Chapter 1141 – Taming (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:49:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The night was as cool as water, the bright moonlight sprinkled on the prairie, gently flicked with the breeze, as if an ink painting was generally beautiful and quiet.

A loud horse neighing, broke this silence, that very penetrating sound, along with the undulation of the grass, like the prairie’s pulsation, spread far and wide, and for a time became the only sound between heaven and earth.

Although the forelimbs and hips were scratched by the coyotes, the red horse still stood steadily in place, proudly raising its head high.

After letting out an earth-shattering neigh, the red horse dropped its head and looked at the surrounding horses like a king inspecting his people, and every horse it saw lowered its head like a sign of submission.

Even in Bartel control slowly running red blood, also by this hissing shocked, let Bartel how to urge, but has been stopped in the distance from the red horse more than a hundred meters away from stopping.

“Lulu ……”

The red horse finally saw the red blood not far away from the lone horse, mouth is another hiss, wild horse herd immediately stirred up, all the horses are before the foot puddle ground, let out “da da” sound.

“Not good, the horses are running.”

Bartel stole his eyes from the red blood belly to see this situation, immediately alarmed, today’s coyote attack on the incident on the horse herd is not lightly disturbed, if this time to run again, then there will be a chase.

Thinking of this, Bartel a flip on the back of the horse, two legs a clip, mouth yell, straight to the red horse rushed, Bartel this is also bullied red horse injured, otherwise absolutely not dare to be so careless.

See originally no one’s horse, suddenly more a person, the wild horse group looks more restless, just the head horse did not send word, those horses do not have a dare to run first.

“Eighty meters, sixty meters, forty meters, twenty meters ……”

Watching the distance draw closer step by step, Bartel emptied his hands, unhooked the rope carried on his shoulders and threw it over his head, a noose revealed itself, circling around Bartel’s head.

Distance from the red horse is getting closer and closer, Bartel felt his heartbeat has accelerated a lot, last time was in the distance with binoculars to see this horse, now come close, Bartel realized that this horse is far more than he imagined but also divine steed.

Red horse tall body skeleton is very compact, muscle distribution coordination, that beautiful line is trained more than twenty years of horse Bartel has never seen, as for the horse body by the wolf scratched place, is because of the color of the red horse, but not very prominent.

The red horse did not have any reaction when he saw Bartel charging towards himself, a pair of clear eyes just staring at the opposite Bartel, from time to time gently hitting down to force each other.

But if Bartel could read the meaning in the red horse’s eyes, then he would be unusually atmospheric, because it was a kind of contempt.

“Phew, Hyah!”

When he was only five or six meters away from the red horse, Bartel finally struck, the rope in his hand flew straight towards the red horse’s neck after drawing a beautiful arc.

Bartel from the time of milk, in his mother’s arms on the back of a horse, and five or six years old, he dared to ride a pony running around, horsemanship is good, in the prairie is also few people can be compared to it.

This play rope lasso horse fellows, but also practiced for one or two decades, especially in the army, Bartel will be this lasso horse skills evolved into a killing skills, but also out of no fault, even Peng Fei are admired very much.

Like Bartel now shot this move, it is called the three rings to set the moon, is he from the Mongolian set the horse’s skills developed, its effect is far more accurate than the herdsmen set the horse.

Not to mention a red horse with such a large target, even a slippery poisonous snake, Bartel had the certainty of lassoing it, so after the rope was out of the way, he confidently urged Red Blood, ready to rush close and jump onto the red horse’s body.

Things were just as Bartel had envisioned, the distance of a few meters was not even a second for Red Blood, and at the same time that Bartel threw out the rope, he also arrived in front of the red horse.

Without thinking much at all, Bartel pressed his hands on Red Blood’s back, and the whole person jumped diagonally towards the red horse according to what he had just felt.

“Eh? Where’s the horse?”

After jumping off Red Blood’s back, Bartel was dumbfounded, because the red horse that was “supposed” to stay in this position had disappeared.

“Shit, it’s not attached?”

Reaching out and pulling down on the rope, Bartel realized that the original 100-hit rope set actually did not hit the red horse.

This made Bartel a little frustrated, before, he was able to lasso the galloping horse from a distance of more than ten meters away, but now that he was so close, he couldn’t even lasso an injured horse that was standing there and didn’t move?

Bartel knew that his great horse taming calculation was a failure, and with great difficulty, he turned his head and finally found the red horse standing only six or seven meters away from him.

The red horse tilted its head, also sizing up the man in front of it, with its sharp animal instincts, it could feel that the other party did not seem to want to hurt itself, but out of the animal’s self-protective nature, the red horse of course refused to be lassoed by Bartel.

