Chapter 1143 – Taming (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:49:24
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The blood stained by the white towel on Zhuang Rui’s hand was a dark color, and when it was close to the end of his nose, he could smell a fishy smell, although Zhuang Rui didn’t know much about treating illnesses and healing wounds, he knew that this wasn’t normal.

“Shit, I wonder if the aura can help it pull out the poison?”

Zhuang Rui’s heart was a little apprehensive, at that moment, he first sent out a large share of aura to penetrate into the red horse’s skin, and then used the stream to help the red horse to clean its wounds.

When the cold stream water touched the red horse’s wounds at first, the red horse trembled slightly, but it knew that Zhuang Rui was healing its wounds, and held back and didn’t move.

After helping the red horse to clean the wounds on its forelimbs and hips, only then did Zhuang Rui have the presence of mind to observe this red horse that even when lying on the ground upside down, it showed an extraordinary red horse.

“It’s really smooth! I don’t know what breed of horse you actually are.”

This red horse was completely different from those Mongolian horses with a thick layer of hair on its body, the hair on its body was very short, making its body appear as smooth as brocade, and its hand was very comfortable to touch on it.

Zhuang Rui can conclude that this is definitely not Mongolia horse, not like the Qinghai horse and Ili horse, to be from the body type and the theory, is like a European hybrid Dutch horse or British horse.

However, the history of the hybrid horse only a total of decades, although China in recent years there are tycoons introduced, but it is absolutely impossible to fall on the prairie, because the price of a horse, at least hundreds or even tens of millions of.

And even if it is a European hybrid horse, Zhuang Rui believes that their running speed as well as endurance, is also far less than this red horse, if you want to classify it, Zhuang Rui would rather believe that it is the Dawan Tianma …… is also the legend of the sweat blood BMW.

While sizing up the red horse, Zhuang Rui used a towel on its wound and wiped it again, realizing that the oozing blood was still black, he couldn’t help but frown, “No, it seems that this toxin can’t be cleaned by cleaning alone.”

Zhuang Rui had used aura to help people and animals alike to treat their wounds, and it had always been incredibly effective, the aura entering the body was basically a handful, and the amount of aura he had just inputted wasn’t too small, but there wasn’t a trace of healing in the red horse’s wounds.

“Could it be caused by toxins?”

Zhuang Rui’s brows wrinkled into a Chuan character, he had never had experience in helping people pull out toxins before, he really didn’t know if Reiki would have a healing effect on the virus in the red horse’s body?

Looking at the red horse’s spirit seemed to be getting more and more commiserating, and the luster in his eyes also faded quite a bit compared to before, Zhuang Rui was in a hurry and couldn’t care much more, the aura in his eyes surged out and overflowed into the red horse’s skin as much as it could.

“Buddy, let’s see if you’re lucky or not?”

While inputting the aura, Zhuang Rui gently caressed the hairs on the red horse’s neck, he had a feeling that this horse should have accepted himself.

“Hoo hoo ……”

Seemingly sensing Zhuang Rui’s goodwill, although it had never been so close to a person before, the red horse was slightly uncomfortable, but it still accepted Zhuang Rui’s caresses, and after a while, the red horse actually squinted its eyes comfortably, snoring from its mouth.

And the general animal mouth fishy odor is different, the red horse exhaled gas is very fresh, and did not let Zhuang Rui produce uncomfortable feeling, perhaps it is and the horse eating grass has a certain relationship!

“Shit, it won’t be asleep, right?” Zhuang Rui saw the red horse’s appearance, couldn’t help but cry and laugh a little, “Buddy is fighting for his life here, but you kid will enjoy your happiness.”

However, although the words are so, but the red horse’s performance, let Zhuang Rui know that the aura still has a role to play, at that moment a strand of deep purple aura disappeared from the eyes, don’t want to pay money to seep into the body of the red horse.

Since the aura upgrades, for general minor problems, only a trace of aura can be solved, Zhuang Rui in helping grandpa to adjust the body, but also only use a very small amount of aura, like this time this use of aura, or nearly two years for the first time.

And wild wolves fighting, running wildly for nearly ten hours, the red horse is also long exhausted, in Zhuang Rui aura pacification, the red horse fell asleep, that quiet look, let Zhuang Rui look more and more like.

“Grandma, buddy doing a good deed is doing tears again.”

After more than half an hour of continuous uninterrupted aura treatment, the aura in Zhuang Rui’s eyes was finally consumed, the long-lost feeling appeared again, his eyes were red and swollen, Zhuang Rui’s tears were flowing down his cheeks.

“Little White, help put the wind out of the sails! Wake me up if there’s any danger, okay?”

Without the support of his aura, Zhuang Rui’s entire body was also paralyzed, and the aftereffects of staying up all night yesterday were also like a virus eroding his brain, making Zhuang Rui groggy and sleepy.

Zhuang Rui only had time to greet the white horse that was roaming around, and not caring if it could understand his words, he rested on the red horse and fell into a deep sleep.

