Chapter 1159 – Heirloom Jade Seal (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:50:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“What …… is this?”

Zhuang Rui let out a moan without any meaning from his mouth, his eyes, which were originally tightly closed, snapped open, he could no longer maintain his composure, because the aura he was now sensing was something Zhuang Rui had never seen before.

From having supernormal abilities within his eyes until now, the aura in Zhuang Rui’s eyes has gone through several upgrades, the mysterious Da Zhao Temple, the exotic Burmese pagoda forests, the deserted overseas isolated islands, this time and time again upgrade, but also let the aura produce different changes.

From the initial white to light yellow, and then to gold, Zhuang Rui eyes aura sensed by the scope, but also in the step by step expansion, but he has never encountered such as in front of this object issued by the aura.

This is a deep purple near demonic aura, incomparably abundant, although only a small group, but the energy emitted, surprisingly, will be Zhuang Rui eyes golden aura are suppressed, this is a qualitative difference.

Zhuang Rui before is not not seen purple and gold-colored aura, but its purity compared to it, are far away, simply incomparable.

That kind of pure energy, integrated into the aura in Zhuang Rui’s eyes, so that Zhuang Rui’s eyes seem to have a slight change, the original golden aura, seems to be mixed with a trace of purple and gold color.

Both eyes were wrapped by the aura Zhuang Rui, has been deeply mesmerized into, every time the eyes change, that comfortable feeling always let Zhuang Rui floating, as if from the body to the mind, have been purified once generally.

Zhuang Rui also did not know how much time had passed, he even forgot to probe the object, the whole person was immersed in this upgraded pleasure, floating seems to return on the wind.

“Brother Zhuang, Brother Zhuang ……”

Suddenly, a voice that seemed to be far away and close to the sky, drifted into Zhuang Rui’s ears, instantly waking him up.

“Peng Fei, I’m here, what’s wrong?”

Zhuang Rui sat up, and just as he asked, he felt something was wrong, because at this time, the sky had completely darkened, and instead of white clouds, the sky was dotted with stars.

Zhuang Rui came here when still in the afternoon, this a meditation, actually already is the moon on the top, looked at the watch, Zhuang Rui realized, dare to distance from the first to come here has passed seven or eight hours.

“Brother Zhuang, what’s wrong with you? Nothing happened, right?”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s voice, Peng Fei, who had already run out more than ten meters away, turned his horse around and ran over, his face full of nervousness.

It’s not Peng Fei’s fault, Zhuang Rui rode out from the afternoon, until now there have been eight or nine hours, originally Peng Fei and Dr. Ren thought that Zhuang Rui returned to Al Zhai Grotto on his own, but went back to take a look in the evening, there was no Zhuang Rui’s silhouette.

So Peng Fei anxious on fire, and quickly braved the night out to look for Zhuang Rui, just this summer grassland grass, Zhuang Rui sitting in the grass, from the outside simply can not see any signs.

So Peng Fei circled around this grassland for several hours, did not find Zhuang Rui, was ready to search forward again, but heard Zhuang Rui’s voice.

“Ahem, why is it so late?”

Zhuang Rui pretended to rub his eyes and spoke, “I rode your big white rabbit out in the afternoon, sat on the grass and fell asleep somehow.”

Zhuang Rui couldn’t say that he had been having divine intercourse with the thousand year old ghost under the ancient tomb all afternoon, right? He could only temporarily make up a reason, but the temperature difference of the prairie in summer was relatively large, and in the afternoon, lying on the thick grass and sleeping was indeed a very pleasant thing.

“It’s a white rabbit, not a big white rabbit.”

Peng Fei corrected Zhuang Rui in a bad mood and then said, “Brother Zhuang, don’t take you like this! It doesn’t matter that you fell asleep, I was so anxious that I almost hanged myself.”

In the last two years Zhuang Rui has been a lot more honest, except for tracking the wildebeest herd a few days ago, there are rarely any unexplained disappearances or adventurous things happen, how could Peng Fei imagine that just going out to walk a horse, this kind of thing happened.

Peng Fei still had his tent on his horse, he had made up his mind that if he couldn’t find Zhuang Rui, he wouldn’t return to the camp.

Zhuang Rui snorted and said, “Well, it’s me who’s wrong, Peng Fei, do you feel that the big white rabbit is a bit more powerful than before after being tempered by me this afternoon?”

“Brother Zhuang, it’s the white rabbit.” Peng Fei said breathlessly.

“You’re the white rabbit!”


Peng Fei felt like he couldn’t communicate with Zhuang Rui anymore, why did this brother just have to cross himself on the name of a horse?

“A white rabbit is a white rabbit, I say Peng Fei, I haven’t eaten anything so far, make something to eat!”

After successfully changing the topic, Zhuang Rui felt his stomach growling and couldn’t help but look at the package on Peng Fei’s horse.

Peng Fei noticed Zhuang Rui’s eyes, embarrassedly said: “No, only two water bags, came out in the evening in a hurry, forgot to bring food.”

