Chapter 1160 – Heirloom Jade Seal (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:50:08
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Zhuang Rui laughed, while gathering the collected dead branches together to ignite the fire, said, “Hey, there is no old Mongolian ghost for a thousand years, but the terrain here is undulating and the hills are continuous, like a dragon vein is located, maybe there is a Mongolian emperor’s mausoleum hidden!”

“Come on! Brother Zhuang, even if there is, you can not find, not said it, the Mongolian burial habits are very unique, even their descendants can not find, let alone you.”

Peng Fei skimmed his lips, on Zhuang Rui’s words are quite unimpressed, although he knows nothing about archaeology, but this period of time has been followed by Zhuang Rui and Dr. Ren hanging around, under the influence of the ear, also understand some common sense.

Like the Mongolian emperor tomb, in addition to the burial is very deep, even the construction of the craftsmen will be silenced, this is not all, those soldiers who silenced the craftsmen, after returning to the ground, will also lead the neck to kill themselves.

In this way, not only the thought of grave robbers, even their children and grandchildren can not feel the location of the ancestors’ tombs, only know a rough direction.

Therefore, Peng Fei scoffed at Zhuang Rui’s words, if this can be found out by Zhuang Rui, then the grave robbers in this millennium can really die of shame.

“Peng Fei, you kid still don’t believe it, when did Zhuang Rui’s feeling miss ah?”

Hear Peng Fei words, Zhuang Rui a little anxious, in his discovery of this tomb and difficult to excavate, this heart really suffocated panic, is to say this with Peng Fei, unexpectedly is a hot face to a cold ass, this buddy simply do not take care of him.

“Really? Brother Zhuang, then where is this tomb ah? I can hear, Genghis Khan that old boy destroyed Song destroyed gold destroyed Western Xia, looting of gold and silver treasure more to go.”

Peng Fei see Zhuang Rui face serious, also serious up, but uttered words is not so reliable, let Zhuang Rui some tears and laughter.

“Okay, and you kid talk about archaeology, that is purely to the lute, I tell you, the Song dynasty is not Genghis Khan destroyed, but his grandson did it, go go go, whole your rabbit to go.”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand at Peng Fei in a bad mood, turned his head but fell into deep thought, Peng Fei’s words were wrong but reminded Zhuang Rui.

In 1206 A.D., Genghis Khan in the good offices of the source of the river to establish Mongolia Khanate, Mongolia was established, and constantly launched wars of aggression to expand its territory.

In 1218 AD, Genghis Khan exterminated Western Liao, 1219 westward conquest of Central Asia Huarazimo, has been attacked to the Volga River Valley in Eastern Europe, returned to the east in 1225, and in 1227 to destroy Xixia, but Genghis Khan also died in the expedition against Xixia.

But the Mongols destroyed the Song Dynasty in 1276, and it wasn’t until 1279 that the remnants of the Song Dynasty were destroyed and China unified.

But this also creates a problem, that is, Zhuang Rui just guessed this tomb, most likely not Genghis Khan but its third son Marco Polo Jijin – Wukodai mausoleum palace.

We see here may not understand, 1276 years of destruction of the Song Dynasty, that will be the nest has long been dead, but the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty Kublai ruling period, how to say that this tomb should also be Kublai’s ah!

But history in which there was a turning point, is not known, that is, the seal of state is not in the Southern Song Dynasty, but in the first year of Song Jingkang, the Jin soldiers broke Bianliang, Hui Qin two emperors were plundered, “the seal of state” has been plundered by the great Jin.

And the people who led the troops to destroy the gold, it is Genghis Khan’s third son of wu gaotai in power period.

Speaking of which, it is necessary to trace the birth of the seal of state from the disappearance of the millennium experienced trials and tribulations.

Friends know that “the state seal”, also known as “the seal of state”, for the Qin dynasty after the seal of the emperor, is a historical allusion to the “return of the jade annulus to Zhao” in the He Shi Bi carved out. The seal was carved out of the He Shi Bi in the historical allusion “Returning the jade to Zhao”.

