Chapter 1178 – Clearing

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:50:56
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A tomb that is more than 100 meters deep into the ground is not only the first of its kind in China, it is also unheard of in the history of world archaeology, and a lot of previous archaeological experience can not be applied to this tomb, and all the work is carried out by all the people in the process of groping for the way to do it.

And the archaeological team in the investigation of the interior of the tomb, also lacks the necessary means and equipment, so now the people outside the tomb for the situation inside, more are some guesses and inferences, who do not know how the actual situation inside.

So in order to be safe, the first batch of archaeologists who entered the tomb not only wore relatively bulky protective clothing, but also wore oxygen masks on their heads, and all kinds of precautionary measures were put on.

This is also the decision made after the unified opinion of the commanding department, we must know that the tomb is a hundred meters deep underground, and we do not know whether the air inside is circulating or not, if it does not circulate, then these thousand years of air in the ground, it will surely undergo some kind of unknown changes, and even turn into toxic gases.

Like the first ancient Egyptian pyramid opened in modern times, the first batch of archaeologists who entered the pyramid, all died, called by the world as the curse of the Egyptian pharaohs, at the time of the Egyptian and archaeologists, almost talk about it.

But after the scientists studied and analyzed for this mystery to find out the answer, the truth is not what people think.

Scientists concluded that these all the victims, are in the pyramid opened, inhaled those inside due to sealing thousands of years of mutated viruses and air, only to lead to death, rather than what the pharaoh’s curse of this kind of psychic time.

So the command for this entry, also carried out more than enough protective measures, not only emergency call a batch of protective clothing, but also special from the mainland air transport over some portable oxygen absorption equipment.

In order not to affect the archaeological team personnel to enter from the narrow secret passage, this oxygen equipment is actually a piece of clothing, except that it is hollow inside, a conduit is connected to the oxygen mask worn on the head.

“Grandma, this thing is really tough!”

Inside the set of a layer of protective clothing, outside there is a layer of oxygen clothing, even if the underground damp and cold, this wear in the body is also extremely uncomfortable, coupled with the narrow secret passage, the hands also hold some tools, Zhuang Rui climbed is very strenuous.

The secret passage is those craftsmen secretly dug out, the width and general robber holes about the same, coupled with a thousand years to the terrain there are some minor changes, in the initial discovery of this secret passage, some places have been narrowed only to leave a fist-sized hole.

If it wasn’t for the fact that this secret passage had been widened a bit in the past few days while cleaning up the passage, Zhuang Rui and the others would not have been able to enter at all.

But fortunately, the secret passage is more than thirty meters away, like a gopher general inward march four or five minutes, Zhuang Rui front of a one-meter-square lapis lazuli plate blocked the way of Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui was prepared for this, when both hands forward, put a crowbar stuck in the lapis lazuli plate and soil connected to the gap, both hands force a board, lapis lazuli plate slightly trembled a little.

Although technology is now developed, but due to the conditions, Zhuang Rui can only use the crowbar so primitive tools, and in such a tomb, these tools are also the most suitable.

After a few days of investigation, especially after the discovery of this piece of stone blocking the road, the archaeological team also explored the secret passage is not a grave robbers left behind the hole, but the construction of the mausoleum craftsmen left the “back road”.

But why is there no news about the tomb in later generations? Those who left the back way to escape or not? These are to be further investigated to know.

Above Zhuang Rui’s body, a camera was aimed at the lapis lazuli plate in front of him, and the experts in the ground command center, staring nervously at the screen, let out a cheer in the command center when they saw the lapis lazuli plate loosening.

“Xiao Zhuang, be gentle, I don’t know what position the stone slab is in the tomb, don’t lift it down and smash the things inside.”

An old expert’s voice came into Zhuang Rui’s ears from his headset, for archaeologists, even a single crumb of wood in a tomb had value for analysis and research, this old expert didn’t want to cause any harm to the tomb when entering.

“I know, Elder Qi, don’t worry!”

Zhuang Rui replied into the headset at his mouth, but in his heart, he was somewhat unimpressed.

Because Zhuang Rui knew that this lapis lazuli slab weighed several hundred pounds and was still more than a meter high from the ground, wanting to open the tomb intact was simply impossible.

And this chamber is just a cow and horse burial pit, full of cow and horse bones, and there is not much research value, even if some damage is not harmful.

Mouth promised Qi old man, Zhuang Rui under the hand but not at all convergence, and also increased the strength of the crowbar, in the slate below the soil pry slack, Zhuang Rui stuck on the upper edge of the slate, fierce force, the whole piece of lapis lazuli slate to the back to fall.

