Chapter 1172 – False Alarm

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:50:40
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“Damn, this person who writes novels should really go and major in archaeology! Rich imagination not to mention, he actually guessed nine out of ten, cowman, really cowman.”

After hearing Ren Chunqiang’s words, Zhuang Rui’s surprised mouth can be stuffed with a duck egg, the heart of the Hong Kong novel author is admired by all.

But this thing this is also too much bullshit, for thousands of years makes countless people tend to rush Genghis Khan Mausoleum, its truth actually appeared in a novel inside, this let the crowd of archaeologists how can they be embarrassed ah?

After Dr. Ren conducted some surveys on the entrance of the dark river, Zhuang Rui said: “Brother Ren, how is it? Can we call Professor Meng?”

“Yes, yes, let’s go out and immediately report to Professor Meng and the higher authorities.”

Ren Chunqiang nodded his head repeatedly, after this survey, he was completely sure that this was a Mongolian mausoleum, and the Mongolian who had the ability to build a mausoleum deep in the ground, his identity was calling out, even if it wasn’t the Genghis Khan Mausoleum, it had to be a Mongolian Emperor Tomb Palace.

For the archaeological history has never been found in the Mongolian emperor’s tomb, the Dunhuang Cultural Exchange in Beijing, in the heart of Dr. Ren also became not so important.

Knowing that the Dunhuang documents had come out a hundred years ago, while the Mongolian Emperor’s Tomb had been sought after for thousands of years without being seen, the unearthing of this tomb would be included in the annals of the twenty-first century scientific and archaeological world.

“Zhuang Rui, why don’t we follow the dark river and walk inside?”

Thinking of the honor brought by the excavation of this mausoleum, Ren Chunqiang’s heart was also hot, and he couldn’t wait for the emperor’s mausoleum in the depths of the dark river to appear in front of him right away.

Ask who can still be calm when there is a chance to go down in history in front of him? Especially the historians and archaeologists, when they are deciphering a historical celebrity, how can they not be envious and hate to replace it with their own.

The excavation and discovery process of this tomb, will certainly be the original discovery of the ins and outs of its account clearly and recorded, will certainly be included in the relevant historical events.

Of course, in this matter, the most popular person, naturally when Zhuang Rui belongs to.

But as the second person to discover the mausoleum, will also be given a lot of glory, which for Dr. Ren, is completely the pie in the sky, smashed into his head, he has been very satisfied.

So Dr. Ren in the mood under the excitement, put forward such a violation of the archaeological provisions of the requirements, to know, excavation of such a large tomb, will certainly set up the relevant command, and the excavation process, must be carried out under the unified deployment of the command.

Zhuang Rui is feeling indifferent, because he has long used the aura surveyed, this up to three or four miles of dark river, there is no existence of any dangerous creatures, as long as you do not get lost, there will not be any danger.

Moreover, Zhuang Rui himself didn’t care about any regulation system, after hearing Dr. Ren’s words, he immediately said, “Brother Ren, the batteries in this torch are estimated to last for two hours at most, let’s go forward for an hour’s journey, if we haven’t found anything yet, let’s return here!”

Zhuang Rui brought a total of a flashlight in, if there is no electricity in the dark, even if we walk to the mausoleum secret passage, I’m afraid there will be no discovery, Zhuang Rui can’t touch the dark to find out that the hidden secret passage exit, right?

“Okay, okay, listen to you, listen to you.” Dr. Ren nodded repeatedly, he was still immersed in the happiness of this great discovery!

“Brother Ren, I’ll go in front, you follow behind!” Zhuang Rui took the torch in Ren Chunqiang’s hand and leaned against the edge of the dark river, walking inside.

Dark rivers tend to be accompanied with caves almost all the time, this dark river was the same, although it was not as tall and wide as the cave under the Al Zhai Grotto, it was still more than three meters high and four meters wide, enough for a few people to walk side by side.

After walking forward for more than ten meters and turning a crooked path, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed, making Zhuang Rui stop in his tracks.

Dark river above the rock wall, hanging down a variety of stalactites, and that slowly flowing water, in the light of Zhuang Rui torch, showing a variety of beautiful colors.

Who said that only the depths of the ocean and primitive forests can see the most magnificent colors of the earth? Inside this cave, the miracle shown by nature made Zhuang Rui and his duo look mesmerized.

“It’s so beautiful.” Ren Chunqiang muttered under his breath.

“Yeah! Even if there aren’t any emperor’s tombs here, and they are developed, it would still be an excellent tourist attraction.”

Zhuang Rui nodded, nature would always create miracles beyond the reach of human hands without even realizing it, but due to the flashlight batteries, the duo could only save this beautiful scenery for another time.

Walked forward about four or five hundred meters, the terrain becomes more and more narrow, originally three or four meters wide river, in some places only one meter wide, Zhuang Rui two people can only walk barefoot in the river.

