Chapter 1171 – Legend

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:50:38
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Listening to Zhuang Rui’s explanation, Bartel’s face was also changing uncontrollably, and when he heard the miserable end of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Tomb, his face was even more ugly.

Although the Mongolian people’s understanding of death, the importance of the soul is more important than the physical demise, but as Genghis Khan’s descendants, Batl of course do not want their own ancestors like the Qianlong Emperor, and finally fall into a corpse bones.

“Okay, Brother Zhuang, I believe you guys, this will go with Peng Fei to find the army stationed nearby.”

After thinking about it again and again, Bartel finally did agree to Ren Chunqiang’s plan, although excavating the royal tomb would disturb the peace of the ancestors, it was better than being humiliated by grave robbers, right?

And Bartel heart is also clear, if Zhuang Rui found really Mongolian royal family tombs, then these tomb guardians, may not be able to stop the tomb development work.

Because although the country for the minority will have some policy tilt, but the Mongolian emperor’s mausoleum such a big event, absolutely impossible in order to take care of their emotions, and give up for the excavation of the Mongolian emperor’s tomb.

You know, Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor to unify the six countries to establish a feudal dynasty, Qin Shi Huang mausoleum around the burial pits are not dug up? If not for technical reasons, even the tomb of Qin Shi Huang has long been seen in the world.

“Brother Bartel, it would be best if you can understand, I think the grassland people also wish to see Genghis Khan’s elegance a thousand years ago.”

Hearing that Bartel agreed to them unearthing the underground secrets, Zhuang Rui was also relieved.

Wanting to excavate this Genghis Khan Mausoleum buried underground for a thousand years, there are two factors that are necessary, the first one is the state behavior, there must be a state to preside over this excavation, and the second one is the support of the Mongolian people, which is also quite important.

One must know that if these natives, who have been living on the grassland for generations, really oppose vigorously and make trips in the dark, it will bring many unexpected difficulties to the excavation work.

“Brother Zhuang, I won’t go! Old Ba alone will be fine.”

Peng Fei was a bit unhappy with Ren Chunqiang’s arrangement, he was Zhuang Rui’s personal bodyguard, what if something happened after this departure?

Dr. Ren froze for a moment at his words, yes! Who was he to assign Peng Fei? At that moment, he turned his gaze to Zhuang Rui.

“Peng Fei, you must go, after you arrive at the garrison, immediately contact my big brother, this matter is very important.”

Zhuang Rui understood Ren Chunqiang’s meaning of letting Peng Fei go, as long as it was in consideration of his identity, or that document he was carrying, it would make the relevant departments pay attention to it.

“Alright! But you be careful, Brother Zhuang! That waterway is not easy to cross, grandma, it’s all water plants.” Peng Fei saw Zhuang Rui speak, and at that moment nodded his head reluctantly, as if agreeing down.

After explaining Peng Fei, Zhuang Rui turned his head to Ren Chunqiang and said, “Brother Ren, I agree with notifying the garrison first, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to get into that secret passageway, I think …… it’s better to notify Prof. Meng first, and then ask them to bring the instruments used for diving and surveying over!”

With Peng Fei’s physique, he was still dangerously close to not being able to hold on in the waterway, and if Ren Chunqiang dived down, he would probably have to be like that Zhu Jiuling warrior in the Jin Yong’s martial arts novel “Leaning on Heaven to Slaughter Dragons” who was caught in the gap of the mountain, and was stuck in and out of the waterway at the bottom of the lake.

Ren Chunqiang shook his head and said very firmly, “No, I must go in first and take a look before deciding whether to report it or not, Xiao Zhuang, although you are the captain of this archaeological operation, after leaving Dunhuang, this archaeological operation is practically over, so you have to listen to me.”

Just based on this gold cake that Zhuang Rui took out, Dr. Ren could not conclude that this was a Mongolian royal tomb, because it was also possible that this underground was a shelter built by the Yuan Dynasty royal family at that time, for the use of future generations as a refuge.

This is very common in all dynasties, a few years ago, there have been people in Hubei, a hundred thousand mountains, found many Ming Dynasty dilapidated buildings, and in the underground as well as some buildings, found a large number of food and weapons.

Finally, after identification, the relevant departments came to an amazing conclusion, this place is Zhu Yuanzhang built, in order to give future generations refuge with.

Genghis Khan conquered the world, enemies are naturally all over the world, there is no eternal dynasty in the world, it is not allowed to say that underneath is the back road he left it!

More importantly, the day after tomorrow in Beijing, but there is a world of Dunhuang cultural exchange, in a sense, that is also a commendation meeting, will play a great help to Ren Chunqiang’s future development.

If rashly listened to Zhuang Rui words, not to participate in the Dunhuang academic exchanges, and this side of the discovery is a basket of water is empty, that Ren Chunqiang can be both sides are not to the benefit of, is so Dr. Ren decided to go down to investigate some personally.

“Shit, see ah! Genghis Khan’s corpse I’ll even take you to see.”

