Chapter 1157 The Golden House

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:50:00
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More than two thousand years ago the tomb, Zhuang Rui also once went down, in the archaeological research institute of Beijing University, but also every day in the face of the dead skull, according to this courage is not small, at least is also a firm no ghosts and gods theorists.

But just now felt that scene, or let Zhuang Rui heart chills, body hairs explode, scalp bursts of numbness, in this broad daylight, all feel a bit of ghastly wind.

Although Zhuang Rui clearly knows that many things in this world are scaring themselves, but for a while he still didn’t have the guts to continue surveying the underground, but instead went out of the long grass, and walked towards a small hill with slightly higher terrain.

“Damn, no wonder the Mongolians believe in Buddha, dare to kill more than killing, seek Buddha to settle their hearts, right?”

Feeling the direct sunlight above his head, Zhuang Rui’s mind was slightly stabilized, but his thoughts were a bit paranoid, when the Yuan Dynasty was strong, there were more than a million people killed. This underground martyrdom pit compared to, simply not enough to say also.

After the mind a little bit, Zhuang Rui began to recall the scene just seen, in fact, the living martyrdom, in some ancient tombs is not uncommon, some of the deceased’s concubines, maidservants were buried with the dead, the Shang Dynasty male and female aristocrats within the tomb, there are a large number of human martyrdom.

Archaeologists have discovered from the ancient tombs that have been excavated that there were 164 skeletons of martyrs in the tomb of the Shang king in Houjiazhuang, Yinxu, 164 skeletons of martyrs in the tomb of the Shang king in Houjiazhuang, 16 people were martyred in the tomb of the Shang king’s consort, Women’s Hao, and the tomb of Zeng Houyi had the remains of 21 martyrs, all of whom were young women.

As for King Yu of Zhou, who liked to play with beacons and lost his kingdom, there were more than a hundred corpses in his tomb, of which only one was a male, the rest were all female, all of them were his concubines and beauties, and all of them were concubines and courtesans martyred from the dead, it should be said.

But with living people buried, no matter in which dynasty, is a cruel and barbaric system, after the Qin and Han Dynasty, some convergence, often replaced by wooden figurines, ceramic figurines, after the Qin and Han Dynasty, there are very few people buried.

But to the Ming Dynasty, the wind of martyrdom resurgence, Ming Taizu first precedent, after the Qing Dynasty Huang taiji, Shunzhi when there is martyrdom, and later to the Kangxi period, only to end the feudal era of martyrdom system.

These are already recorded in history, but like Mongolia Yuan Dynasty history, history books recorded very little, to this day, even a Yuan Dynasty emperor’s tomb has not been found, not to mention whether to understand the Yuan Dynasty has a martyrdom system.

However, in this tomb that is still unknown, just in the peripheral stage, thousands of bones have been found, which is also unique among the known tombs of all times, at least Zhuang Rui has never heard of it.

“The layers and layers of bones in the pit should have been killed first and then thrown inside, these dead people, must have been the craftsmen who excavated the tomb, killing them first and then burying them was also to prevent them from familiarizing themselves with the tomb and leaving another back way to escape.”

Zhuang Rui suddenly recalled the result of the survey he had just done, in that space, there was not a trace of aura present, which indicated that this section of the pit, was not used for human martyrdom, but rather, it should have buried the craftsmen who had excavated the tomb.

To know, most of the human martyrdom is the ancient emperor’s concubine, used to supervise the tomb of the soldiers, is absolutely not dare to those women disrespect, and there will be some accessories to wear, it is impossible to a trace of aura are not.

And Zhuang Rui found that the martyrdom pit, obviously were stripped naked and thrown in, as for the identity of those people, also called out.

The identity of these people, ninety percent, should be the craftsmen who built this tomb.

In ancient times, the craftsmen who built the tombs for the emperors were some very special existences, their status was very low, mostly composed of slaves and sinners.

Generally speaking, the emperor on the throne of the date of the second year, began to build their own tombs, the long time up to several decades, the short time, often only a few years, and this period of time, is these craftsmen’s life portraits.

For the sake of tomb secrecy, generally all the craftsmen involved in the construction of the emperor’s tomb, the ultimate end, is death, because the tomb itself is these craftsmen to build, in order to prevent them from destroying the emperor’s coffin or leave the way back, often these craftsmen are killed and then buried.

After the death of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, Qin Er Shi once gave an order, announced that all the concubines and maidservants of the harem, all martyred, plus the craftsmen of Mount Li at that time, the cumulative total is as high as tens of thousands of people.

From the last century since the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin Shi Huang unearthed, in the vicinity of Mount Li, it is constantly found hundreds of pits and thousands of pits, and the root cause lies here.

“No, we must find this tomb and find out who in the world had such a big hand?”

