Chapter 1125 – Zhuang Rui’s Insistence

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:48:38
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“Zhuang Rui, have you thought about not participating in the later finishing and research work of this Dunhuang excavated literature?”

The night before Prof. Meng left that military camp in Jiuquan to return to Beijing, Prof. Meng called Zhuang Rui to his room, originally wanting to discuss with Zhuang Rui the direction of his research on Dunhuang literature, who knew that he would hear from Zhuang Rui’s mouth a decision that would make Prof. Meng very surprised.

The first thing Zhuang Rui said when he entered the room and sat down was that he was not going to participate in the research group of Dunhuang literature, but to continue the field research work and even booked the destination of the next stop.

“Teacher, I originally did not have much research on Dunhuang culture, and when I was in graduate school, my main focus was not on this piece, and now even if I get involved, I’m just sitting on my hands, and I still want to try to see if I can find a tomb from the Yuan Dynasty or the Western Xia period.”

For fame and fortune, to be honest, Zhuang Rui have been no lack of, with a family of hundreds of millions of dollars, in several fields are expert master level characters, the results of this Dunhuang research for others may be extremely important, but Zhuang Rui really did not how to put in the eyes.

“You …… how you kid will not listen to persuasion ah! Zhuang Rui, do you know, as long as you participate in it, when the time comes, your full researcher rank and doctoral dissertation, will be very easy to pass, I say, you kid how to take the bull by the horns ah!”

Professor Meng looked at the Zhuang Rui hard and soft, quite a headache, as Zhuang Rui’s tutor, he is truly for Zhuang Rui’s sake, and this discovery, indeed, under the leadership of Zhuang Rui’s achievements, Zhuang Rui should enjoy the fruits of victory.

The Dunhuang literature, can be said to be since the excavation of the Ming Tombs, the most far-reaching significance, the greatest impact of a national archaeology, as long as Zhuang Rui can participate in and preside over a research project, then even if he retired, Zhuang Rui will become the domestic science and research community of a non-negligible young experts.

Although Prof. Meng is full of plums, but those students have not reached the peak of their career, the discourse and status in the domestic archaeological community, compared with their own is still far, so Prof. Meng is very much looking forward to their own retirement before, can train a successor.

Counting his students, Prof. Meng found that the youngest Zhuang Rui is the most suitable.

From Zhuang Rui a few years ago in foreign countries to discover the pirate island, unveiled a period of history dust mystery, and then in the domestic discovery of Liu Xiu’s tomb, so that the domestic scientific research community to fill a period of the Eastern Han Dynasty history of the blank.

After Zhuang Rui in graduate school, specializing in underwater archaeology, first successfully salvaged for the first time in the deep sea ancient shipwrecks of the Song Dynasty, and later it is in the salvage of the “Apo Maru” when a great achievement, so that the missing half a century of the “Peking Man fossilized skull” came to life.

These several archaeological excavations, the impact is more far-reaching, caused by the sensation is also very big, in fact, according to reason, Zhuang Rui’s several archaeological discoveries, randomly take out one of them can be laid in the archaeological world of his position, but that will be Zhuang Rui is too young, although repeated achievements, but the theoretical aspects of the knowledge can not keep up.

Coupled with Zhuang Rui himself is more low-key, seldom participate in some academic conferences, in the relevant occasions show up very few opportunities, so Zhuang Rui’s reputation in the archaeological community is not very loud.

But this time the Dunhuang literature, is a wonderful opportunity, one is Zhuang Rui leadership of the archaeological team found, itself has the advantage and persuasive power, two to these documentary information is most likely to produce results, as long as Zhuang Rui recognized a research direction, is very easy to achieve results.

In this way, Zhuang Rui theoretical knowledge is insufficient shortcomings, will also be made up for, so as to leap into the domestic top archaeological experts, which is also Professor Meng on Zhuang Rui’s greatest expectations.

Just Professor Meng never expected is, Zhuang Rui put this within reach of the achievements do not, but also to go to look for that nebulous Yuan Dynasty tombs, this is not a loss of sesame to pick up watermelon it?

Prof. Meng took a deep breath, slowed down his voice and said: “Zhuang Rui, since the Yuan Dynasty, although some Yuan Dynasty tombs have been found, but they are all the graves of the Han Chinese who served as officials in the Yuan Dynasty, and none of the Mongolian emperors and the tombs of the nobles have been seen for thousands of years, there are also many people who have explored, but there is no discovery, I said, are you reconsidering? ”

Although Zhuang Rui is his own student, but Professor Meng knows that he is very involved in a wide range of fields, in many areas even greater than his own achievements, so really do not dare to treat like those first-time students in general, hard line to let Zhuang Rui listen to their words.

“Oh, teacher, things have to be done, the Yuan dynasty lasted a total of ninety-seven years, out of eleven emperors, I do not believe that all of them are buried in heaven not?”

Zhuang Rui still firmly believed in his point of view, after going to that prairie, there would definitely be something to discover.

