Chapter 1161 – Identity of the Ancient Grave Owner (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:50:11
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Shit, swindle corpse ah?”

Zhuang Rui this shock is not trivial, almost did not directly jump up from the ground, anyone who at first glance in a thousand-year-old tomb to see this situation, I’m afraid there will be such a reaction, and even more intense than Zhuang Rui.

“Still separated by one or two hundred meters deep, even if he becomes a ghost, he can’t run out.”

Zhuang Rui used a voice that only he could hear, in a low voice to give himself a boost, and only after a long time did he gather his courage again, and looked towards the head whose muscles had not yet decayed.

After careful observation, Zhuang Rui found that this undecayed head, and Egyptian mummies, there is still a big difference.

Mummy refers to a dry and undecayed corpse, Egyptians in the manufacture of mummies, first from the nostrils of the dead body with an iron hook to pull out part of the brain marrow, and inject some medicine into the brain to clean.

After completing the above steps, then with a sharp stone knife, cut a slit in the side of the abdomen, take out the internal organs completely, clean the abdomen, fill it with coconut wine and pounded spices, and then sew it up as it was.

After this is done, the body is placed in soda powder for 40 days, then washed, wrapped from head to toe in fine linen as a bandage, and coated with gum, which is usually used in Egypt in place of ordinary glue, and then given to the relatives, who place it in a special wooden box in the shape of a human being, and keep it in the crypt, placed straight against the wall.

This costly method of disposing of the body was generally applied to pharaohs, dignitaries and rich men. The poor were mummified in a much simpler way, by washing the abdomen with a laxative, then placing the body in a powdered lye soak for 40 days, removing it, letting the wind blow it dry, and burying it in a dry sand dune.

However, no matter which method is used to produce a mummified body, are presented in a dry and thin appearance, muscle, although not decay, but will be close to the bone, can no longer recognize its appearance in life.

But Zhuang Rui now see this head, and Egyptian mummies are very different.

The most intuitive performance in the face of the skull muscles, and not completely atrophied, in its face vaguely there is to see a trace of redness to, eyes closed, seems to be like sleeping in general.

This person’s age in more than sixty years of age, the face is very large, as if the full moon, although the eyes are closed, but there is a kind of indescribable majesty.

Even if it seems like in sleep, this person also shows a kind of temperament that makes people want to worship, Zhuang Rui is hard to imagine, if this person’s eyes are open, what kind of pressure will be brought to people.

“Is this …… actually dead or alive?”

Although knowing that this is a dead person, but Zhuang Rui heart still can not help but send out such feelings.

In the country has been unearthed a lot of dry corpses, like our country’s famous Loulan beauty, Zhuang Rui has seen with their own eyes, but the so-called “beauty”, but also the body is dry and skinny, hideous and ugly face, the courage of the small people see will have nightmares.

“Eh? What is this?”

All of Zhuang Rui’s attention had just been attracted by the head itself, and with this mental distraction, he immediately realized that within this coffin, there was also a completely transparent crystal coffin.

And this old man wearing Mongolian clothing was lying inside the crystal coffin, and inside there was also a colorless and transparent liquid that soaked the entire body.

That party exudes a rich purple-gold aura of the jade seal, there are many objects filled with thick aura, are placed in the crystal coffin outside the coffin, just because the coffin body transparency is extremely high, and is in accordance with the body inside the body type, so Zhuang Rui did not find in the first time.

“Grandma, what kind of technology is this? It seems that this technological advancement can’t erase the wisdom of the ancients!”

Zhuang Rui tried to analyze that liquid with his aura, but found that this liquid was not only colorless, but even a trace of aura was absent, and he didn’t know what ingredients constituted it, so how could it be able to keep this corpse for a thousand years without decaying?

In modern times, mummies also exist, such as the former Soviet leader Lenin, his body, is one of the best preserved mummies in the world.

After his death in 1924, Lenin was kept in a frozen state, and Soviet scientists carried out preservation work on his body in a secret laboratory under Lenin’s tomb, where they removed his internal organs and immersed his entire body in formalin.

The scientists in charge of the preservation work made incisions in Lenin’s body to allow the formalin to seep into the body faster, and after a few weeks, Comrade Lenin was granted eternal life.

It’s just that this method of preserving the body requires touch-ups and maintenance every once in a while, whereas a once-and-for-all practice like the one inside the crystal coffin inside the tomb is clearly a step ahead of modern technology.

“People are dead, still holding on to the treasure, don’t give your buddies a chance, otherwise you must be dug out.”

Zhuang Rui after analyzing the reason why the corpse is not corrupted, the attention was again attracted by the jade seal of the party next to the crystal coffin, this thing is really aura is too powerful, so that at this moment Zhuang Rui can not care to judge the identity of the owner of the tomb.

