng Fei sitting in a helicopter and waving to himself, it’s possible that Zhuang Rui still thought that this was a movie!

“Erdan, Xiao Yan, keep an eye on the books in the main hall, I’ll go out to take a look.”

After Zhuang Rui took a look at Zhongchuan, he instructed Erdan and the two of them, then followed the helicopter and ran out of the poplar forest, waving his hand upwards to signal that the helicopter could land.

“Fuck, what’s wrong with me? Just wait for them to land before coming over.”

The helicopter slowly landed not far from Zhuang Rui’s side, and the propeller drove the yellow sand on the ground to form a small vortex, wrapping Zhuang Rui’s entire person inside.

After the helicopter came to a complete stop, Zhuang Rui simply became a sandman, not to mention his face was pasted with a layer of yellow sand, that is, in his nostrils and ears, it was also blocked with sand.

After Zhuang Rui jumped in place for half a day and shook off the yellow sand on his body, he just happened to see Peng Fei coming up from the helicopter, and hurriedly grabbed him and asked, “Brat, how did you find this place?”

This desert north even the Gobi Beach, the area is very large, called the sand sea is not too much, and in the desert terrain is variable, even if there is a fierce son in the air to point the way, I’m afraid it is also very easy to go off the beaten path, so Zhuang Rui did not think that they will actually take the helicopter over.

And according to Zhuang Rui’s estimation beforehand, Peng Fei and other people’s camel team would have to wait for two more days before arriving!

“Brother Zhuang, didn’t I leave the satellite phone with you? Isn’t it enough to lock the signal.”

Peng Fei skimmed his lips and despised Zhuang Rui, what era is this, you don’t even understand such basic electronic common sense?

“Just you kid know more, bring the water, I rinse my mouth.”

Zhuang Rui did not have a good mood in Peng Fei head knocked, picked up Peng Fei’s military kettle rinsed his mouth, and then said: “As to engage in such an exaggeration? It is not just an ordinary archaeology, even the military aircraft have moved out, Peng Fei you kid will not be looking for my big brother, right?”

Zhuang Rui thought that Peng Fei was afraid of his own accident in the desert, which found the military borrowed a helicopter, although the deployment of troops to assist in archaeological work is a frequent thing, but the deployment of helicopters such equipment, that is not the average person can do.

Before Peng Fei could reply, a voice sounded behind him, “Not exaggerating at all, I called this helicopter, Xiao Zhuang, do you know what the introduction of the Dunhuang documents represents?”

“Teacher, you’re here too.”

Hearing Professor Meng’s voice, Zhuang Rui realized that he had wronged Peng Fei, as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences elected last year, Professor Meng could have asked the local garrison to assist him in his archaeological work, and it made sense to call the military helicopter.

Behind Prof. Meng, there are several Zhuang Rui familiar faces, are domestic famous archaeology and history experts, Zhuang Rui has heard a lot of their public classes, even went up and greeted a few people.

“Okay, don’t make those false, Xiao Ren said there are still two Buddha statues not broken open, go, hurry over to see.”

Professor Meng is not allowed to see a few people talking over there, a pull Zhuang Rui toward the direction of the poplar forest, while walking while saying: “Zhuang Rui, this batch of Dunhuang literature, through the Three Kingdoms, the two Jin dynasties, the Northern Wei, Western Wei, Sui, Tang, the Five Dynasties, the Northern Song Dynasty and so on more than a dozen dynasties, encompassing tens of disciplines, and handwritten scrolls are prevalent, but also spawned the largest group of calligraphy in the history of Chinese calligraphy -Jingsheng, which formed a school of calligraphy, the Jingsheng style. These important discoveries, whether they are vital to the examination of some blank periods of history in the break of generations, or to fill in some of the mysteries of archaeology, less a book is a crime against the country!”

Zhuang Rui does not know, Professor Meng received a few days ago in Beijing after Dr. Ren’s phone call, then the excitement fell off the chair, but also overnight booked a flight ticket from Beijing to Dunhuang, from hearing the news, the old man is not able to wait a moment.

Even if there is a dead poplar forest in front of this rare natural landscape, Prof. Meng is not to look directly to the direction of the temple, just in the helicopter when he has seen the direction.

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment at his words, and while walking through the poplar forest with his teacher, he asked strangely, “Calligraphy? I’ve never heard of it.”

Zhuang Rui knows that the scriptures unearthed in Dunhuang Cave of Sutras, most of them are hand-copied, but basically they are based on the official script and regular script, like the later famous Thin Gold Style and other calligraphy is unheard of.

“Zhuang Rui, nothing to be quiet to practice writing, you will know the influence of Dunhuang calligraphy.”

Professor Meng looked at Zhuang Rui shook his head, to say that Zhuang Rui antique jade appreciation, in the country is definitely a master-level figure, due to the excavation of Liu Xiu’s tomb, Zhuang Rui in archaeology is also considered quite a success.

But it is on some very basic common sense knowledge, Zhuang Rui but often make jokes, Professor Meng is also very puzzled, Zhuang Rui for zither, chess, calligraphy and painting know nothing, but why can identify the object authenticity to?