Horse attitude towards people is very clear, it has very harsh conditions in the contact and cooperation with people.

First you must be able to drive it, and in this process, bravery is not enough, but also skill, to show the horse your wisdom, and then your caress and care.

If the above items can be done, then it is considered to have won the recognition of the horse, and the horse will also have a deep attachment to the person, life-long recognition of its master, never leave.

Bartel is brave enough, caress and care that is not lacking at all, but this hand work is a little rough, even the red horse body a hair did not touch, naturally impossible to get the favor of the red horse.

“Come on, I’ve lost, how about I help you treat your wounds? A wolf’s claws are poisonous!”

Bartel spread his two hands and actually spoke to the horse, this was quite normal for the herders, they believed that horses could understand their own language, if you go to the prairie for the first time and see a herder divinely speaking to a horse, you don’t have to feel curious.

Bartel at this time has lost the mind to accept the red horse, he said these words, just out of the nature of love for the horse, do not want to look at this divine horse back wolf claws on the toxins affect the body.

“Lulu ……”

The red horse didn’t care about Bartel’s good intentions at all, letting out a soft neigh from its mouth, proudly raising its head and running in the opposite direction from where Bartel had come from, while the wild horse herd also trotted along.

Although there were only a hundred or so horses, Bartel could feel the earth trembling under his feet, and hurriedly turned his head to look for Red Blood, but being in the middle of the wild horse herd, he was unable to find Red Blood’s figure.

“Finished, it’s going to be impossible to catch up.”

Bartel knew that this time, the red horse would definitely be far away for thousands of miles, and in the future, if he wanted to find this group of wild horses again, it was estimated that the possibility would not be too great.

However, just when Bartel was close to despair, a white shadow suddenly crossed in front of him, fixing his eyes, Bartel couldn’t help but exclaim in shock: “Zhuang Rui?”

That’s right, that white shadow is exactly Zhuang Rui riding on Little White, after seeing Bartel getting defeated in front of the red horse from the binoculars, Zhuang Rui mounted Little White and rushed to this side at full speed.

The wild horse herd and Zhuang Rui were both firing, and after just a few minutes had passed, the large group of wild horses had already run a few hundred meters away, blending into the deep night color.

“Holy shit ……”

Waiting for the herd of horses disappeared, standing in place Bartel, finally found his red blood, but let him laugh and cry, in the side of the red blood, actually also snuggled with a yellow mare, both are ear to ear.

“Grandma, go!”

Bartel had never bothered to slap Red Blood since he got it, but now he couldn’t help himself and reached out to slap Red Blood on its ass.

Because this one was really too much, Bartel had rolled over and mounted it, and it actually had the presence of mind to flirt with the mare without slowing down.

Bartel knew that this horse was in love, even if he forced it to go after Zhuang Rui, it was still out of work, that said, when animal love comes, it is also quite violent.

Bartel shook his head and shouted to the few horsemen catching up behind him, “Timur, Qiqiqi, keep up with brother Zhuang Rui, even if you can’t catch up, don’t let brother Zhuang get hurt.”

“Big brother Bartel, don’t worry! I won’t let anything happen to Zhuang Rui An Ting.”

Timur’s horse is a bit worse than Xiaobai, although it is the same time to start chasing out, but now it is only behind to eat the dust, good thing is that the herd of horses has just passed not long ago, even in the night, it is not difficult to defeat Timur.

As for Peng Fei, it is purely a soy sauce, riding the mare of the yellow bit, even if his heart is higher than the sky, but also have to accept the result of life as thin as paper, chasing out a kilometer, simply back to the horse.

Not to mention the wild horse herd, Peng Fei now even Timur and Qiqige shadow can not be seen, can only go back to the angry and Bartel as a companion.

Not to mention Peng Fei and Bartel, has been crashed in the wild horse group behind the five or six kilometers of Timur, but the more they chase the more alarmed.

Although the wild horse group did not detach from Timur’s line of sight, but from two o’clock to now five o’clock, has been running for more than three hours, the star of the sky will set, and the wild horse group did not have the slightest sign of slowing down.

In more than ten minutes ago, Wuyun Qiqig’s horse stumbled and fell to the ground, and Timur crotch horse, this time has been obviously after the force is not good, this captive horse and wild horses compared to the stamina of the difference is not a star and a half of a child.

But let Timur is puzzled, why Zhuang Rui has been able to closely follow the first group of wild horses? That said, that white horse doesn’t seem to have a much better stamina than the horse under his crotch, right?

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