Although the ancient times also have water burial sky burial and cremation and other forms of burial, but Zhuang Rui believes that the Yuan Dynasty’s strong military power, absolutely not allow its emperors to be buried so shabby after death, will certainly be buried and with rich martyrdom.

“Heavenly burial is naturally impossible, but with the Mongolian burial style, these thousands of years have passed, and it’s simply impossible for you to find any of the emperor’s tombs.”

Professor Meng shook his head, he once had a period of time where he had studied the Yuan Dynasty burial forms in depth, and summarized one thing from the only words that existed in the historical materials, and that was that Mongolian burials were extremely deep, often tens of meters or even a hundred meters below the ground.

Can imagine, in the wind-blown grass on the prairie, and after thousands of years of erosion, who can have the ability to find tombs from such a deep underground, that is really a god.

So Prof. Meng had to give up the research on the Yuan Dynasty tombs, because no matter how he studies, there is no physical reference, is simply not what the results of the study.

That’s why now that he saw Zhuang Rui wanting to take the same detour he had taken before, Prof. Meng would be so bitter to persuade him.

“Teacher, I still insist on my own choice, I believe that if I can find out the tomb of the Yuan dynasty emperor, then it will also fill this blank of the archaeology of the Yuan dynasty imperial tombs in our country, and I think …… that it is going to be a little bit more valuable than the study of Dunhuang literature.”

Zhuang Rui this oil and salt attitude so that Professor Meng finally lost patience, face a taut said: “nonsense, who does not know the importance of the Yuan Dynasty Imperial Tombs, is a study of archaeology would like to find out, but someone found? Young people should be down-to-earth, do not be over-ambitious.”

When he said here, Prof. Meng felt that his words were a bit heavy, picked up the tea cup in hand and drank a mouthful of water, and when he stole his eyes to look at Zhuang Rui, he couldn’t help but be furious, that kid didn’t take his own words seriously at all.

“Forget it, your kid is the same as me back then, he is not going to turn back until he hits the south wall!”

Prof. Meng thought of his own youth and couldn’t help but let out a long sigh, then said, “Let’s put it this way! Your time for this field research is not short, I’ll give you another half a month, if there is no more gain, you must return to Beijing immediately and prepare to participate in the Dunhuang Culture World Exchange Academic Conference to be held in Beijing next month.”

Professor Meng see can not say Zhuang Rui, can only settle for the second best, let Zhuang Rui in the Dunhuang Symposium next month to show his face, no matter how to say that Zhuang Rui is also the discoverer of this batch of Dunhuang literature, the honor is still not less.

Zhuang Rui so old, of course, can hear the mentor’s concern, and immediately nodded, said: “Teacher, just do as you say, thank you.”

“Xiao Ren is still following you, but the work of organizing that batch of Dunhuang documents is very tedious, I’ll take these few graduate students back, you have to remember, if you don’t find anything in half a month’s time, you have to go back, or else your senior brother Ren won’t be able to get any benefit from this archaeological discovery.”

From Meng’s words, it can be seen that he still values Zhuang Rui the most, actually letting Ren Chunqiang give up the opportunity to join the Dunhuang research and letting him follow Zhuang Rui, but this is also nothing less than forcing Zhuang Rui to return to Beijing as soon as possible.

“Teacher, this can not be, this opportunity is very important to the senior brother.”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand when he heard Prof. Meng’s words, are you kidding? He, Zhuang Rui, could care less about titles and honors, but Dr. Ren was relying on this for a living, if this happened, would he not be grumbled to death by his senior brother?

Prof. Meng’s eyes glared and said, “What’s wrong with that? What Xiao Ren should have, I’ll help him fight for, nothing less, but the kid doesn’t let people worry, I can only rest assured with him following me.”

“Okay! Teacher.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head helplessly and accepted his mentor’s arrangement, anyway, he also thought about it, if his senior brother suffered anything because of himself, the big deal is that he will be compensated more from the economy to him at that time.

“Brother Ren, didn’t blame me for abducting you to the prairie, did you?”

The car driven by Peng Fei sped across the prairie, it was the height of summer, the grassland was full of birds and flowers, the air was fresh, and the sky imprinted by the turquoise grass appeared extraordinarily blue.

The emblem of the wind blowing, pasture fluttering, everywhere is “the wind blowing grass low see cattle and sheep” scenery, blue sky and white clouds, the endless grassland, herds of cattle and sheep, galloping steeds and herdsmen waving the saddle, horse galloping gallop of the galloping posture in full view.

Two days ago, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei and Dr. Ren three people, return to Dunhuang to retrieve their cars, all the way through Ningxia from the Alxa League straight into the city of Shizuishan, into the vast prairie.

From the sandy northwest to the prairie, the whole person’s mentality has completely changed, the green and the barren northwest of the eye, forming a very sharp contrast.

Dr. Ren had no complaints about continuing to toss after Zhuang Rui, and said with a smile, “I didn’t expect to see such scenery now, it’s so beautiful, without a trace of modernization, it makes the heart and mind feel peaceful.”

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