Chapter 1136 – Wild Horse Herd (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:49:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“This …… this, I can’t help it!”

Dr. Ren read from elementary school to doctorate, are spent in the school, although out archaeology once rode a camel, but that and riding a horse are two different things, the mouth just uttered these words, the body is already askew and almost fell off the horse.

“Brother Ren, I think …… it s better if you stay! If you’re not doing anything these days, come to the horse farm to ride horses, it’s better than following us and suffering.”

Zhuang Rui took a look at this situation and didn’t dare to let Ren Chunqiang follow, if he fell out of this, he couldn’t explain to his teacher and Dr. Ren’s family.

And now this team, in addition to Ren Chunqiang, is considered to be strong, not to mention a few grassland people grew up on horseback, Peng Fei has received rigorous wild survival training.

Take Zhuang Rui himself, he just don’t ride the horse to follow the run, with his perverted physique estimated that in addition to the beginning of the outbreak can’t keep up with the horse, after going out dozens of kilometers, I’m afraid that even the horse can’t compare to him.

“Then …… well! I’ll wait for you guys at the gathering place.”

Although Dr. Ren’s heart is unwilling, but he also understands that he is somewhat unable to keep up with the team, if he is strong to show off his ability, then the one who suffers from the fall and suffers is himself, and this account is a very good calculation.

Warily turned the horse’s head, Ren Chunqiang rode back toward the road, wiped back and shouted a voice: “Zhuang Rui, don’t forget to videotape the discovery of the wildebeest herd, go home and I’ll take it to my son to see.”

After Dr. Ren left, the team’s march obviously accelerated a lot, although Zhuang Rui riding skills in general, but can not crotch horses listen to the command, as long as a little clip down the horse’s belly or lifting down the reins, the yellow bit will be very consciously accelerated or decelerated.

Anyone who has ever ridden a horse knows that when a horse is running slowly, it tends to feel the most bumpy, but once it picks up speed, it will be quite stable.

The strong wind blowing in his face, and the grass going backwards, made Zhuang Rui’s heart incomparably comfortable, but when he looked at the several people in front of him, his face couldn’t help but pull down again.

Zhuang Rui does not have the experience of horse galloping, speed in the end or dare not put too fast, plus he rode the yellow bit, itself is not as good as in front of a few people to choose the horse, is only to follow a few people behind the horse’s ass to eat dust.

Compared to Zhuang Rui riding on the horse with a straight back, Peng Fei and Bartel and other people, that is really called horseback riding, even Uyunqiqiqi this little girl, all the body bent very low, almost almost to the horse’s back.

See Zhuang Rui fell a little far, Bartel and others also slowed down the speed of the horse, slowly trotting up on the grassland.

After waiting for Zhuang Rui to catch up, Peng Fei looked at Bartel and said, “Old Ba, it’s been a long time since I’ve raced a horse, running today?”

Just now Peng Fei felt that this white horse under his crotch, still did not let go of its full strength, running a little bit not enjoyable, coupled with the fact that it had not raced with Bartel for several years, his heart was also quite itchy.

“Good, but your horse is a bit weak, I’ll let you run for one minute first, then whoever runs farther in three minutes will be counted as the winner, how about it?”

Bartel agreed, his Red Blood was superior to Peng Fei’s chosen white horse in terms of age and horsepower, which is why he let Peng Fei run first.

“Three minutes?” Peng Fei raised his eyebrows, “Success, Old Ba, but if you lose, you have to give Red Blood to me to ride.”

Bartel was unimpressed with Peng Fei’s words and said with a smile, “You kid, win me and then we’ll talk! I’m pinching my watch here, you can run away.”

“Don’t you regret it! Giddyup!”

Peng Fei yelled, both legs tightened, the whole person like an arrow off the string rushed out, looking in Zhuang Rui’s eyes, like a white light in the grassland crossing, the kind of speed produced by the passion, let Zhuang Rui can not help but have a kind of blood surging feeling.

Compliance with the promise has been to stay in place Bartel, see the front running a person and a horse, face suddenly clouded down, said in a bad mood: “This brat, how to take the whip to whip the horse ah? Back I want to teach him a lesson.”

“Big brother Bartel, isn’t this horse whip used to whip the horse?”

By the side of Zhuang Rui listened to some confusion, he just smacked his yellow bit running slow, but also used the whip to give the horse butt a few times, the horse whip does not whip the horse, then what is the use of it?

“Brother Zhuang Rui, we grassland people don’t use whips, horses are our brothers and sisters, how can we use whips to beat them!”

Sitting on a horse that is taller than a yellow bit of horse, Uyun Qiqiqi, also has a dissatisfied expression, every time Peng Fei draws a whip in front of her, the little girl’s face will show a trace of intolerance.

“Alright, I’ll go after that kid, Timur give you an answer to explain.”

Bartel looked at his watch, both legs clamped his crotch of red blood, a red shadow flashed, when the last word was said, the horse and horse were already twenty meters away.