As the most important token of “divine authorization of imperial power and legitimacy of orthodoxy”, all the emperors after the Qin Dynasty took this seal as a symbol of their successive reigns, and worshipped it as the most important weapon of the state.

The emperors who got the Jade Seal of Transmission symbolized that they were “ordained by heaven”, and the loss of it showed that they “had run out of gas”, and the whole world could be cut down, and whoever boarded the throne without this seal was ridiculed as “white version of the emperor! “, appearing to lack of confidence and contempt for the world.

This prompted those who wished to seek the great treasure to fight for it, resulting in the seal of state changing hands repeatedly. In 207 B.C., when Liu Bang, the Duke of Pei, was marching to Ba, the Prince of Qin kneeled down and offered the seal to the left side of the road in Xianyang, and the Qin dynasty died, and the seal of state was returned to the Liu Han Dynasty.

At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang, a foreign relative, usurped power when Emperor Ru Han was young, and the Jade Seal of State Transmission was hidden at the Empress Dowager’s place in the Changle Palace. Wang Mang sent his brother Wang Shun to ask for it, and the Empress Dowager refused to comply, and in a fit of rage, she took out the Jade Seal and threw it to the ground, dropping a corner of it.

Wang Mang saw the jade seal damaged, even sighed, busy recruiting skilled craftsmen to repair, that craftsmen are also smart, came up with a gold inlay on the missing corners of the strange trick, even after the repair is also more and more colorful, and then beautifully named “gold inlaid with jade seal”, which is the “gold inlaid with jade” origin.

Later, Wang Mang was killed in defeat, the guards lieutenant Gong Bing got the seal of state, offered to Liu Xuan, the first emperor.

Liu Xuan, the first emperor, three years, the Red Eyebrows killed Liu Xuan, the establishment of Liu Benshi, Liu Benshi defeated Yiyang, will be the seal of state in the hands of Han Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu. Towards the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, eunuchs monopolized power. In the sixth year of Emperor Xi Ping’s reign, Yuan Shao entered the palace to kill the eunuchs, and Duan Gui fled with the emperor, and the state seal disappeared for the first time.

In the reign of Emperor Xian, Dong Zhuo revolted. Sun Jian led his army to attack Luoyang, and at the hour of a certain day, his soldiers saw colorful clouds in a well in the Zhen Palace in the south of the city, so they went into the well, and saw a small box tied around the neck of the courtesan who had thrown herself into the well, and inside the box was the Jade Seal of the State.

Sun Jian as a treasure, will be secretly hidden in his wife Wu’s place, after Yuan Shu detained Wu, seize the seal, Yuan Shu died, Jingzhou assassin Xu Chyou with the seal to Xuchang, when Cao Cao hostage Emperor Xian and commanded the vassals, so, the seal of state can be restored to the Han family.

The first year of Emperor Xian’s reign, Emperor Xian was forced to “abdicate”, Cao Pi built Wei, and changed his name to Huangchu, Cao Pi made the seal of the state to be engraved on the shoulder of the seal with the words “Wei received the seal of the state of the Han Dynasty” to prove that it was not “usurping the Han Dynasty”, but it was just an attempt to cover up the fact that it was not “usurping the Han Dynasty”. Also, the real is to cover up.

However, the Wei dynasty did not circulate for long, to the Wei Yuan Emperor Cao Huan Xianxi two years, the minister Sima Yan followed the same line, called Jin Wu Di, changed the name to Tai Shi, the seal of state returned to the Jin.

The time since then, the state seal can be described as the fate of the twists and turns, Jin Yongjia five years, the former Zhao Liu Cong captured Jin Huai emperor Sima Chui, the seal returned to the former Zhao, nineteen years later, after Zhao Shi Le extermination of the former Zhao, get the seal. Even more original, on the right side of the additional engraving “Tianmian Shi”.

