Chapter 1167 – Missing (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:50:27
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“Peng Fei, this place is a bit evil, I think it’s better to call Brother Zhuang back?”

A cautious look also appeared on Bartel’s face, hearing Peng Fei froze for a moment, then said in disbelief, “What’s so evil about it? Brother Zhuang was able to dive down thirty to forty meters deep with his bare hands in the ocean back then, so what can he do with such a big lake?”

To know, the water pressure in the sea is much bigger than inland lakes, plus Peng Fei knows Zhuang Rui physical fitness, as long as there is nothing in the lake water monsters and other things, there will be no danger.

Thinking of this stubble, Peng Fei opened his mouth to Bartel and asked, “Old Ba, there won’t be any man-eating water monsters in …… this, right?”

There are indeed water monsters that exist in China, like the unknown creatures of Lake Lunas, the mysterious plateau lake Hunting Tower Lake in Jiulong County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, and the Changbai Mountain Tianchi, all of which have had people who have personally seen some big guys of unknown origins.

Although there was no conclusive evidence, everyone believed that those places must have unknown monsters, and it was not unlikely that there would be some living prehistoric creatures in this grassland as well.

“Water monsters? No, but ……”

Bartel sniffed and shook his head, just when he was about to speak, he suddenly realized that Zhuang Rui’s body had already disappeared into the water of the lake, he was anxious and shouted, “Brother Zhuang, come back quickly, you can’t dive here ……”

Just Zhuang Rui whole body, at this moment has completely entered into the lake water, simply did not hear Bartel words, even if heard, Zhuang Rui will not care, he through the aura to see clearly, this lake water under, there is no danger.

On the contrary, Peng Fei on the shore saw Bartel hesitant appearance, the heart is a little bit not implement, out of the mouth asked: “Old Ba, in the end what is going on? You say it clearly ah ……”

“I also do not know how to say ……”

Bartel laughed bitterly, “This area is the deepest part of the Swan Lake, the fish are also the most, but the current under this is very fast, once someone fishing here, hard to be pulled down by the current, even the bones can not be found, some people say that this is the place leading to the eye of the sea …… ”

In the past one or two decades, the local often appeared in this piece of water fishing or swimming missing things, and then the relevant departments had organized salvage operations, but did not find people’s bones at the bottom of the lake, just surveyed the bottom of the lake current is very fast, like a suction.

Due to the lack of appropriate diving equipment, the local government is also afraid of salvage personnel accidents, and finally it will not be done.

The government has not been able to figure out the truth of the matter, so by some locals rumors of God, saying that this leads to the crystal palace of the Dragon King, one after another, no one dares to go into the water from here.

Although Bartel and the others were not from this gathering place, but their gathering place was just a few dozen kilometers away from here, they had also heard about this.

“Holy shit, there’s such a thing?”

Peng Fei was instantly anxious after hearing Bartel’s words, “Old Ba, why don’t you …… you say it earlier?!”

“I …… said it, but both of you don’t listen ah ……”

Bartel is also wronged very much, from the beginning to remind Zhuang Rui not to go into the water, but these two brothers did not take it seriously, and now it is a self into the villain.

“No, I have to go down to find Brother Zhuang, Grandma, how come Brother Zhuang walks to where, trouble follows to where ah?”

Peng Fei at the moment look to the lake, but no trace of Zhuang Rui, the heart is more and more panic, also do not care about their own water is not as good as Zhuang Rui, began to take off the clothes on the body.

“Wow ……”

Just as Peng Fei just took off his shirt, was about to unzip his pants when, more than ten meters away from the lake, suddenly turned up a wave, to the sides apart, Zhuang Rui’s head came up.

“Brother Zhuang ……”

Seeing Zhuang Rui reveal the lake, Peng Fei was overjoyed, “Brother Zhuang, are you okay, come up quickly, this lake is evil ……”

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words, shook his head and said, “It’s fine, it’s just that the current under the lake is a little bit fast, but the fish are really plentiful too, Peng Fei, then ……”

With the sound of Zhuang Rui’s words, his right hand probed out of the water, and along with it, there was a foot-long red crutch fish, and the long red fish tail was flapping the water uncontrollably.

Naihe Zhuang Rui right hand three fingers are buckled into the gills of the fish, but the grip is firm, the right hand force a throw, the red abducted fish across an arc, fell on the grass near the lake, bouncing back and forth.

“Hey, Zhuang Rui An answer is really powerful, this fish can be rare to see such a big, is this lake water, everyone can have a mouthful of good luck ……”

See Zhuang Rui is fine, all people also put down their hearts, Timur is more joyful will be the fish to lift up, holding in the hand around the measurement, this red abducted fish fish thorns are very few, the meat is delicious, just usually very few people can catch.