In his sleep, Zhuang Rui found himself riding on the red horse, and the original naked body of the red horse on both sides, but also grew two wings, taking himself to travel the sky.

That kind of smooth feeling let Zhuang Rui in his dreams are laughing and drooling, he has long pondered to let the golden eagle to take himself up to the sky around and around, only the golden eagle although the size of the big, but also can’t take off on the back of their own, and now he actually got a horse in the sky, Zhuang Rui is simply happy to the heaven to go.

“Holy shit, it’s raining! This heavenly horse is good, but still not as good as an airplane, can’t avoid the rain ah!”

Sleeping Zhuang Rui suddenly felt the lightning and thunder in the sky, bean grain-sized raindrops hit his body and face, and his body became wet.

Suddenly, Zhuang Rui found a lightning bolt came straight to himself, immediately was scared awake, his mouth is still loudly chanting: “Shit, buddy save the horse are saving tears, God you will not be long-eyed splitting me, right?”

“Hm? Red horse? How are you?”

After opening his eyes, Zhuang Rui realized that this was a dream, but the wetness on his face was real, it was all the saliva of the red horse.

“Pfft …… hooooo ……”

The red horse was just startled by Zhuang Rui’s waking up action, and retreated a few steps backward, and now that he saw Zhuang Rui uttering words, he carefully came up, and used his tongue to help Zhuang Rui wash his face again.

“What’s wrong with it! How come it’s all like this?” Zhuang Rui reached out and plucked away the red horse’s big mouth, holding its head as it stood up.

“Hey, hey, it’s so good.”

The first thing Zhuang Rui did after getting up was to check the red horse’s wounds, and then he was relieved to find that his efforts had not been in vain, the wounds on the red horse’s forelimbs and hindquarters, although they had not healed yet, they had already scarred and there was no more blood oozing out.

Moreover, observing the red horse’s eyes, it is also in high spirits, completely without the previous commiseration, which also indicates that the red horse has passed the danger period, and should no longer be in fear of its life.

But this is also good, yesterday’s red horse was injured is many people saw, now if even a wound is not there, it is clear that it will make people suspicious.

“Miserable, could it be that this time we really have to return without any success?”

After Zhuang Rui helped the red horse to see the injuries, he felt his own condition, but found that the originally abundant aura in his eyes, now only a few threads were left, and it was estimated that he could only comb through his exhausted body.

Zhuang Rui aura observation of the distance, but also with the number of aura has a relationship, the number of more is to see far, like now so few filaments, I’m afraid that is released outside the body ten meters are difficult.

Like this situation now, according to Zhuang Rui’s experience, it is estimated that it will take at least four or five days to recover most of the aura, which means that the time left for him to search for the Emperor’s Tomb will only be like two or three days at most.

“Hoo hoo ……”

Seeing Zhuang Rui standing up, the red horse leaned over intimately, constantly rubbing against Zhuang Rui’s cheeks with the hair between its neck.

The red horse is extremely spiritual, just now from Zhuang Rui’s action felt, his own “life-saving benefactor”, seems to be not very like to use their own tongue to express gratitude.

“Come on, as long as you are willing to go back to Beijing with me, it’s done.”

Seeing the red horse so humane, Zhuang Rui heart of depression dispersed half, this is also ah! Even if you can find what imperial tomb underground palace, the dead things in there can’t be compared to the red horse in front of you ah!

“Lulu ……”

The red horse suddenly gave a long neigh, and with its cry, Zhuang Rui saw several horses running in the distance.

Although that idiom is called the old horse knows the way, but in fact the horses have the ability to recognize the way, and they are especially sensitive to the smell, should these several is to follow the body odor of the red horse traced down.

“Oh, so it’s summoning your men!”

Zhuang Rui laughed, these are Mongolian horses, relatively low head many, he also does not know how the red horse is the king of the horse, obviously not a variety of well!

Running close to the several horses see a person standing beside the red horse, are with strange eyes in the survey Zhuang Rui, to their simple thinking ability, afraid of how can not understand, their own boss why will be so intimate with a stranger?

“Go find your men! I’m going to rest.”

Zhuang Rui said to the red horse with a smile, he wasn’t afraid that the red horse would run away, for a proud horse, as long as it was a master that it recognized, it would develop a deep attachment, and would be loyal for the rest of its life.

Seeing the red horse still leaning on his side, Zhuang Rui added: “Cough, I’m really hungry!”

Zhuang Rui had just looked at his watch and was startled, when he fell asleep it was around 11:00 am, and now it was already more than 5:00 pm, if it wasn’t for the fact that the days were longer in summer, it was estimated that it would be dark.

Only now did Zhuang Rui feel his stomach start to “gurgle”, after convincing the red horse not to stick so closely to himself, he summoned the white horse that had been guarding beside him, and took the bag of dried food from it.

Zhuang Rui also did not make a fire, simply ate a few pieces of air-dried meat in the stream, then sat down and began to recover his strength, he now only has a few threads of aura left in his eyes, but he does not dare to use it casually.

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