In fact, Peng Fei didn’t forget, but took the wrong parcel, the parcel filled with air-dried meat was put in the house by him, while in this parcel now, oil and salt seasonings were put.

Zhuang Rui sniffed and rolled his eyes, said: “You kid, drink the sleep is not forgotten, just forget the food, now go back to the estimate are going to be the middle of the night, forget it, just make up a night here.”

Here from the Alzai grotto, there are thirty to forty miles, two people only a horse, Zhuang Rui also do not want to ride with Peng Fei, which if one person riding a horse and one person running, I’m afraid that at least three or four hours to return to the Alzai grotto.

More importantly, up to now, has not explored the aura rich object in the end is what, the identity of the owner of the tomb is not clear, of course, Zhuang Rui does not want to return to the Alzai Grotto, just use this excuse to stay.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Peng Fei thought for a moment and agreed, he also didn’t want to let his white horse ride two people, so he said, “That’s fine, Brother Zhuang, you set up a tent and then clear a place to build a fire! I’ll go see if I can hunt a few rabbits to roast for dinner.”

Peng Fei spoke while taking the tent off the horse’s back, in addition to taking out a bow and an arrow pouch from the side of the horse’s back.

“Alright, rabbits are the fattest in this season, shoot a few more to come.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the bow and arrow capsule, the corner of his mouth slightly skimmed, if he saw this thing before today, he might still have some freshness, but after seeing the golden giant bow in the underground tomb, the thing in Peng Fei’s hand was simply like a child’s toy.

After Peng Fei left, Zhuang Rui used the fastest speed to set up the tent, and then the tent in front of five or six meters in the youth are cut off, in the ground dug out a shallow pit of about thirty centimeters, summer grass wet, very few dry branches and dead leaves, is not afraid of the formation of fire.

After finishing his work, Zhuang Rui saw Peng Fei had not returned, so he sat down on his knees in front of the tent, gazing at his soul and quieting his qi, escaping the aura in his eyes into the earth beneath him.

The purple-gold aura almost made Zhuang Rui mesmerized again, but fortunately he remembered that this time he was trying to find out the origin of the object, and it took him a lot of effort to wrap this jade with a quadrangular base with his aura.


Suddenly, Zhuang Rui felt that the aura seemed to be a bit different from before, because he seemed to “see” the shape of the object.

The discovery that he could “see” the shape of the object instead of judging it based on its shape made Zhuang Rui’s heart shake, could this be the function brought about by the upgraded aura?

But did not wait for Zhuang Rui to check the changes in the aura, he was upgraded aura “see” the first item was shocked, this …… is actually a side of the jade seal.

Jade seal from the Qin Dynasty onwards, the emperor’s seal special name for “seal”, and specialize in jade, known as the “jade seal”, the emperor, the empress, the empress dowager is said to be the seal, the jade seal is the common name of the imperial seal, specializing in the use of the emperor.

Imperial tomb found in the jade seal, this is a very normal thing, because whether it is the emperor or ministers, will be accompanied by the custom of the seal.

And archaeologists are often through the seal in the tomb, in order to determine the identity of the tomb owner, which is really the most common thing in the tomb.

But this side of the jade seal, but let Zhuang Rui eyes wide open, mouth open enough to swallow an egg down, full of horror.

The whole body of the jade seal snow white, although hidden in the coffin, but there is no Qin color into which, the base of the seal at the quadrilateral, the length and width are twenty to thirty centimeters or so, above the chi dragon knob, carved with a tiger dragon phase five coiled chi dragons, exquisite, as if it were a living thing.

And let Zhuang Rui surprised but he saw through the jade seal of the eight bird seal script words, above clearly engraved: “by the fate of the sky, the emperor Shouchang” these words.

“Mo …… Murphy …… is the Jade Seal of State Transmission?”

Rao is Zhuang Rui used to seeing all kinds of rare antiques, but at the moment, still feel the lips dry, not his eyes nest shallow, is really this thing, the significance is too significant.

“Brother Zhuang, how this expression? Ghost ah?”

Just as Zhuang Rui wanted to further investigate, Peng Fei’s voice suddenly rang out in front of him, it was like a child being caught doing something bad, frightening Zhuang Rui to shiver violently, and hurriedly put his aura back.

Even though he was anxious, Zhuang Rui didn’t want to be caught by Peng Fei in any way, and after settling his mind, he said in a half-truth, half-falsehood, “That’s right, just now, I saw a thousand year old Mongolian ghost, who told me that there are tombs of Mongolian emperors in this vicinity.”

“Che, brother Zhuang, you archaeology stupid right? In this broad daylight …… no, under the bright moon and stars, where is a thousand year old ghost? Come on, you help build a fire, I’ll skin these two rabbits.”

Peng Fei scoffed at Zhuang Rui’s words, reached out and raised his hand, revealing two plump rabbits with arrows sticking out of their bodies, one estimated to weigh five or six pounds, enough for two people to eat.

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