South Dynasty, the seal of state through the Song, Qi, Liang, Chen four generations, Sui unified China, the seal of state into the Sui Palace, but in the Sui Emperor Yang Guang was killed in Jiangdu (today’s Yangzhou), after the Xiao queen with Prince Yuan De with the seal of state to disappear into the desert Turkic.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Li Shimin, because of the absence of the seal of state, was carved several parties of the “ordained treasure”, “fixed life treasure” and other jade “seal”, to comfort themselves, Zhen Guan four years, Li Jing led the army to crusade against the Turks, the same year, the Queen Xiao and Prince Yuan De back to the palace. Xiao Hou and Yuan De Prince back Turkic and return to the Central Plains, the state seal returned to Li Tang, Emperor Taizong was pleased.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the world is in chaos, the four heroes, Zhu Quanzhong abolished the Tang Dynasty Emperor Ai, seize the seal of state, Shi Jingtan led the Khitan army to Luoyang, the last emperor Li Congke embraced the seal of state to climb the Xuanwu building self-mutilation, thus, the seal of state for the second time disappeared in the world.

To the Northern Song Zhezong, a farmer in the ruins of Li Congke found this jade seal, sent to the court, by the thirteen university professors based on the records of the previous dynasty, identified as the first emperor made the seal of state, the seal of state has been able to reappear in the world.

But Huiqin two emperor was plundered, the state seal to the gold, until the gold dynasty was destroyed by Mongolia, the state seal is no longer appeared, the Ming and Qing dynasties, from time to time, “the state seal” present of the clamor, but all attached to, imitation of the forgeries.

So later generations of archaeologists and historians, are suspected of the state seal was used by the emperor of the yuan dynasty for burial, only the envelope of the nomadic people, will not take the han as a treasure of the state seal as a matter of fact.

Just can not find the tomb of the emperor of the yuan dynasty, the whereabouts of the state seal, has become the biggest one in Chinese history.

Although Zhuang Rui has not been able to get a glimpse of the full picture of the jade seal, but his heart is already waves, can not help themselves, perhaps the missing thousands of years of the state seal, really in this tomb.

“Brother Zhuang, Brother Zhuang, what’s wrong? The fire has burned into your hand, and you don’t feel any pain?”

Just when Zhuang Rui fell into contemplation, the ear suddenly came Peng Fei’s voice, Zhuang Rui suddenly awakened, but found that the fire really licked to the back of the hand, and hastily shrunk his hand back.

After fixing his mind, Zhuang Rui looked at Peng Fei with a confused face and blurted out, “The old Mongolian ghosts gave me a dream again, saying that there are tombs of their ancestors here, Peng Fei, tomorrow I’m going to survey this neighborhood.”

Peng Fei thought Zhuang Rui was joking with him and said with a smile, “Shit, Brother Zhuang, you can’t scare me, not to mention the old Mongolian ghosts, that is, Genghis Khan regenerated, buddies are not afraid of him.”

“Come on, hungry, eat first!”

Zhuang Rui shook his head noncommittally, letting Peng Fei set up the washed and peeled rabbit on the bonfire, and in a short while, the aroma came to his nose.

After eating the roasted rabbit meat, Zhuang Rui said to Peng Fei, “One person will sleep for half the night! I’ll wake you up around 2 o’clock.”

Although the grassland is now rare to see large groups of wolves, it is still important to be on guard, even if there are only three or five grassland wolves, they can still kill a person when they are asleep.

“OK, Brother Zhuang, you be careful ……” Peng Fei is not pretentious, nodded and drilled into the tent, not long after the sound of snoring.

“It must be the Heirloom Jade Seal ah!”

Zhuang Rui waited until Peng Fei fell asleep, sat down on his knees in front of the tent, released the aura in his eyes, and went straight to the coffin in that chamber.

“Damn, it’s not good to be able to see clearly!”

The aura had just entered the coffin when Zhuang Rui suddenly realized that next to that square jade seal was a human head that had the appearance of a mummy.

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