Chapter 1168 – Missing (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:50:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“It should be fine, right? Brother Zhuang has a large lung capacity, his diving record is several minutes higher than the world record, nothing should happen.”

After Zhuang Rui came home from Pirate Island, he had once sold out in the manor’s swimming pool, so Peng Fei knew such a thing.

However, looking at the calm lake, Peng Fei heart is also on and off, after all, this is not a diving competition, there is no need to suffocate themselves so hard, exposed to the surface of the water to catch their breath and then dive down will not delay anything.

“Then wait a little longer!”

Dr. Ren said with a worried face, and didn’t care about the old turtle that had already peeled off its shell in his hand, and stood at the edge of the lake with Timur and the others, expecting Zhuang Rui to reveal the surface of the lake.

Ten minutes passed, except for the occasional fish jumping out of the water, the lake was still silent.

“Nothing will happen to Zhuang Rui, right? It’s been ten minutes.” Dr. Ren’s voice sounded again, and in this silent place, it seemed so piercing.

“Nothing will happen, it will definitely be fine.” Peng Fei looked like he was answering Dr. Ren’s words, more like he was mumbling, his face a little white.

Twenty minutes passed, the crowd on the shore had all changed their faces, Peng Fei had already taken off his clothes and was ready to go into the water, but he was stiffly pulled back by Bartel and Dr. Ren and the others.

“Old Ba, but I promised my godmother to guard Brother Zhuang, if he folds here, I won’t have the face to go back.”

Peng Fei, who was stopped by Bartel, looked very agitated, if not his strength was less than Bartel, Peng Fei would have put Bartel on the ground by now.

“Fei Zi, calm down, Zhuang Rui is also our good brother, or Timur’s An answer, can we not worry?”

Bartel’s thunderous voice rang in Peng Fei’s ears, after seeing Peng Fei’s struggling movements easing a bit, Bartel continued, “It’s not that I won’t let you go under the water, but you’ll have to tie a rope to go down.”

Underwater situation exactly how, no one knows, but Zhuang Rui a go not return, the crowd will be this lake as an extremely dangerous place, Bartel knows the relationship between Peng Fei and Zhuang Rui, but he can’t look at Peng Fei go to his death, right?

Peng Fei took a deep breath, nodded and said, “Okay, bring the rope.”

“Kiqig, bring the rope.”

Seeing Peng Fei calmed down, Bartel was overjoyed, the rope was ready-made and still had a good live buckle, just directly tie the noose around Peng Fei’s waist and tighten it.

“Fei Zi, don’t be brave, see what’s wrong down there, hurry up and pull the rope ah!”

Although Bartel had the intention to accompany Peng Fei to go down together, but the people who lived on the grassland, the water is very general, he knew that he would become a burden to Peng Fei if he went down.

“Peng Fei, if we find Zhuang Rui, we must pull him up quickly!”

Dr. Ren who was on the side was also extremely weak in terms of hands-on skills like saving people, and said as he looked at Peng Fei blearily from the side, he could only hope that Peng Fei would be able to find Zhuang Rui underwater, because if the drowning time was short, there was still a great possibility of saving him back.

“I know.”

Peng Fei nodded, then with a flip of his wrist, a three inch long crescent shaped knife appeared in his hand, after biting the knife in his mouth, Peng Fei jumped into the lake.

This swan lake is formed due to crustal changes, unlike general lakes that are shallow to deep, but once the water is waist deep, and then walk up to two steps, Peng Fei immediately felt his feet stepping on the air, the lake water has already submerged the top of his head.

The lake is very clear, into the water Peng Fei can clearly see the situation around more than ten meters, floating on the surface of the water after taking a deep breath, Peng Fei swam to the place where Zhuang Rui last exposed to the surface of the water.

“Here …… is not very deep ah?”

Peng Fei found that this place is only a little more than two meters, after carefully searching, Peng Fei breathed a sigh of relief, because he did not find Zhuang Rui’s “body”.

Peng Fei’s diving ability, far less than Zhuang Rui, every three or four minutes like, he has to float to the surface of the water for a change of air, so tossed nearly an hour later, Peng Fei has been around the thirty to forty meters of the waters are searched, or did not find Zhuang Rui’s traces.

Looking at Peng Fei tired like a little dead dog lying on the grass, Bartel said, “Fei Zi, you take a rest, or else, later I will go down.”

Peng Fei waved his hand and said breathlessly, “Old Ba, you can’t, the current at the bottom of this lake is a bit fast, you can’t stabilize it if you go down, and there are many water plants underneath, so if you’re not careful, you’ll get entangled.”

Peng Fei is telling the truth, because at the moment his body, which is only wearing a pair of underwear, is entangled with green water plants everywhere, even his hair is topped with a puddle of water plants, at first glance it looks like a legendary water ghost.