“Hey, lighten up, I told you to lighten up.”

“That’s right! How can a young man be so hairy.”

“Don’t even say it, quickly look at what’s inside.”

Zhuang Rui’s move made the old experts in the command department greatly dissatisfied, but these seventy year olds were helpless, they couldn’t get down themselves, so what they said was all for naught.

However, more people in the command department, is the attention to the stone plate behind the chamber, Zhuang Rui head at the strong light lamp, forming a beam of light, from the stone plate pry open the hole, illuminated the chamber has been closed for a thousand years.

Just as the stone slab fell to the ground, the thick dust inside the chamber rose, the dust visible to the naked eye fluttered in the chamber, which was also mixed with the bones of those cows and horses that had been smashed by the stone slab.

“Everyone be careful, take care that the oxygen suits on your body don’t get scratched.”

Zhuang Rui sent out instructions from the earphone around his mouth, he also didn’t expect the dust in the burial chamber to be so heavy? However, this also shows that the tomb chamber is extremely well sealed, I’m afraid that there is no air circulation in a thousand years, which makes those dust fall into the ground.

Although Zhuang Rui’s aura probed that there are no organs and hidden weapons and other dangers, but he also does not know whether the dust will spread what virus, if this is in case of a repeat of the pyramid archaeologists back in the day, that can be regretted no place to cry to go.

After warning the archaeologists behind, Zhuang Rui carefully threw the crowbar in his hand into the tomb, he also did not dare to have a hint of carelessness, first half of his body out of the hole, and then use both hands to support, carefully step on the ground with both feet.

Entering the chamber after Zhuang Rui, first will be the hole below the ground on the bones will be cleaned out on both sides of an open space, these bones are not lack of sharp objects, he is afraid of being behind the people to step on.

After clearing the open space, Zhuang Rui first took over the camera in Wang Ji’s hand and transmitted the picture in the chamber to the ground command center.

“This …… is a martyrdom pit ……”

“That’s right, it should be an animal martyrdom pit, the human skeleton is not this big.”

“A martyrdom pit that uses a burial chamber instead of burying it up is also very rare in the country.”

After seeing the image that Zhuang Rui passed over, the experts in the command headquarters, immediately began to analyze it, the bones of cows and horses were easily recognizable, and soon the experts came to a conclusion.

Livestock burial, in ancient times is extremely common thing, is generally a little more solid family, will also be buried some chickens, ducks and geese and so on, but most of them are dug pits buried, very few independently open a burial chamber.

Like the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, there are also live animals buried, but as mentioned above, are digging a very large pit, the animals pushed into the inside, and then filled with soil, and then use the galloping horse will be the ground, and that’s all.

However, the appearance of this martyrdom chamber is very good explanation, because this tomb itself is extremely special, it is not excavated from the ground, want to use conventional martyrdom is more difficult, so the chamber instead of the martyrdom pit.

The experts on the ground were analyzing the picture, the underground archaeological team was also not idle, when all eight people entered the wide chamber, a ventilation pipe connected to the outside extractor fan was also brought in by the last archaeologist who entered the chamber.

Since the oxygen carried by each person could only last for about two hours, according to the previous program, every time a chamber was cleared out, the air environment of the chamber had to be purified after the structure of the objects inside the chamber was ascertained.

Of course, if there were bamboo slips or woven silk objects retained in the chamber, then it would have to be antiseptic first, although opening the chamber would also have air inflow, but in this hundred meters underground, the conditions were limited, so it could only be handled in such a way.

“Tao Yun, Jin Cheng, you two put together a complete set of animal bones and take them out, the others will clean up these bones into the corners of the east side of the chamber, Dr. Ren and I will look for the tomb door that leads to the other chambers, let’s split up and work!”

Zhuang Rui began to organize the work after the personnel had all entered.

Although Zhuang Rui was relatively young, but this deputy commander-in-chief wasn’t for nothing, during these few days of preparation, many of the opinions Zhuang Rui put forward were adopted, and enough prestige was established.

In Zhuang Rui’s arrangements, archaeological team members in their respective roles, have been busy, the two CCTV’s most outstanding photojournalists, the camera with a strong light aimed at the burial chamber, every subtle corner has not let go.

Of course, the tomb door leading to the other chamber was still found by Zhuang Rui, but due to time constraints, after finding the tomb door, the crowd withdrew from the chamber, and did not rush into the survey.

In the following week or so, the work of the underground archaeology team did not progress very quickly, because the several burial chambers close to the secret passage were all martyrdom burial chambers, and although the archaeological value was not high, it was particularly troublesome to clean them up.

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