After figuring out the joints, Zhuang Rui secretly made a decision in his heart, and the panic he felt just now has also weakened a lot, these craftsmen were like cattle and sheep in life to be slaughtered at will, it’s hard not to be able to come to frighten themselves when their temper gets bigger after death.

Think here, Zhuang Rui took a deep breath, but this time did not close his eyes, but wide-eyed release of the aura, that underground full of bones, is a little too creepy, open your eyes to see the sun, Zhuang Rui heart more or less stable point.

After the aura escaped into the ground, soon to the tomb full of dead bodies, Zhuang Rui at the moment is no longer a trace of exploration of the mind, hastily skipped after, continue to survey.

“Damn, endless ah? Still dead?”

After this artisan’s martyrdom pit, there is also a space with a length and width of nearly 100 square meters, in this space, Zhuang Rui also found some dead people’s bones.

However, compared to the previous martyrdom pit, the number of dead people here is much smaller, only a few dozen people, and next to the bones and on the wall around the chamber, Zhuang Rui also found some objects that contain spiritual qi.

“It should be the consorts who were martyred.”

Wrapping those modest objects with his aura, Zhuang Rui sensed through the appearance that it should be some gold, silver and jade jewelry, as for the things containing aura on the walls, they were very beautifully crafted long-lasting lamps.

“Below should be the main chamber, right?”

Exploring here, Zhuang Rui’s heart was also vaguely excited, the spiderweb-like underground labyrinth, the vastly engineered underground tunnels, the tragic martyrdom pits, all of these signs indicated that the identity of the tomb’s owner was non-trivial.

Even if Zhuang Rui could not tell the secret in his eyes and could not unearth this tomb, the identity of the owner of this tomb had a great attraction to him.

“This …… this ……”

When Zhuang Rui entered the next chamber through the aura in his eyes, he immediately felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, the chamber was filled with a thick aura, moisturizing Zhuang Rui’s eyes very comfortably.

“What a great deal.”

Zhuang Rui was not unfamiliar with this kind of aura, he had felt it as early as when he was in Myanmar, this was the aura produced by gold, it was just that within this chamber, which had reached an area of hundreds of square meters, all of it was made of gold.

The ceiling on the top, the walls around, the floor under the feet, are a piece of gold bricks paved out, in the two sides of this gold chamber, each hanging a long row of weapon racks, these weapon racks as well as above the swords and axes and battle-axes, are also all made of gold.

“Grandma, it’s actually solid.”

In the center of the gold chamber, is placed four horses made of gold, the size of the horses and really the same, behind the carriage, is also pure gold, Zhuang Rui with the aura sensed, these horses are not hollow, but real in all with pure gold made.

“Damn, no wonder it’s called the gold family, dare to rob the gold from all over the world, all use it here ah?”

Zhuang Rui more and more look is more and more shocked, a still strong heart, “thud” jumps ceaselessly, his own in Burma got the gold, and this is compared to the inside, that is simply a drop in the ocean.

Zhuang Rui simply can not estimate, this full of a room full of gold, in fact, the value of geometry, I am afraid that is four nine years Chiang Kwang-tau brought to the island of Taiwan’s gold reserves, but also can not be compared with it?

Zhuang Rui is now very sure, this tomb, must be the Yuan Dynasty tombs undoubtedly.

Other than that, in addition to that riding on the horse crazy expansion looting dynasty, I’m afraid to do any other dynasty, can not afford to use so much gold to build a military weapons room.

Only when the Danube, the king’s tent will be established in the European land of the Yuan Dynasty, can have such a large sum of money and so much wealth.

Who says this treasure can’t be brought to life or brought to death? At least the emperor inside this tomb managed to do so.

If this tomb had never been allowed to see the light of day, then all this gold that was enough to make any country go crazy would probably still be parked here a hundred and a thousand years later.

“If this place can be excavated, I’m afraid that it will cause a bigger stir than the one caused by opening the pyramids, if the government knows that such a large amount of wealth is hidden underground, I guess it will have to be moved as well, right?”

Zhuang Rui felt the underground golden house in the aura, the heart of the thoughts, from his intention, is to let this can be called the world’s archaeological history of the biggest miracle in the world, just so, Zhuang Rui must expose the secret in the eyes.

“Buddy this year is only just thirty ah! Wife and child hot days have not been two years, do not want to become a mouse so soon ah!”

After thinking about it in his mind, Zhuang Rui made a decision, anyway, the thing dug up is not his own, there is no need to lose his wife and his soldiers, will do himself in, right?

“When buddies die, write this place into the memoirs to go! Whether the government wants to dig it up or not by then, that’s out of our hands.”

Zhuang Rui found an excuse to comfort himself, reluctantly removed his gaze from the golden house, he is now to determine the owner of this big tomb, can’t write a nameless person in his memoirs later, right?

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