And Zhuang Rui will use brute force to pull the water grass off different, Peng Fei is with that sharp knife, in the water grass entangled in the body of the first time to cut it off.

If this were to be replaced with Bartel whose strength is less than Zhuang Rui and whose hands are not as good as Peng Fei’s to go down, it is not guaranteed that he will really be left at the bottom of the lake by the water plants to be a ghost.

“There is no Zhuang Rui at the bottom of the water, it doesn’t seem to be entangled in the water plants, I just looked at the bottom of the water side seems to have a hole, I’ll rest for a while, and then go to the direction of the water flow to look at go.”

After searching under the lake did not find Zhuang Rui, Peng Fei’s mood is a little settled, because the bottom of the lake full of water plants, in the direct sunlight at noon, you can see very clearly, there is no trace of Zhuang Rui, which excludes the possibility of Zhuang Rui was entangled in the water plants died.

And this lake bottom water flow although a little turbulent, but even Peng Fei can break free, not to mention the water more than Peng Fei several chips of Zhuang Rui.

In this case, then there is only one possibility exists, is Zhuang Rui into the Peng Fei just saw that underwater hole, although still life and death is uncertain, but better than in the bottom of the lake found Zhuang Rui’s body much stronger.

If just found at the bottom of the lake Zhuang Rui has been killed, then Peng Fei really do not know how he will be in his own way, he does not know how he still have the face to return to Beijing to face Zhuang Rui’s relatives.

As for the current situation, if the professional terminology of adventure, can only belong to the category of missing, can not be determined as death.

Peng Fei panted heavily and took the air-dried meat handed over by Bartel and ate it, he now needed to replenish his strength before he could approach that lake bottom cave entrance for exploration.

“Haha, there’s no need to waste words now, turn around and drag Ren in, he’ll definitely believe that there’s an emperor’s tomb buried here.”

At this moment, Zhuang Rui, was in the dark river of the cave more than thirty meters below Bartel and the others laughing happily, behind him there was a small pool of water, from time to time upward turning the water splash, there is the import and export connected to the lake outside.

Zhuang Rui’s body was also full of green water plants like Peng Fei outside, but Zhuang Rui didn’t care about these at all, because after entering the underground dark river, Zhuang Rui realized that this place was even better than he had imagined.

Other than that, first of all, underneath this, there is the existence of air, let Zhuang Rui happy inexplicable, this point is also Zhuang Rui before very worried.

After all, the dark river is deep underground, and there is no exposed ground exit, in case of vacuum form, it will cause great disadvantage to the excavation work later.

The second point that makes Zhuang Rui happy is that he originally thought that in this underground dark river, it would be the kind of darkness that you can’t see your fingers, but when he entered, he found that on the damp rock walls on both sides of the dark river, there was actually a kind of stone that emitted a faint fluorescence and was covered with moss.

Although the light emitted by this stone was very limited, it could still satisfy the average person’s eyesight needs, and with this weak light, Zhuang Rui did not use his aura, but directly used his eyes to visually observe the situation at the entrance of the dark river.

This observation made Zhuang Rui even more happy, because he found a situation that he had not noticed before, that is …… on the rock wall at the entrance and exit of this dark river, there are obviously traces of man-made excavations.

That is to say, those who excavated the secret passage connecting Genghis Khan’s mausoleum in the depths of the dark river were not just digging tunnels randomly in a hurry, but rather, they had been carefully surveyed.

When he used his aura to survey outside, Zhuang Rui focused his attention on the place where the dark river exits, but when he first came in just now, in order to avoid some unknown dangers, he was very attentive to observe all around the exit.

This let Zhuang Rui also found many valuable things, above those discoveries, is not the most important, the reason why Zhuang Rui forgot the situation outside, forgot Peng Fei and other people’s worries, because he in the distance from the water pool four or five meters underground, found an iron box.

Iron box buried is not very deep, only twenty or thirty centimeters like, due to the underground air humidity, iron box outer skin has long been rotting a touch of rotten, but inside the things, but the preservation of the very good.

This is a box of gold, not the kind of gold bricks, but flattened gold cake, a total of more than thirty pieces, each piece has the size of the palm, in the top of the helicopter is also printed “Marco Polo only catty” words, obviously …… this is the Mongolian royal family special.

With these gold cakes and artificial traces at the exit, Zhuang Rui believes that Dr. Ren will not ask himself to go back to Beijing, compared to any Mongolian emperor’s tomb, Dunhuang literature brings influence, are negligible.

“These gold cakes, must be reserved by those craftsmen who excavated the secret passage, these people are not greedy, they didn’t think of looting Genghis Khan’s treasures in a big way, they actually took such a little bit of gold.” Zhuang Rui easily guessed the origin of these gold cakes.

Gold cake is easier to carry than gold bricks, and the gold cake is thinner, and it is easy to melt after taking it out, these skilled craftsmen are not stupid enough to take the gold with the word “Marco Polo” to go out to spend.

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