Chapter 1176: The World is Concerned

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:50:51
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The meeting lasted until two or three o’clock in the morning, and the attendees were exhausted, but they were all still in good spirits, after all, this was most likely a Mongolian emperor’s tomb that was the first of its kind to be seen in the country.

“Mr. Zhuang, Minister Ouyang wants to see you, please stay for a while.”

Waiting for the meeting to end, Zhuang Rui was just about to go back to sleep, Ouyang Zhenwu’s secretary stayed Zhuang Rui, the original one, the big secretary had already been released to serve out, and now this secretary Zhuang Rui was relatively unfamiliar.

After everyone went out, Zhuang Rui looked at the tired face of Ouyang Zhenwu, said: “Brother-in-law, so late you rest first! There is something to talk about tomorrow.”

Ouyang Zhenwu is also a person over 60 years old, from the morning arrived here, and those experts together to carry out the possibility of the existence of the tomb argument, until now have not rested for a while.

“I’ll leave in a while, and briefly say a few words to you.”

Ouyang Zhenwu shook his head, cupped his brow with his hand, and said, “I have one more thing to inform you of this time I’m here.”

“What is it? Isn’t it enough to make a phone call and tell me?”

Zhuang Rui was a bit puzzled, Ouyang Zhenwu’s expression was more serious, so it must be a public matter, and a public matter wouldn’t be so bad as to let Ouyang Zhenwu personally inform him, right? How could a big minister go and do the thing of a sounding board?

“This matter is neither big nor small, but you must make a trip.”

“Brother-in-law, what exactly is the matter, don’t whet my appetite!”

Zhuang Rui on Ouyang Zhenwu words some dissatisfaction, I’m not a system of people, the leadership of a sentence, the following to understand its spirit, you can not finish a sentence? Tired ah?

“Brat, I didn’t expect you to be so capable of tossing, even your great uncle was alarmed.”

Ouyang Zhenwu looked at Zhuang Rui, a smile appeared on his face, he has long known that this nephew of his is a bit capable, although he is young, but he is already a figure with a face in the domestic antique and archaeological circles, and has a certain status in the cultural circles.

But Ouyang Zhenwu initially how did not expect, Zhuang Rui actually tossed out so many things that shocked the world’s eyes.

The discovery of the Peking Man skull, so that Beijing once became the world’s anthropologists gathered, and Mangshan Liu Xiu’s tomb and the excavation of the Song Dynasty shipwrecks salvage, but also for the study of the history of those two periods, to uncover a lot of empirical evidence.

Dunhuang documents, moreover, can play a breakthrough role in the historical research of the western countries during the Sui and Tang dynasties, and at the same time alleviate this embarrassment of the so-called Dunhuang culture in foreign countries.

Zhuang Rui did these things, after some deliberate guidance, now become the focus of domestic debate, but also for Ouyang Zhenwu in charge of the cultural sector to add a lot of achievements.

Originally Zhuang Rui’s great-uncle has been located in the center, out of balance, Ouyang Zhenwu originally had no hope to go further.

However, in recent years, the cultural sector has outstanding achievements, and does not rule out the possibility of Zhuang Rui’s great-uncle change down, Ouyang Zhenwu into the central government.

Ouyang Zhenwu has got conclusive news, he may have to serve as the provincial party secretary of the Central Plains Province in the year, this high-powered position, in the view of many people is Ouyang Zhenwu into the central sequence of precursors.

Ouyang Lei is now in the military mixed with the wind and water, if Ouyang Zhenwu can enter the next leadership core, then the Ouyang family in the next twenty years, no matter in the military and political circles will thrive.

If the investigation of this tomb, really is the Mongolian emperor tomb, then it will be a shock to the world of discovery, its influence, I’m afraid that can be compared with the Terracotta Warriors of the First Emperor of Qin Shi Huang’s unearthed and the Egyptian pyramids, and to Ouyang Zhenwu added a political bargaining chip.

And all of it, more or less seems to be able to relate to Zhuang Rui classmates, looking at Zhuang Rui, Ouyang Zhenwu also do not know how to evaluate their own nephew, it seems that all the good things under the sky let him catch up.

“Little uncle, you don’t scare me, this thing I did, it’s not enough to alarm big uncle, right?”

Zhuang Rui heard Ouyang Zhenwu mention the great uncle, really was startled, to say that Ouyang Zhenwu knows his own things, is due to the reason of the work of the division of control, while the great uncle is a national leader, where there is the heart to care about their own this little thing of chicken skin ah?

Ouyang Zhenwu heard Zhuang Rui’s words, smiled and shook his head, said: “You do things can not be small, a few years ago went to Tibet to look for the reincarnation of the living Buddha’s things you still remember, right?”

“Remember ah! What’s wrong? Didn’t you say that you had to wait a few years for the results?”

Zhuang Rui nodded, how could he not remember this matter? That said, the golden eagle was the one he brought down from the snowy mountains, that experience Zhuang Rui would never be able to forget.

“You do the math, how many years has it been?”

