Chapter 1150 – Bold Speculation

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:49:42
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This painting on the wall, “Genghis Khan’s Royal Rendering”, was a set of drawings, divided into several different story backgrounds, each drawing measuring 120 centimeters by 50 centimeters. In this picture, Genghis Khan and others to the Arzhai Grotto as the background sitting in the center, surrounded by nearly a hundred numbers of people of all colors.

In the first mural, there is a white pedestal, painted on it 8 people, the third person from the left, is known as the holy lord of the Mongols Genghis Khan, surrounded by its surrounding 3 women from the right in turn for the Marco Polo paste Hatun, Kulan Mrs. and Mrs. also speed Gan.

Genghis Khan left 4 men, according to Zhuang Rui’s deduction, should be the son of the art of Chi, Chagatai, Wukautai and Drag Lei, which is Zhuang Rui has seen the most complete Genghis Khan gold family portrait.

Then look down, the picture turned, in the pedestal right below, painted a woman rate of about 20 people to the central 8 people salute, Zhuang Rui analysis, the woman when with Genghis Khan conquered the Western Xia of also Sui wife, they are wearing the traditional Mongolian only Sun clothes and with camel and sheep to the stage to pay homage to the crowd.

And in the center of the seat of the left and right side of the lower part of the seat, there are more than 20 people to the center of the 8 people salute, showing the gold family at the time of the heyday, this is also Zhuang Rui since entering the Al Zhai grottoes, see the characters of one of the most mural, the scene is vivid and magnificent, contains a wealth of content.

Seeing Zhuang Rui staring at the pattern on the wall, Bartel opened his mouth and said: “Zhuang Rui brother, this painting and our Ordos department worships the eight white palace inside the painting that has been passed down since ancient times, very similar, this is indeed the place where the Great Khan once stayed, I do not know whether it is helpful to your archaeology?”

In this piece of land in Inner Mongolia, in addition to that Genghis Khan’s mausoleum, which is called the Clothes Crown Grave, the Arzhai Grotto, is also an important place for Mongolians to honor their ancestors, as an authentic Dalhut Genghis Khan mausoleum keeper, Batlle is no stranger to this place.

“That’s right, this is indeed the place where Genghis Khan stayed, and these murals are not empty, it is highly likely that one of Genghis Khan’s four sons did it.”

Zhuang Rui nodded at the words, for the history of Genghis Khan, he was far more knowledgeable than Bartel, the pose of the characters in the composition of this painting is almost identical to that of the Great Khan and Hatun in the Yuan Dynasty Mandala in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the United States.

This also suggests that there are portraits of Genghis Khan in the Arzai Grottoes that were indeed handed down from the Yuan Dynasty.

From this grotto out of the grotto, next to the grotto mural, painting is “Genghis Khan defending the Mongol Yuan Khan room”.

In this mural, Genghis Khan to one of the four heavenly kings DuoWenWangTian Wang’s image, right hand holding a treasure umbrella, left hand holding a treasure mouse, up and down, left and right for the night fork and rakshasa surrounded by, with typical Tibetan Buddhist Buddhist painting tradition.

The DuoWen Tian Wang was originally the god of treasure in Indian mythology, Ku BeiLa, who guards the north and holds wealth in Buddhist mythology, so he is also known as “Shi Cai Tian”.

Mongolians called the king of the many wenwang for Naimu Salai, also recognized as the god of wealth, Zhuang Rui through some literature know, the Mongols firmly believe that the king of the many wenwang is genghis khan died and ascended to heaven and become.

Of course, this is in fact only Genghis Khan’s children and grandchildren of a kind of hype, and this in more than a thousand years ago know through the myth of ancestors to stabilize the regime of the people, in history is also greatly famous, that is, Kublai Lie and eight Siba.

Mention Kublai, we will not be unfamiliar with the natural, a lifetime of war, united the world, since Kublai began, the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, stabilized the dominance of this immediate nation.

But for the eight Siba people, many friends do not quite understand, in fact, this person, in history, is also greatly famous, especially on the Yuan Dynasty society and the impact of religion, can be said to be far-reaching.

Eight Siba is the fifth generation of Tibetan Buddhism La Sakya school master, Tubo Sasja, this name Luogu Luo Si monitor Tibetan, eight Siba is his honorific, for the “saint” means.

Eight Siba also has an important identity, that is, Kublai Lie’s emperor, the title is called “under the sky, above the earth, the son of the Western Heaven, incarnation of the Buddha, the creation of the text, the protection of the state, proficient in the five Ming Ban Zhi Da eight Siba emperor,” also known as the emperor of the Dabao Dharma King, referred to as the emperor of the division.

Eight Siba in the world as a state teacher and emperor teacher period, in addition to promote the Tibetan region of the political, economic and cultural development, for the stability of the Yuan dynasty, the development of the unity and cultural exchanges between the various nationalities, have made great contributions.