Don’t look at Bartel’s tall stature, but on the horse’s back, he was dexterous like an ape, he put his entire body on the horse’s back, his head and the horse’s head were tightly next to each other, decreasing the resistance of the wind, and flew and the Peng Fei in front of him to close the distance.

“Zhuang Rui An Ta, we grassland people taming horses, pay attention to the unity of man and horse, in a long time with the horse, can produce a tacit understanding, do not need to use a whip at all, the horse will be able to know what you mean.”

With Timur’s explanation, Zhuang Rui realized that Bartel, who was galloping his horse, really did not use the horse whip in his hand once, but the Red Blood under his crotch was still accelerating, and was about to catch up behind Peng Fei.

“Ah! Caught up, brother caught up!” Wuyun Qiqige suddenly applauded happily.

“Not good, Red Blood is losing his temper, brother Peng Fei’s horse is going to spook.”

Timur, who was explaining the essentials of the Imperial Horse to Zhuang Rui, suddenly shouted and rushed out on his horse.

Not even three minutes had passed, Red Blood had already surpassed Peng Fei who had started first, only just as hey surpassed Peng Fei, the accident suddenly happened.

When surpassing Peng Fei’s horse, Red Blood suddenly raised his head and hissed at the white horse.

As the head horse in the herd, Red Blood undoubtedly had a high authority, and this hissing of his, made the white horse, which itself had received several lashes and felt dissatisfied, startled.

The white horse that was originally running fast, but had always been very smooth, at this moment suddenly played tricks, his body was constantly jumping around, desperately trying to turn Peng Fei down on the horse.

Don’t look at these horses usually seem very docile, in fact, the horse is a very strong personality of the animal, in the horse’s heart that kind of strong sense of competition is not as good as other animals.

Horses in the competition with their own kind has the character of exhaustion also do not admit defeat, perhaps many people do not know, in the war, many horses are not in the rain of bullets fell, but due to the intense running and exhaustion on the battlefield.

So this white horse forced by the horse king’s obscene authority, after being provoked not dare to fight back, then the fire spread to the back of Peng Fei, running can not stop shifting speed bumps, the movement more and more furious up.

But what kind of person is Peng Fei? Eighteen or nineteen years of age on his own in the India-China border executed a secret beheading operation, how willing to lose to a horse, and immediately wrapped his hands into the neck of the horse, let the white horse up and down.

Bartel, who ran to the front, was also startled by the white horse’s mania, and hastily gathered speed and turned his horse around, shouting at Peng Fei, “Feizi, take your feet out of the stirrups and jump off the horse, quick!”

Encountering a frightened horse, not to mention Peng Fei such a half-assed rider, even the experienced old grassland people have a headache, if the horse is upside down while the foot is still in the stirrups, it is very possible to get killed.

Peng Fei on the back of the horse at this time is also bitter to say, the white horse’s movement is getting bigger and bigger, several times almost threw him off the back of the horse, at this moment heard the words of Bartel, two feet back a little bit, out of the stirrups.

At this moment, the white horse suddenly stood up, the whole body was erected, and Peng Fei, who had no support under his feet, finally could not hold on, and was directly thrown off by the white horse.

However, Peng Fei’s movements are still quite athletic, when he landed on the ground a backward roll, did not even raise his head, and even turned a few more heels to the back, just to avoid the white horse chasing Peng Fei’s hooves.

“Phew, phew ……”

Behind arrived Timur and Bartel both jumped off the back of the horse, grabbed the reins of the white horse, mouth constantly issued “phew” sound, pacify the white horse, which makes the white horse did not continue to chase the unlucky Peng Fei.

“Peng Fei, still showing off? Haha, you dare to go to Liangshan without three points? According to me, you’re just as good as riding this yellow bit of mine.”

Zhuang Rui, who arrived with Wu Yun Qiqiqi, couldn’t help but laugh out loud when he saw Peng Fei’s ashen appearance.

“It’s not because I was startled by Red Blood, otherwise how could I have fallen off my horse?”

Peng Fei replied with a resentful face, patted the gray grass on his body, and walked towards the white horse that had already been pacified with an indignant face.


Who knows that when he saw Peng Fei come over, the white horse that was originally quieted down, suddenly went manic again, almost bringing down Bartel who was grasping the horse’s reins, and hurriedly shouted, “Fei Zi, you kid stay away, you just hit it, it won’t let you ride it again.”

“Shit, what’s with this! I just lashed it twice, and it still holds a grudge?” Bartel’s words made Peng Fei depressed, how come Bartel didn’t say that horses can’t be whipped when he was in the army?

It’s just that Peng Fei didn’t know that the troop’s are all military horses, the frequency of replacement is very fast, and they just do some simple equestrian training, there is no time for people and horses to exchange feelings, of course Bartel won’t say these things.

Bartel shook his head and said, “You can’t ride this horse, switch horses with Timur!”


Peng Fei nodded in depression, turning his face to see Zhuang Rui with a gloating face, he couldn’t help but huff and say, “Brother Zhuang, what are you laughing at! My replacement horse is also better than your mare.”

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