Chapter 1151 Discovery (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:49:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Standing at the top of the mountain to see the Alzai Grottoes, the whole mountain is like a hornet’s nest, densely covered with large and small caves, as if containing countless treasures and secrets of Ali Baba’s cave, waiting for people to come and visit.

And this a grotto within the Buddha mural, that is a picture bearing a national history of the rise and fall of the painting, in Zhuang Rui eyes, but is far more precious than Ali Baba’s treasure.

“Zhuang Rui Anta, these grottoes see even after, live here for what ah?”

This is not very far from the gathering place of Timur and others, there is no problem to take over the doctor over, but Timur and others who are familiar with this place since childhood, really can’t see what is worth studying here?

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words and said, “Timur Anta, there are a lot of Yuan Dynasty written and pictorial materials preserved here, which will be of great help to me in my studies, so I would like to stay here for a few days.”

Zhuang Rui’s words were not to fool Timur, he stayed here for two main purposes, the first of course was to hopefully restore the aura in his eyes within a few days, and conduct an all-around survey of this abrupt and mysterious Arzai Grotto.

As for the second purpose, Zhuang Rui is to do the worst intention, if not found here Genghis Khan or Yuan dynasty emperor tomb, Zhuang Rui is ready to Al Zhai grottoes left behind Mongolian paintings, in-depth excavation of the social pattern and the rise and fall of the golden family history, as the basis of their doctoral thesis.

Zhuang Rui from childhood is a stubborn nature, although usually cheeky and not much frame, but he recognized things, always will stick to it, even if it is bumped into the south wall will not turn back.

So even if there is no gain in this Mongolian scientific research, he will not change the direction of his doctoral research, and re-select the Dunhuang culture that is now being speculated in full swing.

Alzai Grottoes although far less than Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes magnificent scale, but a circle down, it is also the setting sun west of the sunset has been dusk, bright red like fire sunset irradiation in the general of the grottoes of the holes, and added a few points of mystery color.

Out of the grotto protection of the original intention, each grotto inside and did not pull the electric light, so Zhuang Rui although have the heart to stay a little longer, can only helplessly back out.

Timur indeed and Al Zhai grottoes outside the temple in the lama is very familiar, go to the temple in a few words of work, to Zhuang Rui arranged for a few days after the food and lodging, as for the cost, is random Zhuang Rui donate a few incense money on the line.

Here in the temple lama, are from Tibet, is considered Tibetan Buddhism, and did not dip into the mainland those famous temples and ancient temples of the copper flavor, most of them are voluntarily come here to spread Buddhism and protection of the Alzheimer’s Grottoes.

“Zhuang Rui an answer, today will have to go back first, tomorrow I will bring Dr. Ren here, accompany you to the place to see.”

After arranging Zhuang Rui’s food and accommodation, Timur and Batel siblings are going to rush back to the gathering place, they all have their own pasture, this is not going back for several days in a row, really also can’t rest assured.

Zhuang Rui knows that the grassland people are sunrise and sunset, these days have been enough trouble for them, quickly said: “Bartel big brother, Timur Anta, I and Peng Fei here on the line, you do not need to come over every day to accompany.”

“Haha, it’s fine, Zhuangrui Anta, next time I go to Beijing, you can just accompany me around as well.”

Timur laughed brightly, he had already promised Zhuang Rui’s invitation, and would go to Beijing for a tour as soon as he had time.

In fact, strictly speaking, the earliest dynasty that built the capital of Beijing was the Yuan Dynasty.

At the time of Genghis Khan, Mongolia did not have a fixed capital, and after Kublai’s accession to the throne, he built the capital of Beijing and changed it to Metropolis, with a series of remodeling and expansion.

Due to the strength of the Yuan Dynasty, the metropolis at that time could be said to be the place where ten thousand countries came to pay homage and the world’s attention. Even Zhu Di, who set the capital of Beijing in the later times, followed the architectural style during the Yuan Dynasty and did not make any major changes.

Although this monstrous prosperity, only maintained a short period of one hundred years, but also let these prairie people regard Beijing as a holy place in general, never out of the prairie Timur, for the trip to Beijing is also very much looking forward to.

“This is a good thing to do, Timur big brother, these days you arrange, a few days and I return to Beijing together well, I accompany you to have a good time.”

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words, before he came to the grassland, he also didn’t expect to make an acquaintance with a sworn brother here.

Although get along with the time is not long, but Zhuang Rui can also feel Timur is really take him as a brother in general, which makes Zhuang Rui is also very important and cherish this in the metropolis has long been unable to find the love of brothers.

After sending off Bartel and the others, Zhuang Rui went to the place where he had sent Chasing Wind before, due to Chasing Wind’s wild character, Red Blood Little White a few are not its opponent, so it was not put together, but separately in the back of the temple to find a place for it.

“Hey, where is my horse?”