Like Genghis Khan was called the matter of the King of Heaven, from the handwriting of the eight Si Ba, as the spiritual leader of the entire Mongolian people at that time, eight Si Ba can be called the first person in the past and present to create a movement of God, in the decades after his death, some of the European aristocracy and even in the image of the King of Heaven image of Genghis Khan worship portrait.

To say in front of these portraits, although exquisite exception, but Zhuang Rui just hold the attitude of appreciation to watch, but when walking to the grotto of the top layer, Zhuang Rui is serious up.

Because this grotto painted, is Genghis Khan’s burial map.

According to the Mongolian burial customs, is “not sealed, not a monument, its tomb without a mound, to trample the horse ravaged, so that the ground as flat.” So there are about genghis khan mausoleum in writing or pictures of the record, can be said to be very few.

Although in recent years there are a lot of scholars around the world, including even some people in Mongolia, have claimed to find the tomb of Genghis Khan, and come up with a variety of evidence.

But the facts show that Genghis Khan Mausoleum is still outside the people’s line of sight, and not really unearthed.

As the founder of the Mongolian dynasty, Genghis Khan can be said to be rich, a Mongolian expert once claimed that Genghis Khan’s tomb, may be buried in a large number of exotic treasures, inside the artifacts even more spectacular than the terracotta warriors unearthed in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.

This is not an alarmist, Genghis Khan’s tomb is very likely to be buried in his east and west, from more than 20 kingdoms to get the priceless treasures, which also attracted the archaeological community over the years to go back and forth, the reason for the hard search.

So far, does not seem to hear which organization or archaeological team, once excavated a large number of treasures contained in the Mongolian burials, not to mention Genghis Khan, even his descendants of the burials is no trace.

The main reason for this phenomenon, is because of the special nature of the Yuan dynasty tombs, almost no written records, even the most authoritative study of the history of the Yuan dynasty “Mongolian secret history”, the emperor’s tomb is also taboo.

And at the moment Zhuang Rui in front of this group of murals in a, is quite a bit intriguing.

In the right side of the mural, painted two white yurt, spire high, its left side has a temple, a palace, palace painted a woman, seems to be in the pain of hanging head, that is the performance of the death of Genghis Khan, accompanied by Mrs. also sui grief picture.

After Zhuang Rui stared closely at the mural on the wall for a while, he turned his face to Bartel and asked, “Big brother Bartel, inside the Genghis Khan Mausoleum guarded by your people, are there any records or murals about Genghis Khan’s death?”

Bartel shook his head at his words and said, “No, the Great Khan once said before his death that his mausoleum would not be found by anyone and would never let the world know about it, Brother Zhuang, I don’t think you should bother with this effort.”

As a member of the family that has been the guardian of Genghis Khan’s tomb for generations, although Bartel understands Zhuang Rui’s work and knows the benefits that can be brought after finding Genghis Khan’s mausoleum, he still doesn’t want to be disturbed by his ancestor’s soul.

Not only Bartel think so, the grassland people mostly hold this mentality, according to the Mongolian tradition, disturbing the soul of the dead is disrespectful to the dead, they hold the remains of the dead is indifferent attitude, the key is the soul is not extinguished.

Zhuang Rui smiled and shook his head, said, “Bartel big brother, Genghis Khan is not only a great emperor of China, in world history, also occupies an important position, if you can find his tomb, for the study of the Mongolian Yuan culture, will have an inestimable important role, but also allows you to understand more about their own ancestor’s achievements of.”

From the beginning of the last century until today, experts and scholars as well as grave robbers who came to Inner and Outer Mongolia to look for the tombs of Mongolian emperors, I’m afraid that there are tens of thousands of them, even if the national archaeological department does not go to explore, I’m afraid that eventually these tombs of Mongolian emperors will be unearthed by some people with ulterior motives.

You know, the Mongols buried, favorite burial of various gold and silver ornaments, ordinary Mongols are still so, not to mention the rich Genghis Khan at that time?

Once there is a study of Mongolian culture experts deduced that Genghis Khan mausoleum treasure, absolutely no less than the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, or even better, this argument also led to countless grave robbers are full of longing for the prairie.

Although in order to take care of the national sentiment of the Mongolians, the state has always been cautious about Mongolian archaeology, but over the years, secretly do not know how many grave robbers are swarming this place.

“Could this be where Genghis Khan’s tomb is located?” Zhuang Rui’s mind suddenly came up with an extremely bold idea.

Mongolia more plains and less mountains, Aar Zhai grottoes although the mountain is not high, but the water is suitable, is considered a rare feng shui treasure Mongolia, and Genghis Khan in his lifetime and more stay here, perhaps really will be here as his life after the shelter may not be possible.

“Brother Bartel, there is a lot of precious information recorded here, I would like to stay here for two days, do you think you can find someone to send a letter to Dr. Ren and let him come over as well?”

Upon seeing an artificially excavated pit and grotto at the northwest part of the mountaintop, Zhuang Rui reinforced his idea.

Because according to that witch doctor who accompanied him, this place was once used as a place for Genghis Khan to recuperate from his wounds, but how Zhuang Rui looked at it, this place was more like a place to stop the spirits.

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