The height above the cave, also lowered, some places must bend down to pass, let Dr. Ren some excitement is, in all these places, can see some traces of artificial excavation, which also shows that they did not go to the wrong place.

“Aigoo ……”

Zhuang Rui, who was walking in front, suddenly let out a cry of pain from his mouth, and his body came to a violent stop.

Ren Chunqiang, who was following behind Zhuang Rui, coldly bumped into Zhuang Rui’s back, not caring about the soreness coming from his nose, he hurriedly asked, “What’s wrong? Zhuang Rui, what’s the danger?”

“No …… don’t know what it is, it seems to be burned by fire, shit, so painful!”

Zhuang Rui shook his head and shone the flashlight to his left arm, and immediately found that there was a scorching mark on the small arm, the wound was the size of a copper coin, and the surface layer of the skin had broken open, and the surrounding area was red.

“Quickly, clean it with water.”

Dr. Ren saw that it wasn’t any monster, and immediately his heart settled down, this dark and blind place, they didn’t even have a gun, if they really encountered any monsters, it would definitely be a dead end.

Zhuang Rui will hand over the flashlight to Ren Chunqiang, when bending down to clean the wound of the small arm, quietly seeped a trace of aura into it, relieving the pain of the arm.

“This …… is sulfuric acid ah?”

Zhuang Rui smelled the wound, his face suddenly revealed a look of surprise? He quickly shouted, “Brother Ren, don’t move, don’t move, there might be an organ.”

How could there be strong acid in this place tens of meters under the ground? Zhuang Rui’s first reaction was that those slave craftsmen who built the tomb for Genghis Khan had made arrangements on their way to escape.

Legend has it that inside some imperial tombs, there are not only quicksand broken dragon stones and traps and poison arrows, but also poisonous water and hidden weapons that can be sprayed out, making it impossible for people to defend themselves.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui also broke out in a cold sweat, during the previous survey, the aura in his eyes, but he did not find these objects within the dark river, but the place on his arm that was scorched showed that there were dangers around.

“Organs?” Dr. Ren, who was following behind Zhuang Rui, was also startled, and the torch in his hand immediately shone in the surroundings.

As the saying goes, the older the jianghu, the smaller the guts, Dr. Ren had seen grave robbers who had died from the organs in many large tombs when he was excavating tombs, and he did not have the slightest doubt in the wisdom of his ancient predecessors.

“It doesn’t look like a mechanism! Zhuang Rui, if this is poisonous water, how could just one drop be sprayed out?”

After Ren Chunqiang surveyed the surroundings, a confused look appeared on his face, because the rock walls all around were smooth, unlike where any hidden mechanisms were hidden.

Then again, it’s been a thousand years, what poisonous water could still be preserved until now? It would have long since been evaporated by nature.

“Cough, I see, Zhuang Rui, so it’s this thing!”

The torch in Ren Chunqiang’s hand unintentionally shone at the top of Zhuang Rui’s head, and he immediately made a new discovery, and the nervousness on his face subsided.

“What is this? How come it’s so disgusting?”

Zhuang Rui looked up, in the top of his head and more than ten meters in front of him, that kind of huge stalactites had disappeared, and what came in its place was a very small sticky substance, a bit like human snot in general, which densely covered the rocky top of this waterway.

“This stuff is naturally occurring, usually appearing fifty meters below the ground, and is so strongly corrosive that geologists call it a slug.”

How could Ren Chunqiang not expect that this kind of natural phenomenon, which usually only appeared in the tropical and rainy underground caves, would let them encounter it, if not for the fact that he also had some attainments in natural sciences, he really did not recognize this thing.

Looking at the top of the rock wall more than ten meters ahead, Ren Chunqiang smiled bitterly and said, “Come on, count us unlucky today, we can only go here, otherwise even if we can go over, we will be burned.”

In the flashlight irradiation of this short one or two minutes, the top of the cave from time to time will be lowered a drop of “slugs” to the dark river, but after being diluted by the water of these strong acid, but can not corrode Zhuang Rui and Ren Chunqiang contact with the river water skin.

“Let’s go! Go back first and wait for Prof. Meng and the others to arrive before further surveying this place.”

Zhuang Rui looked at those “slugs” and didn’t have the courage to try the taste of being dripped by the strong acid on his body again, although he could be healed by his spiritual qi, the kind of pain when the strong acid touched his skin was not that pleasant.

After a false alarm, Zhuang Rui also surveyed the distance from the Genghis Khan Mausoleum that secret passage, estimated that before the flashlight power outage, do not want to think about there, so also beat a retreat.

However, this special landscape containing strong acid, but will not block the Genghis Khan Mausoleum excavation work, only need some special clothes, I believe that will be able to safely pass through this area.

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