There was still more than twenty meters away from that horse corridor, Zhuang Rui saw that the corridor was empty, where there was still the shadow of Chasing Wind, and couldn’t help but shout anxiously.

Zhuang Rui’s shouts drew out a small lama in his twenties, hearing Zhuang Rui looking for a horse, suddenly his eyes glared and said, “Is that horse yours? I say, what are you doing getting a wild horse? My senior brother was kicked and injured.”

The young lama’s expression was indignant, in the afternoon, his senior brother kindly took grass to feed the horse, he didn’t expect to be kicked over by that horse and jumped out of the horse corridor to rush out of the temple.

“Cough cough, little master, I am really sorry, my horse is a bit wild, ordinary people can’t get close to it, is your senior brother hurt badly, should I send him to the hospital?”

Zhuang Rui heard chasing the wind is fine, the heart immediately relaxed, he knew to chase the wind of the temperament, really can do this, no way, hurry to help him after it!

As for the wind chaser’s destination, Zhuang Rui is not too worried, in this prairie, unless someone with a gun, otherwise it is a car chase, but also can not help it.

The little lama saw Zhuang Rui attitude is very good, but a little embarrassed, opened his mouth and said: “It’s not a big problem, but the shoulder is dislocated, a week can not do heavy work.”

Zhuang Rui gave Peng Fei a wink, took 2000 dollars from his hand, handed it to the little lama and said, “I’m really sorry, little master, here’s some money, you give that master to use to make up for his body!”

“No …… no, there is no need for this, the senior brother will just recuperate for a few days, I can’t ask for your money.”

The little lama saw Zhuang Rui’s behavior, a face reddened, with a finger pointing in a direction and said, “That horse of yours ran off in that direction, you go find it!”

“Okay, but you still have to take this money.”

Zhuang Rui grabbed the little lama’s hand and put the money into his hand before he and Peng Fei went out to look for Chasing Wind in accordance with the place the little lama pointed to, leaving behind the little lama who was at a loss for words!

“Damn, you brat is very easy to live, let buddy help you wipe your ass?”

According to the direction pointed out by the little lama, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei out of a mile or two after seeing the chasing wind, that boy is shamelessly riding on a mare, end of his bachelor career, of course, before the chasing wind is not a virgin horse, Zhuang Rui is unknown.

But Zhuang Rui home raised so many animals, this hurt people wipe their asses thing, Zhuang Rui is really the first time to do, even if it is a fierce beast like the white lion, also never like chasing the wind like this to Zhuang Rui to find trouble.

“Lulu ……”

Seeing Zhuang Rui arrived, chasing the wind excitedly raised the sky and hissed long, this beast is ultimately a beast, was crashed through a good thing, but there is not the slightest bit embarrassed look.

“Come on, you continue to be busy! I’ll see you again tomorrow.”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand, turned around and left, he is not a breeding expert, for the “love” between animals have no interest, and the horse that “guy” big, also let Zhuang Rui feel a little bit face.

As for being chasing the wind riding that mare, Zhuang Rui also see out, should be that wild horse group of a horse, in a few days Zhuang Rui will be back to Beijing, he also want to let chasing the wind last again feel the life of the prairie.

Early the next morning, Zhuang Rui was woken up by the temple bells, and went with Peng Fei to receive the vegetarian food.

After breakfast, Zhuang Rui felt the aura in his eyes, although it had recovered quite a bit, the distance it was released was only a short several hundred meters, not enough to cover the entire Al Zhai Grotto.

But for a direction to see, hundreds of meters is not a short distance, Zhuang Rui alone, and came to the top of the Alzai Grotto, he wanted to see that the legendary Genghis Khan recuperated under the grotto, whether there is something fishy?

Originally, Zhuang Rui wanted to pull Peng Fei together, but that guy for the yellow bit he rode has always been nagging, after breakfast ran to chase the wind, said he wanted to take over a good horse.

Standing at the top of the mountain, bathed in the early morning sunshine, ears echoing the temple’s morning bells, the whole person feels more and more light, slightly closed his eyes, Zhuang Rui’s few eyes of the aura surged out, to the grotto under his feet and spread.

That artificially excavated grotto wasn’t very big, only more than twenty square meters, the rock structure underneath was the same as Al Zhai Grotto, it was all red sandstone, however, Zhuang Rui always had a feeling that underneath there, there should be another heaven and earth.

“Hm? Could it be that one’s senses …… are wrong?”

The pervasive aura passed through the red sandstone and entered the lower part of the grotto, Zhuang Rui’s brows slightly frowned, because the rocks about ten meters below the grotto were all identical to the grotto floor, and there were no traces of excavation.

After excavating a cave in the mountain rock, it was impossible to fill the rock back in intact, which meant that underneath the grotto, there was no situation as Zhuang Rui had imagined.

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