Prof. Meng was obviously very excited, then said: “Zhuang Rui, do you know, I found in the little Ren first transported out of those scrolls, whose words?”

“Whose writing? This scripture was also transcribed by a celebrity?”

Zhuang Rui really doesn’t know much about calligraphy, ancient calligraphers know Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Zhang Xu, Huaisu, and Yan Zhenqing, etc. As for the modern times, except for that teacher of Fatty Jin, Zhuang Rui is just a blank slate.

“Of course, from inside an oil paper bag alone, thirty volumes of hand-copied scriptures of the Grass Sage were found, do you know that even in the Dunhuang literature that has been strayed abroad, there are only just a few volumes.”

Professor Meng was obviously extremely excited, waving his two hands as he spoke, Professor Meng had been writing brushstrokes since he was a child, although not as good as that master’s position in the calligraphy world, but the eye for appreciating calligraphy was still there.

“Zhang Xu? That …… that’s worth old money.”

Zhuang Rui heard froze for a moment, he also did not think that this Dunhuang literature actually has the handwriting of this great man, out of habit, Zhuang Rui can not help but mull over the price of Zhang Xu’s works, but after half a day’s thought, it seems that I have not heard of Zhang Xu’s works on the auction.

“You …… you kid, uneducated.”

After Professor Meng heard Zhuang Rui’s words, an inadvertent, tripped and stumbled by the dead branches of the poplar under his feet, simply stopped and looked at Zhuang Rui and said, “The grass saint that I’m talking about, it’s not Zhang Xu, but Zhang Zhi.”

Zhuang Rui’s face was a bit perplexed and shook his head, “Zhang Zhi? Never heard of it.”

“You …… I’ll see you go back and follow the undergraduates for a while! Don’t even know Zhang Zhi.”

Prof. Meng was crying and laughing at this favorite disciple of his, and had to give Zhuang Rui a blind sweep, giving a brief account of Zhang Zhi’s life.

The Zhang Zhi that Prof. Meng was talking about was a famous calligrapher of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a native of Dunhuang in Gansu.

Zhang Zhi lived in the period, the line of slow and have wave limbs of the official script and word independent with the official meaning of the chapter of grass, have been unable to meet the needs of the people, Zhang Zhi in the inheritance of the chapter of grass on the basis of, get rid of the old custom, create a one, is the cursive script.

The Sage of Calligraphy, Wang Xizhi, was humble to Zhang Zhi, and he once said, “Zhong Zhang’s letter is outstanding, and the rest are not enough to see”, which means that, in ancient and modern calligraphy, Wang Xizhi only put Zhong Yao and Zhang Zhi in his eyes.

In the history of Chinese calligraphy, Zhang Zhi and Huaisu reflected back and forth, representing the two monuments of the prevalence of cursive writing in the Han and Tang dynasties, and it can be said that the four masters, Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Zhang Xu, and Huaisu, originated from the first giant in the history of Chinese calligraphy, the Sage of Cursive Writing, Zhang Zhi.

Just Zhang Zhi life age, but also to be earlier than Wang Xizhi and others, the handwriting down few and far between, even if it is a few volumes of foreign suspected Zhang Zhi’s handwritten book, but also did not have his own signature, so outside the calligraphy world, for his name is not heard much.

When Professor Meng was waiting for the military helicopter, he roughly sorted out those handwritten scriptures, but he accidentally found Zhang Zhi’s works, and at that time, he was practically treating these authentic works of the sage of calligraphy with the mentality of a pilgrim.

After the introduction of Zhang Zhi’s situation, Professor Meng said with emotion: “Xiao Zhuang, I’m sure that if the master in Beijing sees Zhang Zhi’s handwriting, he will die in peace.”

Zhuang Rui knows who Prof. Meng is talking about, that master is already 98 years old this year, although Zhuang Rui will visit the old man from time to time, to help him freshen up his body, but his aura is not omnipotent, the old man’s body is deteriorating, it is estimated that it will be difficult to get through this winter.

Between words, led by Professor Meng, a group of people, has stepped into the ancient temple in the middle, see those originally dismantled, and was Zhuang Rui back into the greaseproof paper in the ancient books, Professor Meng hastily put on gloves to look up.

After a long time, Prof. Meng raised his head, gently rubbed his hand over the scroll, and said with emotion: “I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect ah! In the desert sands, can still save so many precious cultural relics, this is really quicksand light cover ink fragrance ah!”

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words and said, “Teacher, your words have meaning!”

“Xiao Zhuang, the teacher wants to thank you, if it wasn’t for you, the teacher in this life may not be able to see these Dunhuang documents that are submerged in the desert sands.”

When Prof. Meng spoke, he actually stood up and bowed to Zhuang Rui, frightening Zhuang Rui to quickly move aside and waved his hand, saying, “Don’t ah! Teacher, the student can’t afford to be a teacher, these were all discovered together with Senior Brother Ren and Xiao Jia and the others.”

“All of your names will be remembered by future generations.”

Professor Meng looked at Zhuang Rui with relief and said, “Alright, you guys pack up these scrolls on the ground, let’s all get ready and open the other two Buddha statues to see if there are any more scriptures inside?”

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