After Zhuang Rui heard Dr. Ren’s words, his heart was a bit depressed, but he couldn’t refute it and said after thinking for a while, “Alright! But Dr. Ren, if you can’t hold out underwater, you must return to the surface!”

Passing through that waterway from the surface of the lake, according to Zhuang Rui’s estimation, it would take nearly two minutes at the very least, and within that time, it would still be necessary to swim through a distance of thirty to forty meters, he was not optimistic that Ren Chunqiang’s body, which was a little stronger than a bean sprout but far from robust, would be able to hold up.

“Alright, I know, as long as there are no water ghosts pulling me down below, I’m still looking for death myself?”

Dr. Ren Chunqiang waved his hand without caring, just when talking about water ghosts, the heart could not help but shiver, this underground to really Genghis Khan Mausoleum, that the construction of the time is not allowed to say how many people died, it is not permitted that there are a lot of ghosts in this lake.

Of course, Dr. Ren’s work ethic, or the expectation of the Mongolian emperor’s mausoleum is still praiseworthy, although some drums in the heart, or followed Zhuang Rui down to the lake.

Zhuang Rui first took Ren Chunqiang down a few meters and pointed out the entrance to the waterway to him, then the two of them resurfaced and took a deep breath before diving down together.

Don’t say, Zhuang Rui earlier really a little underestimated Ren Chunqiang, this buddy water is good, followed behind Zhuang Rui actually did not fall behind, one after another into the waterway with suction.

In fact, Peng Fei before the more strenuous, because he has to exclude cut those water plants, which cost Peng Fei a lot of energy and physical strength, now Ren Chunqiang only need to follow the swim, as long as the water sex is good, but can swim to the other side of the waterway.

Swimming in front of Zhuang Rui, try to use his arm to hold some water plants, and then use brute force to pull and break them off, Ren Chunqiang who followed behind suddenly saved a lot of energy, more than two minutes later, the two of them at the same time at the dark river at the pool of water emerged.

“Brother Ren, are you alright?”

Zhuang Rui reached out and plucked off the water plants on his head and face, climbed out of the water pool, and only Ren Chunqiang’s rough panting could be heard in his ears.

“No …… nothing, Zhuang …… Zhuang Rui, open the torch.”

Jerked into an isolated place, the psychological pressure brought by that darkness is even far greater than the physical exhaustion, although within the river some plants seem to be able to emit a faint bright light, but for Ren Chunqiang, here is just out of reach.

A beam of light flashed from Zhuang Rui’s hand, this was not a waterproof flashlight, it was the most ordinary flashlight, only it was brought in wrapped in a plastic bag by Zhuang Rui.

“Brother Ren, this is the box of gold cakes, you see …… the rock wall on both sides, is there a trace of being artificially excavated ah?”

Zhuang Rui waited for Ren Chunqiang to take a short break, and aimed the flashlight at the pair of gold cakes on the ground, and so Dr. Ren went up to look through them for a while, and then shone the light on both sides of the rock wall, especially around the water pool again, the traces of artificial excavation are very obvious.

“That’s right, it’s artificially excavated, this dark river should be formed in the middle stage of karst development, and it’s not suitable for human survival and storing food, it seems that this is not a refuge built by the Mongols.”

Dr. Ren, after surveying the area, his expression became a little excited, murmuring, “There was once a legend that Genghis Khan’s Mausoleum was in the water, could …… the legend be true?”

“There is such a legend?”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment at the words, he checked all over that Mongolian secret history that was sung and passed down, and he didn’t see such a claim ah?

Ren Chunqiang nodded and said, “This is the kind of saying I saw on a novel, it says that during the construction of Genghis Khan’s mausoleum, the people used were all the most loyal soldiers to Genghis Khan, except for the slaves, and these soldiers knew that they would definitely be martyred after the construction of the mausoleum. Whether slaves or soldiers, when going to Genghis Khan’s mausoleum, were blindfolded, but once there was a thought to desert, in the return to the ground to transport the stone, sneak away, according to him, he said, he had heard the sound of water flowing underground. Finally those soldiers, after the construction of the mausoleum will be all the craftsmen slaves were killed, and they are in the change of defense, and then killed by other soldiers, so after three times, Genghis Khan mausoleum has also become a secret forever.”

“Ren …… Ren, are you sure that this is fiction and not history?”

Zhuang Rui was Ren Chunqiang’s these words were said silly, because this novel and the Genghis Khan Mausoleum in the depths of the river, too much imagination, said simply God’s accuracy ah!

Entering the cave from the underground of Alzai Grotto, where there are many rivers, naturally the sound of flowing water can be heard, and that martyrdom pit in the outermost part of the Genghis Khan’s Mausoleum also proves that the artisans have been killed, all of these are what Zhuang Rui has already proved with his aura.

“Ahem, it’s really a novel, that Hong Kong guy named Ni Kuang wrote it, I forgot the name, you can go look for it.”

Ren Chunqiang’s face was a little red, he coughed twice to hide his embarrassment, to compare a novel to the rigorous science of archaeology, it was a little too unserious.

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