“Three …… more than three years, it’s really fast!”

Zhuang Rui counted, really, from the trip to the Great Snowy Mountains, has been more than three years fast four years, must be looking for the action of the reincarnated living Buddha, now also out of the results.

“Well, the reincarnation of the living Buddha has been confirmed, is the year you go to the village of a child, next year in March, will be held in bed ceremony, the State Bureau of Religious Affairs has been notified, over there to invite you to go to participate.”

Ouyang Zhenwu said here, paused for a moment, his tone intensified a bit, “This is a big event, when the time comes, the state leaders in charge of the religious and cultural aspects will also be present, you kid this period of time to be peaceful, don’t run around.”

Tibet’s religious issues and Xinjiang’s ethnic issues, has always been the country’s top management is very focused on things, in addition to the reincarnation of Banchen, there are some very influential living Buddha reincarnation bed ceremony, the country will also send the appropriate senior leaders to participate in the ceremony.

Zhuang Rui knows that Ouyang Zhenwu is afraid of running abroad again, smiled and said: “Okay, brother-in-law, I know, I am now a mind to drill in the work, which has time to run ah! Besides, it’s still more than half a year away.”

Tibet that mysterious place for Zhuang Rui, or very attractive, plus in recent years Zhuang Rui has always wanted to bring the golden eagle and white lion back to the snowy mountains, to meet the golden eagle’s parents and the snow leopard, just has not been able to find the time to just, just take this opportunity to go back to see.

“You kid, if I don’t give you a greeting in advance, I don’t know where to run off to by then.”

Ouyang Zhenwu raised his hand and looked at the time, stood up and said, “Well, I’m going back to Beijing, you have to pay attention to safety over here, there are a lot of dangers within the tombs, it is important to survey them clearly before proceeding with the excavation work.”

“Please rest assured chief, guarantee to complete the task.”

Zhuang Rui uncharacteristically gave his brother-in-law a salute, causing Ouyang Zhenwu to cry and laugh, so well-behaved and quiet little sister, how to give birth to such a strange child ah?

July 29th, the Ministry of Culture held a press conference, declared to the world, in Inner Mongolia, found a suspected Yuan Dynasty royal tombs, after preliminary archaeological surveys, this possibility is very great.

At the same time, the conference also announced the composition list of the archaeological operation, and after confirming the existence of the tomb, the excavation will be broadcast live on CCTV, in front of people around the world to unveil the mysterious veil of the ancient tombs of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty.

When the press conference was over, an airwave was sent to all over the world, and the world scientific research community was stirred up, and in just a few hours, several countries and organizations sent notes to the relevant departments of our country, requesting to participate in this archaeology.

In many scientific research experts are still confirming the contents of the release of the true and false, there have been more experts and scholars to buy a plane ticket to China, the world all know that year Genghis Khan’s history of that part of the world’s conquest, are focused on the Inner Mongolia prairie in China.

As what Europeans and Americans call “the emperor of mankind!” Genghis Khan started the Mongolian dynasty, has always been the focus of the world’s countries, the former Soviet Union famous Tibetologist Nikolai Lerih once said: since the beginning of time and space since there is no one nation so powerful.

The famous American military general MacArthur had called on soldiers to learn from Genghis Khan, who said in a report to the Secretary of the Army: If the records of the war are erased from history, leaving only the detailed records of Genghis Khan’s battles and well preserved, then the soldiers will still have endless wealth.

Former U.S. President Roosevelt and former UN Secretary General Annan have both praised Genghis Khan on different occasions for his great achievements and held him in high esteem.

It can also be said that it is the history of the Mongol dynasty’s conquest of the world that makes people today pay great attention to the unearthing of the emperor’s tomb.

However, there is another possibility, that is, after the decline of Mongolia, the wealth looted from all over the world at that time, have disappeared, the destination of these treasures, is also attracted people’s attention to the reason.

According to the statistics of some historians, at that time only the Mongols from all over the world looted gold and silver, accounted for the world’s gold and silver at that time more than sixty percent of the total amount of gold and silver, which at any time, is an inconceivable huge wealth.

And will Mongolia from the central plains of the Ming dynasty expulsion, does not seem to inherit this huge wealth, the wealth of this batch of the destination, in thousands of years has been a mystery, let countless people before and after the search.

Now the discovery of the emperor’s mausoleum, also let people think of a possibility, that is, this batch of treasure, are deeply hidden in the emperor’s tomb.

After the press conference, the prairie instantly became the focus of attention of scientific research as well as explorers from various countries, and even the staff who participated in the excavation this time.

Zhuang Rui’s classmates were naturally not spared, and many people were greatly interested in the unfamiliar name of this archaeological team.

To say that what Zhuang Rui had done before was mostly causing a stir in some specific circles, but this time, he was considered to have entered the eyes of people all over the world.

The deputy commander-in-chief of the archaeological team, the discoverer of the Royal Tombs of the Mongol Yuan, no matter what that title is, it makes Zhuang Rui receive a lot of attention.

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