Zhuang Rui heard Timur’s words in the lake, but could not help but smile, opened his mouth and said, “Timur big brother, this fish turn back to bake and eat, I look at the following there are also old soft-shelled turtles, to see if you can catch one to boil soup to drink ……”

On the shore of a happy face Timur heard Zhuang Rui want to catch the old turtle, can not help but worry and said: “Zhuang Rui An answer, the water below is fast, you still don’t dive too deep ……”

Zhuang Rui feet on the water, the body above the chest are exposed to the water surface, said with a smile, “It’s okay, I dive can dive more than ten minutes it, and then catch more fish, otherwise this one is not enough to eat, turn back to come up slow, you do not worry ……”

Zhuang Rui this is to the shore of a few people to play defense, he dived into that dark river entrance, want to be necessary for a long time, it is estimated that more than ten minutes can not come back and forth.

“OK, then you be careful, we Mr. Fire, a moment will be noon ……”

After seeing Zhuang Rui’s waterborne, several people on the bank are not particularly worried, especially Bartel and Timur have not seen with their own eyes that someone has disappeared here, and rightly regarded as a rumor too false.

“Got it ……”

Zhuang Rui smiled and waved his hand to a few people on the shore, and after taking a deep breath, he jumped into the lake, and with a small wave turning up on the calm lake surface, Zhuang Rui still disappeared.

This lake is very clear, coupled with the overhead sunlight, underwater Zhuang Rui, can clearly see the situation underwater.

This lake looks on the surface, very quiet, but to be observed from the bottom of the lake full of water plants, can be seen, a share of the dark current in the water plants pulled in a direction, and this direction, is Zhuang Rui to enter the place.

However, the hole into the dark river, all were densely covered with water plants, perhaps this is also one of the reasons why the government salvage was unsuccessful at that time.

“Grandma, these water plants are troublesome, give entangled very difficult to get out of ……” Zhuang Rui did not rush to dive below, but frowned and observed.

When Zhuang Rui observed the entrance of the dark river before, he didn’t notice these water plants, but obviously, now these water plants can be the biggest obstacle for him to enter the underground dark river.

A root under the sunlight refraction shows dark green water plants, as if a woman’s hair, in general, in the water under the scattered fluttering, but Zhuang Rui knows that these seemingly harmless water plants, but will kill in the invisible.

This was drowned in the water, in addition to not water and cramps, but is ten is entangled in the water in the water grass death. And folk even has the legend of water ghosts harming people, the so-called water ghosts, in fact, is these water plants.

Zhuang Rui guessed well, the lake bottom of the current although very fast, but not to the extent that can be a living person rushed into the entrance to the dark river.

Those people in the deaths known to Bartel and others, ten of them were entangled in the water plants and died.

As for the missing bodies, it is those people who died after the water plants loosened up, the body was brought into the dark river aisle by the current, there are also some by the water plants entangled in the body of the tight, but by the bottom of the lake dense water plants to cover up.

Zhuang Rui frowned after thinking for a while, the body to the dark river entrance to the opposite place to swim, here the water current is not urgent, the water grass is equally lush, Zhuang Rui want to try the degree of toughness of the water grass.

“Hey, there’s a game ……”

Zhuang Rui came to a place where the water was shallow, intentionally wrapped his arm around a few water grasses that looked a bit thick, and then pulled out vigorously, several water grasses were broken at the same time.

Zhuang Rui tried again, the feet also let the water grass entangled, are very easy to break free, can not help but feel happy, this looks very tough water grass, is not so terrible well.

Just Zhuang Rui also do not think, this is also wrong is not him, if replaced by a person to come, first of all, not to mention the panic in the heart after being entangled in the water plants, it is estimated that there is not so much strength can break the water plants.

“Hey, I said, the old turtle came, then ah ……”

Zhuang Rui in a good mood, by hand from a water grass next to catch a full three pounds more than the old turtle, floated out of the water, thrown to the shore of the crowd.

See Zhuang Rui nothing, the crowd are completely put down heart, Peng Fei is yelling: “Brother Zhuang, catch two more fish up ah ……”

“OK le, wait well ……”

Zhuang Rui promised a sound, the body sank again, but this time, he is toward the entrance of the dark river place to swim, the face is also cautious up.

The closer he got to the entrance of that underground dark river, the more turbulent the water flow became, but Zhuang Rui tried it out, and was still able to swim against the current, and then he put his heart across, and followed the torrent at the bottom of the lake, and burrowed headlong into the hole that was covered by the water plants.

“Hey, what’s going on, it’s been seven or eight minutes, how come Brother Zhuang hasn’t come up yet?”

The people on the shore had already raised a bonfire, Peng Fei even set up that red abducted fish on it and roasted it, but waiting and waiting, Zhuang Rui’s dive time this time seemed a bit long.

“Something won’t happen, right?”

Dr. Ren said with some worry. This Swan Lake covered an area that wasn’t small, and although the water was crystal clear, standing on the shore still brought a sense of mystery and the unknown.

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