“Sure enough, there’s gold and jade.”

Although early in the heart to determine the origin of the jade seal, but see the jade seal corner was gold inlaid traces, Zhuang Rui still can not help but excited up.

Strongly suppressing the vibration in his heart, Zhuang Rui’s eyes turned to the shoulder of the jade seal, the legendary “Great Wei received the Han State Seal”, as well as the side of the “Heaven’s Order of the Stone” the words clearly in sight. Combined with the rich purple aura of the jade seal itself, Zhuang Rui at this moment in his heart there is no doubt, this …… is already disappeared for a thousand years of the He Shi Bi – the seal of state.

Although to this day, the imperial system has been outlawed, the so-called state transmission jade seal has also lost its own representative of the meaning, but at least it is a symbol, a symbol of the hundreds of millions of people involved in China, is a witness to the development of the history of China’s ancient civilization.

“Waste, waste, waste!”

Although Zhuang Rui’s identity over the years, began to transform from businessman to scholar, but the bones are still left some of the businessman’s specialty, after the excitement, unconsciously in the heart to measure the value of this real “state seal”.

Just in the heart to measure again and again, Zhuang Rui also can’t give the “state seal” set a price, from the quality of jade alone, and the jade represents the peak of Chinese jade culture, alone such a large piece of intact flawless jade, its value will be in the hundreds of millions of dollars or more.

This is only the value of the material, and dozens of emperors on the tendency to rush like the experience of love, coupled with the significant historical significance of the Jade Seal of the State itself and the symbol of the king’s power, Zhuang Rui feel that it is to give it to open up a 50 billion yuan, it is estimated that there are tycoons from China will be smashing pots and pans to buy.

To know, if this seal of state in ancient times, who got is the fate of heaven, can fool the whole country to rebel, its importance is self-evident. Even in today’s kingdom has long been declined, that is also very significant.

Imagine, get the jade seal of the rich and powerful, in the daily official documents stamped on such a chapter, that is absolutely double the face of things ah! This treatment in ancient times only the emperor can enjoy, and since the emperor after the Song dynasty have not had the opportunity.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui students face a silly smile, although the world all day cursed the feudal system is not good, but there are a few men have not done as the emperor’s dream ah? At least that harem of 3,000 beauties, absolutely any man can only dream of.

Of course, these are all Zhuang Rui’s imagination, not to mention that he is now unable to excavate the tomb, even if the excavation, all the things inside are also belong to the state, and his Zhuang Rui students a penny relationship is not.

If Zhuang Rui can borrow a few pieces in his museum exhibition, it is already happy to dream can wake up laughing. As for the idea of keeping it for himself, that was something he would never dare to have.

“This person, just who is he?”

After doing some open-eyed dream, Zhuang Rui slowly excluded the conjecture in his heart, and put his attention on the tomb itself, wanting to decipher this Mongolian tomb, first of all, we have to figure out the identity of the owner of the tomb.

Zhuang Rui can now be sure that this person must be a Mongolian emperor, and still relatively early, so it seems that the choice is not too much room.

Mongolia’s early Khan, Temujin lived sixty-six years old, after him, Wukodai lived fifty-five years old, Meng lived fifty-one years old, Kublai lived seventy-nine years old, from the age of view, this person should be Temujin or Wukodai.

Of course, can not be excluded Kublai Lie his old man maintenance of good or face tender, seventy-nine years old and fifty-six years old appearance, the difference may not be so big.

But at this moment Zhuang Rui heart balance, is to wuqatai side down, the reason is very simple, wuqatai is Mongolia destroyed gold after the second year of death, and was plundered by the gold dynasty of the seal of state, should also be at this time into the hands of wuqatai.

At this time of Genghis Khan, that is, wu guaotai’s old man, has died eight years, unless the secret not buried, otherwise this side of the state seal, in any case will not appear in the tomb of Genghis Khan.

Just look at the coffin in that resolute face, Zhuang Rui more willing to believe that this is Mongolia’s founding Khan Temujin or the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty Kublai Lie, the legend of Wuguotai is a good old man, should not grow into this kind of bastard full of looks, right?

“Hey, what’s the point of wasting this effort? Look for any tombstone is not finished?” Zhuang Rui was amused by his own tangled mood.

But all kinds of tombs, generally there will be a reaction to the identity of the owner of some of the records, some will be the owner of the life story significantly with the walls of the tomb, or mausoleum must be a monument.

Of course, there are also some ancient tombs do not have any introduction of the owner of the text, which will have to be from the burial goods within the tomb to find clues.

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